Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

calcification of teeth dates

so i had a mercury amalgam filling put inthere. it never was right. it fell out eventually, and then i had itreplaced with a composite filli... thumbnail 1 summary
calcification of teeth dates

so i had a mercury amalgam filling put inthere. it never was right. it fell out eventually, and then i had itreplaced with a composite filling. that fell out. i could never use that tooth. it was alwaysinflamed, always problematic. so you know what i did? i thought, you knowwhat? i’m going to do an experiment. this experiment has been going on for twentyyears. i left it alone. we are told all the time, repeatedly, nonstop:your teeth can’t repair themselves. says who? who’s saying that? who has toldus that all these years? the dentists: number one suicide rate of alladvanced professions.

twenty years ago, i decided, that’s it.i think they’re wrong. i think if i just leave it alone it’ll bebetter. it did get better. it’s gotten better and better and better. but then, a couple of years ago, when we gotto australia, i broke three pieces off that tooth and thepain started. and it kept getting worse and worse. then the sensitivity to hot and cold set it. sensitivity to foods, sugar, anything likethat. you know about tooth problems. what can wesay about tooth problems?

they get worse, and they hurt! and it canget really intense. so i say to david, my dentist, “what arewe gonna do?” and he says, “sorry, man! i can’t fixthis tooth. we’ve gotta pull it.” and i’m like, “nope. not accepting thatanswer.” another friend of mine, dr. dave woynarowski, had been on my case about going to get a stemcell treatment down in mexico with his doctors and friends. eventually, in april 2014, iwent and had a stem cell treatment. during the first treatment, they have to

get a sample of your stem cells. now, if you’revery young like a child of nine years old, you can get an actual sample of the stem cellsfrom your gums. if you’re going for a prp (platelet therapy), you can get a stem cellsample out of your blood. it has to be concentrated out of your blood, but you can get it outof your blood. you can also get it out of your fat cells. by far, though, the best sourceof your stem cells is your bone marrow. what they do is they lay you on a table, andthey extract the bone marrow out of your hip. they take part of that, and they freeze itso they now have a frozen sample of your bone marrow juice. this is your stem cell sample.they also take part of it to do all the research on it to find what your blood type is, whatthe status of your bone marrow is, how your

bone marrow is developing, immunological agentsand stem cells, and give you a full rundown on where you are with your health at yourage. then they put the six ounces of material into your blood.they did that for me, and within five days, that tooth stopped hurting. i no longer hadsensitivity to hot or cold, no sensitivity to sugar, no sensitivity to food. it juststopped. i went back to these guys and said, “look!i didn’t know this was going to happen. my tooth is fine. all the problems went away.i think it’s because of the stem cell treatment.” and they said, “ok, we’ll look into that.”now since then, i’ve had three other treatments where they now take my frozen sample, growthe stem cells to 300 million, and then give

me an iv bag. the treatment session takes30 minutes. since then, i’ve had no problems with that tooth. i’ve had no sensitivity.if you look at the tooth, there’s a crater in it. half the tooth is missing. there isno possible way to fix it, and nothing can be done except to pull it out or just leaveit. i’d rather leave it, thank you. i can use it. i can chew on it. i had a differentdentist, not dr. david, but another friend of mine in the san francisco area. i wantedto get her opinion too. by the way, i strongly recommend that youget multiple dental opinions. i can’t tell you how many times i received a doomsday reportfrom this dentist, and went over to another dentist who told me my teeth were perfectlyfine. it’s happened to me at least six times

in my, my san francisco dentist friend went in there and picked every side of that toothwith one of those things that we’re really scared of…i am very scared of those things.she triggered no sensitive spots. if you’d like to see my tooth, i’d be happy to showyou, and you’re going to say, “omg!” because you’ve never seen anything likeit. it’s half a tooth with a crater. it’s basically only half there, and i experienceno pain, no sensitivity, even when picked at with a tool from all angles.she told me it was all calcified, sometimes that happens. i confronted her. “you’retelling people that their teeth can’t heal themselves. what do you mean it calcified?what are you talking about?”

she said, “well, yeah, sometimes it happens.”“but you never, ever told me that that happens, not ever, when i was sitting in the dentalchair as a little kid. what are you talking about?”“well, you know, it can happen.” i’m thinking, what? what if i had listenedto those dentists? what if i had allowed them to pull that tooth out? what if i’d hadthat root canal? i’m so glad i said, “no way!” and justran that experiment. i’m so glad you get to hear that, so that you know that there’san option for you. now that you know this, you can never unlearnit. it will be with you forever.

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