when talking about risks for a person thatwas going to pursue sedation dentistry, the risks are very minimal, provided that thepatient is adequate with the medical history, when discussing with the dentist. most peopleare very good candidates, provided they don't have any problems with breathing or any sortsof cardiovascular problems. we're more concerned with the post-op complications that we seeas a result of the sedation. for example, the amnesia is a typical symptom that we seeof having sedation, it is because of this, that we tell you, again, that you cannot makeany sort of educated or legal decisions, within the first twenty-four hours of sedation. thatwe consider to be a risk because they're often times where we won't have you sedated andwe're performing a procedure and we have to
kind of deviate it from the treatment plan,that we had discussed. it's because of that that we need to make sure that you understandthat there is a risk that the plan may be altered a little bit and it's because of that,you being sedated will not be able to make the best decision that you normally could.certainly there's other typical risks, it's normal to be a little dizzy or a little bitnauseous or definitely very tired, after the sedation. those are what we would considernormal complications, after a sedation procedure. in terms of fatal risks, we don't see anyrisks that would typically complicate the ability to deliver adequate sedation, forthe patient.
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