fluoride free toothpaste protecting your pinealgland. fluoride is known to damage the pineal gland- believed to be the 'third eye' or gateway into universal dimensions and intelligentinfinity. saving fluoridated water for another article, lets focus on detoxing from fluorideusing fluoride free toothpaste. toothpaste is swallowed in tiny amounts, even if youspit, and fluoride is readily absorbed through the tissues in the mouth such as gums, cheeksand tongue. it can be tricky to find fluoride free toothpastein regular stores, however it can be purchased online. i have tried a few different brandsof fuoride free toothpaste, the taste took a couple of days to get used to, but the cleaningpower was good and now there's no going back.
toothpaste almost always contains fluorideas manufacturers and dental professionals believe it reduces the risk of tooth decay,despite it being an industrial waste product and a neurotoxin. in fact there is very littleproof that fluoride has even a marginal effect on dental health. it may be true, that asfluoride was being marketed as way to prevent tooth decay a few years after world war 2and being added to many public water supplies (for reasons that conspiracy theorists maywrongly or rightly love to comment on), toothpaste manufacturers jumped on the band wagon andused fluoride as a selling point for their toothpastes. shaped like a pine cone, the pineal glandcontains rods, cones, and retinal tissue similar
to an eye. it is believed to be the sourceof 'mind's eye' visions and is referred to as the 'third eye'. the pineal gland releasesdmt, a catalytic substance that removes the veil between the physical realm and the spirit/universaldimensions. fluoride accumulates more in the pineal glandthan any other organ in the body.'as a calcifying tissue that is exposed to a high volume ofblood flow, the pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans. in fact,the calcified parts of the pineal gland contain the highest fluoride concentrations in thehuman body and this can occur in young or older people alike. as well as being associated with cancer, dentalfluorosis, immune problems, kidney disease,
thyroid disease and more, fluoride effectsthe pineal gland's regulation of melatonin and calcifies it - impeding it's regular functioning. when you close your eyes and the lights goout, the pineal gland is activated and secretes melatonin into your cerebral fluid which startsthe process of sleep. meditation causes the same effect but consciously � meditationis conscious sleep. turn out the lights and the gateway to intelligent infinity opens.consuming fluoridated water (check with your water supplier to see if they add fluoride)and using fluoridated toothpaste could be closing your spiritual gateway, trapping you in earthly materialism.
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