cavities are a type of tooth decay that occurwhen certain bacteria produces an acid that destroys the tooth’s enamel. its so powerful that it also destroys theunderlying layer (the dentin). not many people know that it's actually possibleto reverse it. there are several ways to naturally reversecavities. according to a study published in the britishmedical journal, cavities and tooth decay can potentially be reversed with a changein diet. in this study 62 children with cavities weredivided into three diet groups. group 1 ate a standard diet plus oatmeal,rich in phytic acid.
group 2 ate a normal diet and supplementedwith vitamin d, while group 3 ate a grain-free diet and also took vitamin d.researchers found that group 1, who had a diet high in grains and phytic acid, had anincrease in cavities. group 2 showed improvements in cavities, whilegroup 3, who followed a grain-free diet with nutrient-rich foods and a vitamin d supplement,saw the greatest improvements. nearly all of the cavities in group 3’sparticipants were healed.kid teeth many doctors and dentists have backed thefindings of this study, suggesting that diet can in fact help those suffering with cavitiesto reverse their tooth decay. there are four main things that contributeto tooth decay:
lack of minerals in the diet (deficienciesof magnesium, calcium and phosphorus) lack of fat-soluble vitamins (a, d, e andk) too much consumption of phytic acid-rich foodstoo much consumption of processed sugar natural ways to reverse cavities 1. remove sugar for healthy, cavity-free teeth, sugar cannotbe a part of your diet. not only does it feed oral bacteria that preventsa healthy flow of dental fluids, it’s also highly acidic, allowing it to decalcify anddemineralize the structural content of teeth!
2. consume nutrient-rich foods beating tooth decay requires an increase infat-soluable vitamins and minerals. a diet full of vegetables – especially leafygreen vegetables, and foods high in healthy fats such as coconut oil and avocado, alongwith nuts and seeds can help create the ideal diet for battling tooth decay. 3. eliminate phytic acid phytic acid is a mineral blocker and enzymeinhibitor that’s found in grains, nuts,
seeds and beans that are not organic or gmo-free. it can cause serious health problems, suchas mineral deficiencies and osteoporosis. phytic acid prevents you from absorbing theminerals in your food, while leaching minerals out of your body, bones and teeth. avoid foods high in phytic acid by choosingorganic and gmo-free. 4. try oil pulling oil pulling has been used for centuries asan oral detoxification procedure. simply swish a tablespoon of coconut oil inyour mouth for 20 minutes, then spit the oil
into the trash. if 20 minutes is too long, start with 3-5minutes. oil pulling has been praised for its abilityto treat numerous health issues, from gingivitis to headaches.shutterstock_216984226 5. use mineralizing toothpaste fluoride-free toothpaste are expensice, butthere are some brands that are more affordable. you can also make your own remineralizingtoothpaste at home using: 3 tablespoons of food grade diatomaceous earthclay
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda1/4 teaspoon mint-flavored chlorophyll 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil 1 tablespoon filtered water
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