Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

brown marks on teeth near gum line

congratulations on getting your braces, jacob.i'm going to go over how to take care of your braces. now that you have your braces on you... thumbnail 1 summary
brown marks on teeth near gum line

congratulations on getting your braces, jacob.i'm going to go over how to take care of your braces. now that you have your braces on youhave to learn how to eat your food a little differently. as far as anything that's hard:raw fruits, vegetables, pizza, french bread; anything that's hard or mildly hard you wantto get into the habit of cutting it up or tearing it up and placing it into the're not going to want to use your front teeth to bite down into anything. the pressurefrom that will cause your brackets to fall off. also, as far as candy, you can't haveanything chewy or sticky: bubble gum, now or laters, laffy taffy, you can't have anyof that because that will also cause breakage. i'm going to go over how to brush your's very important with braces that when

you brush your teeth, you get under and overyour brackets. you want to make sure that you remove all the film away from your teeth,otherwise if that film sits on your teeth, it will turn into plaque, get hard, and startto form cavities on your teeth. when you floss your teeth, this is called superfloss, a uniquefloss. it comes in a little bag like this, we're going to give you a little sample. what'sunique about this floss is that you have a little plastic part, and a spongy part, and floss, allin one strand. you're going to take the plastic part and thread it through just like're going to use the spongy part to clean around the brackets and then you have theactual floss to floss around into your gumline. it's very important that you floss every day.and then you also have some flouride rinse.

you don't have to use this particular brand,but anything with flouride in it, i want you to swish around with it before you go to bedat night for 30 seconds. so it should be the very last thing you should do after you brushyour teeth. swish around with it for 30 seconds, after that you can't have anything to eator drink for 30 minutes there afterwards. you'll notice sometimes with your braces,you might have a wire that's poking you or a bracket that's bothering you. what you'regoing to do with the wax, you'll take a little piece of wax, roll it up into a little ball,you'll place it over the bracket or the wire, kind of creates like a little band-aid onthe inside of your mouth so you can't feel anything. less is best with the wax. alsoyou have some orabase. you will notice, sometimes

you will get little sores on the inside ofyour mouth. this is kind of like a little numbing cream. if that were to happen youjust take a little piece of this, rub it on the inside of your cheek and it numbs it andmakes it feel better. also, you're going to get a little travel toothbrush. you'll noticewhen you're out with family or in school, you'll notice that food will get stuck betweenthe wire and the bracket. take this like so, and when you brush, just make sure you goover and under just like so, to get all the food out. also you'll notice when you eatyour food, that the food will get stuck between the wire and the bracket. this is called aproximal brush. you'll take this brush just like so, and just thread it through the wireand the bracket. just be careful not to yank

or pull, you don't want to break the bracket.also, we're going to go over how to wear your rubber bands. i'm going to have you hold thatmirror for me. it's very important that you wear your rubber bands 24 hours a day. sohypothetically, if you go to bed a 9 o'clock at night, i'd like for you to take that rubberband off and switch it to another one, every night. you're going to place it on this hookhere, one hook on top, to the very last hook on the bottom. just like so. same goes forthe other side. very first hook on the top to the very last hook on the bottom. smilefor me and look in the mirror. and that's exactly how you're going to be wearing yourrubber bands. it's very important that you wear these 24 hours a day. when you come infor your appointments we can actually tell

if you've been wearing them. it's going tohelp fix your jaw relationship, so you've got to make sure you're being compliant withus, ok? if you notice you have anything broken, let mom or dad know so we can get you in hereand get it fixed; it can actually put you back in treatment some, so be very mindfulif you have anything broken.

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