Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

what are calcium deposits on teeth from

hi my name is carol and i am a registereddental hygienist and i am speaking on behalf of expert village.com and in this segmentwe will be ta... thumbnail 1 summary
what are calcium deposits on teeth from

hi my name is carol and i am a registereddental hygienist and i am speaking on behalf of expert village.com and in this segmentwe will be talking about how to prevent plaque buildup. plaque is soft sticky substance thatforms on the teeth constantly through out the day and what it is the by-products ofthe food that you eat. the reason that you want to prevent plaque buildup is becauseit̢۪s what causes gum disease which is swollen, irritated gums that bleed easily but plaqueis also what causes cavities on the teeth. your best defense against protecting againstplaque buildup is regular brushing and flossing. in this diagram you can possibly see someslight buildup that gets along the gum line. on this half of the diagram what is showingis the disclosing solution. some offices use

this as a demonstration mainly for kids andadults that get a lot of plaque buildup and what it does it stains the plaque buildupred so that you can see exactly where you are missing with brushing and flossing. solike i said before the main thing that you want to do is brush and floss regularly tomove that plaque which is the irritant. in doing that, 2 times a day the gums will beback to a healthier state and you will prevent yourself from getting a cavity and gum diseasewhich are swollen gums that bleed easily.

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