symptoms that indicate a sinus infection nota cold a sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, is a very common upper respiratory tractinfection that affects millions of people every year. it occurs when your nasal cavities becomeswollen and inflamed. but treating a sinus infection is often delayedbecause people do not recognize a sinus infection in the initial stage. 1. pain in your face one of the best ways to distinguish betweena common cold and a sinus infection is the
pain and pressure you feel in your face withan infection. the pain may be worse when you move your headforward or touch the areas overlying your sinus cavities. as the inflammation reduces and the infectionclears, the pain will go away. 2. yellowish or greenish discharge discolored nasal discharge � green, yellowor blood-tinged � is another sign of a sinus infection. this is mainly due to the virus in your system,which causes the discharge to change colors. the nasal discharge you experience with acommon cold is clear and more liquid in nature.
when suffering from a sinus infection, you�ll find that you need to blow your nosemore frequently to get rid of the thick accumulated mucus. 3. coughing up phlegm a cough often accompanies a sinus infection,but many people assume it is due to a cold or bronchitis. coughing due to a sinus infection usuallyis worse at night and in the morning. you can reduce the frequency and intensityof your coughing by sitting upright to sleep. it will also help you sleep better, whichis important for recovery.
4. bad breath bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is another common symptom of a sinus infection.in fact, they go hand in hand. as the bacteria are bathed in mucus, it causesbad breath. to improve the smell of your breath, maintain oral hygiene by brushing twice aday and flossing once daily. you can also use a mint-flavored mouthwash. 5. toothache believe it or not, pain in the upper teethis a fairly common symptom of a sinus infection. this pain is not an indication of an actualproblem with a tooth.
if you have a persistent toothache, consultyour doctor to determine whether the pain is due to a sinus infection or other possible dental issueslike periodontal disease, teeth grinding, cavities or dental abscesses. 6. stuffy ears along with a stuffy nose, a sinus infectioncan cause stuffy ears. it�s a muffled-ear sensation, your sinuses and ears are connected insideyour head. so, the congestion and inflammation of thenasal passages can affect the pressure in
your ears. also, a buildup of pressure in the inner earcan make you feel dizzy at times.
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