swollen legs is quite an unpleasant conditionthat can disrupt your daily life. it can be caused by various reasons, likepoor blood circulation, weight gain, menstrual cycle, unhealthy diet, and pregnancy, butalso from external factors like humidity, temperature changes, hot weather, and thegravity itself which attracts the fluids in our body downwards. swollen legs are quite painful and uncomfortable. to reduce the swelling, lie down and raiseyour legs up to a height of about 30 cm. this is a quick, mild, and temporary solutionto this problem, but in this post, you will read about a natural way how to completelyeliminate the excess fluids from the body,
and thus reduce the swelling in the legs. the solution to swollen legs is parsley tea. this natural diuretic provides many benefitson the overall health and well-being. in 2002, the journal of ethnopharmacologypublished a study which confirms its diuretic properties, thanks to its capacity to inhibitthe potassium and sodium ion pumps, and to stimulate osmosis and the flow of urine. unlike other diuretics which cause decreasedlevels of potassium, parsley is loaded with this mineral. instead, it improves the overall organismperformance.
this means that you can raise the recommendeddaily amount of parsley without experiencing any side-effects. “diuretic and hypotensive activity of aqueousextract of parsley seeds†is a 2009 brazilian study which has also confirmed the potentialof parsley to boost the urine flow and regulate the blood pressure at the same time. dr. john r. christopher is one of the mostexperienced u.s. herbalists, and he says that the recommended daily amount of raw parsley,or parsley tea to treat edema, is 64 oz. (2 quarts). for full potential of the herb’s properties,use the whole raw and organic herb, together
with the roots, leaves which possess incrediblehealing powers. how to prepare parsley tea in 500 ml of boiled water, add five tablespoonsof freshly and finely chopped parsley leaves and roots. boil for another five minutes. then, let the tea cool for about 20 minutes,and strain. how to use consume the tea 3 times a day, and the swellingsof your legs should disappear in a few days.
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