warning: this scp reading contains descriptionsof sexual content and other "not safe for work"material. viewer discretion is advised. item #: scp–835 object class: keter special containment procedures: scp-835 isto be monitored and checked daily for new growth. in the event scp-835 becomes hostile,suppression tactic a-a6 is to be immediately implemented until aggressive action ceases.containment area must be maintained in open ocean, due to the highly aggressive responseof scp-835 to confinement for any length of time.
waste issued by scp-835 must be immediatelycollected and contained. feeding of scp-835 is to take place twice daily, to consist [dataexpunged]. scp-835 may be moved to a new location twice yearly, provided that the current locationis no longer capable of supporting scp-835, and the move has been approved by site command. staff are to remain at least five meters awayfrom scp-835. anyone working near scp-835 must have safety lines attached to recallwinches. contact with scp-835 will result in the immediate recall of all staff, andimplementation of suppression tactic a-a6. should contact result in full capture of astaff member, scp-835 is to be monitored constantly until the release of the subject.
description: scp-835 appears to be a largemass of coral-like polyps weighing eight tons. the individual polyps are larger than anyknown coral species, growing to more than one meter in diameter in some cases. the centralmass is roughly oval shaped, with a very large (3 meter diameter) polyp at each “endâ€.scp-835 is incapable of locomotion, and appears to anchor itself with the large tentaclesprojected from the scp-835 polyps. these are also used in feeding, and are coated witha sticky adhesive substance. the tentacles are also quite strong, and have been shownto be capable of damaging plate steel. the “coral†of scp-835 is extremely hard,requiring high-powered diamond drills to collect even small samples. scp-835 also grows ata very accelerated rate, capable of adding
22.68kg (50lbs) of mass every day. scp-835is susceptible to many chemicals, which cause scp-835 to “seal up†and halt all growthfor 24 hours, prompting the development and use of suppression tactic a-a6. testing hasshown [data expunged] scp-835 emits a large mass of semi-liquidmaterial several times a day from the large polyps on each “endâ€. this appears tobe made of semi-digested solids, fecal material, and semen. this mass also has several formsof virus, bacteria, and parasites, many of which have been found only within scp-835.the bacterium 835-i5 forms the major concern for containment, due to [data expunged]. this,coupled with the extremely hard “shell†of scp-835, form a major obstacle to neutralization.any force capable of “cracking open†scp-835
would also cause the “slurry†inside tospread, and cause additional infection from 835-i5. addendum 835-01: first draft of after actionreport by mobile task force zeta-niner: circumstances of retrieval on ██-██-████ at ████:██:██ hours,mobile task force zeta-niner (mole rats) conducted an investigation of scp-835. at this time,scp-835 had a mass of only four tons, and only one large polyp at the north end of thestructure (designated polyp alpha), polyp bravo not yet being in existence. as per standard procedure, four team memberswere chosen for the initial investigation.
standard isolation suits (underwater variant)were worn by all four team members: lieutenant c█████████ took point asteam leader, while sergeants l██████ and m█████ served as support. corporalh████, a rookie team member, accompanied the team as an observer. a standard underwaterremote vehicle, or urv, was used for initial investigation. scp-835 did not, at first, act in a hostilemanner towards the team, allowing team members to approach and make contact without incident.urv-01 was sent to investigate the exterior of the object while team members c, l, andm proceeded towards what they believed to be the entrance of the site. corporal h wasordered to remain outside and to monitor urv-1
in order to ensure that the device's tetherdid not become tangled on the exterior protrusions. the first sign of trouble occurred when corporalh, while attempting to clear a jam in urv-1's sampling claw, reported in with the words,"oh god, help me, help me." he then reported that "some horrible tentacle thing" had wrappedaround his arm and was dragging him in towards a "fucking mouth," and vocalized several distresscalls… jesus christ. i can't do this. fucking… goddamn it, he was just a kid! it was hisfirst fucking mission, i should have kept my eye on him! christ… all right, here goes, guess i'lljust let sarge edit this for me. again. so the thing grabbed the kid. it had me fooledto rights. the entrance wasn't an entrance,
it was just… some cave. the real entrancewas the big polyp thing on the north end. it grabbed the kid and started dragging himtowards the mouth. topside started to drag him up, but all they got was a snapped cable.and the kid? he got pulled inside and eaten. god, i still remember him screaming. he wasscreaming at us, he was crying. "oh god, lieutenant, it's eating me, oh god, i don't wanna die!"i'm shouting at him to calm down, we're gonna get him out of there, and then topside tellsus to abort, and they start the winches. i'm screaming at them to wait, i had his hand!i had him! i got the carabiner on, we're hooked together, and topside starts winching us up…and we're not getting anywhere. i'm grabbing on, i'm telling him i'm not gonna let go,and then the winch starts to seize up, and
i feel this jerk on the tether and it goesslack, and then we're both sliding into that damn thing. it was like… jesus, i need another drink…fuck. it was like… the only way i can think of it was like you know that thing that doctorsdo when they stick a tube up someone's ass and look at the inside of their intestines?i saw that on tv once, it was like that, except i was going down the throat of some horribleunderwater hell-monster, not up some poor bastard's rear. there were these… muscularcontractions, i guess, and they were slowly sliding us down the length of the tube. ifwe weren't wearing the hard suits, we'd have been crushed, but as it was, we were heldso tight we could barely move, even with power-assist.
i managed to get my head up enough to seethe kid's face. his faceplate was covered in vomit, poor bastard had puked in his suit.i started yelling for him, trying to get him to say something. he managed to tell me hewas all right. he was sobbing like a baby. i started doing some calculations. based onmy dead reckoning tracker and initial sonar scans, we were moving about a meter everyminute. that meant seventy two hours until we came out the other side, assuming we did.we had the air, our rebreathers could keep going for days. what we didn't have was thepower to keep the suits warm for that long. if the heat went out, hypothermia would killus… i dunno, look it up, in any case we'd be dead. we needed to conserve power.
i told the kid to turn off his helmet lights,lock his joints, and turn down his heater to minimal. he started crying. he didn't wannado it. i didn't blame him, but i told him we had no choice. we finally agreed to shutdown everything but our internal helmet lights, at least. it seemed to calm him down, andhonestly, that extra 0.1 percent power wouldn't make a difference. i think that was the worst part. we spentat least a day like that, locked in our suits. couldn't move our arms and legs. no soundbut the thing's gurgling and your own breathing and the sound of your rebreather. the pukeon the kid's faceplate started to dry up and flake off about an hour or so in so i couldsee his face. he looked tired and scared.
i think… check the logs, sarge, i thinkit was about thirteen hours in when the kid started talking again. kid started babbling.apologized for [data expunged]. anyway, after that, he calmed down a lot, even managed tocrack a couple of jokes, then i told him to take a nap. he slept a bit, thank god. about twenty four hours in, we reached…i guess they're calling it the stomach now. first warning sign was a gurgling kind ofnoise, louder, with a crunching noise over it. i told the kid to bring his suit up tofull power and get ready. a little while after, we fell out into this big chamber… big asin, big enough for the two of us to fit in it comfortably, which was huge compared tothe tight squeeze of the tube. kid's suit
started hissing and the outer shell startedto turn all pitted and stuff, and i noticed my gloves were starting to degrade to, soi yelled at him to move, and we started heading towards this… sphincter, i guess. i remember…god, why can i remember this, the insides of the stomach were lined with [data expunged]. i almost lost it there, [data expunged] i'dstayed, my suit would have melted and i'd be dead, but the kid grabbed me and shovedme headfirst through the sphincter and we fell into… the other place. it was even worse than the stomach. [dataexpunged], this place was… well, you know what it was full of. i'm not squeamish, bill,you can't be if you're a mole rat, but this
place squicked me out so bad i almost passedout. the kid helped me back up to my feet, though, told me we were almost out. "comeon, lieutenant, we're almost out of here, let's go," he said. we moved over to the othersphincter, but the thing was… well, it was puckered up tighter than my drill sergeant'sasshole back in basic. so no way we were getting out of there. we decided to wait for a bit until the thingshot its load, so to speak: if it made shit and cum, it would have to spit it out eventually,right? anyway, that's when things started to go bad. [data expunged]
i managed to wrestle the thing ████ ███ ████ ████ ███ ███ throughthe sphincter into the stomach. its tentacles writhed at me as it started to melt. [dataexpunged] then 835 blew its load and i flew out itsass into the ocean. you know the rest of the story, bill. exceptone thing. [data expunged] as for the rest, fill it in from the reportsand the logs for me, will ya? oh, and be sure to edit it so the motherfuckers in commanddon't yell at me for being unprofessional in me aars again. i'm gonna finish off mydrink and take a couple valium and go to bed. [data expunged] thanks. warning: this scp reading contains descriptionsof sexual content and other "not safe for
work" material. viewer discretion is advised notice from the foundation records and informationsecurity administration this document requires level 4 clearance andauthorization for need-to-know under code triton victor blue. if you do not possessthe necessary security clearances, please close this document immediately and reportthe security breach to the records and information security administration. thank you. — maria jones, director, raisa scp–835
is to take place twice daily, to consist ofany form of local aquatic species. feedings should be supervised at all times, and nounscheduled feedings of scp-835 are to take place for any reason. should scp-835 entera “rage†state, higher level mammals may be issued as a food supply, up to and includinghomo sapiens. scp-835 has shown high levels of docility when digesting higher level mammalianlife, and recommendation for the issuing of this form of food has been approved for useduring testing phases . scp-835 may be moved to a new location twice yearly, provided thatthe current location is no longer capable of supporting scp-835, and the move has beenapproved by site command. staff are to remain at least five yards awayfrom scp-835. anyone working near scp-835
the individual polyps are larger then anyknown coral species, growing to more than 50lbs of mass every day. scp-835 is susceptibleto many chemicals, which cause scp-835 to “seal up†and halt all growth for 24 hours,prompting the development and use of suppression tactic a-a6. testing has shown that scp-835appears to be made from basic human biological components, with the shell being formed fromsuper-dense calcium, the “caps†that cover the polyps coated with tooth enamel, and thetentacles appearing to be formed from mutated tongue cells. most human biological systemsare present, however many (neurological, lymphatic, circulatory, etc.) show extreme mutation andatrophy. the digestive and reproductive systems appear both highly developed and linked, withboth feces and semen being collected and ejected
from the same “chamberâ€. for containment, due to 835-i5 and its rolein the reproductive cycle of scp-835. vertebrate animals infected with scp-835 will undergothe following symptoms: increased weight gain (10-20lbs a day on average)constant hunger urge to consume normally unpleasant/unpalatableitems (raw meat, organs, grass, wood) hardening/calcification of the skinformation of polyps on the skin rapid reduction in intelligence and mobilityincreased aggression urge to enter sea wateratrophy of many major biological systems end stage infection appears to convert thesubject into an additional instance of scp-835.
attempts to determine what, if any, intelligenceremains have been inconclusive; however scp-835 appears to have a limited amount of awareness.835-i5 has shown a very high infectivity rate, with 68% of all infected subjects progressingto end stage. there is no form of treatment or antibiotic that has been shown to haltor reverse the effects of 835-i5 . this, coupled with the extremely hard “shell†of scp-835,form a major obstacle to neutralization. any force capable of “cracking open†scp-835would also cause the “slurry†inside to spread, and cause additional infection from835-i5. 835 after action report, uncensored an investigation of scp-835 at this time,scp-835 had a mass of only four tons, and
the first sign of trouble occured when corporalh, while attempting to clear a jam in urv-1's footnote 1: at this point, lieutenant c█████████logged off their personal computer for ten minutes. internal sensors indicate that themini-fridge in the quarters was opened, and a fifth of jameson whiskey removed. foot note 2: post-incident analysis indicatesthat this was the point where the support vehicle's crane suffered a critical structuralfailure. in vomit, poor bastard had puked in his suit. foot note 3: in early missions, 25% of allzeta niner casualties were caused by aspiration of vomit caused by backflow against the suitfaceplate. second-generation isolation suits
were redesigned with catchpockets, piezo-electricfaceshield wipers, and self-clearing air intakes to prevent further incidents. i started yelling for him, trying to get himto say something. he managed to tell me he was all right. he was sobbing like a baby. started talking again foot note 4: mission time: 16:13 from start,12:17 since capture. kid started babbling. apologized for stealingmy shorts. said you guys made him sneak into my quarters and take it from me as a dare.why the hell did you guys make him do that? i mean, i don't mind if you haze the new guys,bill, but did you always have to do it in
a way that reminded them i'm a chick? it washard enough trying to get them to listen to me as it was. anyway, bill, it's all therein the log. you know what i told him. they were lies, of course. jokes. he laughed too.joked back. i hope he was joking. i don't know what i would have done if we'd survived.maybe i would have gone ahead and did it. i don't know. it's all fucked up. anyway,after that, he calmed down a lot, even managed to crack a couple of jokes, then i told himto take a nap. he slept a bit, thank god. my gloves were starting to degrade too, soi yelled at him to move, and we started heading of the stomach were lined with teeth and faces.human faces, and they were all wailing at us and screaming, they were begging us tokill them.
i almost lost it there, i started openingup with my gun, started shooting them in the heads, and if i'd stayed, my suit would havemelted and i'd be dead, but the kid grabbed me and shoved me headfirst through the sphincterand we fell into… the other place. it was even worse than the stomach. that onewas lined with faces and filled with acid, this place was… well, you know what it wasfull of. i'm not squeamish, bill, you can't be if you're a mole rat, but this place squickedme out so bad i almost passed out. the kid helped me back up to my feet, though, toldme we were almost out. "come on, lieutenant, we're almost out of here, let's go," he said.we moved over to the other sphincter, but the thing was… well, it was puckered uptighter than my drill sergeant's asshole back
in basic. so no way we were getting out ofthere. to go bad. the kid started complaining aboutthis awful smell. i tried to stay calm. told him it was probably his suit's waste recyclers,told him to let me take a look at it. yeah. there was a hole in the back of his leg, probablyfrom the acid. i put a patch on it, and told him not to worry about it. and that's wheni noticed that there were these red things growing all over his face. he started screamingwhen the first of them burst and splattered blood all over the inside of his face plate.he begged me to die. i put my gun up to his face plate and pulled the trigger, click.i'd burned all my ammo trying to shoot those damn faces.
the tentacles burst out of its face a momentafter. it grabbed me… and it started licking me, bill. the thing was running its tonguesall over my face and body, over the suit. it grabbed me and pushed me down and triedto hump my suit like a dog, but it couldn't get through. i managed to wrestle the thingthat had once been the kid back through the sphincter into the stomach. its tentacleswrithed at me as it started to melt. he smiled - told me he loved me before hedied. i screamed. you know the rest of the story, bill. exceptone thing. when i got back to the ship, there was a breach in my suit. i haven't told anyoneyet, bill. no one noticed, not even me: a little crack on the wrist of my left glove,and i guess someone missed a spot on decontamination,
and, well, i figured i was okay, right? itjust hit the skin… nothing internal. and i didn't start getting symptoms right away,but i've read the reports about the latency times, and if i'm gonna start coming down,now is about the tail end of the incubation period. so i locked myself in and waited. i just looked in the mirror and noticed thatmy face is starting to grow some red blotches. so… yeah. i guess i'm fucked. in me aars again. i'm gonna finish off mydrink and take a couple valium and go to bed. tell the cleaner teams not to enter my quarters:abandon the entire ship and scuttle it on top of the original site. it should be easierto contain two of us than just one. besides,
i think the kid would like it that way. nowwe can be together, just like he wants. thanks.
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