Senin, 02 Januari 2017

brown stains on teeth gum line

hi and welcome to ancient medicine today,brought to you by i'm jordan rubin and today, we're going totalk about something... thumbnail 1 summary
brown stains on teeth gum line

hi and welcome to ancient medicine today,brought to you by i'm jordan rubin and today, we're going totalk about something that everybody watching is going to be interested in, seven secretsto reverse wrinkles and reduce age spots. and i can tell you, after crossing the 40mark, this is something that's important to me and i know it's important to virtuallyall of you. and if you're someone who's young enough notto have wrinkles or age spots you will learn seven powerful secrets to prevent them. people spend, i think, hundreds of millionsif not billions of dollars worldwide to improve the appearance of their skin, particularlyto reduce fine lines and wrinkles and age

spots. but remember, your skin is a reflection ofyour internal body. so we're going to talk about ways to use foodas medicine to transform the health of your face. and remember, as always on ancient medicinetoday, if you love what you are seeing, make sure to click the like button, punch thatshare button so you can share this information with those who need it. number one, a low sugar diet. consuming sugar can age you.

and i believe you can start building goodhabits when you're young. i know people that consume five or even 10sugar or corn syrup filled beverages a day. even lots of fruit juice can cause issues. your insulin goes haywire and when your hormonesstart to become imbalanced, you begin to experience accelerated aging. think about this, people with diabetes tendto age quicker. they have advanced aging symptoms with somethingcalled glycation. and glycation, which is really a caramelizationof sort of proteins and sugars, happens when we consume a high sugar diet.

so lower the sugar in your diet that wouldinclude fruit and fruit juices. we've often said two servings of fruits aday should be maximum. and look for lower sugar, higher antioxidantfruits, such as berries, kiwi, grapefruit, green apple etc. so the number one secret to reverse wrinklesand reduce age spots, a low sugar diet. number two, you want to completely avoid trans-fats. now trans-fats are damaged fats and i believethey suck antioxidants out of your body. and when you want to improve your skin, youwant to make sure to have access to antioxidants and good fats.

anything that is containing a hydrogenatedor partially-hydrogenated oil on the packaging or if you're eating fast food and you don'tsee a listing of ingredients, you can be sure that these deep-fried products are loadedwith trans-fats. and when you process vegetable oils, thinkof corn, to an extent, canola; sunflower, safflower, that process can also cause theoils to become unstable and they are similar to trans-fat. so you want to lower your sugar and you wantto eliminate trans-fats. number three, i believe the best beauty foodof all is bone broth. bone broth contains collagen, which is a majorcomponent of your skin.

but it also contains glucosamine, chondroitinand hyaluronic acid, which are anti-inflammatory as well as potassium and sodium, which balanceelectrolytes, which are also great for your skin. consume one to three cups of bone broth aday. you can make it yourself. there are great recipes on you can buy bone broth at your local healthfood or grocery store or you can consume a powdered protein made from bone broth. also, check out dr. axe’s book, "bone brothbreakthrough," with great information and

recipes on how to incorporate broth into yourdiet. it is the ultimate internal beauty product. the fourth secret to reverse wrinkles andreduce age spots is a powerful combo of herbs known as ayurvedic herbs. they're popular in india, ashwagandha andamla berry. amla berry, also known as indian gooseberry,is a powerful source of vitamin c, polyphenols and other antioxidants. and ashwagandha helps to increase dhea, theyouth promoting hormone, and the lower cortisol, which is a hormone that causes acceleratedaging.

in a clinical study, extracts from ashwagandhaand amla berry were shown to improve beauty and reduce signs of aging. so this is an antiaging botanical duo supreme. i'm jordan rubin here at ancient medicinetoday, brought to you by, and we are sharing seven secrets to reverse wrinklesand reduce age spots. so every woman and man needs to learn thesepowerful secrets to begin looking younger today. number five, frankincense, particularly frankincenseessential oil. i love the fact that organic frankincenseessential oil, when applied topically to age

spots over time, is believed to dissolve them. mainly due to the frankincense components,boswellic acid and others, that are anti-inflammatory. frankincense should be part of your dailycosmetic or skincare regimen. you can dab it on directly or mix it in whatwe call a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil and others. those are really good for the skin as well. i like rosehip seed oil, avocado oil. so frankincense topically and also consumedinternally, two to three drops, two to three times a day in liquid is a great anti-inflammatoryregimen.

a lot of times, your skin is a reflectionof your internal body, but we need to tame that inflammation to begin to reverse theaging process. the sixth secret to reverse wrinkles and reduceage spots is resveratrol. resveratrol has been called the miracle molecule. it is found in grapes and an herb called chineseknotweed. now resveratrol has certain molecules thatactually affect your dna, and it's been touted to do so many things, but resveratrol foundin our diet in grape skin, grape seeds, particularly dark-colored grapes, also in blueberries andstrawberries, is powerful. so i recommend one of my favorite sourcesof resveratrol, muscadines.

now muscadines are called grapes, but they'renot really grapes. they actually have an additional chromosome,20 instead of 19, glad you knew that, i'm sure, and you can eat the muscadine with theskin and the seed, although i have lost a composite feeling or cracked one as a result. but it really is good. the skin and the skin of grapes are concentratedsources of resveratrol. organic, sulfite-free red or dark wine isalso a good source. certainly, you can consume that in moderation. resveratrol, again, it's found in purple orblack foods.

another source would be the brazilian grapecalled jabuticaba, acai has a little bit. so these are all good sources. the thicker the skin of the grape, the moreantioxidants, including resveratrol, that it has. so this is really powerful. and,, of course, you can take organic resveratrolsupplements to get a proper dosage to help you reduce age spots in reverse wrinkles. the seventh secret to reverse wrinkles andreduce age spots is green tea. i don't know if you've noticed this, but asianindividuals, particularly chinese people,

if you see them, a lot of times, they're intheir 70s and 80s and you would think they are 10 or 20 years younger. now it is been shown through research thatthe chinese consume as much as 10 strong cups of green tea a day. green tea has an antioxidant catechin calledegcg, which is a powerful antioxidant and can reverse advanced symptoms or signs ofaging. so i recommend you consume green tea. matcha is becoming very popular, there's jasmine,but green tea is loaded with antioxidants. i like doing loose-leaf teas and use a littletea steeper.

i put about a tablespoon of green tea andi'll add some other herbs and spices because there are so many that are good for your skin,put boiling hot water and i'll steep it for four minutes or sometimes i'll steep it overnightto get more of the antioxidants. remember, folks, while you can add sweetenerto that tea, you can even add a little oil, the more bitter the tea, the better for yourskin. folks, there are so many people spending millions,if not billions of dollars, collectively to reverse aging signs. we’re talking about cosmetic procedures,injections, creams, lotions and potions, but the bottom line is here at, we knowthat food is medicine and it is so important

to look to food first to improve your health. so let's do a recap on the seven secrets toreverse wrinkles and reduce age spots. number one, we want to have a low sugar dietbecause sugar imbalances some hormones and causes glycation, which can cause you to age. we want to eliminate trans-fatty acids. no hydrogenated oils and try not to heat polyunsaturatedvegetable oils, such as corn, cotton seed, sunflower and safflower. bone broth, the miracle food for internaluse and external beauty. gives you collagen, gives you chondroitin,powerful amino acids to boost your skin and

reduce inflammation. the dynamic duo of herbs, ashwagandha andamla berry, to improve the appearance of your skin, reverse wrinkles, and produce an antiagingeffect through cortisol reduction and antioxidants. frankincense essential oil, this is idealfor age spots. you have to be consistent, but dab some organicfrankincense essential oil right on your age spot and in about three weeks, i think you'llsee some results. resveratrol from dark grapes, organic, sulfite-freewine. muscadines are great. other dark fruits have some resveratrol ora supplement containing grape extract and

chinese knotweed. and last, but not least, green tea. remember, asians consume as many as 10 cupsa day. so consume some strong, organic green teaand you will begin to look younger each and every day. folks, we are here live every day 10:30 amcentral time here at ancient medicine today and we exist to teach you that food is medicine. so whether you want to improve your skin oryou want to improve your overall health, this is your one-stop shop.

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