Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

roof of mouth swollen near front teeth

i cried that time because i felt so self-conscious. i wouldn't want people to see my teeth. hello everyone! today i am back with my brac... thumbnail 1 summary
roof of mouth swollen near front teeth

i cried that time because i felt so self-conscious. i wouldn't want people to see my teeth. hello everyone! today i am back with my braces diary episode 4. since my last update, i have gotten surgery and tried some new products i tried 2 new products (water floss) and i"ll talk about them later. usually, i'm the one telling you guys about myself. this time, i have something to ask you guys in return. you'll know what i mean later. alright let's get started.

in my last video, i told you guys about how my braces caused root resorption. after crying and discussing with my family, we decided to go for a tooth exposure/extraction surgery at the end of september. before i could even do the surgery, another issue came up. on september 21st, i was eating when i felt like there was a gap between my bottom front teeth. when i looked in the mirror, i noticed that there was actually a small gap there. i called my orthodontist and asked him why i randomly got a gap when i didn't even do anything. then he said sometimes your teeth can spontaneously shift.

i asked him how it is possible for my teeth to shift when i have all these brackets and wires holding it in place. to be honest, he looked pretty clueless as well. the orthodontist used an elastic and hooked it on to each bracket across my entire bottom row of teeth. i didn't know why the orthodontist didn't simply tighten the wire (like my usual tightening procedure). the orthodontist said that this elastic would help bring my teeth back in to close the gap. i was scared because i already have top and bottom root resorption. i was afraid that pulling in my teeth would cause even more root resorption. the orthodontist said that my teeth would only move very little so it should not negatively impact my roots. i wrote here that i cried on september 26th.

in the past, regardless of how painful my teeth were, i wouldn't cry because what's there to cry about your braces? but ever since i found out that i have root problems, i am really scared, especially because i don't really trust my orthodontist anymore. but i don't really have a choice because i have to finish my orthodontic treatment. more importantly, i'm scared that i would wake up one morning and all my teeth would fall out. at the same time, i was honestly a bit scared for my upcoming surgery. my surgery was on a monday. originally, i was expecting myself to be sick and unable to go to school for 3-4 days.

i thought this because i had high fever for over a week the first time i got an oral surgery. fortunately, this time i was fine. i did my surgery at 9am and went to class at 5pm. i wasn't feeling too bad. i just wore a mask to class. for the next few days, i experienced some pain in my gums around the area of the surgery. i had switches in the area of my extraction surgery, as well as the roof of my mouth. not to mention, i also felt some pain deep inside my gums. it wasn't bad enough for me to take painkillers. it was just quite uncomfortable. for the next few days, i tried to do a lot of salt water rinses. since i still had some open wounds, it stung really badly but you just have to hold it in.

since i couldn't brush my teeth (due to my swollen mouth), salt water rinses was the only solution. at the beginning of october, one of my stitches were sticking out. i disinfected a pair of small scissors and attempted to trim the stitch. when i cut the stitch, the scissors got stuck and it yanked out the stitch. my wound started bleeding and i got so scared that i called my oral surgeon's office. i was like "i pulled out the stitches. what am i going to do? it's bleeding." the lady told me since my surgery was a week ago, it's not a big deal that my stitches fell out. in mid-october, i was drinking room temp water in class when the back of my teeth really hurt. i asked my dentist if i have a cavity

and he said i didn't have any but my gums were swollen at the back (which may be due to insufficient cleaning). my oral hygiene wasn't the best at that time because my mouth was swollen so i couldn't properly clean my teeth besides this, i also got a huge canker sore on the side of my tongue. my mouth is already in pain and adding a canker sore to this mix doesn't help at all haha. in mid-october, i was also supposed to get both my top and bottom braces off. i was also supposed to get 2 clear essix retainers. in the end, i was only able to remove my top braces due to some complications with my bottom teeth. when i sleep at night, i tend to clench my teeth.

i started noticing that my bottom teeth were hitting the back of my top teeth. i was waking up with sore front upper teeth. when i told my orthodontist about this, he shaved off the top of my bottom front teeth to make them shorter in hopes to having them not touch my upper teeth. as a result of this, i was only able to take off my upper braces. taking off my braces has got to be the most painful experience in my life. it seriously hurt more than the time i broke my arm. i was crying and shaking all over.

they had to get 2 oral hygienists to hold my head, and a 3rd person to yank off the brackets. my friends warned my that taking braces off hurts. however, i never knew it would be this painful. i'm not sure if it's because i have sensitive teeth or what. regardless, that was a very painful experience. taking off the brackets wasn't the only painful part. i wasn't expecting there to be pain when i put on my clear retainers since it was made according to my mouth. i thought it just slides on like "bop". no. when they put it on, i seriously thought my front teeth were going to fall out.

after i got my top braces off, nothing special happened. for halloween, i filmed an angelababy transformation video. that was my first video since i got my top braces off. after filming, i sent a selfie to my friend. my friend then said "your teeth look fake." i don't know if it's because he didn't know i got my braces off, or because i was wearing my clear plastic retainer. usually, i would brush it off and laugh with my friend. i don't know if it's because i've been through a lot (in regards to my braces journey), but i actually cried.

i was sobbing to my sister "my friend said my teeth look so fake." for those few months, i was very self-conscious and didn't want others to see my teeth. i know a lot of you out there don't feel confident with braces on. i finally understand how it feels to be this self-conscious and i can empathize. now that i reflect on myself, i think you shouldn't let you teeth affect your self-esteem. even though i hate a gaping hole right here, i will still smile widely in photos! back to my braces diary. i was finally able to take off my lower braces on november 19th. taking off my bottom braces wasn't as painful. though, the front three teeth still hurt.

remember how i talked about my bottom row of teeth hitting my top row of teeth? even after shaving down my bottom teeth, i noticed that i was still experiencing pain (even with clear retainers). even now (jan 2016), if i sleep with my mouth closed in a certain position, i would wake up with sore teeth. in attempt to solve this, my orthodontist put 2 blue cement blocks at the back (similar to when i first got braces). basically, this cement prevents your 2 rows of teeth from touching. my orthodontist hoped that my teeth can naturally shift a bit after adding these cement blocks. this is why my mouth doesn't close entirely. in about 2 weeks, i'll be visiting my orthodontist again to see if my teeth shifted themselves. if my bottom teeth continue to hit my top row of teeth after taking off the blue cements,

i honestly don't know what to do. this is my biggest concern right now. i'll update you guys in my new video. now i want to talk about keeping my teeth clean. in my last braces video, i talked about how frustrating it is to floss with braces on. then you guys suggested me to use a water floss. at that time, i had no idea what a water floss was. i went on google and searched it up and found that waterpik is the most popular brand. so i bought one and tried it out. this is how it looks like.

you put the water into this blue bucket. my water floss kit came with these heads - some are like toothbrushes and some are for people with braces. this is how it looks like once you attach it. you can turn it on here. there's a few different settings. then once you turn it on, you just run it across your mouth. aside from this water floss, a company contacted me a little while back and asked me to try out their products. usually, i would pick skincare or makeup products.

but coincidentally, the company was selling a water floss! i was curious so i tested both of these out to do a comparison. after trying both of them out, i can tell you that they are both very useful. they are both able to rinse out so much stuff! i always thought i clean my teeth very thoroughly because i use an electronic toothbrush and brush for a long time. i also use a regular string floss as well. even after doing all that, this water floss is able to rinse out small pieces of food!

therefore, i really recommend these types of water floss. but i've run into a problem when using both of these. this is the question that i would like to ask you guys. for those who use water flosses, do you bleed when you use it? i'm not sure if it's because my gums are rather sensitive, but i always bleed when i start rinsing the back of my mouth. i know some people use this on a daily basis but i can't. even when i use it on the most delicate setting, i still bleed. that's why i only use a water floss once a week and just use regular floss on a daily basis.

so yeah, i'm not sure if this is a personal problem or if this is common amongst you guys as well. when comparing these two, i honestly like this one more. although the company sent me this, this is not a commercial and i'm not being paid to say anything. this is really just more convenient because as you can see, this one doesn't have a long cord. the cord gets in the way, especially when you're in the washroom and it's wet everywhere. you can simply take this blue part out, fill it with water, then just attach it back on. you can use it like a regular toothbrush too. if you guys are interested in buying a water floss, i'll put the information in the description box below.

i hope you guys found this video helpful. i'll talk to you next time!

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