Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

what are calcium spots on teeth

one thing that tends to hurt our self-confidenceis if we have yellow teeth because we all want to flash a mouth of pearly whites. whetheryou... thumbnail 1 summary
what are calcium spots on teeth

one thing that tends to hurt our self-confidenceis if we have yellow teeth because we all want to flash a mouth of pearly whites. whetheryour teeth have become discolored from aging, coffee, smoking or not properly caring foryour teeth, you’re in luck. today, we will discuss ten all-natural home remedies thatare cost effective and deliver results. 1. an orange peel you can regularly use a fresh orange peelto reduce the appearance of yellow on your teeth. just simply rub your teeth with theorange peel each night, before bed. orange peel contains vitamin c and calcium that fightoff germs while you are sleeping. continue to do this each night for a few weeks andyou will begin to see results.

2. baking soda since baking soda can clean nearly everythingelse, it comes as no surprise that it can help to remove yellow stains on your teeth,as well as any plaque buildup. just mix â¼ of teaspoon of baking soda with your toothpaste.then, brush your teeth with the mixture. it will be gritty on purpose to act as a toughcleaner. then, rinse your mouth with warm water. use this method once or twice a week. you can also mix baking soda with some lemonjuice, white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to act as an oral cleaner. you can make mouthwashby mixing one tablespoon of baking soda with 1 â½ teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and onecup of cold water. rinse your mouth with this

mixture two to three times daily. baking soda can also scrub your teeth by usingdiluted baking soda directly on your teeth. however, do not do this too often. for yourfirst week, use this method twice, then drop to once every fifteen days. this is becausetoo much baking soda can chip away at your tooth enamel. 3. hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleaching product.because of this, it is fantastic in getting rid of the yellow and discolored marks onyour teeth. rinse your mouth using a mouthwash that already contains peroxide. it is importantthat you never swallow hydrogen peroxide.

try making a paste out of baking soda andhydrogen peroxide, then brush your teeth with the mixture. after rinsing off, brush yourteeth with your regular toothpaste. it is important to note that peroxide, insome people, can cause your gums to become irritated and your teeth to become sensitive. 4. strawberries the vitamin c in strawberries help them tofight stains on your teeth. just take a few strawberries and grind them into a paste.use this mixture on your teeth and rub gently. use this method twice daily for a few weeksand you will find your teeth brighter and whiter.

you can also combine the pulp of one strawberrywith â½ teaspoon of baking soda. put this mixture onto your teeth and leave it therefor a few minutes. then, rinse well and brush your teeth with your normal toothpaste. 5. salt salt has the ability to replenish any lostminerals that occur in the teeth and helps to make your teeth white again. using everydaytable salt each morning, brush your teeth just as you would with your regular toothpaste.you can also mix the salt with charcoal and use that to brush your teeth with. you caneven mix table salt with baking soda and then rub onto your teeth.one important thing to keep in mind is that

too much salt can cause damage to your gumsand your tooth enamel. 6. lemon lemon naturally bleaches your teeth and canbe used to get rid of any discoloration. mix a few drops of lemon juice with some tablesalt. put this mixture onto the teeth and rub the paste into your teeth. keep the mixtureon for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth out well with warm water. repeat this twicea day, for about two weeks, to begin to see real results. 7. holy basil the leaves of this plant have whitening characteristicsand they can help your body to ward off intruders.

use a few leaves off the holy basil plantand place them in the sun for a few minutes. once the leaves have dried, grind them untilthey are powder. mix the powder into your toothpaste and brush as normal. you can alsomake a paste of holy basil leaves and mustard oil, which can be used to clean your teeth. 8. apples when you crunch into an apple, you are gettingrid of harmful toxins out of your teeth and making your teeth whiter. to benefit fromthis, consume one to two apples each day. be sure to chew the apple thoroughly so thatthe acids and fibers have plenty of time to clean your teeth.

9. margosa margosa, or neem, are known for making yourteeth white. margosa kills germs and cleans your teeth. margosa oil can even help to curebad breath and help to prevent cavities. 10. charcoal charcoal is one of the best home remediesfor discolored teeth. that is because charcoal has strong crystal-based chemicals. you canbenefit from this product by mixing some charcoal powder with your regular toothpaste. repeatthis twice per day to make sure your teeth are as white as possible. in place of charcoal, you can use the ashesof burnt bread and burnt rosemary to whiten

your teeth. have you tried any of these simple, home remedies?let us know which you benefited from... if you like the video, give it a thumbs upand share it with your friends! for more recipes and tips, subscribe to thechannel!

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