Senin, 23 Januari 2017

how to get rid of a discolored tooth

hi, my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistantwith solutionz and i'm going to explain to you about baking soda can whiten your t... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of a discolored tooth

hi, my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistantwith solutionz and i'm going to explain to you about baking soda can whiten your you're interested in knowing if baking soda can whiten your teeth. well, once againmy name is michelle and yes, i'm here to tell you that baking soda can whiten your's pretty easy. what would you want to do is first you want to get some baking soda,wet your toothbrush, dip your toothbrush into the baking soda and you want to brush yourteeth with it for about two to three minutes, five minutes if you can. then you would spitout the excess saliva and then make sure you always rinse your mouth out really good withreally cold water afterwards to get off the excess baking soda 'cause you don't want thatto sit on your teeth for over long periods

of time. so if you're looking for a way tokind of whiten your teeth at home and therefore you don't have to go, you know and spend lotsof money on doing it, then i would recommend that you definitely use baking soda in conjunctionwith your toothpaste; you know, of course brush your teeth quite normally with toothpastebut also, after done brushing your teeth, just use baking soda. dip your toothbrushin it, brush your teeth with it about two to three minutes and you can do this on aregular basis, like once every other day and even up to three times a week. so, and then,you'll start to notice over a period of time that your teeth are actually are startingto become a lot more whiter and brighter. so once again, my name is michelle, i'm adental assistant with solutionz and i just

explained to you on how baking soda can whitenyour teeth.

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