Senin, 02 Januari 2017

ankylosed tooth ppt

jordan: hi. i'm jordan rubin. welcome to "ancient medicine today" broughtto you by we are here monday through thurs... thumbnail 1 summary
ankylosed tooth ppt

jordan: hi. i'm jordan rubin. welcome to "ancient medicine today" broughtto you by we are here monday through thursday at 10:30a.m. central time and friday whenever we decideto pop in, always sharing with you cutting edge information for you to use food as medicine,but today, we're going to talk about an important topic that basically shares that the thingswe're eating could be destroying our health. and you know about gmos or, at least, youthought you did. today you're going to learn the myths, thetruths.

we're here with who i believe to be the world-wideexpert on genetic modification and the exposure to glyphosate and other related chemicals,jeffrey smith. so jeffrey is the executive director of theinstitute for responsible technology. he is also an author, speaker, and a staunchadvocate and believer that we can end gmos, that's end gmos, not labeling, not truth inlabeling, end gmos. so welcome, jeffrey. jeffrey: thank you, jordan. jordan: the question everyone wants to know,is it possible for us to be a gmo-free nation? jeffrey: absolutely.

if we look at europe, they kicked gmos outin 1999. it wasn't the european commission. it wasn't the government. it was nestles and unilever and mcdonaldsand burger king. jordan: wow. jeffrey: that's because using gmos becamea marketing liability. what happened was this. in january of 1990 at a san francisco conference,the biotech industry was still projecting that within five years, they'd have a 95%replacement of all regular commercial seeds

with their genetically engineered seeds . . .jordan: stop. stop. did you hear that? the biotech community thought, which was obviouslytheir goal, that 95% of our seeds would be used and created with biotechnology, frankenfood,so [inaudible 00:01:55]. jeffrey: within five years. jordan: five years. jeffrey: by 2014. so their entire schedule derailed three weekslater.

the gag order on dr. arpad pusztai, who wasworking for, as a grant from the uk government, to figure out of gmos were safe or not, tofigure out how to test for gmos, his gag order was lifted. seven months earlier, he had gone on televisionsaying that in the study that he did with his rats, he found out the very process ofgenetic engineering caused massive damage to his rats, potentially precancerous cellgrowth in the digestive tract, smaller brains, livers and testicles, partial atrophy of theliver and damaged immune system, in just 10 days. he was a hero for two days at his prestigiousinstitute.

then two phone calls were allegedly placedfrom the uk prime minister's office through the receptionist to the director. and the next day he was fired from his jobafter 35 years, silenced with threats of a lawsuit. his team was disbanded. they never implemented the protocols thathe was creating for europe. and they destroyed his reputation in orderto protect the reputation of gmos, but because of an order of parliament seven months later,the gag order was lifted. and over 700 articles were written about gmoswithin a month in the uk.

all over europe, the headlines about the dangersof gmos alerted the average consumer that the gmos that had been quietly slipped intotheir food could be causing massive damage to their own health. so within 10 weeks of the gag order beinglifted, unilever said, "okay. no more gmos in europe." nestles, the next day. "no more gmos in europe." the next week, virtually everyone said, "nomore gmos in europe," but in the united states, they didn't report this.

in fact, project censor described it as oneof the 10 most under-reported events of the year. and so the same companies that removed gmosbecause of the informed and concerned european consumers continued to sell the uninformed,ignorant american consumers the gmos that the europeans wouldn't eat. so it was just a matter of educating a sufficientnumber of people about the dangers of gmos. that's what kicked it out of europe, and that'swhat the institute for responsible technology has been focused on in the united states andaround the world. jordan: that's awesome.

so what we are saying here today is gmos,and i'll never forget you sharing this with me, should stand for god move over becausewhen man tries to play god, he often ends up impersonating the other guy, if you knowwhat i mean. folks, we know that gmos can be dangerous. we try to avoid them. and i say try because we're going to get intosome ways that we can all do a better job, but the bottom line is this. we can't end gmos. but before we get to those action steps, howdid you start your crusade on ending or, at

least, whistle-blowing the information ongenetic medication? what drove you to do this? and then we're going to get into some of theissues or diseases that genetic modification, glyphosate and other chemicals are impliedor correlated with, but how did you get started? and why do you do what you do? jeffrey: well, 21 years ago, i went to a lecture. and there was a scientist who was blowingthe whistle on the technology. he was an award-winning genetic engineer whoknew that the technology was not ready for prime time.

he knew that the most common result of geneticengineering was surprise side effects, that there was no way that you could predictablysecure an outcome that was safe because so many variables were at play. jordan: it's frankenstein. we call it frankenfood, but it's the epitomeof dr. frankenstein's monster. jeffrey: it's even worse than that becauseas you pointed out, once it got planted, it would affect everyone who eats, plus all theanimals, because it was part of animal feed. and once it was released into the environment,it would cross-pollinate and contaminate the gene pool for as long as the pool existed.

jordan: this is science fiction stuff, really. jeffrey: the thing is if you think about whatcan last longer than genetic pollution itself propagates, well, not the effects of climatechange, not nuclear waste. the only thing that lasts longer than theself-propagating genetic pollution is extinction. so this is something that affects all livingbeings, all future generations, and everyone that eats. so i was sitting there in the audience thinking,"hmm. this guy, as a scientist, doesn't stand achance." he was speaking the words of science, andhe wasn't communicating beyond the group.

so i decided i'd pitch in for a little bitand translate the science into english and interview another scientist and another scientist. and 21 years later, i've been doing that for21 years in 42 countries and have two books. and i'm working on my fourth movie. we actually see a tipping point underway inthe united states as a result of the behavior change messaging that we have crafted. the messaging that gets people to realize,"oh, my god i can't eat this stuff. and i especially can't feed it to my children,"because of all the diseases we'll talk about, that may be on the rise because of the increaseof gmos and the chemicals they spray on.

jordan: absolutely. and what has always bothered me is that iam all about choice. so when an individual chooses to do something,behave a certain way, eat something, put it on their skin, if they knew that there wasa 17% chance risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis when they're 42 years of age,they could choose to take the risk. what bothers me the most about consuming geneticallymodified food is that we just don't know. no matter what we tell people today, it'sprobably worse because it could be an exponential degradation of our health that could takegenerations to manifest. i know that's a lot of long words, but bottomline, once you let the genie out of the bottle,

things can get pretty bad. when you don't have a choice, you're not informed,you can't take the risk. it's unacceptable. so i applaud you. and a lot of the leaders in natural healthhave allowed you this platform to share, but we're going to ask you to do more becausei believe jeffrey's been behind so much of the change. we're going to get into how many productsare labeled non-gmo, the different organizations, including non-gmo project, that you were involvedin from the inception and how this is now

going to mainstream grocery big food companies. and they truth is those big food companiesjeff mentioned, some of you cringe, they're not our enemy. all they care about is a sustainable, profitablebusiness. we hear about acquisitions. i used to very much enjoy certain brand ofdeli meat. and i'd feed it to my kids. now i did not enjoy consuming spam. never have, never will, but the company thatmade spam and dinty moore stew, hormel, acquired

my favorite organic deli meat company. and applegate farms is now part of hormel. but instead of boycotting them, i say whynot buy applegate farms foods because it will show hormel where the money is. that's a way that we'll talk about in a moment,but before we do, i want to say this. i'm jordan rubin here with "ancient medicinetoday," brought to you by i'm here with jeffrey smith, author of thegreat book, "seeds of deception," "genetic roulette," and the executive director of theinstitute for responsible technology. his goal, his mission, is to end gmos, butwe can't do that without you.

so i want to encourage you right now if youare liking this information, click your like button. and even more importantly, punch that sharebutton. every person you know, man, woman, child,needs to hear this information, even if it's partially correct, you could change or savea life. be on a mission with us. share this message. so before we get into ways to end gmos, tellme the top five issues/diseases that are correlated with the consumption of genetically-modifiedfood and the exposure to the glyphosate from

the chemicals that go hand in hand with gmos. jeffrey: well, let me explain for those whomay not be up to date the connection between the chemicals and gmos. for genetically engineered foods, you takea gene from one species like bacteria or a virus and you force it into the dna of otherspecies like soy or corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets. now you do that in order to bring a traitfrom one species into another species or you edit the gene and change them around to changethe expression. now the main reason they genetically engineera crop is to allow that crop to be sprayed

with an herbicide. these are chemical companies that producethe herbicide. they produce the seeds. they sell them as a package. and monsanto is the number one company. and they sell roundup herbicide and roundup-readyseeds. so when you buy roundup-ready seeds, you endup buying their roundup and then they make money in both cases. so we get exposed to the genetic-engineeredseed, as well as the roundup, for over 80%

of the gmos. and some of the other gmos produce their owninsecticide, which breaks open in the walls of the stomachs of insects to kill them. now we know it can poke holes in human cells. so we have a hole-poking toxin. we have a roundup, which its active ingredientis called glyphosate. that's been declared by the world health organizationas a probable human carcinogen, a class two carcinogen. so right off the bat, you have cancer as oneof the five, okay?

that's a very serious outcome of eating food. jordan: yes. jeffrey: you shouldn't have to be worriedabout eating healthy food. and roundup is sprayed, unfortunately, notjust on gmos, but it's sprayed on the grains in this country. it's sprayed on the legumes. it's sprayed on wheat, barley, rye, rice,lentils, and even some fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes and sugar canes. so it's better to buy organic, if you can.

and if you can't buy organic, then at leastbuy non-gmo. so cancer is one of them. now i surveyed 3,600 people and asked themwhat did they get better from when they switched to non-gmo? and each person had their own story. the number one by far was digestive disorders. jeffrey: that's the same as when i asked audiences,about 150 lectures, i asked the audience, you know, "what did you get better from?" people would give an idea.

i said, "okay. how many others got better from this or that?" digestive disorders was always number one,so inflammatory bowel. you have the gerd. you have all the range. now what could that be from? well, we know that roundup can cause holesin the walls between the cells of the intestines, leaky gut. it also can damage the microvilli.

it can also damage and suppress the digestiveenzymes. the bt toxin, which is the insecticide that'sfound in the corn, that might poke holes in our human cells. and they just found that in lab animals, itcaused severe inflammation and problems inside their gut. so our stomachs and our intestines are serious. then you end up with the holes in the wallsof the intestines. that leaky gut is linked to autoimmune disease. it's linked to allergies.

it's linked to inflammation, cancer, heartdisease, alzheimer's, parkinson's. it's a long list. jordan: you're past your five. jeffrey: oh. jordan: what you need to understand is, thoseof you who watch our program, leaky gut or hyper-permeability of the gut lining, canbe linked to as many as 90% of health conditions. and as you can see, jeffrey is just gettingstarted. we're talking about alzheimer's. jeffrey: yeah.

he stops me at five and now he's claiming90%. jordan: parkinson's, et cetera, but here issomething i want you to understand. let's go back. gmos are bad. they are. they really are. glyphosate could be worse because it's onso many other foods. and the way we harvest grain, for example,they use glyphosate to keep certain things away, et cetera.

it's absolutely harming us. so people might think they're gluten-intolerant,but then they get a test and they're not. it's really the glyphosate residue that'son the conventional wheat, even though wheat is not a widely genetically-modified crop. but understand this. it's simple why this all started. there's a field of soy beans that a farmerplanted. i don't agree with monocrop agriculture. we'll talk about that in another show.

the soy beans grew. so did weeds. they got tired of the weeds. they sprayed the weeds. and they killed 9 out of 10 weeds. the next time they sprayed, because weedsadapt, because you can't really kill weeds or killing weeds and bacteria is the mostfutile exercise because they will always win. they're designed to win. then 8 out of 10 weeds when you sprayed, then7 out of 10, and they got fed up.

that's why they created seeds and herbicidesto change that problem. and now all of a sudden, no big deal. the soy beans lived. the weeds die. we just keep adding a little more herbicideand not care about the consequences because these public companies, they care about now. they care about next quarter. they don't act to care about our future. and this is all bad.

we know the diseases. we have the crusader. we have our army who's watching and punchingthat share button. today more than ever before, i'm going toask you to do that, but the best news of all is that we are here to tell you that we canend gmos in america because you might be consuming them and not know it. and people, this bothers me, all the timesay they're non-gmo. then i say, "well, do you eat at restaurants?" "sure."

"do you ever have corn chips? do you ever have soy sauce?" i start going, "what about when you eat ata friend's house?" "well, i could never ask them if this is geneticallymodified." folks, we need to look in the mirror becauseif we do not completely avoid gmos, if we are not willing to skip meals, if we're notwilling to ask restaurants, if we're not willing to read labels, then we're part of the problemand not part of the solution. so that's my little soap box, but let's getstarted. we're going to talk about action steps youcan take to end gmos.

people feel powerless. they think if a bill doesn't pass for mandatorylabeling, that they've failed. government's not going to do this. you said it. we're going to vote. and we're not going to vote on ballots. we're going to vote with our dollars and ourbehavior. part of that is sharing this message becauseyour friends and loved ones may not know that upwards, if you're consuming dairy and wheatas a big part of your diet, if you're consuming

other corn and soy, which is in almost everything,you could have exposure, 50 to 70% of your diet, genetically-modified food. actually, you've had to think about this. what is the standard american diet in termsof foods or items that contain gmos? is it 100? i mean, am i wrong here? jeffrey: so wheat itself is not geneticallymodified, but it's sprayed with roundup. if you think about the most popular gmos,soy and corn, their derivatives are practically omnipresent in processed foods.

then you have the vegetable oils, which comesfrom soy and corn, cottonseed oil and canola oil, all of them genetically engineered. then you have sugar. now the sugar from sugar beets, sugar beetsare genetically engineered. the sugar from sugar cane, sugar cane is sprayedwith roundup. so if you think about roundup and if you thinkabout sugar and roundup and you think about the soy derivatives. jordan: corn syrup instead of sugar. jeffrey: so i would say if it comes in a boxor a pouch or something that's processed,

then probably 9 out of 10 of those have somedegree of gm derivatives. if you go to the produce section, very feware from gmos, very few. you have the soy, but we don't have soy [inaudible00:17:32] edamame there, corn on the cob, some papaya from hawaii or china, some zucchini,yellow squash. and there's not\w an apple and a potato thatdoesn't brown when you slice it, but pretty much those are the only gmos in the producesection. so if you buy on the outside of the produce,well then you have to deal with the meat. jordan: meats, yeah. jeffrey: so the meats are fed the gmos becausewhat do the animals eat?

soy, corn, [inaudible 00:17:58]. jordan: and dairy comes from animals thatare fed. jeffrey: exactly. jordan: and they, still some of them use bovinegrowth hormone, which is a genetic modified. anyway, okay. so we're going to get started, folks, becausethere is good news. jeffrey: yes. jordan: so if you are interested in this,if you want your kids and grandkids to have a healthy future, stop what you're doing.

share this message and let's do this together. so we'll start with number one. i think you're here. be informed. we're going to show you at the end not onlysome great books that jeffrey has written, we're going to give you information on hiswebsite. and, also, you can talk about your movies. people can certainly watch the trailer. this is great information to share.

so you have to be informed. you cannot be in the dark anymore. you can't pretend this doesn't exist. it's not going to go away by closing youreyes. so we need to get together and share thisinformation and dig into it because it is that important. and here's a big one. check food labels. i do not believe we can thoroughly educatesomebody on all of the derivatives that contain

gmos. so it's pretty simple. i think i know the answer, but how do youbuy said packaged foods and know that they are gmo-free? jeffrey: first, organic would be your firstchoice. and organic products are not allowed to intentionallyuse gmos. sometimes contamination is there, but it hasn'tbeen intentionally added. then products can say non-gmo. and of all the ways that they say it, thenon-gmo-project-verified is the best way.

it's the best standard. it's a third-party verified standard. and some people will self-certify and simplysay, "non-gmo." then if you buy unprocessed foods and it'snot on the list of the soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets, alfalfa, apple, or potato,you're safe, unless you're trying to avoid roundup, in which case the list is longer. now we have, whichhas all these different products that are verified as non-gmo. there's about 39,000 products verified bythe non-gmo project as non-gmo.

but you'll find a lot more of them in thenatural product sector. but what's happening, and the good news isthis, and we'll talk more about this in a moment, is more and more mainstream food companiesare realizing that by using gmos, there's so many people in america, i would say theaverage american now thinks that gmos are unhealthy. that's a big statement. jeffrey: the majority, according to the "newyork times," believe that gmos are unhealthy. a recent survey said 40%. another recent survey said about 50%.

so it depends on the survey and who you ask,but this is not lost on the food companies. we talked about nestles getting rid of gmosin europe. on april, they announced that on april 28,1999. well, they're not advertising on televisionin the united states that their coffee creamer is non-gmo. so they're spending big bucks to convey totheir coffee creamer buyers, and these aren't the health food people, right, that theirproduct is non-gmo. okay? applegate is switching to non-gmo animal feed.

dannon is switching to non-gmo animal feedfor its yogurt. jeffrey: so these are mainstream food companiesresponding. so many times we may hear, "vote with yourdollars." and we may think, "yeah. it's a nice idea, but will it ever actuallyhave traction?" it actually has traction. all these companies are hedging. they're developing non-gmo products. they're acquiring companies such as applegateand hormel.

so it is working. we're seeing general mills get into the spacein a big way. jeffrey: cheerios, non-gmo.jordan: that's huge. jeffrey: in early january, 2014. 10 days later, grape nuts. i can't believe it's not butter, smart balance. there's a lot of campbell's soups. there's a similac now that's an infant formulathat's non-gmo, more and more. and when you talk to the executives in thesefood companies, they realize that the number

one growing trend in the united states isnon-gmo. so if you're not already asking for it, you'rebehind this. and the thing is we want to nail the coffinshut on gmos. jordan: yes, we do. jeffrey: we know that the tipping point isunderway in the united states, but yet we still see a lot of products in the mainstreamsupermarkets as using gmos. so we want to avoid the gmo-fed animal products. and we want to avoid the products that usedirect gmo ingredients. number three, shop organic or go to farmersmarkets.

now, obviously, let's start with farmers markets. that's only beneficial if you are certainof the top gmo foods. and, oftentimes, farmers markets, they dobring in produce that's from a distributor. so you'll see it back there with the differentbrands. it does make you feel better, a touchy feelytype of a thing, but if you go to a farmers market, you have to specifically ask. and then you have to trust that the produceis non-gmo, if it's a zucchini, crook-necked squash, if it's a papaya, certainly, if it'sa sugar beet, corn, soy. most people don't buy corn and soy.

jeffrey: and you won't buy a sugar beet atthe farmers market because they're just used for sugar. so if you buy a beet, it's a table beet. so it wouldn't [inaudible 00:22:50]. jordan: sugar beets aren't nice and colorfuland all that. they're white and yeah. jordan: okay, and shopping organic. so let me repeat what jeffrey said. certified organic with the usda symbol meansthat no genetically modified foods have been

added. so it is an auditing process and it is important. some labels you'll see out of various certifiersthat organic is non-gmo and more. and let me be very clear, folks. organic means non-gmo, but non-gmo doesn'tmean organic. so part of the challenge i've had is non-gmo'sgrown so fast, but i'm a big believer in organic, as well. so you can have genetically or non-gmo foodsthat still use or are grown and raised with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides.

so the gold standard would be an organic product,usda-certified organic that's also non-gmo. you don't have to know how to read labelsbeyond looking at those designations. and from an organic standpoint, that is agovernment-controlled, third-party audited standard. so if you see that green usda symbol on afood or a supplement, that goes a long way in minimizing your exposure to gmos and somany other things. jordan: okay. we're going to avoid commercial restaurants. this is a big one.

and i'm going to ask you what have you learnedabout restaurants because this is a black box? jordan: you go out. i'm not a big calorie guy. i'm not big on even portion size. i believe eat the best foods, but when wego to restaurants, we put our blinders on. now i avoid certain things such as pork andshellfish. josh and i went to a restaurant last nightand we ordered pot roast. and there's this like massive chunks of porkor some kind of bacon.

and we said, "this wasn't listed." and then they exchanged it for halibut. but what was it cooked in? what's the sauce made of? because even fine restaurants use sauces fromfood distributors. you'd be shocked how that works. so i mean, are we just every meal in everyrestaurant that's not organic has some genetic modification or glyphosate exposure? what does your research tell you on that?

jeffrey: well, i travel 7 to 9 months a yearand have for 13 years. so i avoid gmos in restaurants. and so, fortunately, there are ways to doit. if you go to a fast food restaurant, thenpretty much forget about it. the only exception would be the chipotle's,not their meat products, but their direct ingredients. they source non-gmo. let's talk about non-gmo first and then roundupand all those other things second. now, there's visible gmos and there's invisiblegmos.

the visible gmos are the corn on the cob. some percentage, a small percentage, of cornon the cob is gmo. tofu, some percentage is gmo because of thecorn and the soy. the invisible ones are the ones that are harderto catch, soybean oil, canola oil. these are corn oils. a lot of the places cook in these. so if you go to a restaurant where everythingis cooked in the oil, that's it. jordan: preservatives, citric acid, and naturalflavors, xanthan gum, jeffrey: so if it's an upscale restaurantthat cooks from scratch and doesn't use processed

foods, then you have to ask the question,"what oil do you cook your food in?" so i have called restaurants before i go thereand i ask that question. and they often say, "vegetable oil," thinkingit's from vegetables. it's actually from soybeans or they say, "canolaoil," especially in canada. then i'll say, "well, i don't eat that becauseit's genetically engineered." and i don't try and convince them of anything. i just let them know, "i don't eat that becausei don't eat genetically engineered foods. can you cook my food in olive oil or someother type of oil or no oil?" and they often can.

now, if they say olive oil, that they cookin olive oil, double check that it's not a blend because they can blend olive oil withcanola oil to make it cheaper and to withstand higher heat. so i always ask that question. salad dressing is the same thing. these are the hidden ones. so once that's the case, once i get there,then i can show up. and i can see what's on the menu and prettymuch know what the gmo ingredients are and what they're doing, but if it's a fast foodplace that has pre-prepared foods with lots

of ingredients, i don't even bother. jordan: it's really difficult. and we've talked about this on recent programs. eating at home is a great way to be healthy,as long as you understand how to read labels and really just look for the symbol. look for organic. look for non-gmo or buy fresh food that youknow does not fall into the genetic-modified category. all right.

we talked about this. voting with your dollars. i said earlier that if you are someone whosigns petitions, votes with ballots, but, yet, you're going to restaurants and not askingthe question, you're going to friends' homes and not asking the questions, i know it'sembarrassing, right? i know you're the weird friend or the restaurantpatron who they turn away when they see you, but bottom line. are we going to take the easy route and watchthis destruction continue, and it may be in your own child or grandchild, or are we goingto do something about it because if we don't,

nobody will? so voting with your dollars is not just aboutsimply supporting organizations that fight against genetic modification or genetic engineering,although we'll talk about that, it's buying foods and supporting brands that are organicand/or non-gmo. jeffrey: that's right. and if you go to a restaurant and you're withpeople and they've heard your schpeel over and over again and they don't want to takethe time, you just get up and talk to the waiter or waitress or the maĆ£®tre d or theowner separately and explain what your needs are.

maybe you've called in advance and let themknow. so there's ways to handle it, but you've gotto become an expert at, you know, depending on what your family's feelings are. and that's a hard one because most peoplei talk to have some side of their family that thinks this is hogwash or thinks you are weird. you look at some of the issues that we dealwith such as genetic modification. get into vaccination? forget about it. so this is a sensitive issue, but it shouldn'tbe because it's out there.

and it's too much info, too much smoke notto be a fire. and number six, share info about gmos. now here's the good news. you don't need to know how to pronounce orspell glyphosate. you don't need to memorize the list of foods. you don't even need to know which preservativesand chemicals and which crops are sprayed. there's great information out there. for example, if you are watching "ancientmedicine today" right now, i urge you to click that share button.

get this information out. this simple video can open eyes and be a doorwayfor people to help transform lives. jeffrey mentioned digestive issues, increasedcancer risk. we're talking about asthma. we're talking about allergies. we're talking about skin disorders. you mentioned alzheimer's and parkinson's. that's just the beginning. that's the surface that we've scratched becausewe know it's all connected.

so share information about gmos. and here's a quick recap. so be informed. we are trying to get you that information. it amazes me, jeffrey, even people that arein natural health, they'll just buy things for what it says on the front of the label. it says, "whole grain," but then on the backit's not because there's five different ways to mention wheat. jeffrey: or they might think because they'reshopping at whole foods everything is safe,

but it's not. jordan: exactly. and that's the case with most places. so you've got to check food labels after you'reinformed. shop organic or go to a local farmers marketwhere people have transparency and ask the questions. you've got to deal with restaurants. fast food is probably out, but when you goto other, call it fast casual or preferably fine dining . . . i know not everyone canafford that, but i've found it the same.

when you go to fine dining restaurants, they'remuch more amenable to making changes. and they've probably already heard this inmost major metropolitan areas. so you've got to be careful with restaurants. most importantly, vote with your dollar. spend money on your future and on foods thatare organic and non-gmo. and then share info, just like this videotoday. and here are some great resources. so jeffrey smith has pioneered this movement. this is the most comprehensive website ongenetic engineering and genetic modification

you will find. so go to where youcan check out some of jeffrey's books, including "seeds of deception," "genetic roulette,"and some of his movies. so why don't you talk to us real quickly . . . wedon't have a slide for this, but if somebody isn't someone who wants to go read a big bookbecause the books are technical. they're great. you're starting to share some of that informationabout some of the behind-the-scenes. the "seeds of deception" reads almost likea novel, like intrigue, one of those sort of tom clancy books, but what can someonedo, if they just want to be entertained, but

also be informed? give us a little bit of information aboutthe first video resource you'd recommend. jeffrey: okay. well, there's a movie out called "geneticroulette," the same title, "genetic roulette: the gamble of our lives." and it's a feature-length movie. it's won movie of the year and transformationalfilm of the year. and it's played on pbs over 300 times. jeffrey: and it actually has been responsiblefor changing more diets than any book, movie,

lecture, tv show, et cetera. and you said that sometimes there's peoplein your family that are feeling like, "this may be a little bit hokey." the first time i showed it in los angeles,a mother came up to me with her 16-year-old daughter and said, "my daughter wanted tostay in the car during the showing. and i insisted that she comes. she has no interest in food. now she says, 'oh, my god. we've got to get rid of gmos.'"

jeffrey: wow.jordan: so it works. so then a woman and her husband came up tome and said, "this is a testament to how effective your film is. i got my husband to switch to non-gmo afterseeing it just now." and she said, "i've been talking to him foryears about it." jeffrey: wow. what a [inaudible 00:32:30]. jordan: so if you want to convince your friendsand family, "genetic roulette: the gamble of our lives."

now, i'm working on a film released in 2017with amy hart. and it's called "secret ingredients." you can watch the trailer now, it's about families who heal from seriousconditions when they switch to organic and non-gmo foods. jeffrey: wow.jordan: so we have three autistic boys in the film. two are no longer autistic. the third was switched to a mainstream classroom.

we have a clinic where 77 out of 77 infertilecouples have kids. we have people that, cured themselves of cancerand all sorts of diseases and disorders. and they attribute the switch to organic asthe primary driver. and there's a lot of doctors in there thatsay, "yes, this is a typical result for a percentage of our patients. all that's needed is a change in diet." and then we have a scientist explaining why. jeffrey: that's unbelievable. so folks, i want to encourage you to

i want to encourage you to check out jeffrey'sbooks, "seeds of deception," "genetic roulette," and "genetic roulette," the movie, "the gambleof our lives." that sounds like awesome entertainment, andit just might do the convincing for you. folks, i am excited to be a part of this movementand so you can be too. i assume that on responsibletechnology.orgpeople can learn how to support your cause, including the making of "secret ingredients,"which is another great movie name. so if you want to truly vote with your dollars,go out and buy organic, purchase non-gmo foods, and support the institute for responsibletechnology. again, visit

i want to encourage you right here on "ancientmedicine today." we want to teach you how food can be usedas medicine, but also how you can avoid food, food, that is responsible for our future destruction. folks, we owe it to our families, children,and future grandchildren to make these changes today. so stand with us. tell us how much you are liking this information,you're liking the freedom that you have to operate within the health that you deserveand, most importantly, share this video with others because it could be the doorway fortheir transformed life.

i'm jordan rubin with jeffrey smith wishingyou amazing health. thank you and see you next time. jeffrey: safe eating.

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