Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

calcification of tooth enamel

there is fluorine in toothpaste but what for? fluorine (or sodium fluoride) is a chemical element that would make the enamel more resistant ... thumbnail 1 summary
calcification of tooth enamel

there is fluorine in toothpaste but what for? fluorine (or sodium fluoride) is a chemical element that would make the enamel more resistant and would fight cavities. what is worrisome it's that it has been acknowledged for a long time as a neurotoxic (nerve agent), causing mental problems, memory loss and other cognitive and neural disorders because it inhibits entirely the glutamine synthesis (it is otherwise one of the components of the sarin gaz) we therefore know now how dangerous it is to ingest some (and it is official in some countries like belgium) it is said to be as dangerous as arsenic or

lead. but we are advised to brush our teeth with it 3 times a day ! knowing that gums are a perfect route of administration for a neurotoxic. the nazis used to put fluorine in the drinking water reserves of the concentration camps (do you think they cared about prisoners health?) the chemist charles perkins demonstrated that fluorine repeated-dose (even in a very small amount) would act as some narcotics by forcing to submission (a kind of weak lobotomy)

fluorine would have the particularity to stupefy people in order to insure their obedience. f*ck , it's also in my mineral water! you should know that fluorine doesn't exist in its pure state in nature. it's an industrial waste that have been introduced in drinking water for the first time by the mellon family, that ran the industry of aluminium during the 70s in the us . they didn't know how to get rid of the pollutant fluorine that resulted from the waste of aluminium production without paying to much. this government's lobby didn't found dumber idea than getting rid of it in the drinking water ( we could guess it probably interested the government as well

to have a way on controlling human minds, but let's not be too paranoid ). it was mostly a huge income source, because they made 20 000% profit with what was nothing but industrial waste. the biochemist dr. hardy limeback (also holder of master of science, head of the tooth-care department of the university of toronto and president of the canadian association for tooth-care research) declared that children under 3, should nerver use toothpaste containing fluorine, or drink any fluorinated water ( bottle or tap water, as there is often fluorine in tap water) results from his university research went further. some of his studies

showed that fluorinated water was not only weakening human bones but also tooth enamel! well, do not go and hit on your dentist because they only recount what they have been told for 50 years of misinformation. they intend to do good and aren't trained in toxicity. the dr. h. limeback also admitted to have himself induced into error all is colleagues for years. for 15 years he refused to take notice of toxicity studies (which are however at everyone's disposal. but when we don't know, it's usually because we do not want to). in a word, without going into conspiracy, i assume that if there is,

on earth, no natural sodium fluoride in its pure state, there is no reason for me to ingest some. i suggest that you buy water which doesn't contain fluorine. just read the labels, they shall not include any of these references (fluorine, fluoride, sodium fluoride, hydrofluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate) about its presence in toothpaste, it's possible (and i insist on possible) that fluorine actually fights cavities. but it's also possible to brush our teeth with a natural and inoffensive toothpaste (that you can find in bio or dietetic stores) thanks for watching this video. whether you liked it or not, feel free

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