Senin, 02 Januari 2017

calcification between teeth

- [presenter] for over 20 years, he has passionatelystudied the art and science of natural healing and made it his mission to spread the wor... thumbnail 1 summary
calcification between teeth

- [presenter] for over 20 years, he has passionatelystudied the art and science of natural healing and made it his mission to spread the wordof health and wellness to the global community. since founding global healing center in 1998,he has led the research and development team in formulating groundbreaking nutraceuticalsdesigned to promote internal cleansing and good health. his approach is based on the understanding that disease is caused by an accumulationof toxins within the body. tonight, dr. group will be sharing with you his expert opinionon how you, too, can discover the secret to health. dr. edward group is a doctor of chiropractic,a naturopathic physician, certified clinical nutritionist, a holistic health practitioner,certified clinical herbalist, and a diplomat

of the chiropractic board of clinical nutrition.a published author, frequent radio and television guest, and internationally known speaker hisaccomplishments in science and natural medicine have garnered worldwide recognition.under his leadership, global healing center has become one of the world's most respectednatural and alternative health resources. his passion and integrity truly solidify hisposition as a modern-day renaissance man. please join me in welcoming to the stage.dr. edward f. group. [applause] - [dr. group] thank you. thank you. thank.i appreciate that. i don't know about renaissance man, more like renegade man. thank you somuch for coming out and listening to this

tonight. this is very important, and it'sclose to my heart because originally i wanted to be a medical doctor, and ended up meetingsomebody that got me into natural medicine and kind of had an argument with him. the way i was trained really was that medicineis everything. it wasn't until i actually went and started looking and breaking downthe prescription medications, really, and found that was just a band-aid. it was justputting something over a symptom but not addressing the root cause of disease. that's what ledme to develop the secret to health, because really disease is not something that peopleshould be fearful of. right now, 10 out of 10 people, pretty much,are suffering from something, whether it's

a headache once a week or joint pain or musclepain. it's not something that everybody needs to run to their doctor for. even when i wasgoing through training and trying to learn everything i can about natural medicine, still,even when i was meeting with medicine men or if i was going through chiropractic, ori was going through naturopathic or whatever. it still didn't teach me the root cause really.still, all of that was . . . okay. well, instead of prescribing a medication, let's prescribewhite willow bark for your headache or something like that. now chiropractic is awesome becausethere's so much that it does to reactivate all the organs and everything, but what iwanted to do was figure out what is it that causes all negative health conditions. whatis the root cause of all disease? that's what

i'm gonna share with you tonight. so basically everything is in can look for all the answers out here for years and years and years. i had a degenerativedisease clinic because cancer was really something that i wanted to focus on. that was . . . i'mthe type of person that i want the hardest thing, and then i want to learn every singlething about it. if nobody in the world knows how to cure cancer, i want to figure it out. myself and a few other people just dove reallydeep into that, years ago, while we were studying all this, and said, "we're gonna figure outhow to teach people," because everybody has a self-healing mechanism inside their body."that's what's not being taught.

the best medicine and the best doctor is you,but you're supposed to listen to your body, and you're supposed to listen to your symptomsthat the body gives you, because the body will always give you symptoms. that headacheis not your body telling you, "run to get some ibuprofen." that's your body tellingyou you ate something wrong. you slept wrong. something is malfunctioning within your system.i was young and getting out of school. we just . . . i went down. we trained with allthe doctors in mexico because they have to go down there, because you're not allowedin the united states to heal disease or teach somebody how to heal disease. anybody thatstarts to become successful will get run out of town, or they'll get raided or anythinglike that.

some of the stuff that i'm gonna talk to youguys about, hopefully a lot of you already know it. but if you pick someone off the street,and you start going into a lot of the stuff we're gonna share tonight, you have to havean open mind, because some of this stuff . . . every single thing that i'm gonna tell you tonightis 100% true. whether you agree with it or not is up toyou, but what i say is i've spent 20 years doing research on every single one of thesetopics that i'm gonna share with you tonight. if you want some of that research, feel freeto contact me, but i always recommend people do their own research because that's whatreally changes you. somebody can come up to you and say, "yeah,gluten is bad for you." maybe that person

will believe them, but i'm the type of personthat i want to see all the research behind it. so when we felt comfortable with our theoriesand with what we had learned, we opened up a degenerative disease clinic and cancer clinic,even though everybody told me not to, in 1999, here in houston, actually. it got so big, so fast, because we had suchgood success rates. when the patients would come in, and we would talk to them, i wouldsay . . . we ended up having people from all over the world flying in, with all differenttypes of diseases, that had already seen 10, 15, 20 different doctors, even natural doctorsthat still couldn't figure out what was wrong with they would come in and look me in the face,

and they would usually be upset. they wouldsay, "well, what are you gonna do that none of the other doctors did?" i said, "okay.well, what's wrong with you?" "well, i have cancer." "okay. well, tell me why you havecancer. explain to me why you have cancer." they said, "well, i don't know. my doctorjust said i had cancer." i said, "well, don't you think that you needto understand why you have cancer first, before you learn how to get rid of your cancer? didany of your doctors explain to you the root cause of your cancer?" they would say, "no,nobody ever did." i said, "so what did any of those doctors do to take two steps backand cleanse you and detoxify you, because obviously your body is already toxic, beforethey put you on chemo and radiation and before

they put you on all kinds of natural stuff?"they would say, "well, nothing." i said, "okay. well, that's what we're gonna do that's differentthan everybody else." then we would take them through a two or three-hour lecture. it's not only cancer. every single thing herethat you're gonna learn in an hour and a half is more than all the medical doctors knowout there, the majority of them and majority of people out there. you'll have all the answersthat you need, and you'll totally understand what causes disease and negative health conditions.we were really successful with that clinic, until the word got out. then we ended up gettingraided and was told that we couldn't do what we were doing, here in the united states.basically i had to shut down, and they still

come in my office two times a year. matter fact, they were just in last week,the fda, for five hours, harassing us about what we're trying to do, because we're tryingto help people. so first, i want to start off by giving you a little background abouthow health came about and science came about. from christ to the 1600s, the mission of sciencebefore the modern era . . . this is before pharmaceuticals . . . was to gain an understandingof the natural order, so we can live in harmony with it. but then we had the scientific revolutionup to 1643, and that was the start of the man made science. nature had to be bound intoservice and made a slave. she was to be put in constraint. the aim of the scientist wasto torture nature's secrets from her. since

that time, everything has been going downhill.the new mission statement, after 1643 to the present, is to obtain knowledge that can beused to dominate and control nature. you see everybody across the world right now who'ssuffering from sickness, but what a lot of people don't know is the whole world is sufferingfrom sickness. we're losing 200 species a day, that are eliminated forever. the earthis just as sick as everybody else is. so what's the difference between modern medicineand natural medicine? modern medicine is that an organism is controlled from inside thecell, that the genes control the organism, and heredity passes the traits, which is calledgenetic determinism. that means if your mom had breast cancer, you might have breast cancer.what's crazy right now is that you have women

that are going in and getting double mastectomiesbecause their doctor told them that they have a chance to get breast cancer, because theirmom had breast cancer, but that is not true. that's actually been proven by a guy nameddr. bruce lipton, who's a cellular biologist. he once made one of the greatest discoveriesof all time, that natural medicine is an organism, being us or any organism, a tree or something,is controlled from outside the cell. the environment controls the organism, which is called geneticadaptation. so we're basically going to adapt to what we're exposed to. that's what makessense. obviously if we drink a bunch of gasoline or something, that's gonna affect us.what exactly is a gene? a gene is a dna segment that determines your individual traits, characteristics,or susceptibility to disease. now if we look

at it in natural medicine, the way that it'ssupposed to be, that the genes get the signals from outside of the cell, that all the commandsand body function is determined by the energetic reading of the environment, either the internalenvironment and the external environment. it comes from the outside, in. we smell it.we taste it. we're exposed to emfs or something like that.modern medicine is just the opposite. it says that the genes get signals from inside ofthe cell, which is impossible, really, if you think about it. all the commands and bodymechanics start in the nucleus of the cells. right? how many times have you heard the nucleusis the brain of the cell? that's where everything starts. well, dr. lipton wanted to prove that wrongand actually removed the nucleus, the brain,

from the cell, and the cell still was alive.the cell still lived. it respirated. it went to the bathroom. it couldn't replicate, butit was living. it still lived. so that means that modern medicine is completelywrong, that the outside of the cell, the cell membrane, is really the brain of the cell,because when he removed the cell membrane, it'd be like removing your skin. then thecell died. the reason i'm explaining that is becauseall disease starts at the cellular level, or all malfunction starts at the cellularlevel. we have 100 trillion cells. cells clump together to make tissues. tissue clumps togetherto make organs. organs work to develop systems in the body. then all of that together isthe human body.

so what really causes malfunction or whatreally causes disease is the perception in alterations in cellular function from theinternal and external environment, what you're exposed to, the air you're exposed to, theenvironment you're exposed to, if you live in a big city as opposed to out in the woods.that would be your external environment. words that are coming in at you, the people thatyou meet, those are all external things that would affect you and stress you out or causesome negative harm. the internal environment is really the majorityof stuff we're gonna be talking about today, is how the internal environment affects you.that's gonna be through the foods, the beverages, the heavy metals, the drugs. physical andemotional stress is gonna be an external.

microbial infestation, parasites would bean internal. negative belief patterns, blocked elimination routes, which is one of the reasonswhy we have too many toxins coming into the body on a daily basis and not enough comingout, where your cells become confused and start malfunctioning. now if you look at the way that life is, ingeneral, every living substance or every organism, living organism, is composed of at least 80%water, minimum. the earth itself is composed of 80% water, minimum. the cells are filledwith water. your cells are filled with water, and around your cells is water. it's veryclose to sea water, actually. it's almost identical to sea water, but it's water.

what happens is the water in your cell andthe water surrounding your cell starts to become toxic, and your self-healing mechanismthat you were born with, the one that's the most powerful that you have, starts to falldown. your self-healing mechanism can't be activated. it's hard to activate your self-healingmechanism. i talked about how your body is water. thisis very interesting, because there was a guy named masaru emoto, who did a lot of researchon water structure and function. he found that the water can change by toxin exposure,your thought patterns, belief, the frequency, exposing the cell to potentially dangerousconditions, or it can change when you expose the cell to healthy conditions as this is some of the findings that he found

in the structure of water. so what a perfect,clean water should look like, the slide on the left. it's a crystalline structure, justlike your cell membrane is a crystalline structure, when it's normal and it has everything itneeds. because as a crystal, it acts as a semiconductor. it has gates and channels thatopen and close, and it can receive frequencies or signals and send frequencies and signals.that's exactly what you want. so what he did was he took two vials, onewith pure, clean water and another vial which was contaminated with toxins. he looked atit under a microscope, and this is what he saw. so you can see that the one that's contaminatedwith toxins is altered and is malfunctioning. one vial, he put the word "thank you" on it,with clean water, and the other vial he wrote,

"you make me sick. i will kill you." thenhe tested the water again, and that's what he came out with. he then wanted to see how sound affected yourwater. so you can see that bach's "air for the g string" has a six-sided crystallinestructure, where heavy metal music completely breaks the structure of water. it can't functionproperly. so even though the sound and the music that you listen to is very important.after he did all that, which were external factors on the water, trying to figure outhow that was gonna affect water, then he said, "well, i wonder if we can affect water justby thinking, just by thoughts." so there was a pond, and this pond was heavily contaminated.he took a sample of it, the water, which is

on the left, before offering a prayer. therewas like three or four monks, i think, with them.he took a sample of it, and then they went to the pond. they sat around, and they allthought positive thoughts, like love and blessings and all this stuff, into the water for like15 or 20 minutes. then they took another reading, and that's what happened to the water. sothat is pretty amazing when you can think, put good thoughts into something, and haveit go from that contamination to a perfect, angelic-looking crystal right there. the one thing that i'm gonna be talking aboutthis a lot later, that really worries me and a lot of the physicians, the natural physiciansthat are out there right now that are seeing

this in their practice, is electromagneticradiation. what worries me is when you can't see somethingand you can't feel something, but it's there, bombarding your body in a negative way, andyou really don't have any choice to get away from it. that's electromagnetic radiation.what he found was the water was the worst with electromagnetic radiation, because onthe right, you see water influenced by electromagnetic waves, continue to be broken because of thewaves. they can't reform themselves into crystals. that's what tv, cell phones, electromagneticwaves, and other different types of frequencies, microwave radiation, etc. looking at all thedifferent types of toxins, all the different things that can cause disease, after so manyyears, we actually went through so much testing.

i had over 300 different nutritional supplementsthat we were using with people. but again, i only did that for a while becausei realized that there was something even simpler than that and simpler than that and simplerthan that. i'm not talking about stuff that you get at vitamin shoppe. we had individualsupplements that were really high-tech, coming from germany and switzerland and all differentareas of the world. we started researching. it was like, "whyis this stuff not taught?" what's going on here? so we looked at all these toxin-exposurepathways and said, "okay. we know that the air, the food, the water, blah, blah, blahare coming into the body. but how are they getting into the body?"

so then we looked at all the exposure pointsand realized that about 95% . . . even the toxins that you breathe in through your respiratorysystem, a lot of times, still get caught in your mucus membranes. that's why you havethe little nose hairs and all that. you secrete mucus, and then it drains down into your stomachto protect the lungs, really, from breathing in a lot of stuff. although, you still doget toxins in through your skin and your lungs, probably about 5 to 10%.but we really realized the most important area, where 90, 95% of these things were enteringyour body, was the intestines and the colon. it's how most of the disease-causing, emotional-disrupting, cellular-malfunctioning things happen. that's the first exposure point.

i put "closely guarded secret by big pharma"because when we realized that the target point was the intestines, i started asking all thegastroenterologists. i started calling around, figuring out what the training was like. irealized that they really didn't have any training in the gastrointestinal tract. eventhe gastroenterologists really didn't know about any type of toxins.that led me to thinking, "well, why is it that we have, supposedly, the best scientistsin the world, in the medical arena, and they still don't know what the appendix is? thatdoesn't make sense." you know? still, to this day, the medical profession does not knowwhat the appendix is. so i started trying to find out what the appendix was.there's really not a lot of information out

there. we ended up tracking down and translatinginformation from german and russian documentation. they know. germany is way ahead of us, asfar as natural medicine goes. found out that the appendix is really the brain of your's really your micro computer chip. it's not up in your brain, like what we thoughtbefore, the nucleus of the cell was the brain. then we learned it's not. now we learned that the appendix is the brainof the body, and the reason why it is is because your appendix is located at the juncture ofyour small and large intestine. why wouldn't the micro relay center of the brain of yourbody . . . why would it not be located in the intestines? that's where every singlething comes in.

the appendix actually helps regulate everysingle system in your body, the neurological, the endocrine system, because it knows andreads what you put in your system. it's gonna read the acid/alkaline base. it's gonna readwhat your probiotics is like. it's gonna tell your liver what to prepare for. it's gonnatell your brain and your hormones and your endocrine system what hormones to produce. it's gonna relay every single thing that you'vegiven it. either you've given it unhealthy stuff, and it's gonna relay that to your body,or you've given it healthy stuff. it's gonna tell you . . . your water, all that stuff. . . so it just goes to show you, again, how important the intestines and the colonis. you have 30 feet or so of intestinal lining,

about 20 feet or so of the small intestine,and then you have 10 feet in the colon. a lot of people focus on the colon, whichis very important, but a lot of people don't focus on the small intestine. that's reallywhere, a lot of times, you're gonna get a lot of absorption of you can see on the left, this would be a healthy colon. a toxic colon would be anybodysuffering from gas, bloating, diverticulitis, colon polyps, colitis, any type of impaction,strictures, anything like that. i put on there, "if the average person knew that regainingtheir health was as easy as cleaning their intestines and the environment they exposethemselves to, then we wouldn't need prescription drugs." so kind of touched on this, but this is kindof the map that we put together to show how

disease really takes effect inside the if you take . . . these numbers are probably a lot under, actually, than what you woulddo, just depending. everybody lives in a different environment. that's so important about theenvironment that you create yourself. that's why you can't say that . . . that'swhy there's really no such thing as clinical trials, if you think about it. because inorder to do an accurate clinical trial, you would literally have to clone 40 people becauseeverybody's biochemistry is different. clone 40 people. have them exposed to the same dietevery single day, same liquids consumed every day, same emotional and physical stress levelsevery day. it is technically impossible to do an accurateclinical trial. let's say that you're taking

in 200,000 toxins from air on a daily basis,200,000 toxins from food on a daily basis, 200,000 from beverages, 200,000 from microbesbecause microbes take your nutrients and secrete acids in their waste in your body. microbesis fungus, candida, worms, viruses, bacteria, micoplasms, you name it.then you add the physical and emotional stress. that's one of the biggest ones that your bodystarts breaking down right away. the emfs or the frequencies, the negative frequenciesthat you're exposed to, heavy metals, prescription medications if you're on them. the last oneis blocked neurological feedback. if you've had trauma or been in accidentsor spinal malfunction, your organs . . . even if one of your bones is out in your back thatgoes to the nerve that goes to your liver,

your liver might not be functioning at won't be. it might be functioning at 80%. so how's your liver gonna detoxify all thosetoxins coming in if it's not correct? so many people have blocked neurological feedback.pretty much everybody does. so to explain the disease process, there'sno such thing as a separate disease for diabetes and arthritis and cancer and all the millionsof diseases, the hundreds of thousands of diseases that they have labeled out there,fibromyalgia and all that. it's all just one thing. it's just too many toxins coming inand not enough coming out. so let's say you have 2.1 million toxins comingin on a daily basis. your body can only handle 1 million toxins on a daily basis. what happensto that additional 1.1 million toxins? well,

everybody has ways to eliminate these toxinsfrom their body on a regular basis. if your liver is functioning good, you candetoxify. great. you still have to eliminate them, though. women have five ways to eliminatetoxins. guys have four ways. you can eliminate this through respiration. you're gonna breathethem out if you're doing heavy activity, and you're sweating at the same time. that's 50%of your elimination routes right there. you're gonna breathe them and sweat them out.the problem is everybody has become a sedentary . . . we've become a sedentary society, asedentary world with computers. nobody is exercising that much anymore. next is gonnabe urination and defecation. you're gonna defecate it out. women obviously have theirmenstrual cycles. women have five ways to

eliminate. it might be one of the reasonswhy they live longer. men have four ways to eliminate toxins from their body.most people aren't drinking enough water. matter of fact, the studies that we did, wefound that 90% of americans are chronically dehydrated because they drink coffee, colas,alcohol, wine, beer, tea. nobody likes to drink water. so they're not urinating allthe toxins out anymore. they're not defecating the toxins out either because they're nothaving their two to three bowel movements a day or at least two bowl movements a day.they're having maybe two bowel movements a week. so this is a basic understanding of how . . . itall boils down to: are you taking in more

toxins than you're relieving on a regularbasis? so now i want to start going in to some of these, because i believe that youhave to learn where these things are. but at the same time, i'm not just gonna sit uphere and say, "oh, yeah. this is all the stuff. goodbye," because you wanted to have solutionsto all this, too. so it's about . . . i don't believe there'ssuch things as problems, but there's always situations, and there's always a remedy forthe situations. so the body toxins from air that we're dealing with continue to get worseand worse and worse. what's happened is the . . . if you look 100years ago, we had 28% oxygen in the air. right now, oxygen is a key component. oxygen andwater is what drives your body. right now

in some cities, it's down to 6% because ofall the trees that are being cut down. everything is being poisoned. we're losing our oxygenlevels. so that . . . when you don't . . . oxygenis a natural detoxifier. you hear all this stuff about the ozone and ozone this and ozonethat. ozone is actually a good thing. you can't breathe it directly in, but we've usedozone with incredible results, going with ozone directly into the blood, ozone's an amazing healing substance, and you can read a massive amount of clinical researchon the effects of ozone in the body. we take about 30,000 breaths every singleday. so out of those 30,000 breaths, oxygen and air quality is one of the most importantthings for our body, in order for us to heal

properly. down here, you have a lot of moldof mildew. if you have pets, you have pet dander. home building sickness syndrome ishuge, which means that most of the homes and the buildings that people work in are actuallysick. we have smoke, ozone and pollution, dirtyac filters, chem-trails. this is a controversial issue. we've done a lot of research on it.i'm sure you guys have seen all the trails in the sky lately. vocs, volatile organiccompounds. all this you add up, and these are the things that you're breathing in toyour body on a daily basis. as a matter of fact, playing and crawlingon a typical floor exposes babies to fumes from contaminants such as mold, mildew, anddust mites. one day of exposure introduces

the equivalent of four cigarettes to an infant'slungs. the carpet has a lot of what's called volatile organic compounds, fire retardants,stuff like that, and chemicals on it that outgas and just all the dust and everythingelse that falls onto the carpet. sick building syndrome and house syndrome,you have up in the attic usually. most people have toxic things. you can see the couch,the rug, even the car. you might have paints and stuff in there. there's usually a lotof toxic things. we were doing a reality show called dr. detox,where we actually went into people's homes and started . . . even when we had our clinic,we would go into people's homes because everybody will tell you, "i don't have anything that'stoxic. everything is fine." you walk in, and

you go through the kitchen. this is toxic.this is toxic. you go through the whole house, and then you end up seeing all these thingsthat are exposing people. we had a cancer patient that was 18, one time.we couldn't find what was going on. healthy kid, ate pretty good. we went to his house.sure enough, he had testicular cancer. sure enough, right where he slept, on his bed wasa geopathic fault line, and it was producing this negative energetic field coming up, rightwhere his testicles were. so we moved his bed to another room, and then he started toget better. it could be something that simple. in the last 10 years, respiratory diseasein the us has moved from eighth to the third-highest cause of death. of course, the number oneleading cause of death is medical mistakes.

the average bed is home to anywhere from 100,000to 10 million dust mites, and you can't see them.eighty-percent of the material you can see floating in a sun beam is actually human skinflakes. indoor air may have toxic chemical concentrations of up to 100 times higher thanoutdoor air, and 50% of all illness, according to the american college of allergies, is causedor aggravated by indoor air pollution, because they're building all these buildings and homesso tight and energy-efficient, that nothing is . . . they're building it with toxic materialstoo, that are coated in fire retardants, formaldehyde, and all kinds of chemicals. talked a little bit about chem-trails, buti feel it's very important because what's

happening is . . . we've done a lot of researchinto this, and it's a controversial kind of conspiratory subject, but the fact is it'strue. if you do the research, you'll find the same thing. there's been tests and peoplegoing to test the snow and everything out can read the government documents actually. they say, them self, that they're sprayinghigh levels of aluminum nano particles in the atmosphere. that's why a bunch of stewardessesand flight attendants are being ill. they actually have aerotoxic syndrome now becausethe pilots are quitting, and they're all becoming severely ill.i know that because southwest airlines contacted me and wanted me to help them out with someof their health stuff because their expenses

are getting so high, because all their flightattendants . . . well, what they're doing when you fly is they're sucking this air infrom the outside. what they're spraying in the air, according to preventing global warming,is high levels of aluminum nano particles. the aluminum nano particles . . . that's themain one, but there's all kinds of other things. they found desiccated human red blood cellsin there. they found uranium particles in there, pathogens, pesticides, all kinds ofstuff. all this stuff is falling down on us. thank god houston is not really a heavilysprayed city, but in other parts of the united states, they're spraying every single's affecting the soil. it's killing plants, i'd highly recommend that you do some research

on that and maybe help join the revolutionon trying to get them to stop. so what do you do? and how do you breathe clean air?one of the things i like is telling people to put live plants in their home, at leasttwo plants, and the office too, because plants produce oxygen, and they absorb toxins, actually.they process them. they also suck in carbon dioxide. taking walks in nature, near water, is alwaysreally good. the ions in the air are really good around waterfalls or the ocean. oxygensupplements are available out there. changing your air filters regularly in your home isreally important. you can also use aroma therapy diffusers. that's where you put essentialoils in a diffuser. it just kind of goes through your air and helps clean the air.crystal salt lamps work good as well. the

hepa filtration is okay. the one i recommendand the one i use is the reme unit, and the reason why is when the sars epidemic brokeout in china, the chinese government hired a team of scientists to find what was thebest air purification system in the world, that they could use for their hospitals andput in all their buildings that would kill the sars.they looked all over the world and tested a bunch of them. it ends up it was a companyin the united states that had the best unit. they sell a unit called the reme unit, andit produces ionized hydroperoxides. what i love about it is it actually fits into yourhvac or your main air conditioning system. so a lot of those air purification systemsjust turn and on your floor. they only grab

and ionize stuff this high while you're uphere, breathing this air. then it falls to the ground. this actually goes through allyour ducts and comes down and cleans all the air in your home. the bedroom, i put on there, is really themost important part if you want to take this slow and start cleaning up your air, becauseyou want to be able to sleep sound for eight hours every night. that's when your body want to be able to breathe clean air when you sleep. so it's really important.anybody that has memory foam mattresses . . . the first thing we would do is we would go intothe person's bedroom and say, "this is what we need to fix first. you have memory foammattress in here, which is outgassing stuff

that you're breathing all night long. switchto an organic mattress. switch to organic bedding. switch to organic pillow." you have your cell phone plugged in righthere. get rid of that. let's put some plants in here. let's clean up this place where yousleep and make your sleeping environment really nice and clean, because you're gonna be sleepingthere and breathing that air in all night long. so it has to be clean. most of the time,every time we did that, a lot of their symptoms would just start going away already, justfor that eight hours of breathing pure, clean, we're gonna move on to body toxins from food. genetically modified foods are somethingthat are extremely serious because they're

everywhere, but these are the things you wantto look out for from food. most food has pesticides, has herbicides in it. meat has hormones, antibiotics,dairy, soy. soy is high in phytoestrogens. most of it's genetically modified, but wehave a major hormone disruption syndrome going on in the united states. some of that is dueto soy. white flour, table salt, msg, which just makeseverything taste better, gluten, microwaved foods. the russians actually outlawed microwavesin the '70s because they were so bad. think about it. you're gonna take a food and putit in a box, and you're gonna put microwave energy through that food. it heats it fromthe inside, out. it rips and tears through all the nutrients. so you could put a hamburgerin the microwave and take a hamburger out

of the microwave. it might look like a hamburger,smell like a hamburger, but what it is is radiated toxic mass that you're putting insideyour system. so really what you want to do is you wantto have live food instead of dead food. anything that's dead doesn't have a life force to it,as opposed to live food. daily toxins from food maybe 200,000. here's what's happening with gmos. we've madea big stride with genetically modified organisms, but it's really scary because the bt toxin. . . the bt toxin is actually engineered into plants, and it's called the bacillusthuringiensis. what it is, it's a bacteria. it's actually a pesticide/insecticide bacteria,but the plants are manufacturing it now.

so how it's designed to work is when the bugscome on the plants, and they eat the plant or the apple or whatever, it produces thebt toxin. they get it in their body, and it ruptures their stomach and intestinal lining,and it blows up. the bug dies. so they don't have to use a bunch of pesticides and insecticides.what's happening is the bee population is dying off because they're going to pollenate,and they're getting the bt toxin in their stomach and blowing up. the butterfly populationis decreasing because the butterflies are getting the pollen on them from the plantswith the bt toxin, and their stomachs are blowing up. the whole ecosystem . . . what scares me evenmore is what's happening to the kids right

now. i have two little kids. kids are waymore vulnerable to these things than adults are. when you have kids that are . . . anytime you go out to a restaurant, you have corn chips, a mexican restaurant. you haveanything made with soy. just look in your cabinet, and you're gonnasee a bunch of stuff in there that has soy in it or has corn in it, which is geneticallymodified and probably the bt toxin. that's why allergies in children is skyrocketingnow. one out of every three children is suffering from rashes and allergies and everything else,because the bt toxin will burn tiny holes through the intestines. then you will getsevere leaky gut syndrome. all of these particles and toxins will leakinto the bloodstream and cause an immune reaction

immediately. it'll cause the immune systemto attack it. so 80% of processed foods right now contain gmos. the gmo plants that don'thave the bt toxin are requiring more pesticides and insecticides, and it's really, reallydamaging the world. we have a lot of videos and a lot of research on that if anyone isinterested to just contact us, and we'll provide that information.the next thing that's really damaging, that's contributing to the root cause of disease,is excitotoxins. russell blaylock is a doctor who actually termed "excitotoxins" becausehe saw so many problems in the brain. excitotoxins affect parts of the brain that control behavior,emotions, and sleep cycles. okay. guess what. artificial sweeteners, food dyes and colorings,extremely toxic.

you ever had your kid go to a party? mostof the food dyes are in all the different types of food for kids. then all of a sudden,they're just going through the roof. you can't understand what's going on. you're thinking,"oh, yeah. this is probably the sugar," which probably a lot of it is. add, rash, depression. msg is a dangerousneurotoxin and excitotoxin. it's not . . . all the artificial sweeteners are, and those arethings that you really, really want to avoid. you know? all the medications that are prescribedfor emotional disorders or whatever you have really are not necessary, because these areall the things that are causing those conditions. when you go into the doctor and say, "i'mdepressed," the doctor is not saying, "okay.

are you eating excitotoxins? are you exposingyourself to heavy metals?" all the things that are gonna cause malfunction in the braintissue, that are gonna cause your depression and your anxiety and everything else. that's why, also, you see kids on ritalinand adderall and all these drugs. there was such a demand from people to take msg off,that they just . . . the fda and the usda allowed the companies with the big lobbyiststo use and hide msg under a bunch of different terms. have you ever seen hydrolyzed vegetableprotein on your label and thought it was okay? what about hydrolyzed plant protein? thatsounds good. sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, texturedprotein, natural flavoring. this is everywhere.

they really get by with the natural flavoring.chicken flavoring, soy protein, whey protein concentrate. you know? those are all the differentterms and more that they hide msg. in combination with the gmos and all the digestiveissues that we're seeing . . . your intestinal tract starts to malfunction before anythingelse in your body does. really started looking into gluten. what i've found and what allthe people that i've talked to and all the doctors, all the allergists and all the specialists. . . they all say the same thing. get all your patients off of gluten. get all the kidsoff of gluten. you see amazing things happen when you getthem off of gluten and a lot of grains too. gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley,rye, and spelt and kamut. eighty-percent of

people are turning out to be gluten or wheat-intolerantand don't even know it. personally if you look at the chemistry behind it, the bodyis not meant to process gluten. so i would say 100% of the people might not feel it. you might not feel all this stuff. some people are more sensitivethan other people, but i guarantee you that every single person cannot break down glutenproperly. it's bad for everybody. there's 250 symptoms associated with gluten-intolerance,250 symptoms. gastrointestinal celiac, allergies, fatigue,joint pains, mood swings, unhappiness, depression, skin problems. the list goes on and on. butalso, all these things, like i said, contribute to different things.another thing that we're seeing with all these

chemicals leaking through the blood streamis hormone disruption, your endocrine system, which controls all the hormones in your body.when i was growing up, there was no such thing as a fertility clinic. now there's a fertilityclinic on every single corner. men and women are having problems because all of these thingscause you to become sterile, lower your sperm count, have an effect on your endocrine system.these are endocrine disruptors, phthalates, plastics, bpa. those are anything that's ina plastic container. medications are hormone disruptors. antidepressants, fluoride, pesticides.there's low sperm counts. estrogen-disrupting chemicals are having gender-bending qualities.they're finding frogs now and fish that have both male and female sex organs, because allthese things are being dumped in the water.

it's causing sterility, the phytoestrogensin soy and even personal care products. when your hormones are disrupted, it's hard foranything to function in your body. how do we eliminate toxins from food? well, eat freshfruit, vegetables, raw seeds. limit your meat intake.the most important thing is to just eat organic. you can eliminate the majority of this stuffif you just go to organic. throw away your microwave. avoid gmos, soy, table salt. youcan replace your table salt with himalayan crystal salt. avoid refined sugar, white flour,all processed, boxed, canned foods. avoid gluten and avoid the excitotoxins, msg, artificialsweeteners, food dyes, stuff like that. all the food dyes, by the way, all seven ofthem, the blue, the yellow, the orange, the

green and all that . . . you would be amazedif you pull up some youtube videos on those dangers of food dyes and the research thathas been done on food dyes. they're actually banned in most other countries, except forthe usa, because they're so toxic. they actually cause symptoms of add, adhd, and hyperactivityin children. so instead of looking at what your child isexposed to or what you're exposed to, people are looking at the symptoms. that's why peopleare being drugged. we talked a little bit about water, but the body toxins from waterthat's coming in . . . water is definitely the key to life. everything functions aroundthe water. ninety-percent of the population is dehydrated,chronically. fluoride, chlorine, arsenic.

they're finding so many things at high levelsin the water. i didn't put it up here, but even with the fracking that's going on, whichis damaging the earth. people are getting natural gas in their water that they're drinking,pesticides. prescription medications . . . the antidepressantresidue that's showing up in the water supply over in europe right now is so high. it'salmost equivalent of you taking an antidepressant if you drink about a half-gallon of watera day, out of the tap. parasites in the water, bacteria, heavy metals in the water.another controversial issue is fluoride. fluoride is the second-most common toxic agent knownto man, just behind arsenic. dental fluorosis is so common right now in children becausechildren are drinking fluoridated water, tap

water. any time you go to a restaurant, they'reusing tap water the majority of the time. you go to a coffee shop in the morning. they'reprobably using tap water for that. any time that you have any . . . at a restaurant, you eat any meals, most likelyit was cooked with some sort of water. fluoride toxicity is everywhere. it's one of thosethings where you pretty much can't avoid it. one of the things that it does is it calcifiesthe pineal gland. if any one of you have heard of your third eye, it's the pineal gland inthe middle of your head. it's what, according to scientists or researchers in spiritually,say that's your connection with god. you can actually take and dissect the pineal gland,and it's made of rods and cones, just like

your eyeballs are.pineal gland is the organ that sucks in fluoride the most and the fastest of every organ inthe body. also, the pineal gland helps regulate your hormones, serotonin, melatonin, all yourfeel-good hormones. basically what you have with fluoride is acalcification of the pineal gland, which actually ends up making you lethargic. it makes youalmost like a zombie walking around. it dumbs people down. it lowers the iq in children.i highly suggest you do tons of research on the effects of fluoride in your body. mentalretardation is another thing. it's a byproduct of the fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing,and it's used severely. again, most of the countries in europe have banned fluoridation,and dallas actually just banned fluoridation.

so how to eliminate toxins from water? waterpurification system . . . if you have the money, you could do it for the whole house,but make sure that you get a unit that will eliminate fluoride. i do have some of thoseunits available. if you contact us, i'll give you some of that information. but a lot ofpeople don't realize that they wash their clothes in tap water. they wash their dishes,all that stuff. we're soaking up the fluoride. they take a shower. a seven-minute hot shower is the equivalentof you drinking about four to five glasses of tap water. what i always recommend is todrink purified or distilled water with organic apple cider vinegar. i like distilled water,but distilled water is kind of a dead water.

it's clean. the fluoride and everything isout of it. even the purified water still might have some fluoride in it.but when you drink distilled water, it's fine to drink for a short period of time becauseit'll actually help you detoxify. it'll grab things because it's hungry, but then it mightactually start taking some of your minerals or nutrients from your body. so i always recommendto add a little organic apple cider, raw apple cider vinegar into it. that puts the minerals,the life force back into it, the nutrients. organic apple cider vinegar, raw apple cidervinegar, is probably the cheapest, best healing agent that i can think of, that everybodyshould be on, because it's just so good for you. there's like 150 different health usesfor organic apple cider vinegar.

rain water is good if you live in a good place,if you let it rain for like 15 minutes first and then collect it. it's pretty clean, ifyou're into rain water. it has a real high energy content to it, but 80% to 100% of yourdaily liquid intake should be water. the body, like i said, and the earth is made of water.after you're done breast-feeding, your body doesn't tell you and cry out for colas andalcohol and all the other stuff. the only thing your body needs and wants is water.if you do have a pool, and you're soaking in a chlorine pool or something, i would lookinto getting a salt or a copper ozone-type pool system to prevent the chlorine. next,we look at the body toxins that you're gonna be exposed to from different beverages, colas,juices, energy drinks, bottled beverages,

refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup. high fructose corn syrup is actually geneticallymodified. it's made from genetically modified corn, and recent tests have shown that it'shigh in metals, especially mercury. so look at the label. actually they're trying to relabelright now. the lobbyists are trying to relabel high fructose corn syrup under different names,like natural corn sugar and stuff like that, because so many people were looking at highfructose corn syrup. the artificial sweeteners, again, sucralose,aspartame, saccharin. those are the ones that you want to avoid. those are the ones that,for sure, have been documented to cause brain damage and all different types of, alcohol, tea, milk.

i'm not saying that you need to completelygive up everything in your life, because . . . i'm just gonna say that now, before i get toofar into this, because it's really about moderation. it really is. when you do things constantly,the body is amazing. if you want to have a cup of coffee, just make sure it's organiccoffee, made with good water. the toxins in coffee are because 80% of theworld's coffee supply is heavily pesticide. if you ever talk to or been to a coffee plantation,they'll always tell you the worst thing is the bugs. they can never control the bugs.they spray the coffee beans heavily with pesticides. so you're taking the pesticide toxic coffee,and you're replacing it with organic, nontoxic. all you're doing with all this is you're justeliminating the toxic things. you're replacing

the toxic processed foods with organic if you drink five shots of espresso, seven shots of espresso a day, and you do it everysingle day, then that might become a problem in your body, but everything is in moderationwith your body. that's the way it works. that's why some peopleyou see, that look healthy, get sick, and some other people that you would think shouldbe sick as can be are not sick. really that has to do with their emotional state, whichwe'll get into, because that was one of the puzzling things that we had to research, aproject that we did years ago. this is what goes into a normal cow, vaccines,rendered food. you don't even want to know what rendered food is. most of the food . . . it'sall dead animals and all kinds of stuff. they

mix it up, and they put it in, mix it in withthe dry food, and they feed it hormones, pesticides, antibiotics. they actually feed cows sometimeseven other cow blood. so milk is extremely dangerous if it's notorganic. you can look up. . . they just tested regular milk, and they found something like300 puss molecules per glass of milk, because all the cows . . . their nipples are inflamedand infected because they all have mastitis when they . . . they use those machines. soa bunch of pus gets into the milk. they found over 50 pesticides in the milk too. they found,actually, radiation in there and all kinds of stuff. milk is one of those things that'sjust not good for the body anyway, unless it's raw goat's milk or raw range-fed, organiccow's milk.

going into some aspartame, this is the scarything about aspartame. so many people drink diet drinks. aspartame breaks it down intomethanol, which is wood alcohol in your body. then the methanol converts to formaldehydein the body. aspartame accounts for over 75% of all the adverse reactions reported to thefda. those are reported. who in here has ever reported anything to the fda, an adverse reaction?nobody. over 75% of the adverse reactions fda . . . peoplesay, "what's the one thing i could do that's gonna make a difference?" i say, "well, first,you have to clean up your air. second, you have to get off artificial sweeteners becausethey're so damaging." here's what happens. the formaldehyde thencauses gradual and eventually severe damage

to the neurological system, the immune system,and causes permanent genetic damage at extremely low doses. it's approved for human do you eliminate toxins from beverages? you reduce all the toxic beverages. you drinkpurified, distilled water with organic apple cider vinegar, herbal teas, organic herbalteas because now they're finding high fluoride and chemical content in the teas coming fromchina. start using hemp milk, almond milk, coconutmilk. those are great milks. you can even experiment and mix them together. raw goat'smilk . . . or if you need to have cow's milk, then you can use organic, raw cow's milk ifyou an find somebody to provide it to you. better yet, just fresh vegetable juice, fruitjuice, not the processed pasteurized stuff,

but the fresh vegetable juice and fruit can even buy these at some of the new organic food stores and stuff like that alreadyin a bottle. next, to move on to the body toxins from microbesand parasites. this is a big problem. every single person that we tested for every diseasewas overgrown with candida, yeast, fungus, micoplasms.definition of a parasite is any harmful organism that lives off a host organism, which meansthat it's bacteria, virus, fungus, you know, anything. what they do is they take your nutrients,and then they go to the bathroom inside your system. what do these organisms secrete? they secreteisopropyl alcohol, formalin, formaldehyde-type

compounds, which ultimately keep your bodyacidic. your body should be slightly alkaline. ninety-percent, i would say, are infested.louie pasteur. he's the one that came up with the germ theory, saying that the germs arewhat caused disease, years ago, and everything like that. it's all about the germ, the germ,the germ. basically that's what modern science and pathology has been based on. still tothis day, that's what it's based on. on his death bed, he said, "there's somethingthat i have to tell everybody, and that is the germ . . . i was wrong. all these years,i was wrong. the germ is nothing. the terrain is everything," and they didn't publish whathe said and kept it the same. it's all about the terrain. the germ can't live in the bodyor in a terrain that's healthy. it's not the

germ that's making you sick. it's the terrainthat's making you sick. this is a tapeworm right here. how does thatlook? experts estimate up to four out of five people may have parasites living in theirbody and don't even know it. if you eat sushi, you probably have some of these cruising aroundin your systems. that's why it's so important to make sure that you're . . . you're goingto be exposed to these things. that's the life that we're living right now. so how do you eliminate the microbes fromyour system? first, look at that. tapeworms in sushi and other raw fish attach to thewall of the intestine and can lay up to 1 million eggs a day. so you do it by adjustingthe terrain, and you do that with good probiotics.

there's one probiotic out there, which iscalled bacillus laterosporus strain. you can't find it anywhere because there's only a smallcompany in california that has the patent on it. that thing works. we tested a bunch of different probiotics.that one works really good to repair. i like the soil-based microorganisms too, but phregulation . . . worms and stuff don't like to live in an acid . . . they do like to livein an acid ph, actually. they don't like when it becomes alkaline.then silver works really good, colloidal silver. i like an atomic silver or plasma silver,oregano oil. i actually developed a product specifically for parasites, just because therewasn't anything out there that i could put

my name behind and sell. it was all organic,and it was processed the right way. then just boosting the immune system . . . boostyour immune system by cleansing. do a parasite cleanse once a year or two times a year,'s not that hard. we've come a long way. years ago, when we were talking about cleansingthe body, it was just taboo. there was no way. you had to mix all these shakes and theseconcoctions that were so thick you couldn't even swallow them. it was horrible. but now, it's gotten a lot better. so bodytoxins from physical, emotional, and spiritual stress now. this is huge because all the negativityon tv and just people's lives and stress in the workplace. it's all about fear, fear,fear this, fear that, fear, fear, fear. fear

automatically drops your immune system by50%. anger, depression, anxiety, jealousy, resentment,negativity, the lack of exercise, which makes you more vulnerable to stress, lack of sleep,negative emotions. negative emotions cause constipation and cause problems in the bowel.stress will put you in a sympathetic state. there's two types of states your body canbe in. you can be in a sympathetic state, which isa fight-or-flight. that means that your body stops digestion. it stops all the workingof all the organs. it puts blood into your legs and your heart and everywhere you needto run as fast as you can, because it's a serious situation, and you need to get outof there.

here's what we found. we looked all over andstarted talking to people i just put this information up about six months ago. practically75 to 90% of the people are living the majority of their life in a sympathetic state. yourbody can't heal when it's in a sympathetic state.when you eat, it's so important. people are eating in front of the tv. sympathetic. they'reeating when they're driving. sympathetic. they're eating in front of their computerwhile they're working. sympathetic. all of these things, when you eat in a sympatheticstate, your body cannot . . . your digestion stops. when you're in sympathetic, your digestionstops. one of the easiest and fastest things i cantell everybody to do right now, that will

make a world of difference, is to take ninedeep . . . calm yourself down. take nine deep breaths. it's proven. then we looked at what'sthe fastest way to get your body from sympathetic to parasympathetic. nine deep breaths. theystudied it. meditation is awesome. but before you eatat night, you sit down at the dinner table. don't eat while you're driving, all that need to be able to process and digest your foods, and you need to be in a parasympatheticstate. if you have kids, get them used to it now.sit around the dinner table and just hold hands and say, "we're just gonna relax a littlebit. take nine deep breaths. now we can all say something positive and bless our food.blah, blah, blah." then eat. i guarantee you'll

notice a big difference. you won't get thatbloating. you won't be all strained and all that. so how do you eliminate toxins fromphysical, emotional, and spiritual stress? no, not take antidepressants. you do things that are exciting. you knowwhat? i used to ask the patients that came in to see us. i'd be like, "so what do youdo for fun?" they would just sit there and start crying. seriously. they would be, "idon't know." i say, "what makes you happy?" they would say, "i don't know."that is why they're sitting there sick, because they have no excitement and happiness andlove in their life. that's the best healing medicine you can get right there. here's someof the things, exercise, massage, sunlight.

these are the things that actually cause youto decrease stress naturally, anxiety, having fun, hobbies, doing stuff like that, music,relaxation, meditation, learning about self, setting goals, adequate sleep. that's huge.that'll affect your stress levels, big time. what it all boils down to is your health,because if you think back to the time in your life where you were the most self-confidentwhen you looked in the mirror, and you were like, "wow. i look good today. i'm gonna havefun." usually i ask people that, and they're like,"yeah, that was when i was like 14 or 12, something like that." i was like, "yeah, youhad a lot of self confidence then. didn't you?" yeah. i was like, "you could just doanything you put your mind to back then. huh?"

they're like, "yeah." well, health . . . theywere healthy back then. health equals self-confidence, and self-confidence equals success. that'show you're successful in your life. this is something that i hope everybody takes,because i deal with these phone calls every single day, and it's getting worse and worse.the dsm is the diagnostic and statistical manual that the psychiatrists use to labelmental illness. there's never been any proof of mental illness. there's currently 943 pagesthat lists out 374 mental disorders. that's a $330 billion industry. psychiatric drugs kill an estimated 3000 peopleevery month. 17 million children are taking psychiatric drugs so dangerous, like antidepressants,for example, that cause suicide and hostility

in children and adolescents.there are parents and moms that call my office and almost start crying when i talk to them.their teachers recommended . . . they were acting up. they were depressed because theybroke up with their boyfriend, 12-year-old-girl. her mom took her in. they put her on antidepressants.five days later, she committed suicide in her closet. that's one. thousands it's happeningto. fda issued a warning about drugs, such asadderall, ritalin, concerta, can cause suicidal, as well as violent, aggressive, and psychoticbehavior and can cause heart attack, stroke, and sudden death. they have mental disorders now for like fingernailbiting, looking at somebody the wrong way.

basically if you don't get a drug when youleave the psychiatrist's office, they have a code that labels you for mental ill becauseyou didn't take the drug from the psychiatrist. yes. you will be labeled with mental illnessif you leave a psychiatrist's office without taking a medication. that goes on your recordforever. so then if anyone ever pulls anything up right now . . . by the time our kids getto be 18, everybody is gonna have mental illness. they're gonna have a record of mental illness.right now, there are children, five years old, committing suicide. that is on record.there are four-year-olds being put on psychotropic drugs. that is sick. so the next time a doctor tells you, or ateacher or somebody in the school, tells you

something is wrong with your kid or that you'rehaving problems, it's not you're having problems and you're mentally ill. what the problemis, you're eating gmos. you're eating excitotoxins somewhere. you're consuming any one of thesethings, fluoride, all that stuff. you need to start looking at your environment,because i work with the autism association, too. a lot of times, the kids with autismare just toxic. that's it. so body toxins from electromagnetic and microwave radiation. . . heavy users of cell phones displayed a 240% increased risk for a malignant tumoron the side of the head where they typically held the're gonna be exposed to emfs and stuff a lot of different places, big screen tvs,computers, the wifi in schools. they're taking

wifi out of schools in europe because of somany complaints from the parents, because their kids are having a hard time concentrating.they're complaining of headaches. a child's skull is really thin. so they'rehalf the size or more than an adult skull. so the frequencies pass easily into the child'sbrain, especially kids now that you see with cell phones that are 12 and under. reallyyou don't get the thickness until you're about 15 or 16, maybe even up to 18. there's plentyof documentation out there on this as well. you can just type in, "dangers of wifi inschools." digital clocks, power lines. smart metersis the new thing that's causing all kinds of damage. smart meters . . . from what ihear, there's gonna be an opt-out option.

but if you have a smart meter on your house,i would highly, highly recommend . . . they're gonna be bombarding high-level microwave frequenciesthroughout your whole house with those smart meters. they can tell exactly when you turnon the lights. they can tell exactly what appliances you're using. they want to learnevery single thing about you, so they can sell it to the big companies and advertisingand stuff like that. fault lines, geopathic stress, sedentary lifestyle,mammograms . . . ladies, please do not go get mammograms. thermography is a better don't want to radiate your breast tissue. ct scans. there's always better options. youcan get an mri, no contrast, which is a better option than a ct, when they inject you withall the radiation stuff.

please, the airport scanners, even thoughthey tell you . . . the tsa says, "oh, these airport scanners are safe," and everybodyjust walks through. you know? i go there. i'm like, "i cannot believe this." in orderto see that high level of distinction, you get bombarded with ionizing radiation.they will not release any tests, because it's under homeland security and tsa and all that,that show, but i know people that work for the companies. they're saying they would neverget inside of it. so if you go to the airport, all you have to say is, "opt out. i want toopt out." you'll be able to opt out of that body scanner. each time you go through thatbody scanner, what i've heard is the equivalent of 10 to 15 x-rays.

nuclear radiation. i put this on because it'sdefinitely something that's not in the mainstream media, but we are getting calls every singleday from parents and doctors, especially in california and the upper-northwest, from seeingbirth defects. all kinds of stuff is happening from fukushima. you can go to the nationaloceanic website and actually see all the radiation in the water.but it's something that you need to be aware of. actually there's some radiation particles.this is nuclear radiation. this is the stuff that has a serious effect on your dna andon your genes. how to protect yourself from that . . . i'm actually coming out with a new productpretty soon, a pill that you can take, that

will absorb strontium-90, cesium, and uraniumparticles. for the radioactive iodine, which is iodine-131, the best thing to do is takea nascent iodine. everybody needs to supplement with their vitaminsand minerals and stuff like that. i'm more about . . . look. let's address the root causeof why you have problems, and that's why a lot of the practitioners always recommend,"go see your natural healthcare practitioner. go see your chiropractor. you really needsomebody to walk you through and help you with everything and kind of guide you. ifyou need some different types of supplements, that's fine."but first of all, the first thing you should always do is cleanse the body. a lot of times,after you go through a deep cleansing, 50%

of your symptoms go away. then the real stuffstarts coming up. that's another thing that we found, was ifa patient comes in, and you're looking at their symptoms right here . . . if you say,"what are your symptoms?" well, doctors are gonna go right off of those symptoms. that'snot really what's going on in your body. we found that out. i didn't even know that. we found that out because we would take acomplete history, a detailed history, which the average time spent with physicians isless than seven minutes. how are you gonna find out what's wrong with somebody in thatamount of time? we'd take like two-hour history of a patient. yeah, where do you go? do yougo overseas? this, that. find out everything

about them. then get their symptoms.say, "okay. the first thing we're gonna do is clean you out really good. you're 50've been damaging your body. let's just clean you." clean them out really, reallygood. then we say, "okay. let's go back and do another health questionnaire after you'redone cleansing." those symptoms that were there to begin with. . . most of them were gone. then all of a sudden, maybe some new things popped was like peeling an onion. that was the real stuff that was happening. so that meansthat all the people out there that are going to the doctor's office and telling them theirsymptoms . . . that's just what's on the outside. that's what they're being treated for, insteadof being cleaned up really good and finding

out what the real problem is. one thing, though,that i found, and other doctors will tell you the same thing if they do a bunch of tests,is that practically every single person is iodine-deficient. it is such a vital used to be in iodized salt, but they took it out a long time ago and replaced it withbromine. bromine . . . this is why so many people arehaving endocrine and thyroid issues. this is why you can't lose weight and a millionother things, because iodine is part of a halogen. that's bromine, chlorine, fluorine,bromide, and iodine. look at all the chlorine out there. look at all the fluoride out there.look at all the bromine. they took iodine out and put bromine in whitebread years ago and took it out of the salt

in most cases. so basically what's happenedis we've had a severe iodine deficiency going on. if anyone ever suffers from any type ofcyst in the body, fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries,anything like that, fatigue, i don't care, any type of cyst, then most likely you'reiodine-deficient. dr. brownstein, who wrote a book on iodine-deficiency,tested 9,000 or something patients, close to 10,000 patients, and found 98% of themhad iodine-deficiency. so what's happening? everybody has thyroid problems. everybodyis having all these cysts and all these problems iodine actually is a broad spectrum or a great substance that is absorbed in yourthyroid, but it can't be in your thyroid to

regulate your thyroid if all the other fluorideand everything is there, because that competes for the receptor sites. it also helps cleanup your pineal gland. it protects against radiation. it goes . . . iodineis used for every cell in the body. so i would definitely look into . . . it also regulatesthe immune system and helps detoxify things from the body. i would highly recommend iodine.especially i recommend it to pregnant women, because it's linked to autism, even thoughthat's also linked to vaccinations, but every single kid . . . a lot of the children rightnow are deficient in iodine. so it's very important to give iodine to your children.i recommend only nascent iodine. that's the best how to eliminate toxins from electromagnetic

and microwave radiation? throw away your microwave.yes, it's gonna take you a little bit of extra time if you want to cook your meals, but youcan get maybe one of those fire infrared ovens. there's convection ovens or something likethat. there's a bunch of cell phone radiation protectors, computer radiation protectors.we just finished . . . i hired a team because there's so much stuff out there, and we getthis question all the time. what can i do about radiation? there's a bunch of, online,bunch of radiation cell phone protectors, stuff you wear. none of it really had scientificstudies. i could take a reading of a cell phone, and i could put the thing on thereand go back and take another reading, and it would be gone.

so we contacted the company like, "we're stillgetting a reading." "well, yeah. it's the geometric pattern in there. it's blockingit, but you can't really read it." so finally hired a team of people to do the researchfor three months to figure out and look at every single cell phone protector out there,every single computer protector, how to protect the house, your house from radiation, thebest smart meter protectors, and everything you need, including clothing that you canwear if you're flying or whatever, or if you're gonna be close to some radiation or somethinglike that. that will block it all. we just published it all on our website. idon't have it all here. it would take forever to go through it. but if you go to,and you just type in the search bar, "radiation,"

you'll see all the . . . i don't even sellthose companies' products. i just do it for the better good of society. so you can go.i have them ranked. this is the best, second, third, fourth, whatever. so i highly suggestyou do that. turn off your appliances when not in use.replace the fluorescent lighting and standard light bulbs in your home and office with full-spectrumor led. ladies of all ages should not wear wire bras or any wire-framed garments becausethe wire frame will pick up the frequencies and transmit it into your breast tissue. that'swhy we're also seeing a tremendous amount of cases of breast cancer increasing withcell phone use. i've actually seen women walking in the malland stuff that are carrying their cell phone

inside their bra. they walk around like just those are the ways to protect yourself from the radiation. detoxidine is the iodineproduct that i actually helped develop and use, which is in a vegetable glycerin base,because most of them out there are in alcohol. alcohol, by itself, is an endocrine we had to kind of reinvent the wheel and figure out what we can do and how you cantake healthy stuff instead of taking herbs in alcohol, ethanol, which is geneticallymodified and also an endocrine disruptor. so we do everything in a vegetable glycerin,which is safe, and it tastes good. it's great to use.body toxins from heavy metals. these are kind of hard to find, but arsenic, cadmium, aluminum. . . aluminum is everywhere, in your deodorant,

aluminum foil, with the chem-trails, lead,foods, mercury. the reason i put this up is because i'm gonnatalk to you later about doing a chemical and a heavy metal cleanse because it's reallyimportant. when you take, let's say, aluminum in the body . . . that's another thing withbreast cancer, women putting on aluminum deodorant, and it's going into the breast tissue. aluminumactually activates some of the mechanisms for cancer and mercury amalgams and stufflike that too, that you have in your mouth. when mercury comes in contact with aluminum,it's a violent reaction. see? so each one of these things that we're talking about today,these are all individual toxins. but a lot of times, if you mix two of these things togetheror mix four, 10, or 100,000 on a daily basis,

who knows the reactions that's gonna takeplace inside your body and what's gonna happen. so i wanted to show everybody just a shortvideo. this is what happens if anyone in here has any mercury amalgams or silver fillingsin their mouth. mercury is so dangerous. just a tiny amount of the vapor can continuallyharm you over and over and over, and you can have fatigue and cancer. you can have brainproblems and lymphoma and all different types of problems. - [video clip] all mercury silver fillingsleak substantial amounts of mercury, constantly. the amount increases with any kind of a result, mercury from fillings produces the majority of human exposure to mercury.the international academy of all medicine

and toxicology is extremely concerned aboutthe anecdotal claims of safety by manufacturers and dental trade associations. they're atvariance with the published peer-reviewed scientific evidence to the contrary. the precautionaryprinciple requires action once the possibility of harm exists. it does not require proofbeyond a shadow of a doubt that, in the case of heavy metal and this antibiotic's both nearly impossible and unnecessary, in our opinion. what you're seeing is mercury vapor comingoff a 25-year-old silver amalgam filling in an extracted tooth. the background is a phosphorescentscreen. the mercury vapor absorbs the fluorescent light, and you can see it as a shadow on thescreen.

this is mercury coming off a filling thatwas dipped in water that's the same temperature as the human body. this is a filling thatwas rubbed with a pencil eraser for just a few seconds, like going to the hygienist andhaving her clean your teeth. these are not small amounts of mercury. ifyou can see it, it's more than 1,000 times higher than the environmental protection agencywill allow for the air that we breathe. what about the last time you went to the dentist,and they drilled on your tooth? here is the mercury vapor every time you raise the temperatureto 110 degrees, with hot coffee or warm water or even chewed on. mercury comes off fillings every time youstimulate them, and that stimulation causes

the mercury to continue to leak out of thefillings for an hour and a half, at a minimum. some people grind their teeth. some peoplechew gum. the dentist might send an old gold crown to the dental lab to be welded. howabout the dental personnel? they're not being given informed consent. - what happens is you're constantly absorbingthat mercury vapor into your brain and into your bloodstream. mercury accumulates in theliver. it accumulates in the kidneys, causes kidney disease. it's just one more thing thatyou're taking in on a regular basis. so i thought that was pretty shocking because . . . howmany people do you know that drink coffee or grind their teeth or whatever? so i highlyrecommend getting your mercury amalgams taken

out. but when you do it, you have to go to a professionaldentist that knows how to do it properly. people are going down to mexico and doingit, and they're getting paralyzed from the waist down, because mercury, if you breathetoo much too fast, will paralyze you. so i like dr. glaros if you're in houston.he's one of the best. he's people come from all over the world to seehim. he does all my work, but i don't have any mercury the next one is the body toxins from blocked neurological feedback. this is just when thebody produces toxins from spinal malfunction, auto accidents. everybody has had a fall,got jolted around before. they've had some

trauma, or there's some surgery. obesity causesthis. chronic tooth infection causes malfunction. these are . . . any of this can cause blockagesin the neurological system, in the spine or somewhere, to where you're not getting theproper signals from your nerves to your organs, so your organs can function properly. so how to eliminate toxins from neurologicalfeedback? chiropractic adjustments, massage, stretching. chi-machine works pretty good,acupuncture, inversion table where you lean upside-down. weight loss is one of the bestways. just get that extra weight off you. rebounding, yoga, pilates, keeping your mouthclean, no fluoride toothpaste. but one thing that i really like is oil-pulling. we've usedthat for a long time with either . . . i like

to use sesame oil one day and then maybe mixin some coconut oil another day. oil-pulling is great. it's where you just swish the oilaround in your mouth, from anywhere from five to 20 minutes, and then you spit it out andrinse your mouth out. what it does is it takes and pulls all thetoxins from your blood and chemicals and cleans your mouth and, in some cases, even whitensyour teeth with coconut oil. solutions to reactivate your self-healingmechanism, because that's really what we're all talking about, is the self-healing mechanism,is education. find out about what's causing your self-healing mechanism to be suppressed.then detoxification and cellular cleansing. this is the key because obviously. . .i talk to people, and they're like, "i don't

have the money to do all that. i can't doall that stuff." it's always about money. i got to buy a water purification system andthis. it's baby steps. start doing one thing at a time. the next time you need salt, gethimalayan crystal salt. the next time you need constantly. . .it's like there's a big, long staircase of health. okay. you're right here. every day,are you going down one step of health, the stair of health? are you staying there? orare you going up one stair? one month, you say, "okay. well, i'm gonna replace . . . i'mgonna stop eating gmos. i'm gonna do gluten. i'm gonna do that." actually i don't recommend you do everythingat once, because it's too traumatic. you just

start slowly. let's say this week, you'regonna eliminate artificial sweeteners from your diet. boom. you just walked up threesteps. this week, you're going to the store. you're gonna buy organic instead of goingto your normal store. that's huge. you just went up like 1,000 steps.but it's all about making those changes. you know? next weekend, take the whole familyout to a plant store. ask the person there, "what are good indoor plants that i can usefor my area?" they'll say, "okay. yeah, these work really good. does the sun come throughthe window?" "yeah, i have one room there." they'll help you out. then that weekend, putplants in your house. so all you're doing is all . . . eventually you're getting healthierand healthier and healthier and healthier,

and you're making all these changes. if you want to make all of them at once, goahead and do it, but you have to continually cleanse your body. do an intestinal cleansing,liver and gallbladder cleansing, kidney cleansing, chemical and toxic metal cleansing, parasitecleansing. the reason i put weekly intestinal cleansingon there is because that's where everything comes in. if you're constipated, that's whathas to be cleaned on a weekly basis. you don't have to do it every day, but i'd recommendusing oxygen-based cleansers because all the herbal-based cleansers out there, like thesillium, cascara, all that, can cause permanent damage to the bowel. the laxative industryis a billion dollar a year industry. it's

one of the biggest industries that there doing all those cleanses . . . we have our cleanses online, but research it. if yourdoctor has cleanses, that's great. i'm not saying you need to do all my stuff. all i'msaying is this is the key to health. this is the secret to health, right here. the earth cleanses itself on a regular can look. we've lost all this. okay. you take a shower every day to rinse the outsideof your body. but what are you doing to rinse the inside of your body?just think. if you were to take everything you eat for a day, the normal standard americandiet, mix it up and blend it in a trash can, all the coffees, the 62-ounce cola, the cheesecake,all that, mix it in there, the bottle of wine,

and then pour it all over the top of the same thing every day for 40 years. that's the kind of stuff that the inside ofour body is having to deal with, but nobody is talking about cleansing the inside of yourbody on a regular basis. that is what . . . once you cleanse your body and keep your body clean,then your self-healing mechanism starts to kick in. but it's about changing your environment andreducing your stress, supplementation and the external support, the chiropractic, themassage, then eating a healthy diet. then the last thing is opening up your eliminationroutes, so you can get the stuff out of your system.the more healthy you eat, the more water you

drink, is automatically gonna improve yourbowel movements and your urination. you're gonna be exercising more. if you don't wantto do hardcore exercise, use a rebounder. that's gonna make you breathe a little bitfaster. it's gonna open up elimination routes. that's why a lot of women . . . their menstrualcycles are irregular. this is a telltale sign that they're toxic, and they need to startcleaning themselves up. we had so many people that contacted us for fertility. they wouldsay, "i spent $200,000 in the last four years. we can't get pregnant." i said, "you'll bepregnant in three months. go through this intestinal plan. go through this liver andgallbladder cleanse. go through this parasite cleanse."i always use chemical and heavy metal cleansing

for last because i don't want to pull toomany chemicals and heavy metals out, unless the liver is already clean and can handleit. every single time, not one case, after they just clean their body, they were pregnantwithin 90 days. why do you think the body doesn't get pregnant? do you think the bodywants a child coming in that's toxic? no, it doesn't. it's that simple. we went over the elimination routes, how ahealthy body eliminates toxins. people are waking up and doing more research, becausethey're going to the doctor, and they're not getting answers. now, thank god for the internet,because you can actually look up your symptoms and everything. people are going to the doctorand saying, "well, can i take this herb with

this medication? or can i take this?" thedoctor doesn't know. so doctors . . . you and everybody else out there are actuallychanging the world because doctors now are being forced into learning about . . . they're not learning this yet, but this wasone of the biggest seminars for doctors that i just did out in california. there was 4,000doctors in the audience that actually wanted to learn this information. that would havenever happened 10 years ago. i did basically the same thing. i did the same thing todaythat i did there a couple months ago. so it's great that everything is working out. we'regoing into that, addressing the root cause of disease, instead of addressing the symptomsof disease.

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