Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

3 month old teething or ear infection

natural news releases large collection ofscientific knowledge that�s been suppressed by the fda, cdc and pharma-controlled media by madeli... thumbnail 1 summary
3 month old teething or ear infection

natural news releases large collection ofscientific knowledge that�s been suppressed by the fda, cdc and pharma-controlled media by madeline natural news(natural news) the fake news media (cnn, washpo, nyt, etc.) doesn�t want you to see any ofthe scientific evidence presented here for the simple reason that it shows mercury invaccines is damaging to children. if printed, the collection of studies andauthor citations found here is over 50 pages in length, and it reveals precisely what thepharma-controlled fake news media doesn�t want you to know. yes, there is an overwhelmingamount of scientific evidence that conclusively

and convincingly establishes the irrefutablefact that mercury is toxic when injected into the bodies of children via vaccines. despitethe fact that all this evidence exists, there is no more dangerous utterance a person cansay in today�s pharma-monopolized �corporate science� society than, simply, �mercuryshould be removed from all vaccines.� poisoning children to protect profitsthe very idea that mercury might be harmful to inject into children, if acknowledged astrue, would require the vaccine industry to effectively admit that it has been knowinglypoisoning millions of children for decades and did nothing to stop it. any embracingof the real science linking mercury to neurodevelopmental damage is simultaneously an admission of guiltby the criminally-run vaccine industry�

and they aren�t going to admit to any guiltat all, even if it means poisoning millions more children for years to come. meanwhile, the loss of cognitive capacityacross the u.s. population due to mercury in vaccines is estimated to be tens of millionsof aggregate iq points lost each year across the population. mercury-laced vaccinationsare literally a �mass dumbing down� of the population via chemical assault. brainsare being damaged � and lives destroyed � every single day that mercury continuesto be allowed in vaccines� especially those given to children and expectant mothers. readthis natural news story to see the documented proof that california�s hhs secretary openlyencourages injecting children with mercury-laden

vaccines. that is exactly why the mercury poisoningof our children must be stopped. mercury must be removed from all vaccines, and those childrenprovably harmed by mercury from immunizations must be allowed their day in court. (a realcourt, not the vaccine injury kangaroo court that�s essentially run by the pharmaceuticalindustry.) read this astonishing collection of evidenceyourself, and learn what the vaccine industry � and its fake news media collaborators� desperately hopes you never discover. scientific studiesa comparative evaluation of the effects of mmr immunization and mercury doses from thimerosal-containingchildhood vaccines on the population prevalence

of autism publication: med. sci. monit. 2004 mar ;10(3)::pi33-9. publication date: 2004 mar study author(s): geier, david a;geier, markr; it was determined that there was a close correlationbetween mercury doses from thimerosal�containing childhood vaccines and the prevalence of autismfrom the late 1980s through the mid-1990s. in contrast, there was a potential correlationbetween the number of primary pediatric measles-containing vaccines administered and the prevalence ofautism during the 1980s. in addition, it was found that there were statistically significantodds ratios for the development of autism

following increasing doses of mercury fromthimerosal-containing vaccines (birth cohorts: 1985 and 1990-1995) in comparison to a baselinemeasurement (birth cohort: 1984). the contribution of thimerosal from childhood vaccines (>50%effect) was greater than mmr vaccine on the prevalence of autism observed in this study. conclusions : the results of this study agreewith a number of previously published studies. these studies have shown that there is biologicalplausibility and epidemiological evidence showing a direct relationship between increasingdoses of mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders,and measles-containing vaccines and serious neurological disorders. it is recommendedthat thimerosal be removed from all vaccines,

and additional research be undertaken to producea mmr vaccine with an improved safety profile. mercury and autism: accelerating evidence? publication: neuro endocrinol. lett. 2005oct ;26(5)::439-46. publication date: 2005 oct study author(s): mutter, joachim;naumann,johannes;schneider, rainer;walach, harald;haley, boyd; institution: institute for environmental medicineand hospital epidemiology, university hospital freiburg, germany. recently, it was found that autistic childrenhad a higher mercury exposure during pregnancy

due to maternal dental amalgam and thimerosal-containingimmunoglobulin shots. it was hypothesized that children with autism have a decreaseddetoxification capacity due to genetic polymorphism. in vitro, mercury and thimerosal in levelsfound several days after vaccination inhibit methionine synthetase (ms) by 50%. normalfunction of ms is crucial in biochemical steps necessary for brain development, attentionand production of glutathione, an important antioxidative and detoxifying agent. repetitivedoses of thimerosal leads to neurobehavioral deteriorations in autoimmune susceptible mice,increased oxidative stress and decreased intracellular levels of glutathione in vitro. subsequently,autistic children have significantly decreased level of reduced glutathione. promising treatmentsof autism involve detoxification of mercury,

and supplementation of deficient metabolites. autism: a novel form of mercury poisoning publication: med. hypotheses 2001 apr ;56(4)::462-71. publication date: 2001 apr study author(s): bernard, s;enayati, a;redwood,l;roger, h;binstock, t; institution: arc research, cranford, new jersey07901, usa autism is a syndrome characterized by impairmentsin social relatedness and communication, repetitive behaviors, abnormal movements, and sensorydysfunction. recent epidemiological studies suggest that autism may affect 1 in 150 uschildren. exposure to mercury can cause immune,

sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioraldysfunctions similar to traits defining or associated with autism, and the similaritiesextend to neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry. thimerosal, a preservativeadded to many vaccines, has become a major source of mercury in children who, withintheir first two years, may have received a quantity of mercury that exceeds safety guidelines.a review of medical literature and us government data suggests that: (i) many cases of idiopathicautism are induced by early mercury exposure from thimerosal; (ii) this type of autismrepresents an unrecognized mercurial syndrome; and (iii) genetic and non-genetic factorsestablish a predisposition whereby thimerosal�s adverse effects occur only in some children.

research quotes on mercury, thimerosal, vaccinesand autism those studies link thimerosal to a vast inventoryof grim neurological disorders now epidemic in children, including add, adhd, speech delay,tics, asd, and autism. other studies demonstrate thimerosal�s causation to asthma and a tenfoldincrease in alzheimer�s in adults exposed to thimerosal-laced flu shots. during threeyears of research, we were not able to find a single credible study in the open publichealth literature that shows thimerosal to be safe. these impacts are no surprise. mercuryis a potent brain poison hundreds of times more toxic than lead. science shows that theethyl mercury in thimerosal is fifty times as toxic to brain cells and twice as persistentin the brain as the heavily regulated methylmercury

in fish. thimerosal is so toxic that whena doctor carelessly shatters a multidose flu vial, state laws require evacuation of thebuilding and clean-up by trained hazmat crews wearing protective boots, gloves, and respirators.common sense should tell us that it�s not a good idea to inject this poison into infantsor expectant mothers. � vaccine whistleblower � exposing autismresearch fraud at the cdc by kevin barry, esq. a large proportion of the millions of u. s.children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity,dyslexia, and other branches of the hydra-headed entity called �development disabilities�owe their disorders to one of the vaccines

against childhood diseases. -harris coulter,ph.d. the u.s. government has finally begun to recognize the problems associated withvaccinations. congress adopted the vaccine adverse effect reporting system (vaers) andthe national vaccine injury compensation program (nvicp). the purpose of vaers, monitored bythe food and drug administration and the cdc, is to gather information from physicians regardingadverse reactions to vaccinations. over 33,000 reactions were reported between 1992 and 1996.compensation is provided for families with wellfounded complaints. the nvicp has paidout over $1.2 billion to parents of children injured or killed by vaccines. all of theabove begs the question, �are there any safe vaccines?� vaccine ingredients: allvaccines contain active ingredients, stabilizers,

and sterilizers. the active ingredients mostlyinclude protein particles, dna, and rna from bacteria and viruses. � alternative medicine � the definitiveguide (2nd edition) by larry trivieri the underlying problem is simple enough: eachperson normally take substances into his body through his stomach, where harmful bacteriaare generally destroyed. but a vaccine is injected directly into a muscle or directlyinto the bloodstream, thus bypassing the normal protections. this is highly dangerous! theproblem is that it is impossible to purify the vaccines properly. to do so would requiretoo much time and expense to try to examine every microscopic portion (identify everytoxin, poison, and microbe) and eliminate

the bad ones. it simply cannot be done. somonkey pus, horse urine, raw animal hormones, and other substances are �purified� somewhat:then they are injected into your child. � the natural remedies encyclopedia (seventhedition) by vance h. ferrell, m.d. and harold m. cherne pertussis vaccine: may afflict 45,000 casesof autism per year in america, which afflicts 15 victims in every 10.000 births: there arenow 5 00,000 of these victims in the u.s. in sweden not using the pertussis vaccine,there is virtually no autism (and likewise in holland). polio vaccine: developed in thelate 1940�s from dead pig and monkey kidney pus infected with poliomyelitis, and lactalbuminhydrolysate,chemical antibiotics, and calf serum. this

live-virus vaccine recently tested to harbor149 live viruses and bacteria living in the vaccine solution: including monkey simianvirus sv-40 that damages cells and causes brain cancer (rare in 1950, has risen dramatically),found in non hodgkins lymphoma, prostate and bone cancers, and may be passed geneticallyto offspring; cruelly administered to tens of millions of americans between 1940 through1961. � anti aging manual � the encyclopediaof natural health by joseph b marion researcher w.b. clarke reported he never sawa case of cancer in an unvaccinated person (new york press. jan., 1909); and cancershave increased 40% from 1947 to 1984. vaccinations in children may cause demyelinating encephalitisof brain and nerve cells for permanent learning

disabilities and behavior problems, lesseningintellectual and thinking abilities for sever 1 generations; scholastic aptitude test (sat)scores have been lowering the last 40 years, from 500 average in 1941, to 478 on math and424 on verbal tests in the 1980�s; american college testing (act) scores lowered duringthe same time; as did tests of military recruits; and violence has escalated 6 times since 1940. from 1991 to 1999, the number of childrenrequiring special education services for autism increased by 500%. this study investigatedthe link between developmental disability in children 1-9 years of age and prior infantvaccination with 3 doses of the newly recommended mercury-containing hepatitis b vaccine. boyswho received 3 doses of the mercury-containing

hepatitis b vaccine during infancy were nearly9 times more likely (or=8.63) than unvaccinated boys to need early intervention services,a proxy for developmental disability. this study provides strong evidence toward answeringthe institute of medicine�s open question about whether there is a link between mercury-containingvaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. in developing nations, hepatitis b (and other)vaccines still contain mercury. in the united states, some influenza vaccines still containmercury. boys who received hepatitis b vaccines containing mercury were 3 times more likelythan unvaccinated boys to develop autism � �boys vaccinated as neonates had threefold greaterodds for autism diagnosis compared to boys never vaccinated or vaccinated after the firstmonth of life. � gallagher cm, goodman ms.

� miller�s review of critical vaccinestudies � 400 important scientific papers summarized by neil z. miller what is regressive autism and why does itoccur? is it the consequence of multi-systemic dysfunction affecting the elimination of heavymetals and the ability to regulate neural temperature. similar symptoms in autism andmercury poisoning � the similarities in symptomology between autism spectrum disordersand chronic low-dose mercury poisoning suggest a causal relationship between thimerosal andthe disorders. mercury occurs in the environment in three broad forms: elemental, inorganic,and organic. � thimerosal � let the science speak � theevidence supporting the immediate removal

of mercury � aknown neurotoxin � fromvaccines by robert f. kennedy, jr. analyzing vaers, children who received dtapvaccines with thimerosal were significantly more likely to develop autism (or = 2.6),mental retardation (or=2.5), and personality disorders (or =1.5) when compared to childrenwho received thimerosal-free dtap vaccines. for every additional microgram (mcg) of mercuryinjected into a child via thimerosal-containing vaccines, the odds of developing autism increasedby 2.9%, mental retardation increased by 4.8%, and personality disorders increased by from the u.s. department of education revealed a significant relationship betweenincreasing mercury from thimerosal in childhood vaccines and autism (or = 2.5) and speechdisorders (or = 1.4). compared to fda safety

guidelines for the daily oral ingestion ofmethyl-mercury, children received up to 32 times more mercury than allowable from theirchildhood vaccines. the findings in this study and others indicate that thimerosal shouldbe removed immediately from all childhood an accelerated increase in total brain volumebetween 6 and 14 months of age is a consistent finding for many children with autism. findingsin this study suggest that vaccines may be associated with significant disturbances inbrain growth and development. thimerosal (mercury) thimerosal contains mercury. it is added tomulti-dose vials of vaccines to prevent bacterial contamination when more than one needle isinserted into the vial. in the united states, infants and children received high quantitiesof mercury from several cdc-recommended vaccines

that contained thimerosal � dtap, hepatitisb and haemophilus influenzae type b (hib) � until about 2002 when thimerosal was removedfrom most vaccines. today, developed countries continue to inject significant quantitiesof mercury from thimerosa lcontaining influenza vaccines into pregnant women, infants andchildren. in developing nations, infants are still exposed to high quantities of mercuryfrom several thimerosal-containing vaccines. cooper went on to cite wakefield as the personresponsible for parents believing vaccines cause autism. he said that desperate parentswere swayed by wakefield�s study of �just twelve children- that�s right, just twelvechildren.� jenny mccarthy was also named as someone else responsible for spreadingthis dangerous belief. cooper told viewers

that wakefield said he had found a link betweenautism and the mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine. cnn showed videos of mccarthy beinginterviewed and speaking at a rally in washington, d.c. a 2008 clip of us congressman dan burton,whose grandson has autism, was shown talking about the mercury-based vaccine preservativethimerosal, which he linked to autism this after we were told by cooper that �lawmakersalso latched on to the research.� burton was shown saying, �we�ve had leading scientistsfrom around the world come and testify before my committee who are certain that one of themajor causes of autism is the mercury in the vaccination.� immediately, cooper informedviewers the autism rate continues to increase despite the fact that mercury was taken outof children�s vaccines in 2001.

� the big autism cover-up � how and whythe media is lying to the american public by anne dachel despite the lack of a clear before-and-afterwindow for thimerosal exposure in the united states in the last decade, four studies inparticular have found evidence for autism prevalence declining when thimerosal exposurehas been reduced. a 2004 study by the geiers calculated an average mercury dose from vaccinesfor children in two birth cohorts, from 1981 to 1985 and from 1990 to 1996. the calculationswere based on the cdc�s biological surveillance summaries and yearly live birth estimates.figures for the number of autism cases came from us department of education data sets.the researchers compared this data and wrote:

we have observed for birth cohorts from themid-to-late 1980s through the early 1990s that as there was an increase in the averagemercury dose from thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines a corresponding increase in the prevalenceof autism occurred. a maximum in mercury from thimerosal containing childhood vaccines andthe prevalence of autism occurred for the birth cohort of 1993, and from 1993 through1996, as the average mercury dose from thimerosal-containing vaccines decreased, a corresponding decreasein the prevalence of autism also ensued. of mercury there is an unarguable causal connection betweenmmr and autism. fortunately, wakefield was finally unmuzzled, and in his shocking bookcallous disregard we learn the whole story

behind the story. for anyone who actuallylooks at the record, wakefield is exonerated and validated � scientifically, legally,and ethically. to pay the price he paid for standing up to the world medical professionand exposing their systematic negligence � that�s something supremely rare in today�s world.moral fiber, professional integrity it�s an honor to belong to the same species asandrew wakefield. � vaccination is not immunization by timo�shea beyond vaccines, other recent studies havefound significant associations between environmental sources of mercury exposure and autism spectrumdisorders. a study supported by the cdc implicated mercury, among other metals, as the air pollutantmost associated with higher risks of autism

spectrum disorder diagnoses among a sampleof children born in the san francisco bay area in 1994. a follow-up study extended thefindings to other parts of california. meanwhile, a master�s thesis completed at louisianastate university in 2006 noted an association between mercury in fish and air emissionsand developmental disorders, including autism. also in 2006 and then in 2009, researchersdemonstrated that increases in environmental mercury (from power plants, for instance)and distance from point sources of mercury exposure in texas were significantly relatedto the risk of an individual being diagnosed with an asd. the 2006 study found that �onaverage, for each 1000 lb of environmentally released mercury, there was a 43% increasein the rate of special education services

and a 61% increase in the rate of autism. of mercury � a known neurotoxin � fromvaccines by robert f. kennedy, jr. there is strong resistance among drug companies,and government regulators to the notion that mercury might be the cause of today�s autismepidemic. they back up their claims with data that has been manipulated and faulty studies.the most damning response to their claims is case histories like jake�s, where childrenhave made a complete recovery from autism following heavy metal chelation. accordingto the largest survey of its kind ever undertaken, removing mercury from the bodies of autistickids via chelation is the therapy most commonly found to improve or eliminate of the symptomsof autism. research has also found that those

who survived acrodynia produced grandchildrenwith a far greater incidence of autism � a sign of heritable mercury sensitivity. mercurywas present in most childhood vaccines until 2000, and is still present in flu vaccines.however, the especially large autism epidemic in the us may have a second cause � highfructose corn syrup, which often contains mercury well above safe levels. in addition,there is the burden of mercury a fetus receives as a result of the mother�s mercury burdendue to amalgams, injections and food intake. � mercury poisoning � the undiagnosedepidemic by david hammond it is neurotoxic, damages the brains of vulnerablechildren and of the elderly, and is linked to the rise of autism and dementia epidemics.from the transcripts of the vaccines and related

biological products advisory committee meeting(vrbpac) and scientific papers mercury is indisputably a dangerous chemical. if a mercurythermometer breaks, the mercury must be disposed of with enormous care. yet, for decades�mercury has been blithely added to kill microbial cells and fungi in vaccines to give thesea longer �shelf life.� this is despite at least a hundred years of research thathas amply demonstrated that mercury accumulates in humans and can cause severe brain and nervoussystem damage and even deaths. as mercury-containing vaccines are repeatedly given to childrenand the elderly, the danger increases for them with every dose. yet in 2009 it was officiallyadvised to consider giving over-80-year olds three doses in the same month of a 5 mg mercury-loadedswine flu vaccine. this is pandemrix, a vaccine

that also controversially contains squaleneand formaldehyde. -the vaccine papers by janine roberts i saw one child with autism in the eighties,one child with autism in the early nineties, and, then, in the late nineties, i was literallyflooded with patients. i�ve evaluated and treated now approximately twenty-one hundredpatients with autism.� my linda and the doctor discuss how jordan gets his needs met,since he�s not able to speak. she�s shown saying, �when he wants to eat a hot meal,he�ll bring me a spatula and a hot-pad.� dr. green continues to explain what the mercuryin his vaccines did to jordan. �jordan received mercury far exceeding epa safety guidelines.we know that mercury causes neurotoxicity.

there�s no controversy about that. doesit cause autism? it contributes to the damages that lead to autism. jordan was not born withautism. he was a normal child. he was injured by vaccinations, and the injuries led to hisautism.� the next scene in the film shows lawrence palevsky, md, who says, �certainlythis is a controversial point in the medical field because the conventional medical communityhas basically stated that there is no link between mercury and autism.� this study found that the children with autismstudied had elevated porphyrin levels; those with asperger�s were also elevated, butnot as high as those with autism, and when a subgroup of children with autism was treatedwith the chelator dmsa, the result was a significant

drop in urinary porphyrin excretion. thesedata implicate environmental toxicity in childhood autistic disorder. -vaccine epidemic � how corporate greed,biased science, and coercive government threaten our human rights, our health, and our childrenby louise kuo habakus, m.a. and mary holland, j.d. as potential hazards from vaccination beganto be explored by the autism community, the epa�s rules on mercury disposal and theirapplication to thimerosal-containing vaccines became a focus. the realization that mercurylevels in vaccines were so high that they were legally classified as hazardous materials,and that the law required they be disposed

of according to hazmat protocols, led manyto further doubt the government�s safety claims. for example, wisconsin�s hazardouswaste disposal guidelines state that: some vaccines are preserved with 1:10,000 or 0.01percent thimerosal (see the vaccines in the table titled �thimerosal content in someu.s. licensed vaccines� at that have .01% in the thimerosal concentrationcolumn). thimerosal contains about 50 percent mercury by weight. vaccines with 1:10,000or 0.01 percent thimerosal have about 50 mg/l mercury, which exceeds the 0.2 mg/l hazardouswaste toxicity characteristic regulatory level for mercury. � vaccine epidemic � how corporate greed,biased science, and coercive government threaten

ourhuman rights, our health, and our childrenby louise kuo habakus, m.a. and mary holland, i firmly believe that the centers for diseasecontrol and prevention�s (cdc) vaccination program, recommended at the federal levelbut strongly influencing state mandates, has led to the dramatic rise in autism startingin or around 1988. that is a strong statement; however, it is supported by sound science,including the well-described toxicity of thimerosal- and aluminum-containing vaccines. there isno doubt that thimerosal is toxic. for example, in 1977, a report was published regardingthe deaths of ten of thirteen infants treated for infected umbilical cords. these infantsdied from mercury toxicity due to the application of a thimerosal-containing antiseptic externallyto their skin. thimerosal releases ethylmercury,

which is insoluble in water and penetratesthe skin and all organs of the body with great ease. due to their lack of mature liver andkidney functions, infants could not effectively excrete this mercury, so it built up to toxicand ultimately lethal levels. the rise in autism rates in various countrieshas closely paralleled the increase in the vaccination rates and the amount of mercuryinfants received. although correlation does not mean causation, the fact that vaccinescontained thimerosal � which contains mercury, a known neurotoxin � would seem to makeit a candidate in the causation of autism. vaccines contain at least two substances thatare widely accepted as neurotoxic � thimerosal, which contains mercury; and aluminum, usuallyas aluminum phosphate or aluminum hydroxide.

the thimerosal is added to vaccines to preventbacterial contamination, while the aluminum salt is added as an adjuvant. �comparison of blood and brain mercury levelsin infant monkeys exposed to methylmercury or vaccines containing thimerosal� � thecdc has used the ingested methylmercury safety standard to claim that injected ethylmercuryis safe. this study demonstrates that methylmercury standards are not a suitable measure for determiningrisk from injected ethylmercury exposure, as injected ethylmercury becomes trapped inthe brain at a much higher rate than ingested methylmercury. this dubious practice continues because theworld health organization (who) estimated

that it saves about 15 cents per vaccine doseto manufacture 10-dose vials (with thimerosal) compared to single-dose vials without mercury.the studies in this chapter provide strong evidence that vaccines containing mercurysignificantly increase the risk of neurodevelopmental effects, including speech and sleep disorders,developmental delay, attention deficit disorder, premature puberty, mental retardation, andautism. infants who received vaccines containing mercury had significantly increased odds ofbeing diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder �the present study provides new epidemiologicalevidence supporting an association between increasing organic-mercury exposure from thimerosal-containingchildhood vaccines and the subsequent risk of an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.

you will still hear people deny that thimerosalin vaccines could have been responsible for rising cases of autism. the naysayer logicis that mercury has been mostly phased out of vaccines, yet autism rates have continuedto rise. this �proves� that vaccines are safe and that thimerosal is too. but whilevaccine manufacturers phased out thimerosal, the thimerosal-containing flu vaccine wasuniversally recommended to pregnant women, more vaccines were added to the schedule,and higher doses of aluminum, another known neurotoxin, were injected into infants. unlikemercury, which is a preservative, aluminum is used in vaccines as an adjuvant-a foreignsubstance that the body recognizes as toxic. the aluminum in vaccines helps induce thebody�s immune system to mount a strong antibody

response to the viral and bacteria proteinsalso found in the vaccines. currently another vaccine loaded with aluminum is being pushedon pregnant women, the tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis). -the vaccine-friendly plan � dr. paul�ssafe and effective approach to immunity and health by paulthomas, m.d. amy holmes compared the exposure to mercuryof 94 children diagnosed with autism and 45 healthy controls. on analyzing the data fromboth groups, holmes discovered that the mothers of autistic children had significantly higherexposure to mercury through their amalgams and rhogam vaccinations than the mothers ofnon-autistic children. autistic children are

more susceptible to the effects of mercury.what was equally significant was that the autistic children had much lower levels ofmercury in their first baby haircuts (shown in the top line of the table), even thoughthey were exposed to higher levels of the metal through rhogam injections and theirmother�s amalgams. this supports the notion that certain children retain mercury withintheir bodies, and are thus predisposed to autism. exposure differences in autistic groupcompared to controls. -mercury poisoning � the undiagnosed epidemicby david hammond based on autism speaks� long history ofpartnership with the cdc, and based on autism speaks� recent statement that �vaccinesdo not cause autism,� autism speaks cannot

be considered an independent organizationto be trusted to honestly research issues regarding vaccination using the seed datagoing forward. on february 5, 2015, autism speaks� chief science officer rob ring definitivelystated: �over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any linkbetween childhood vaccinations and autism. the results of this research are clear: vaccinesdo not cause autism.� another reason to disqualify autism speaks as an independentorganization for seed data interpretation is its long history of hiring pharmaceuticalexecutives. chief science officer rob ring formerly worked at pfizer and wyeth. beforejoining autism speaks, former autism speaks executive peter bell worked at janssen pharmaceuticals,the unit of johnson &c johnson that manufactures

risperdal. several studies provide evidence that infantexposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines increases the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders,including autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit disorder and tic disorder. other studiesshow that thimerosal is toxic to human neuron cells in vitro. mercury in childhood vaccinescan cause premature puberty �the results of the present study show an association betweenincreased mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and premature puberty. the observedeffects were consistent with the known human endocrine disrupting effects of mercury exposure.mercury is a known endocrine disruptor that may interact with sex steroids to increasethe risk of a child developing premature puberty.

many children with this condition, especiallyboys, are more aggressive than normal, which can cause behavior problems. studies which purport to prove thimerosaldoes not cause autism (but actually prove otherwise). there are at least 14 studieswhich claim to disprove the link between vaccines and autism, so to non-scientific (and manyscientific) observers it would seem that the safety of vaccines has been well-proven. however,a closer examination of the data shows that the researchers involved have had conflictsof interest, made basic errors in calculations, or manipulated data to achieve a certain outcome. overall, the study revealed that childrenwith autism between the ages of two and fifteen

who had received thimerosal-preserved vaccinesexcreted lower levels of mercury into their hair as infants compared with normal, same-agedchildren also receiving these vaccines. the holmes study suggested therefore that mercurycould be lodging in the brain and hindering neurological development. luis maya and floraluna expanded the critique of pichichero�s study. the authors pointed out that whilepichichero�s team had found ethylmercury to be excreted in appreciable quantities inthe feces, the researchers did not study other body parts beyond the blood, such as the centralnervous system. in agreement with halsey and goldman, maya and luna criticized pichicherofor neglecting to measure the peak serum levels of ethylmercury after the first hours of inoculation,though other investigations had documented

substantially elevated blood concentrationsin the first forty-eight to seventy-two hours after administration in pediatric vaccines. there is no debate that mercury in any formis toxic. scientists may debate the differences in toxicity between different forms of mercury,such as ethylmercury (which is an ingredient in thimerosal) or methylmercury (from fish).but all would agree that mercury is a potent neurotoxin. there is also no debate aboutthe dramatic increase in prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders, over the last few decades, includinglearning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, and autism. there may, however, be debateon the strength of the data and science implicating mercury in this increased prevalence of braininjury in children. these questions can never

be adequately answered given the challengesof doing experimental studies on human subjects over long periods of time. but, mercury�s ability to cause neurodamageis not unique. in the vaccines its action may be enhanced by the associated presenceof much cellular debris, of aluminium and other chemicals as well as of loose or �naked�dna and rna. it is this collective impact that must be considered in assessing if vaccinationis a major cause of autism and of other disorders � but such investigations have rarely ifever been done. mercury in vaccines became a focus of attention when the transcript leakedof a vaccine safety meeting held in june 2000 and attended by scientists from the cdc, fdaand the pharmaceutical industry. it was called

because dr thomas verstraeten of the cdc hadreported, after studying the health records of 1,200 children, that mercury in vaccineswas probably linked to brain damage in some of the vaccinated. he found exposure to thimerosal[the mercury compound used]-containing vaccines �at one month of age to be associated significantlywith a misery and unhappiness disorder expressed by uncontrollable crying that is dose related.�that is, the higher the child�s exposure to thimerosal the higher the misery. � the vaccine papers by janine roberts what they have come up with, both in congressionalcommittees and independent research is overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence that the autismepidemic has three primary vaccine related

causes: aluminum mercury mmr vaccine, aluminumkills brain cells. that�s not even controversial. it�s the principal adjuvant in today�svaccines. mercury in vaccines is in the form of thimerosal. mmr vaccine does not containmercury. all 3 causes have been widely explored. but never together by mainstream science.the subject is verboten. measles � mumps rubella vaccine in the us, the mmr vaccinewas added to the mandated schedule in 1978, approved after studies lasting only 28 days.we saw the sales pitch above. to this day, no medium or long-term safety studies of mmrhave ever been done. herd immunity as we were led down the garden path of mmr vaccination,2000 centuries of herd immunity � natural immunity � were cavalierly tossed out thewindow. before the vaccine, whoever got one

of these mild diseases thereby got lifetimeimmunity. no longer. authors who state there is no evidence ofa connection between mercury and autism are talking nonsense. here is a graph from thejournal of american physicians and surgeons which correlates mercury with autism: howmuch education do you need to read this chart? the more mercury, the more autism. researchby bradstreet et al. presented to the institutes of medicine hearings shows a �direct associationbetween increasing mercury from thimerosal containing childhood vaccines and neurodevelopmentdisorders in children.� because of overwhelming evidence, the study concluded that �mercuryshould be removed immediately from all biologic products.� that�s exactly what the fdasaid back in 1999 when it �asked� vaccine

manufacturers to leave thimerosal out. asked.cdc and apa joined the recommendation. but thimerosal was never banned, nor can it everbe. as above, settlements. class action. banning it would be confirming its toxicity in hint of that must see the light of day. on may 24, 2005, an ad in usa today in hugebold type read: �autism is preventable and reversible.� the message continued: �today,1 in 166 children is diagnosed with autism. it is critical that we have all the factsabout this epidemic, including recent developments about autism�s relationship to mercury poisoningand how the right detoxification treatment can entirely reverse the disorder. �to findout more about this life-changing news, go to generation rescuewas founded for parents by parents. we are

dedicated to empowering parents with the truthto help their children heal.� while the ad didn�t mention the word �vaccines,�it did challenge the claim by countless doctors that autism was a genetic disorder that wasnow so prominent only because the definition had been broadened and the medical communitywas doing a better job diagnosing it. it also linked toxic mercury to a disorder now calledan �epidemic.� one month later, on june 8, 2005, generation rescue paid for a startlingad in the new york times. again, the point was made that mercury can cause autism. theheadline made the case: �mercury poisoning and autism-it isn�t a coincidence. the vaccinated population had significantlyhigher rates of allergies, autism, adhd, and

learning disabilities. while dr. mawson�sstudy is small, it does show interesting differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.where is moral courage from the white house? president obama (or the next president ifhe does not act quickly enough) should clean house of all those who control federal autismresearch funding at the nih and cdc. for years, projects like dr. mawson�s vaccinated vs.unvaccinated study have been rejected as unethical, too difficult, or received a �low-priorityscore to disqualify it from funding.� as dr. thompson states, thimerosal causes ticsand causes autism-like symptoms. it is abundantly clear that the cdc and the vaccine manufacturerswill not remove the mercury-based preservative from vaccines unless they are forced to doso by regulators. it is time for a presidential

executive order removing mercury from allvaccines. in 2014, the autism cares research bill was reauthorized through 2019 with nochanges to the status quo. the agenda of the cdc and their autism speaks partners-whichhas set autism research ten years behind-remains unchanged. los gatos, california, who specialized inchildren with autism and other autoimmune disorders. i had the same experience in 2003when the facts finally overwhelmed me. listening to multiple presentations at a medical conferenceabout autism, i realized we had poisoned a generation of children with a mercury derivedpreservative called thimerosal that was in the majority of childhood vaccines. sincesafety is tested vaccine by vaccine, no one

from the cdc had ever calculated the cumulativeamounts of mercury in the childhood vaccine schedule at the time. in a flurry of emailsdated june 29, 1999, and later brought to the attention of congress and the public througha freedom of information act request, peter patri-arca, m.d., then director of the divisionof viral products at the food and drug administration�s (fda) center for biologies evaluation, wroteto his colleagues that it was not �rocket science� to add up the amount of mercurycontained in vaccines. �conversion of the percentage of thimerosal to actual microgramsof mercury involves ninth-grade math,� he pointed out. �what took the fda so longto do the calculations? � the vaccine-friendly plan � dr. paul�ssafe and effective approach to immunity and

health by paul thomas, m.d. back when it was only 1 child in 250, thehouse committee on government reform looked at autism, 2000-2003. under the leadershipof dan burton, it wasn�t the usual whitewash. burton�s grandson is autistic. from burton�sopening statement in the hearings: �through a congressional mandate to review thimerosalin medicines, the fda learned that childhood vaccines, when given according to the cdc�srecommendations exposed over 8,000 children a day in the united states to levels of mercurythat exceeded federal guidelines. is there a connection between this toxic exposure tomercury and the autism epidemic?� watch how the word �genetics� pops up when mainstreampress or �science� is talking about a

disease for which no drug or procedure hasyet been marketed. since money can�t be made by claiming to cure the disease, it issaid to be �genetic,� meaning that the disease comes from unpredictable, uncontrollablesources for which the patient is not responsible. genetic predisposition � that�s the newmantra. autism is in this category. since they don�t have a drug cure yet, autismmust be genetic. vaccination is not immunization by tim o�shea though they did not specifically study vaccination,they found that the same marker of inflammation that increases in the bloodstream after vaccination(it�s called crp) is associated with a 43 percent greater risk of having a child withautism. this was not a small study. brown

and his team examined blood samples from over1.2 million pregnancies. if that�s not enough to convince you to say no thank you to theflu vaccine during pregnancy, there�s yet another strike against this vaccine: mercury.once added to infant teething powders and face makeup, mercury is a fat-soluble heavymetal that can cross the placenta and accumulate in fetal tissue. it is also one of the mosttoxic environmental threats to human health. hundreds of well-designed studies have shownthat even very small amounts of mercury can cause devastating health outcomes. yet thevaccine preservative thimerosal, which is 49.6 percent ethylmercury by weight, is stilladded to the multidose flu vaccine given to pregnant women. i have no other way to saythis: it�s just wrong. even trace amounts

of mercury have been shown to make adultssick. the vaccine-friendly plan � dr. paul�ssafe and effective approach to immunity and one of the vaccines that has been implicatedin autism and autism-related disorders is mmr. before most children even receive themmr vaccine, they have already been exposed to a total of 187.5 micrograms of mercurythrough vaccines. all that mercury has many effects on the body, including on the immunesystem. when mercury attacks the immune cells, it causes decreased activity of the th1 lymphocytes-atype of white blood cell that fights viruses, parasites, and other disease-causing organisms.thus the immune system is compromised. the mmr vaccine-which contains three live viruses-isinjected into the bodies of children whose

lymphocytes cannot fight off viruses effectively,according to andrew wakefield, m.d. � what your doctor may not tell you aboutchildren�s vaccinations by stephania cave, m.d., f.a.a.f.p. this sharp increase in autism followed theintroduction of mmr vaccine in 1975. representative dan burton�s healthy grandson was giveninjections for 9 diseases in one day. these injections were followed by autism. thesevaccines contain a preservative of mercury called thimerosal. the boy received 41 timesthe amount of mercury, which is capable of body harm. mercury is a neurotoxin that caninjure the brain and nervous system. and, tragically, it did. the number of compulsoryvaccine injections has increased from 10 to

36 in the last 25 years. during this period,there has been a simultaneous increase in the number of children suffering learningdisabilities and attention deficit disorder. many of these childhood disabilities are relatedto intrauterine cerebral damage from maternal cocaine use, but possibly vaccines cause manyothers. another intriguing possible vaccine disability is that a dramatic increase inautoimmune diseases (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, asthma, multiple sclerosis, lupus,crohn�s disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome) has occurred which some observers feel isdue to trivalent vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella). � a physician�s guide to natural healthproducts that work by james a howenstine

there are some toxicologists who believe thatthe mercury in thimerosal, the preservative used in vaccines, has contributed to the dramaticincrease in the number of cases of autism over the past few decades. if vaccines docontribute to autism you would expect certain things to be true. vaccines should containa substance(s) toxic to brain cells. children who develop autism should be more susceptibleto these toxins. removal of these toxins should enable recovery. the nation is seemingly in the midst of anautism epidemic. the california department of developmental services found a 273% increaseof autism between 1987 and 1998. maryland reported a 513% increase in autism between1993 and 1998 and several dozen other states

have reported similar findings. hearings inthe u.s. house government reform committee were held in august 1999 and april 2000 toinvestigate the possible causes. testimony given before the committee included parentsof new jersey�s brick township, where one in 149 children suffers from autism, a muchhigher incidence than the national average. these parents contend that their childrendeveloped autistic symptoms after receiving childhood vaccinations. however, there isno conclusive evidence of the connection between autism and vaccines, with studies both supportingand dismissing the hypothesis. it is suspected that autism might be connected to the mmr(measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine. one report by dr. vijendra singh, of the department ofpharmacology at the university of michigan,

found a higher incidence of mmr antibodiesin autistic children. the cdc, which continued to receive considerableflak over thimerosal, commissioned the institute of medicine to study mercury exposure throughvaccines in infants and find out if there was any possible link to autism. while presentingits findings in 2004, the institute had categorically stated that it had found no �causal link�between vaccines that contained thimerosal and autism. some claim the institute was coachedto furnish these results. though thimerosal had been banned from use in childhood vaccinesby then, litigation over the chemical�s effects continued to pile up and the cdc neededa public agency to �dispel� these public doubts. however, among the �adverse events�found by the institute to be �consistently

linked� to the dtap and mmr vaccines wereautism and autism-spectrum disorders. there was another category which listed �secondary�autism (ever heard of a �secondary� disease?) as an adverse event, which were autism-likesymptoms caused by chronic encephalopathy (abnormalities in brain tissue) and mitochondrialdisorders. � vaccine-nation � poisoning the population,one shot at a time by andreas moritz this often gives rise to debilitating symptoms(among the agents most often introduced through vaccines is thimerosal, which is linked toneurological damage in the brain), crippling side effects and even life-threatening conditions.despite documented evidence that links vaccination to disease and injury, modern medicine insiststhat vaccines are a type of �health insurance�.

but just so you know your facts, here is abrief look at what these chemicals contain. antigen: at the crux of every vaccine is thedisease-causing microorganism or pathogen against which immunity is sought to be induced.preservatives: preservatives are used to increase the shelf-life of a vaccine by preventingbacteria and fungi from invading it. in the us, the fda allows the use of three preservatives:phenol, 2-phenoxyethanol and thimerosal. the response of the autism community to thepoling decision was to ask the logical question: �how many other cases of vaccine inducedautism have been paid from the vicp that were never announced to the public?� in april2011, a paper in the pace environmental law review revealed that eighty-three childrenwho have received compensation in the vicp

for vaccine-induced brain damage also haveautism or an autism spectrum disorder. these findings once again raised concern about acausal relationship between vaccines and autism, but the government did nothing to investigate.then, in april 2012, the cdc announced that the autism rate had increased from 1 in 110to 1 in 88 in just two years. there was no explanation from the government for this dramaticincrease. following a new york city press conference by several autism groups callingfor new hearings on the autism epidemic and the vicp, as well as the firings of severalfederal public health officials tasked with overseeing the autism research and responseefforts, indiana congressman dan burton joined the demand.

increased research dollars are spent on developingnew vaccines, but little has been done to investigate the possible connection betweenvaccines and developmental problems (as in the possible connection between the measles-mumps-rubellavaccine and autism.) the possible side effects of immunization, including rashes, fever,diarrhea, autism, and even death, have been considered to be minimal when compared tothe benefits. vaccines may even cause serious defects in immune development and function,by bombarding the immune system with �inactivated� antigens suspended in solutions of toxic additivesand solvents, including thimerosal (which contains mercury), aluminum, benzoic acid,and formaldehyde. the potentially devastating side effects associated with immunizations,combined with too many unanswered questions

regarding their safety and effectiveness,are causing many health-care experts to now object to blanket immunization. these findings, predictably, claimed therewas no link whatsoever between the mercury-containing preservative and autism. but here�s anothertwist: by the time verstraeten published his revised results, the former senior cdc epidemiologisthad thrown in his lot with big pharma and was working with glaxosmithkline! apart fromwanting to �save face�, the cdc and fda had been keen to protect the interests � mainlyfinancial � of vaccine-makers. hence, when the fda and cdc were forced to direct pharmaceuticalcompanies to stop using thimerosal in their vaccines, they bought up stocks of the �damaging�vaccines and through the who dumped them in

developing countries for their immunizationprograms. what remained with vaccine-makers continued to be administered to american childrentill stocks finally ran out. merck�s dirty secret: almost an entire decade before vaccine-makershad to stop using thimerosal in children�s vaccines, merck was aware that its vaccineswere exposing infants to mercury that was 87 times more than permissible levels. eventually � and though no causal relationshiphas yet been established between thimerosal and autism the american academy of pediatricsand the us public health service issued a joint recommendation in 1999, stating thatthimerosal be reduced or removed from all vaccines administered to infants. this wasa watershed in the history of vaccination.

but there was more good news. whether fuelledby health concerns over thimerosal or simply caving under public pressure or prompted bythe desperate need to avoid further public fury, the fda and cdc in 2001 went ahead anddirected vaccine-makers to stop using thimerosal in childhood vaccines. the only ones thatstill contain the mercury-laden preservative are some flu shots recommended for children6 months and older. but even if there is a close link between thimerosal and autism,the toxic preservative is not the only neurotoxin that contributes to this serious childhooddisease. neurotoxins assault the body from many sources all at once � household cleaningagents, consumer products, processed foods and medical formulations � and it seemsit�s all adding up.

it is appalling to me that the institute ofmedicine used this study to make such an important decision regarding the link between thimerosaland autism. since the iom�s 2004 statement, further evidence of a causal link betweenvaccine thimerosal and autism has mounted steadily. parents and professionals have questionedthe ioms decision. several publications have showed a disturbing pattern of a possiblelink between ethyl mercury and neurological damage in children. mark and david geier havepublished studies from 2005 to 2007 showing a link between heavy metal toxicity-specificallyethyl mercury-on the developing brains of children. researcher r. nataf (france) demonstratedabnormal patterns of urinary porphyrins in children in the autism spectrum as an implicationof environmental toxicity with heavy metals.

in march 2008, it was announced that the casehannah poling v. united states department of health and human services was decided infavor of the plaintiff, and a life care plan was developed to meet the medical needs ofthe child. this case was decided without having the usual hearing in court and has very definiteimplications for the vaccine-autism controversy. autism is a total body disease that requiresthinking about the body as a whole organism. unless there is a known underlying geneticdefect, such as in rett�s syndrome or fragile x syndrome, it is necessary to accept thedeveloping fetus, the newborn infant, or the toddler as starting out with normal biochemistry,physiology, and neurology. the developing child is then hit with one or many environmentalinsults. the fetus is exposed through the

mother who may receive mercury-containingvaccines for rh incompatibility, measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine for negative rubella titers,mercury through dental amalgams placed during early pregnancy, or other environmental toxins).in the case of the susceptible newborn infant and toddler, multiple exposures to mercury-containingand multiple antigen vaccines are highly suspect in the causation of multiple organ injury.the gi tract, the liver, the pancreas, the kidneys, the immune system, and the brainare major sites of mercury absorption. � disease prevention and treatment by lifeextension foundation in 2015, autism prevalence is 1 in 68 in theunited states. the 1 in 68 figure is based on children born in 2002. in other words,the real rate may be much higher; we don�t

know. polio, mmr, dtap were all on the schedulepre-1986. hep b and hib were added in the early 1990s at approximately the same timethat the autism rate began to skyrocket. chicken pox (1996), rotavirus (1998), hep a (2000),pcv (2001), and flu (2004) soon followed. if you are over the age of twenty-seven, youlikely received the ten-injection vaccine schedule and you likely know very few peerswith autism. if you are under age twenty, you likely received twenty to thirty-sevenvaccines and you likely know many people with autism. autism prevalence is up more that14,000 percent over the thirty-year period from 1985 to 2015. this increase evisceratesthe theory that genes cause autism. there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic. thegreat autism gene hunt has been a failure.

the dramatic increase of autism over the pasttwenty years must be attributable to something in the environment. a recent investigation has explained how mercurycan damage the brain. methylmercury, the kind put into vaccines, was found in laboratoryexperiments to be particularly toxic to neuroblasoma brain cells and to bind to many enzymes andproteins, thus probably disabling them. in the brain it inhibits �the formation ofmicrotubules.� the latter are vital �roads� within our cells. along these pass the foodsand chemicals that all parts of our brain cells constantly require in order to remainhealthy and alive, and without which they starve. mercury also accumulates in the mitochondria,the vital energy factories of the cells, damaging

their output. it also damages the ways thatcells communicate with each other. mercury ions seem to stop the assembly of �tubulin�molecules into microtubules inside brain cells, causing them to collapse into tangles of neurofibre,thus preventing the neuron cells from communicating with each other, thus damaging brain systemsincluding memory. palmer, phd, in the department of family andcommunity medicine at the university of texas-san antonio, reported in 2006 that for every thousandpounds of environmentally released mercury, there was a 43 percent increase in the rateof special-education services and a 61 percent increase in the rate of autism in texas. detectingfor and detoxifying mercury in the body in our work with children with autism and otherneurological disorders, we use a specific

program that identifies mercury and othertoxins in the body and then eliminates them. first, we screen hair and blood samples forlevels of mercury and other toxic metals. dr. amy flolmes published a study in 2003that looked at the levels of mercury in first-haircut hair in autistic and control children. itwas found that there was very little mercury in the hair of autistic children. the controlchildren showed a significant amount. dr. james adams had similar findings in a studydone in 2008. florida clinician dr. jeff bradstreet published a study in 2003 showing significantretrieval of mercury in the urine of autistic children after a challenge with 2,3 dimercaptosuccinicacid (dmsa). which representative or senator wants to godown in history as the person who brought

down the people responsible for the autismepidemic by shining a light on the corruption at cdc? the press where is the press on thisscandal? dr. thompson is a coauthor of the safety studies the press cites, and he sayshe and his coauthors �deceived millions of taxpayers about the potential negativeside effects of vaccines.� only one vaccine has ever been studied for safety regardingautism, the mmr vaccine. dr. thompson is a coauthor of the safety study, and he sayshe omitted data showing an elevated risk for autism from mmr vaccine in african americanmales. only one vaccine ingredient has ever been studied for safety regarding autism:thimerosal. dr. thompson is a coauthor of the safety study which clearly shows thatthimerosal causes tics. thompson says that

mercury-laden vaccines should never be givento pregnant women. i understand that reporting on this story may upset pharmaceutical advertisers,but is it really a hard decision for news editors whether to cover a story which materiallyaffects the health of infants? earlier that week, an institute of medicine(iom) panel issued a report, that there was no causal connection between the combinationmmr vaccine and an increased risk of autism in children. burton angrily wanted to knowwhy these officials had not recalled the mmr vaccine, in view of the fact that it containsthimerosal, a preservative which uses the toxic element, mercury, as an active ingredient(as does most other vaccines). the officials replied that pulling mmr from the market wouldcause shortages in available vaccine and would

send unjustified panic throughout the publicabout the safety of immunizations. burton told them his own grandson developed autismshortly after receiving the recommended vaccination shots. �if you at the federal health agenciesthink this issue is going to go away, you guys are blowing smoke,� he said. �ifthe health agencies don�t deal with this and deal with it quickly, you�re going tohave a big problem over here.� mmr puts measles virus in boy�s brain-a child developedsevere epilepsy after receiving the mmr vaccination. it was then that the vaccine court began hearingsin nine test cases based on three hypotheses in the famous omnibus autism proceedings.cases were selected and categorized on the basis of three assumptions: that a combinationof the mmr vaccine and thimerosal cause autism;

that thimerosal alone causes autism; and thatthe mmr vaccine alone causes autism. since then, many cases have been heard, dismissedand decided in favor of the plaintiffs. one of these, the hannah poling case of 2008,was especially pathbreaking. hannah poling had received five vaccines for nine diseasesin a single day when she was 19 months old in 2000. these were vaccines for measles,mumps, rubella, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and haemophilus influenzae.just days later, the normal, healthy, bubbly child grew lethargic, irritable and feverishand stopped speaking. she also began to experience seizures and exhibit repetitive behavior typicalof autism. in other words, almost overnight, hannah began to show symptoms of an autismspectrum disorder.

the enormous increase in autism rates, nowone in fifty children, coincides with the sharp increase in vaccination schedules. infantmonkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines develop autism, and the mechanismby which this happens is now understood. a 2011 study in human and experimental toxicologyfound a correlation between a nations vaccination rates and its infant mortality rate. the unitedstates is the most vaccinated country in the world, and despite the many other factorsthat tend to lower our infant mortality, thirty-three nations have better infant mortality rates.researchers are now attributing the epidemics of asthma, autoimmune disease, cerebral palsy,infantile convulsions, sudden infant death syndrome, and even cancer to vaccine has ever been tested to see if

it is carcinogenic, yet we inject these dangeroustoxic concoctions into our children. after accidents, cancer has become the leading causeof death for our young people. vaccines contain mercury compounds, aluminum, and formaldehyde,substances that are known to cause cancer. vaccines also contain viruses, and certainviruses are known to cause cancer. � the great american health hoax � thesurprising truth about modern medicine by raymond francis this autism general order #1 is being issuedby the office of special masters (�osm�) to address an unusual situation facing thenational vaccine injury compensation program (�program�). this situation arises outof concern in recent years that certain childhood

vaccinations might be causing or contributingto an apparent increase in the diagnosis of a type of serious neurodevelopmental disorderknown as �autism spectrum disorder,� or �autism� for short. specifically, it hasbeen alleged that cases of autism, or neurodevelopmental disorders similar to autism, may be causedby measles-mumps-rubella (�mmr�) vaccinations; by the �thimerosal� ingredient containedin certain diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (�dtp�), diphtheria-tetanus-acellar pertussis (�dtap�),hepatitis b, and hemophilus influenza type b (�hib�) vaccinations; or by some combinationof the two. when this order was issued, nearly 400 petitions had been filed over the courseof two years with the nvicp seeking compensation for vaccine-related injuries that allegedlyresulted in autism. of that amount, nearly

300 were filed in the previous six months. � the vaccine court � the dark truth ofamerica�s vaccine injury compensation program by waynerohde this is called regressive autism, which occurswhen a child appears to be developing normal social and language skills but then startsto lose them. sometimes it happens within hours or days of the mmr vaccine, and sometimesit is less closely linked, happening between the age of one and two years. there is tremendousdebate about what percentage of autism cases in children are regressive. one meta-analysisthat included data from 29,000 children with autism found that regressive autism occursat least 32 percent of the time. other published

research posits that regressive autism comprisesthe majority of cases-as high as 75 percent. to add to the confusion, we have many familieswith autistic children who do not believe their children were damaged by vaccines. howcan this be? autism is a spectrum disorder that affects different children in differentways and has multiple triggers. comparing autism to cancer is a good analogy. everyoneunderstands that there are many causes of cancer and that everyone who gets cancer respondsto it differently. mmr, measles vaccine and autism a significantnumber of parents have reported that their child acquired the symptoms of autism shortlyafter an mmr vaccination. this has also been reported by dr. wakefield and others, forexample: kimura et al: adverse events associated

with mmr vaccines in japan. also, weidal etal: acute encephalopathy followed by permanent injury or death associated with further attenuatedmeasles vaccines: a review of claims submitted to the national vaccine injury compensationprogram. but � the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines in mmr do not have mercury or aluminiumin them � nor do they have any other adjuvant. the reason for this is that mmr and single-dosemeasles vaccines produces a powerful antibody response on their own so need no how to explain this temporal association between the occurrence of mmr or measles vaccinesand the development of autism? thanks to the parents who refuse to give upon their children and to the scientists who discard the accepted dogma, the causes ofautism are emerging. present research indicates

that autism is a complex gastrointestinal(gi), immunological, endocrinological, and neurological disorder arising from a mix ofgenetic factors and environmental exposures. the genetics are multifactorial. there isno one gene that causes autism. the environmental issues are serious nutritional deficienciesresulting from the western diet, exposure to toxic metals and materials, and atypicalexposure to common childhood diseases. vaccines may expose children to unacceptable levelsof toxic metals like mercury and aluminum, to toxic materials like formaldehyde, endotoxinsand adjuvant formulations, and to altered strains of viruses which are introduced intothe body through unnatural routes. gastrointestinal (gi) damage in many of the children leadsto a leaky gut which exposes the developing

brain to morphine-like peptides, causing delayedand altered maturation. mercury vapor is toxic to the fetal brainresulting in autism, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities. mercury vapor isattracted to the pituitary gland which is only one inch away from the oral cavity. itcan pass directly along nerve sheaths to the brain. this concentration of mercury in thepituitary gland leads to decreased transport of oxygen and essential nutrients includingamino acids, glucose, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin b 12. depression of the enzyme isocitricdehydrogenase causes reduced iron uptake and underactive thyroid gland function, learningdisability, and reduced i.q. the problem with mercury during pregnancy is worsened by eitherplacing amalgams or removing amalgams during

the first trimester. mercury is responsiblefor reproductive disorders including sterility, reduced fertility, and spontaneous abortions.the pituitary dysfunction from mercury can cause hormonal problems and abnormal menstrualcycles which correct after amalgam removal with improved fertility. would there be mass hysteria, a dramatic decreasein vaccination rates because it was found that the mmr and thimerosal-containing vaccinescould cause autism? would there be a mass rush by hundreds if not thousands more childrenwho claimed a vaccination caused their autism or other disability? the standard of provingoff-table causation is known as the althen standard, and michelle cedillo met her burdenof proof under althen. but yet, the special

master ignored this. the federal governmentand the respondent in the oap hearings relied upon epidemiological studies researching infantdisabilities, autism, and genetic disorders conducted by the cdc. many of these studieswere conducted in denmark from 2002 to 2007 under the direction of lead investigator poulthorsen. as the lead investigator, mr. thorsen�s research concluded that there was no linkbetween childhood vaccinations and autism. as dr. max wiznitzer, a frequent medical expertfor the respondent, stated in his criticism of another doctor, �if you can�t trustthe researcher, you can�t trust the research.� special note: autism and vaccinations theauthor�s book, the vaccination crisis is available from the publishers of this encyclopediaand contains important information about the

relationship of mmr vaccinations, given toinfants and children, and the stupendous increase in autism. the evidence is overwhelming: mmrvaccines are the primary cause of autism! �serious problems can occur when children,especially small children, are vaccinated. of these, the rubella (german measles) vaccineis especially dangerous. it is a standard part of the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella)combination vaccine. �a 1998 research study, published in the british medical journal,lancet, reveals that the mmr vaccine could be a cause of that terrible condition, knownas autism.� specifically, mercury vapor can cause learningdisabilities, autism, and attention deficit disorder in unborn children.� he also notesthat mercury toxicity can appear as a long

list of symptoms, including irritability,restlessness, emotional instability, loss of memory, muscle weakness, loss of coordination.what your doctor may not tell you about autoimmune disorders dominal cramps, chronic diarrheaand/or constipation, abnormal heart rhythms, repeated infections, chronic headache, allergies,joint and muscle pain, unsteady gait, and depression. do these symptoms sound familiar?both dr. williamson and his colleague jordan davis, m.d., believe that mercury toxicityrelated to mercury amalgams is a significant factor in the tremendous increase in learningand behavioral problems, autism, and many other conditions, including autoimmune disorders(specifically lupus, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and hashimoto�s thyroiditis), that haveoccurred since the 1940s, the period that

corresponds to the widespread adoption ofamalgams. the world health organization states that no level of mercury can be consideredto be safe. � what your doctor may not tell you aboutautoimmune disorders by stephen b. edelson and deborah mitchell the link between mercury and autism is wellestablished, with the overall neurotoxicity of this metal a significant factor in speechdisorders and other neurodevelopmental delays in children. studies have also linked mercuryto tumors of the kidneys, lungs, and central nervous system. aluminum is another biggiein vaccines, and for what purpose is anyone�s guess. aluminum salts like aluminum hydroxideare supposed to amplify the immune response

provoked by the vaccine antigens themselves,but research shows that this �soft� metal is a major factor in macrophagic myofasciitis,or mmf, as well as autism. and then there�s the controversial sv40 virus, which was originallyextracted from rhesus monkey kidney cells back in the 1950s to produce the first vaccinefor polio. though it was supposed to have been phased out decades ago, sv40 was reportedlyadded to vaccines given to children until at least the 1990s. the infamous salk vaccinefor polio, which contained sv40, was shown in a study published in the new england journalof medicine to increase the risk of brain tumors by about 1,300 percent. � the truth about cancer � what you needto know about cancer�s history, treatment

and prevention by ty m. bollinger autism: the pertussis vaccine (dpt) may cause45,000 cases of autism per year in america, affecting 15 cases out of 10,000 vaccinations;also caused by the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (mmr) that causes mental impairment, gastrointestinaldamage, and increased mortality in 6-12 months from impaired immunity; 9 out of 10 caseswere not breast-fed; eating dairy products caused parasites in the autistic (take vermex;contact dr. nelson in mexico for control of parasites in children with autism). thereare now over 500,000 victims of autism residing in the united states, in 1994. the pertussisvaccination is not used in sweden, which has virtually 0 cases of autism, as does holland.this mental illness afflicts environmentally

and socially non-reactive persons, of withdrawnpersonality; with inability to speak, violent tantrums, insomnia, actions such as boltingacross a road with no regard for the dire consequences. may be caused infant antibioticuse in ear infections with subsequent yeast overgrowth, by cumulative genetic brain damage,vitamin deficiencies, or milk and additives allergies. this is part of what triggers an inflammatoryresponse that promotes conditions like asthma, seizures, autism, adhd, obesity, diabetes,and cancer. high-fructose corn syrup also contains measurable amounts of mercury dueto contamination from processing. in 2009, almost half of the tested samples of commercialhfcs contained mercury, detected also in nearly

a third of 55 popular brand-name food andbeverage products where hfcs is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient. worse,the government was aware of the contamination and attempted to cover it up. in 2004, reneedufault, an environmental health researcher at the fda, stumbled upon an obscure environmentalprotection agency report on chemical plants� mercury emissions. some chemical companies,she learned, make lye by pumping salt through large vats of mercury. since lye is a keyingredient in making hfcs (it�s used to separate corn starch from the kernel), dufaultwondered if mercury might be contaminating the ubiquitous sweetener that makes up oneof every ten calories americans eat. � the dirt cure � growing healthy kidswith food straight from soil by mayashetreat-klein,

m.d. mercury toxicity has also been linked withrheumatoid arthritis, alzheimer�s disease, autism, depression, attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder, and many other conditions. can we say with 100 percent certainty that mercuryis at the root of these conditions? no. but mercury is an extremely dangerous toxin, andwe have compelling evidence that it contributes to many medical conditions. making the toxin-autoimmuneconnection it�s important: to keep in mind that establishing the link between environmentaltoxins and autoimmunity is pioneering work. most researchers and physicians have not yetjumped onto the what is autoimmunity? bandwagon, but those who have, like myself, are exploringan important and complex frontier. why don�t

we have research results that show a clearcause-and-effect between toxins and various autoimmune conditions in humans? because itwould be unethical to conduct controlled scientific studies in which we inject people with mercuryor other toxins and then observe them over a period of years to see how their immunesystem responds and destroys cells and tissues throughout the body. because meningitis involves brain inflammation,the mmr vaccine had already been implicated in the united states as a possible factorin causing autism. at a press conference when the lancet article was published, wakefieldwas asked about the mmr vaccine controversy. he recommended that concerned parents talkwith their pediatricians about having their

children vaccinated with the single measlesvaccine, which was available in great britain at the time. reacting to parents, shiftingto the single measles vaccine, the british government withdrew it. with one mmr vaccinewithdrawn, parents in the lancet study blaming all commercially available mmr vaccines forcausing autism, and the single measles vaccine without the mumps component no longer available,many parents chose not to vaccinate their children against measles. while many parentsblame the british government, the medical community holds wakefield responsible forany subsequent measles outbreaks attributed to low vaccination rates. others note thatmumps, which is a mild disease in children, can cause serious complications in adults.

� science for sale � how the us governmentuses powerful corporations and leading universitiesto support government policies, silence top scientists,jeopardize our health, and protect corporate profits by david l. lewis, phd there�s nothing to prevent these sporadiccases of measles and rubella infections from generating sporadic cases of autism just likethose reported in the scientific literature. sporadic cases can also plant the seeds offuture pandemics involving atypical strains of measles and rubella. moreover, vaccinesmay not prevent the contaminant strains of measles and rubella viruses from generatinglarge numbers of sub-clinical infections, which go unreported. just as the cdc advertiseswith seasonal flu vaccines, even when vaccines

fail to prevent infections, they can makethe symptoms milder. sometimes, the symptoms are so mild that they are not recognized ascases of measles, rubella, or whatever. autism may be the least among the problems createdby vaccines that go awry. but, still, widespread sporadic cases of measles and rubella virusescould produce a significant number of autism cases in which their links to mmr vaccinesgo unnoticed. to address these possibilities, studies that can detect even sporadic casesof measles and rubella viruses, which may be occurring by the mechanisms described above,should be conducted. our objective is to investigate whether exposuresto complex mixtures of environmental pollutants and aluminum adjuvants in vaccines, especiallyduring pre- and early post-natal development,

could cause neurological disorders such asautism. then, in 2012, the biosolids industry joined forces with brian deer, and republishedsynagro�s false allegations of research misconduct. in an article titled �davidlewis, ph.d. shifts focus,� the new hampshire based north east biosolids and residuals association(nebra) supported deer�s use of synagro�s allegations, and linked to deer�s website,where deer republished synagro�s allegations.� nebra, which is sponsored by synagro, firstpublished the allegations in 2001. nebra�s mission is to �share information widely,both in and around new england and eastern canada, and through contacts around the continentand the world.� its executive director, ned beecher, is one of three national liaisonsfor staffing the water environment federation�s

(wef�s) biosolids efforts. wakefield�s research caused such a stiris because inflammatory bowel disease is commonly associated with autism, and autism is somethingthe establishment has been working tirelessly to disassociate from having any connectionto vaccines. dr. wakefield never said that vaccines caused autism, but his research seemedto inadvertently point in that direction, prompting him to suggest that parents foregothe combination mmr vaccine in favor of individual vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella.he never even came close to decrying vaccines, yet he was accused of such, slandered in themedia, and stripped of his title in the u.k. this is just one example among many of howthe system handles potential threats to its

own existence. it happens with pharmaceuticals,but it especially happens with vaccines and conventional cancer therapies. this despitethe fact that both of the latter interventions come with known risks that, in some cases,are permanent and irreversible. the principle of �do no harm� doesn�t seem to applywhen it comes to the immune system (vaccines) or a cancer diagnosis (chemotherapy), andthis is a problem. there is no question in my mind that heavymetals and chemicals are at the roots of most cases of autism. when we look at the workof dr. singh, we see that about 80 percent of autistic children have autoantibodies,especially to myelin basic protein, which affects the nervous system. (my own studyshows about 50 percent. the truth may lie

somewhere in between. but this we know: thenumber is significant.) the production of these autoantibodies is seen again and againin people with autoimmunity who are toxic for heavy metals and chemicals. in childrenwith autism, these toxins damage not only the myelin sheaths but also nerve structuresand possibly even enzyme systems within the cells, all of which work together to causethe unusual behaviors and psychological problems experienced by these children. vaccinationsand toxins some researchers are pointing to a relationship between childhood vaccinationsand the development of autism. clearly, not every child who gets vaccinations developsthe disorder, yet there have been enough cases to cause some concern.

also associated with mercury poisoning areautism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies.the institute of medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women shouldnot be injected with thimerosal, yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it.�it should be noted that dr. mae-wan ho is the director of the prestigious london non-profitorganization, the institute of science in society [isis]. she has written several importantbooks and, for more than a decade, also has been writing about the dangers of geneticallyengineered organisms long before anyone was writing about these issues in the us. thisisis article is absolutely essential reading for anyone who wants additional and unbiasedbackground information on the questionable

safety of these flu vaccines. in order tobe well informed, there also are other important questions that we all must ask every publicofficial. what vaccines are actually going to be used? there are numerous websites thatlist ingredients for all the pharmaceutical companies involved in this multimillion dollarso-called �pandemic. exploration of the environmental causes ofautism and other neurological disorders has been spurred by growing recognition of theexquisite sensitivity of the developing human brain to toxic chemicals. a growing body ofresearch shows how toxic chemicals cause injury to the developing human brain either throughdirect toxicity or interactions with the genome. the mount sinai children�s environmentalhealth center convened a workshop on �exploring

the environmental causes of autism and learningdisabilities.� leading researchers reported on ten chemicals and mixtures widely distributedin the environment that are suspected of causing developmental neurological toxicity: lead,mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, organophosphate pesticides, endocrine-disruptingchemicals (hormone disruptors), polybrominated-diphenyl ethers, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. disordersof neurobehavioral development affect 10-15% of all births. overall, genetic factors seemto account for no more than perhaps 30-40% of all such cases. � healthy living in a contaminated world� how to prevent toxic chemicals from undermining your healthby donald l. hoernschemeyer, ph.d.

autism cases have more than tripled since1994, and the number of students in public schools with learning disabilities increased65% from 1985 to 1999. the report concludes that no one cause has been discovered, butthe evidence implicates several environmental factors: toxic flame retardants, bisphenol-a,perchlorates, pesticides, and the well-established culprits of lead, mercury, dioxin, and pcbs.for information about the affects of bisphenol-a and phthalates during the growth stages ofthe fetus prepared by the endocrine disruption exchange. the possibility that toxic contaminantscontribute to the growing prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), autism,and associated neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders has been investigated by dr. theocolbom, founder and president of the endocrine

disruption exchange. she gives a historicalperspective on the co-evolution of synthetic chemicals and childhood neurological disorders.�individuals in the 1950s produced the first generation of offspring exposed to numeroussynthetic chemicals in the womb and at increased levels. by 1970 these post-wwii babies werehaving children of their own. andrew wakefield published a case series inthe lancet which revealed regressive autism associated with ileal nodular enterocolitisin children vaccinated with mmr vaccines. in a bizarre move by the general medical council12 years later, dr. wakefield�s lancet study was retracted under duress. this retractionoccurred in february 2010 just as he had published another study that revealed abnormal earlyneurodevelopmental responses in male infant

rhesus macaques receiving a single dose ofthimerosal containing hepatitis b vaccine at birth. among a number of neurologic dysfunctionsin that study was a significant delay in the acquisition of three survival reflexes-root,snout, and suck-compared with unvaccinated primates. the manuscript was accepted, publishedelectronically, and then abruptly removed without explanation. in 2010 it was printedin another journal without dr wakefield�s name. in both studies, there was no claimas to causation-just the suggestion that �further investigation is merited.� � dissolving illusions � disease, vaccines,and the forgotten history by suzanne humphries, thimerosal is the preservative added to manyvaccines that is being linked to autism, add,

and other disorders.) in the meantime, i willwait for the day that any of you on-the-air cowboys get to the core of our problems corporateamerica. when i see you exposing the pharmaceutical corporations for the crimes they commit; wheni see you demand accountability for lives lost and corruption spread; when i hear youchastising legislators and regulatory directors for allowing themselves to be bought; theni will know that you are speaking out for the little guy, the common man, american democracysumming it up bill clinton�s presidential escapades, the war in iraq, the aclu�s attackon christian symbols, the scandal in the priesthood� these are significant issues, but also serveas deflectors from what is really happening not in america, but to america. the obviousconclusion that can be drawn from all of this

is that media, and the few �exalted� oneswithin its ranks, support the greedy, malicious pharmaceuticals. they intend to make certainthat the advertising dollars from pharmaceuticalcorporations keep right on flowing to media corporations. � too profitable to cure by brent hoadley,ph.d. as with mercury and lead, high levels of copperare also associated with mental and emotional disorders, including autism, behavioral problems,childhood hyperactivity, clinical depression, anxiety, postpartum psychological problems,hallucinatory and paranoid schizophrenia, insomnia, mood swings, stuttering, and seniledementia (senility). sources of copper include

beer, copper cookware, copper plumbing, industrialwastes, insecticides, pasteurized milk, tap water, and various foods, as well as swimmingpool chemicals and permanent-wave solutions. the u.s. food and drug administration (fda)has never published a recommended daily allowance for copper, but the national academy of sciences�national research council recommends a daily intake of 1.5 to 3.0 milligrams per day foradults, 1.5 to 2.5 milligrams for children, and 0.4 to 0.6 milligrams for infants lessthan six months old. copper levels can be determined through blood tests, urine samples,and hair analysis. normal urine samples collected over a twenty-four hour period contain 15to 40 micrograms of copper. � prescription for nutritional healing byphyllis a. balch

vaccinations have now produced a great varietyof medical disorders, from autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and leukemia to brain degenerationand possibly even autism spectrum disorders. we cannot afford to ignore these harmful effects. � dr. blaylock�s prescriptions for naturalhealth � 70 remedies for common conditions by russell l. blaylock by �long-term effects,� i refer to hyperactivity,attention deficit disorder, aggressiveness, learning disabilities, epilepsy, autism, dyslexia,and mental retardation. i would also like to hear from parents whose babies may havedied from sudden infant death syndrome, and who think this may be attributed to a vaccination.if your children are not vaccinated, have

they caught any of the childhood diseases?did they get these diseases if they were vaccinated? rene reeves toledo, oregon winter 1994 dearmothering, i appreciate your articles on natural childbirth, breastfeeding, and particularlyvaccinations. i am wondering if anyone has noticed a connection between the recent practiceof vaccinating newborns against hepatitis b and the surge in respiratory syncytial virus(rsv) infections and deaths in very young babies. it seems that when an inoculationdistracts up to 90 percent of the immune system, a baby could be left extremelyvulnerable to infections such as rsv. � vaccination the issue of our times by peggy o�mara

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