Senin, 16 Januari 2017

can you get rid of calcium deposits on your teeth

how to avoid tooth decay?. tooth decay is caused by plaque buildup onyour teeth. plaque forms when sugars in your mouth attractbacteria. pla... thumbnail 1 summary
can you get rid of calcium deposits on your teeth

how to avoid tooth decay?. tooth decay is caused by plaque buildup onyour teeth. plaque forms when sugars in your mouth attractbacteria. plaque is very acidic and causes the enamelof your teeth to erode away. this is the first part of cavity formation. as a cavity becomes bigger, bacteria fromyour mouth can invade the pulp of the tooth (the tooth's living tissue) and cause inflammationthat can progress into an infection known as an abscess. however, you can prevent tooth decay by practicingregular tooth brushing, flossing, eating the

right foods, and seeing your dentist regularlyfor cleanings and checkups. set up a brushing schedule. ideally you should brush your teeth afterevery meal, but you should try to do so at least twice a day: once after breakfast andonce before bed. make this part of your routine each morningand before bed. if you incorporate tooth brushing into yourregular routine it will be easy to remember to do it. proper tooth brushing only takes a few minutes,so even very busy people can find the time. brush all surfaces of your teeth.

you will want to place your brush at a 45degree angle to your teeth and gums as you brush. don't apply too much pressure, or you coulddamage your gums. if you're bearing down with the brush or noticethat your brushes fray quickly, you are likely using too much pressure. floss your teeth at least once a day. additionally, you should floss after eatinga meal or snack that can easily get caught in your teeth such as popcorn or corn on thecob. even if you brush regularly, it is imperativeto floss as well.

flossing will remove food particles from betweenyour teeth and under the gums. these are areas where a toothbrush cannotreach. if you do not floss, food particles and sugarscaught between your teeth will attract bacteria and promote plaque buildup and can cause cavities. try using floss picks, dental picks or woodenplaque removers if you find using floss difficult. these methods can help to remove plaque andfood between your teeth without the difficulty of measuring out a piece of floss and maneuveringit between your teeth. avoid sugary candies, sweets, starches, andrefined carbohydrates. foods that are high in sugars promote plaquebuildup because bacteria is attracted to sugars.

if you do eat sweets, try to eat ones thatdon't stay in your mouth for too long. candies such as lollipops, hard candy, andcaramels tend to stay in your mouth for long periods as you suck on them. limit consumption of acidic foods. acids from foods can erode enamel just asmuch as acids from soft drinks. acidic foods include citrus such as lemonsand limes. tomatoes, pickles, honey and wine are alsoacidic foods that can cause damage to your enamel. while it's ok to eat these types of foods,try to keep them in your mouth for as short

a time as possible. eat dairy products such as milk, cheese, andyogurt. these contain several essential nutrientsfor healthy teeth. calcium, phosphates, and vitamin d in dairyare very important for healthy teeth as your teeth are primarily made up of calcium. calcium will not only help to strengthen yourteeth, but can also stick to them and prevent acid from damaging your enamel.

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