Kamis, 09 Februari 2017

wisdom tooth infection symptoms nausea

what to do after wisdom teeth removal? getting your wisdom teeth removed requiresserious mouth surgery, so post operation treatment is very ... thumbnail 1 summary
wisdom tooth infection symptoms nausea

what to do after wisdom teeth removal? getting your wisdom teeth removed requiresserious mouth surgery, so post operation treatment is very important. during the surgery, you will likely be underanesthetic as the oral surgeon makes an incision on your gum tissue and removes bone and toothfrom your mouth. you may receive stitches and/or gauze overthe incision to control the bleeding. after surgery, you will likely experienceswelling around your mouth, a sore jaw, bleeding from the incision, and pain in your mouthand your face. it usually takes about two weeks to fullyrecover from wisdom teeth surgery.

lie down and rest if you received generalanesthetic after wisdom teeth removal. once you are discharged from the dentist’soffice, you should lie down with your head elevated on a pillow to allow the effectsof the anesthetic to subside. the time it takes for the anesthetic depends. bite down gently on the gauze pads in yourmouth for the first hour after wisdom teeth removal. this ensures the gauze pads stay in placeto soak up the blood from the incisions. if the bleeding is minimal and controlled,let the gauze pads stay in your mouth for an hour and then change them.

you can also reposition the gauze in yourmouth carefully if you feel they have moved or are not staying in place over the incisions. use cold packs on your jawline and cheeksto minimize the swelling after wisdom teeth your mouth and the area around your mouthwill likely be swollen or bruised for about two to three days after the surgery. to keep the swelling down, apply cold packsor wrap a bag of ice in a towel and hold it on the bruised or swollen area. do this in 20 minute intervals, applying theice pack to one side for 20 minutes and then switching to the other side for 20 minutesfor the first 24 hours after surgery.

take the prescribed pain medication two hoursafter wisdom teeth removal. this will prevent you from experiencing intensepain once the anesthetic wears off. if the prescribed pain medication doesn’tseem to control the pain, you can take an additional 600mg of ibuprofen every six hours. eat soft foods and drink lots of liquids. though it may not seem very appetizing toeat with a sore, stiff mouth, it’s important to drink lots of liquids, especially water,and stay hydrated on your first day at home after surgery. avoid strenuous activity for at least sevendays after wisdom teeth removal.

skip your weekly workout or run, and do nottry to lift or move heavy objects. this can cause the incisions to bleed andslow down your recovery. rinse your mouth with warm salt water everytwo to three hours and after meals. do this the day after surgery. then, rinse three to four times a day forthe next one to two weeks. this will help to keep your mouth clean andremove any plaque, food or debris that could lead to an infection. brush your teeth gently, especially aroundthe surgical site. after 24 hours, you can resume brushing yourteeth three times a day.

be very careful when brushing near the incisionsas you do not want to irritate them. do not spit when you brush your teeth. instead, tilt your head to one side and letthe fluid drain out of your mouth. thanks for watching video. like it if it was helpful to know what todo after wisdom teeth removal. don’t forget to subscribe my channel forhealth updates.

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