john kohler: alright! this is john kohlerwith today we have another exciting episode for you and sinceyou guys asked for it, i got another video with my buddy josh from the boogie brew company,and we’re going to talk about something very important. you guys have been watchingme for any length of time, you’ll know that from the time i built my raised beds, i’vebeen using one ingredient along with my compost way back in the day, and that’s rock dust.rock dust is one of the things that i believe you need to put in your garden all the timeand it’s essential and what we’re going to do in this video because josh is tryingto see the benefit of. josh: well of course john, rock dust ain’tthe answer man. i mean come on, the tea, it’s
a one-stop shop, that’s what it’s allabout right here. john: no man it’s the rock dust and we’regoing to battle it out today and you guys are going to hear the full story and if composttea or rock dust is better for your garden and why. so josh, if you think compost teais so good, why should you use that instead of rock dust man? josh: john, rock dust is not the answer okayfolks? maybe it’s one answer, but it ain’t the answer. i mean, this is a lot of backbreakingwork and some of you out there watching us might think, “okay, these guys are beinglike best of frenemies here, agreeing to disagree,†but i think john is crazy. that one poundof rock dust for every square stinking foot
of soil, that’s ludicrous! come on’re going to turn your soil to concrete using that much. john: you know my buddy, the rock dust expert,he literally wrote the book, his name is don weaver, and he’s the one who told me onepound per one square foot as a generous offering back into the earth of trace minerals. i knowsome of you guys out there might think oh yeah john, i put compost or composted leavesin my garden and that gives me all the minerals i need and all this stuff, but think aboutthis. if you’re composting the leaves from the trees, if the soil where the trees aregrowing, if trace minerals are not in that soil, then they’re not going to be in theleaves that you’re going to compost.
and trace minerals are essential for’s quite unfortunate that most americans are deficient in trace minerals and thinkwe’re supposed to take little supplements. and if all the food was grown in trace minerals,we could be optimally healthy. and there’s studies and my empirical evidence of me growinga full garden year after year now for over ten years, things grow bigger and better inrock dust josh. josh: yeah, but when did your garden reallytake off? it was after you started boogieing it right? john: i mean that’s true, but the rock dust,it’s super important. okay josh, take this one. you guys know, what came first, the chickenor the egg? what came first, rock dust or
compost tea? dude, we’re on the earth. thisis a freaking rock in the middle of the solar system in the universe right? nothing wouldexist without the rocks. the rocks is where we came from, the rocks is imperative to putback in your garden. josh: true, okay so success leaves clues sofollow the clues. yes you’ve been successful with rock dust, but do you really think heneeded one pound per square foot continuously? surely okay, one time as an initial treatmentin an rock dust deficient or mineral deficient soil, sure that might be good, but come onman. one pound per square foot? john: no, i recommend it as one pound persquare foot as an initial offering to the earth to give back generously, because it’sclear. conventional agriculture is literally
stripping the soil. they’re putting backsome chemical fertilizers that we’re not going to get into this episode josh becausei know he’s going to go off with a rant for awhile. chemical fertilizers to give theplants what they need, but then there’s a lot of runoff because they’re water-soluble.rock dust is a long lasting, long acting for the soil to feed plants. now, while i do addadditional rock dust all the time, i don’t always add one pound per one square foot afterevery single season. i think the most important thing is to get trace minerals into the soiland rock dust is one of my preferred methods, because it’s a natural method that the earthdoes naturally. josh: but it’s a lot of work to take thestuff, backbreakingly go and cast it all.
you got to wear a stupid dust mask so you’renot breathing all of that crazy particulate and the amounts that you prescribe, it’salmost scary how much rock dust you use! but he’s right, success leaves clues in themicrobes. he’s not feeding the soil, he’s feeding the microbes in the soil, creatingthat unique electrical charge, that unique electrical field. and actually, speaking ofdust, i used to subscribe to the whole water-soluble, of course we know rock dust is not, strictlyspeaking, water soluble, but the most soluble form of it. actually we found in our own experiments whenwe added rock dust to our tea recipe, the most sexy tea, the one with the most foamand just rich and everything loving it at
least from a visceral perspective, i’m notsure from a microscope, seemed to perform better using granulated ingredients. not usingthe powdered stuff. be careful what you wish for. i think with the amounts you prescribe,people don’t take that somewhat with a grain of salt. maybe this initial application, john,fine, but if you keep doing it, you’re going to turn this stuff to concrete. john: no, no, because you’re also addingcompost back and organic matter. we need organic matter such as in compost, but we also needthe trace minerals and mineral matter. josh just said it himself. the microbes feed onthe minerals and if you don’t got the minerals, you’re not going to have the microbes. mywhole theory when i started gardening was
if i put the rock dust, build it and theywill come, what was that famous builderum with kevin costner? josh: field of dreams. john: field of dreams, whatever, but buildit and they will come. put the rock dust and the microbes will come, but it might not happenthat quickly and without the rock dust, the microbes are not going to thrive better inthe compost tea josh, so there! josh: oh my god, alright. i stand smittenwith your propaganda on rock dust, and i agree, it really, really works really well, but what’sthe point of building such a high horsepower engine with that much rock dust if you don’thave a high octane fuel to feed it. and with
the tea, we already put rock dust in it. ithink the best stuff, the one with the most, going back to talk to the powdered versusgranulated. granulated gives you that bsa, bacterial surface area, for the microbes tocolonize. and i mean come on john, the trees aren’t, they’re not like showering downrock dust down onto the forest floor, but they are showering down humus, and composttea is like humus on steroids. come on man. john: but the glaciers, the glaciers grindup and the water comes off, like the glacial milk and the himalayas and it runs down andfeeds the forest, all this kind of stuff. so it is completely natural, and once againwe’re living on a rock. there would be rock dust and all kinds of rock types and mineralsin the ground if we didn’t do stripping
of the earth and all the conventional farmingand bulldozing where your house was. rock dust is just super natural and let’s talkabout this josh. what’s easier to apply? i get the rock dust, i open it up, i spreadthem in my garden, or you gotta get the compost and get it in filtered water, you got to brewit for 24 hours, you gotta buy a pump, you gotta buy all this stuff to do that. josh: one time. you make that one time investmentin a badass brewer, just like if you can brew coffee. i know you don’t drink coffee orin your case, a pot of chamomile tea, oh wait you’re a raw foodist. a good juicer, thereyou go. that’s a good analogy. so once you have that —
john: no, i’d rather just get the fruitsand vegetables, why get the juicer? why have to brew shit when you could just get the bag,open it, and you’re going to get the results? josh: well, he is right. i mean the hunzavalley in northern india to pakistan area, in the himalayas, have the longest livingpeople in the world with the most succulent, dried, tasty apricots. they’re famous, andthey use, their mineral water it’s literally like a milk that’s coming out from the glaciers.and that’s what it is, it’s glacial rock dust and in fact, i think i heard that technicallyrock dust, as a technical description, is supposed to be glacially crushed rock matteris what i understand. but anyways, we could spar back and forth. we could agree to disagreeand i do think they both have their space.
i’m not sure about the quantities john prescribesand we’ve sold so much of this rock dust i’m throwing rocks at these rock boxes,so i would rather see people use a little less rock dust and a little more tea and wekeep trying harder than ever to give people that option of brewing at a lower cost, givingthem that ibm business model in the hardware so that they can get their gardens addictedto the software and of course i have a selfish interest. i want you to use boogie, but actually,go back and watch the open source videos. i don’t want you to use boogie; i want youto use tea and rock dust, honestly, and get it as cheaply as possible. every communityin america should be finding these solutions as cheaply as possible. when we ship you therock dust, it’s absurd.
you’re paying more than half the cost isin the shipping, and these things are a pain in the ass, so start encouraging your localnurseries, your local hardware stores, your local feed stores, to please feature thisstuff. get it as locally as possible. there’s places all over that have quarries and miningunfortunately in operation, so since we’ve scarred the earth with these operations, thenyes, one of the best trickle down benefits we can get out of it is what would otherwisebe a nuisance. a dusty nuisance of particulate, and take that particulate, put it into yoursoil, duplicate the results the himalayan people, the longest living people of hunzavalley on earth, and go ahead and supercharge it with some tea.
john: but josh, i still think rock dust, asgood as it is, is still better than the compost tea for this main reason. you mention it yourself;rock dust is available at quarries near you, many quarries that crush up stone and want to try to get it, try to get a basalt or volcanic rock, some of the best types,that’s crushed up into a little powder. and literally for the quarries, this is awaste product that you can actually take sometimes for free, put in your garden, get good results,whereas compost tea, you should have excellent quality worm castings and you gotta have alot of other ingredients you got to source. and it’d be maybe a pain to get some ofthem, so rock dust is much more available for all the people out there, even withouthaving to go to nursery or buy the special
horticulture-grade stuff, which i use in mygarden. i would recommend to you guys, but you guys could get it as a waste product atlocal quarries, and i do already have a video on this. see it’s more sustainable becauseyou don’t have to go out and make your worm castings and add all these exotic ingredientsthat were made in factories and all this kind of stuff, and they got to be shipped all over. josh: hold on, we talked about that in thelast video of my little rant there. it’s going to take more energy to mine rocks andcrush rocks than for communities to have sensible worm farms and sensible compost facilities.i know a gentlemen who gets a lot of byproducts from natural flooring industry. he’s a counselor,a lawyer, and he has a client who installs
beautiful stone floors in the san franciscobay area, and he’s gotten so many trickledown, what i would call joshmedown if it were myflooring company, rock particles, and his wife has used them for all kinds of reallylovely displays, whole patios. and also, the natural granite ones have been crushed upmore. the smaller particles go into his garden and everything rages, especially when he feedsit my tea. john: but yeah, i totally agree. most quarriesare not mining for rock dust, they’re mining for other reasons. for rocks to put in underlayment,in sidewalks, and all kinds of crazy stuff, and they have this available near you. soi’m not saying we should destroy the earth to mine it, because that’s a whole othertopic that we’re not going to discuss, but
rock dust is much more available than composttea, and it’s more beneficial. look at the most longest living people, the hunzas, andtheir populations that use, growing nutrient-dense soils. and they’re not sitting there sprayingcompost tea. compost tea is a new modern invention, you know? josh: actually it’s not that new. hippieshave been doing it since the ‘60s. with our product, you don’t need to buy any plasticjugs or liquids. you can activate your own tea for pennies per gallon, with biodegradeable,breathable packaging. this is a six-pounder. this makes you over 100 gallons. what i’mwilling to bet john is that economically, if somebody spends $40, $50, a $1 per pounddelivered price on some rock dust, and they
spend the same amount for the gyg killer dealof course, the boogie bro, or for you ladies out there, the boogie babe deal, on the tea,or even if you make your own, which is an even better deal, i think bang for your buck,you’re going to see better results using the tea. and it’s so easy. i you can brew a pot ofcoffee like i said or make a pot of herbal tea, or make a french press or juice, andthat takes oh more time, the tea you just put a clean air stone. make sure you dry outyour air stone. obviously there’s some maintenance, but still, you don’t have to breathe inall that particulate and it’s already in the tea and you’re getting in there andactivating what’s already in the soil, the
crushed up rock that’s supposed to be inearth. and the earth’s built on rock and it’s way down below, and the tea is likethat humus falling from the redwood needles and it’s just building up naturally. andthe tea takes that hundreds of times over. i’ve been told that using the tea is likecheating by these ladies that go and graduate from, there’s a school in santa cruz whereyou can learn how to be a community farmer, and we tripled the yields at the petalumabounty farms three years ago. they were really nervous about sustaining 24, 25 food basketsa week and we got them over 70. they said it would’ve taken them two, three seasonsto build up the web of life that they saw with their little amateur electron microscopesthat was built using the tea that we were
able to donate, and on two acres, maybe twohundry total, pounds of tea that we used. so, come on. for that kind of investment,that’s so little. money’s like manure, spread it around. the tea allows you to dothat. imagine how much rock dust it would’ve taken to triple the yields of a communitytwo-acre farm. that’s a lot of carbon footprint, versusabout 200 pounds of tea over the course of a whole season. success leaves clues, followthe clues. we all know rock dust is killer, it works. i’m urging you all to just considernot spending every last dime this season on rock dust and really consider getting a one-stopshop solution like our boogie brew or even better, your own open source compost tea recipes.take the effort to make that tea. infuse it,
use it, before you loose it. whip up thatwicked batch of biology. get out there and you can use one of those. we should do a videoabout it here with hose and sprayers, if you can find one that works. some of them area little funky, but it’s worth a shot. the chameleon, if it breaks, you can bring itback. it’s got a ten year warranty and you cancover so much real estate without breathing any particles and it’s just easy. it’sreally, really easy. it truly is. you can take a shower and scrub your body down witha natural earth soap for god’s sake. my wife’s always bugging me, “josh, did youtake your shower today?†come on, it’s that easy. you can just brew the tea oncea week. it’s easier.
john: he’s talking about easy; i want tomake gardening for you easy. one of the things is i don’t like things that expire. if youdon’t use the tea after like 24 hours optimally, the bacterial count goes down. it’s notoptimal to use. like rock dust, if you’re lazy like me and it just sits in a bag, itcan sit in a bag forever and never, ever go bad. the compost tea, if it’s a nice activemixture, may break down over time and you’ll lose all the biology. josh: now hold on john, don’t forget, we’vemade our new two part tea. that actually has extended the life expectancy. we made it evenstronger, the base is richer, the boost is stronger percentages, and this stuff is atleast a year, probably two years shelf life,
so come on, who’s not going to whip up abatch of wicked biology in two seasons? give me a break. john: but once you brew it, you gotta infuseit before you lose it or whatever you say, but the rock dust, it never goes bad. okay,so for you guys out there watching, make a comment down below. who do you think won thisbattle? me or josh? do you think after listening to us, compost tea is better or rock dustis better? i just want to know your guys’ opinions down below. josh: well actually, if you were going tostrand me on a desert island and allow me to pick one horticultural import only, itwouldn’t be either of these. it would have
to be good worm castings that you make yourselfand that you feed. if you’re going to use one soil input. one product? oooh you’regoing to hate me for saying this. that stinky stuff, the fish, the protein, i love thatstuff. that stuff is amazing. john: okay, let’s get back on track. we’retalking about compost tea and the rock dust. and as much as i like the rock dust, i’mgoing to have to agree with josh. what came first, the chicken or the egg? the rocks camefirst, but then the bacteria bred on the minerals in the earth, the seawater, whatever, andnow they multiplied and we’re here. so it’s almost a symbiosis. so they’re both reallyimportant to your garden and i want you guys to do both of them. as good as they each areindividually, i want to encourage you guys
instead of thinking right and wrong, goodand bad, which is better rock dust or compost tea? how about they’re both good and you wantto use them both, instead of this compartmentalized mentality in the world like, “i’m goingto use this and walk with blinders on.†i want you guys to have an inclusive beliefin the world, and that’s one of the reasons why i like the boogie brew tea because joshincludes some of the best ingredients. including things like the rock dust in his tea so you’regetting trace amounts of rock dust in your compost tea after you brew it and you takeout the tea stuff that you brewed and add that to your garden so it grows well and you’regoing to get some of the benefits in there.
josh would you agree with that? finally canwe agree? josh: we can agree to agree, and thank you,i appreciate the little campaigning there on behalf of boogie, and absolutely. thatis what’s wrong with our society john, is this divisiveness, you versus me, left versusright, the people that believe in cannabis versus the people who still believe in prohibition.and it’s good to bring all collective thought processes, opinions, and products, good andbad, together, and distill all the really good stuff, the truth always comes out. andwe’ve done an honest job, we really have with this bulk granola recipe. and that’sthe thing, you’re getting a bit of everything that you get to activate yourself. and i loveyou all for being so supportive of boogie
brew and digging this product so much. i wantto thank you all. i’m actually suffering a heavy dose of what i call orderitis. it’sstill only march. i’m already boogie-burnt, but i’m havinga chat with my team about it and we’re scaling and we’re trying to produce more, but likei said, this needs to stay a decentralized business model. you all need to be makingyour own boogie clone recipe teas yonder, getting the rock dust yonder. it’s reallyimportant. time is running out. i moved here in the ‘80s. i’ve been here 30 years.if america stays the way it is now for another 30 years, i don’t even want to be in thefuture in that society in another 30 years. so i’m 47 now. i moved here when i was 18,all starry-eyed from england. a land where
everyone gardens, took it all for grantedthe suburbia business model. i’m not going to rant about plastic, buti’m just as guilty as anyone of having consumed convenience, plastic-wrapped foods. theseconveniences we’ve been so conditioned to for the last 30 years have become mighty inconvenient,and so it’s really important that you take things like rock dust and tea and your ownworm castings and start doing it on every street corner. it is the future. there’sa place here in sonoma county. it’s the honor farm, and it’s a jail for the low-level,the “organic offenders†there. the low-level offenders. and you usually go out there forthe probation violation. we’re very lucky that this county still has a jail facility,but here’s the thing, and i never thought
about it until just now. the guys who are lucky enough, if you callit a blessing, to stay there for six months, get to enroll in an organic landscaping, organicgrowing, organic gardening program. and some of them go out and become actually certifiedorganic landscapers and make that their career. regardless, the ones who are lucky enoughto do that are blessed and have earned a life skill, which we’ve all forgotten. i mean,it’s in your blood, it’s in your dna, a thousand videos later, it’s not that hard.guys go there for six months on the honor farm, come out, do what you do, and that’swhat we all need to do. so people tell me all the time how contagious this is, how addictedto your videos they are, and i mean i get
calls. like i said before in the last videothat i ranted about, i get calls from you all and i hear it from just regular people.i was doing miracle gro last year. i’m done. i’m going to grow my food, i’mdoing it organically, i’m doing it sustainably. i’m hunting craigslist for local sensibly-pricedcompost. people are getting savvier. in the three years i’ve been selling boogie brewthrough you on this channel, i’ve seen it change, and it’s going to change dramaticallymore so. people were a lot more tepid about this three years ago, and now it’s realand present and people are really focused on it. and i’m imagining in three more years,i don’t know. i have no crystal ball, but the curve i’ve seen is people are gettingreally antsy about these changers. and here’s
the thing, the only thing stronger than thebb, the boogie brew, is the bc, the boogie challenge. the challenge is to you, and toyou all who follow this man, it is up to you to overthrow the mighty m. i’m sorry to single out, and you gremlinsout there, you trolls, i know you’re going to come out oh he’s off his rock, this crazyboogie boy! no, this is serious. that last video you just did on illegal seed-sharingand obviously the response to that, this is a war! i’m not trying to militarize youall. be the immaculate church of the mellow low-profile apostle growing tribe. go outthere and really make a difference by planting heirloom seeds. commit a criminal act in yourstate, in your county, in your jurisdiction
of planting heirloom seeds and using non-gmoand using all organic materials and changing 80 years of this suburban experiment whichhas gone hopelessly wrong. i talked about this in my rant video, the movie “end ofsuburbia.†i urge you all to watch that. that’s the one movie that every time i’veseen it, i’ve seen it like 20, 30 times, i’m see something new in it. i’m likeoh my god, we’ve been doing everything so wrong. yet another piece of that jigsaw puzzleof this suburban experiment, like i said before. ten calories of fossil fuel energy are neededfor one calorie of food energy to be grown and produced and sold and distributed in thiscountry. this cannot go on. we know have this fracking bonanza, where the fossil fuel energyis still expensive, but affordable enough
to keep the status quo rolling. it’s goingto be painful to get off the whole oil and gas train, but peter gabriel did it. he doesn’teven fly anymore. he’s like nah, it’s great to see the world,but i’m done flying. the carbon footprint. this is where it begins. if everyone did whatyou do john, and lived as minimally as you do, god knows you’re cheap, but it’s great.that is the real economy. i’m not getting rich from boogie brew. there’s no way, butthis is what keeps me going, is having a conversation at you all in the video, but these phone callsi get. and that’s really the emotional reward, the emotional currency i’m getting fromdoing this. it’s a pain in my ass. i’ve got tea in my nails.
john: i’ve got dirt in my nails. josh: you’re definitely not getting richfrom growing your greens. you keep your juicer business as autopiloted as you can so hisgreater mission of getting this out there, 1,000 videos. when i met john, it was howmany? sixty, seventy thousand subscribers? oh dude, your subscriber base, you’re sucha hero, everyone loves you — it’s not about that. it’s about what you all aredoing. it really is about this tribe. it’s not about the men you watch, and you knowthat. and so, like i said, this is what keeps me going. this is josh’s juju. whether youuse rock dust or my tea or your own, i don’t care. just keep doing what you’re doing.thumbs down if i’m just getting a little
too crazy. that’s fine! i’ll take it.i’ll be thick-skinned. john: just to get us back on track here, becausejosh gets a little ranty and gets off topic a little bit, seriously, i teach you guysorganic gardening and this is important to me as well as josh. we need to get off thechemical fertilizers, and a cornerstone of my organic gardening practice and what i dois the rock dust and the compost tea and it makes me really sad that most organic gardenersteaching organic gardening, they’re not talking about rock dust and compost tea. they’retalking about organic chicken pellets in a bag or organic fertilizer in a jug and allthis crap. we want to get back to basics and at least are some of the closest basics, althoughnot super natural or whatever, as you could
earthy crunchy like compost, but it will getyou the results and allow you to grow the highest-quality food. the highest yields and have the explosivegarden that you all want to make your neighbors envious like mine are. so josh, i don’twant to go on too much longer, but i do want to let you guys know that i feel that rockdust is so important, and josh feels that compost tea is also important, which i alsofeel it’s really important. i’ve negotiated hard with josh, beating him down on the price,so that you guys can get not just one, not just the other, but both of them togetherat a killer deal and plus we’re going to offer you guys an additional component i believeis also critical that once again most organic
gardeners don’t talk about, although manyhydroponic farmers do, is the mycorrhizae. so josh do you want to talk about the mycorrhizaeand why the fungus, in addition to the bacteria in there and the minerals in there is so importantfor your plants? josh: so john this is actually sexy product.i really like this stuff. i know that you’re not happy it comes in plastic. we’re negotiatingwith the manufacturer greenstone organics, put out by the urban farms wholesale label,and these guys we actually know them pretty well. they’re woven into the social fabricof the hydro industry, and i just think it’s great that the northern california, the calijuanarepublic medical growing community and that industry can contribute such valuable productsto organic backyard farmers.
maybe your grandma out there who moisturizesher skin in florida with her own aloe vera plant that she adds boogie brew to. now howdo you want to make that plant even healthier and the soil that it lives in and the symbioticrelationship that that plant enjoys with its root structure? how do you really want tomake that explosively healthy and strong? you’re going to take this product, greenstoneorganics, i’ve never seen a product like this. two hundred and eighty eight thousandglobules per pound. that’s double the amount i know of of the strongest in the industry.i told you, these guys don’t mess around. greenstone. they’re amazing. so this foundationproduct, and yes, we’re going to have it in much more sensible, biodegradable packagingthat also allows it to breathe a bit, which
is important i honestly think. but this stuffis awesome. and what you want to do is get this highlywater-soluble, super charged, very, very strong, very concentrated fungal, they’re calledthe orca species, the whale killer, fungal dominators. so there’s only four speciesin here but they’re the ones that really go to battle for your roots and they’rethe ones that gobble up all the younger root species. so you want to get this stuff incontact with your roots. in john’s case, well he always has stuff already in the ground.obviously the ideal time to apply, and you always do when you have the stuff available,the granulated plus mycorrhizae, we have that, too, is to those bare root transplants.
the mycorrhizae ain’t going to work foryou unless to give them a home to live in, with is the rhizosphere, which is important.but this is a water-soluble formula. i like that these guys were intelligent and put inclay, because clay is a fabulous matrix for good biology and always adheres to it reallywell. a super-soluble clay and absolutely loaded with fungal cultures. two hundred andeighty eight thousands globules per pound. that’s an obscene level. john: that’s crazy josh. so what do thesemycorrhizae fungi do on the roots? they have sex? josh: if they do, it better be good.
john: they’re making love in the soil likejosh to make good soil. josh: i could make love to good soil biology,that is true, but i don’t know about mycorrhizae. but no, this stuff is just awesome. if youcolonize your roots with this, they will absolutely explode. volumes. reams of university studiesand research out there on the benefits of using mycorrhizal products. there’s twogenres. there’s the endo and there’s the ecto. so the endospecies for 80 to 90 percentof the vegetables, fruits that are grown in the gardens of america today respond reallywell to the endo. the eco is actually for strawberries, so once you get into the not-strawberryfruits, your bigger fruit trees like your apple trees, then they have to be ecto.
but this is of course geared towards the hydroindustry’s primary target customers, the 4/20 heads out there, but nonetheless regularbackyard gardeners, 80 to 90 percent of what you grow is going to directly benefit fromthis stuff. so yeah ,we’ve put together a package where we’re going to give yourock dust, we’re going to give you the world’s greatest compost tea value, bulk granola,new two-part boogie brew pro with the base and the boost, and we’re also going to giveyou the ultimate fungal starter for those roots. alright? and if you dust your new bare-roottransplant with this stuff, they will rock. they will turn into thick roots in no time.if you’ve already transplanted, no worries. this happens to be a super water-soluble i said, fungally super-charged like i’ve
never seen. we’ve never sold a mycorrhizalproduct until we discovered this stuff. we love this stuff. there it is. these shouldbe your magic trio. john: these should be your foundation in yourorganic garden. the foundation, soluble mycorrhizae, the greenstone, the boogie brew compost teaor another compost tea that you diy yourself and the rock dust. these are super importantingredients to me. i’ve been using mycorrhizae for years now. you can check my videos fromlike four years ago when i grew some tomatoes, and i have a video of how some of my tomatoeslook treated with mycorrhizae and some of the ones i didn’t. the ones i treated, theyblew up. so if you really want to have that garden you’ve always desired, some of thehealthiest plants, some of the most nutritious
plants, you really gotta get this josh, what are you going to do for my people out there, what’s the value on this stuffand what kind of deal are they going to get? josh: so they’re going to get six poundsof the boogie brew pro two-part tea, enough to make over 100 gallons, 44 pounds of cascademinerals, which in my humble opinion the best granulated bacterial surface area salt depositrich and the magnesium and the calcium and the iron, i love dark minerals, dark mineralsare great. it’s like a dark, rich, earthy compost tea, it’s great. and then we havethe mycorrhizae, the foundation. i forgot to mention its name until we started talkingabout it but yeah, the foundation by greenstone organics. i’m very excited about this product.
you’re going to get four ounces of thatand john has bullied us, once again, into giving you a super-special deal on these threeproducts in a one-stop box, all in one box. it’s crazy. we were up late last night fightingeach other like we do, best of frenemies, figuring out what’s going to go into thissuper-valued uber rock box. we’re calling it the rock box plus. it’s no longer, honestly,in my humble opinion, this is the heaviest part of the box, but these are the goodiesyou’re really going to get in the box. and i think we’re going to do it for, you bulliedme down to $79. john: $79.99 for a limited time only, so ifyou’re watching this video, jump on this because the price will go up very soon.
josh: $79.99 for a limited time, okay? whilethe wife allows it, that’s the real boogie boss. with one of these things, i have twochoices buddy. john, your future wife, she’s out there watching right? once he has this,he has two choices. guess what they are for me. well, i can be happy or i can be right,but never both. john: i mean all you guys out there, takenote. he’s learned a lot in his whatever, 47 years he’s been alive. that’s one ofthe most important thing i’ve learned, a little bit younger than that. josh: happy wife, happy life. i’m just thevoice, the face of boogie brew. real boogie boss is the other half. we started it togetherfive years ago, so limited time. $79.99, but
then we’re going to have to bump it up to$89.99. it’s still a screaming deal. i mean we have that combo deal out there for 95 bucks.we sold so many of those boogie combo deals. these rock boxes, but am i a freaking teacompany or a rock dust reseller? i mean i understand you have to give your customer,the maxim is you have to give your customer what they want. i get that. you guys all wanta lot of rock dust. fine, i’ll keep selling it to you but try and source it locally. eventuallyi want to see you all making your own boogie clone tea. i talk too much; i never talk poopit’s the truth. i don’t want to be the donald trump of compost teas. donald, i hopeyou’re watching this. start growing your food donald!
john: josh will send it to you for free! josh: hell no, i’ll make that guy pay. he’sthe one guy who can pay! it doesn’t matter if you have billions, boogie billions. whatgood does it do you you know? john: if you don’t have your health becauseyou’re not eating fresh fruits and vegetables of the highest quality, that money can’tbuy in our society. josh: that’s true and also, going back totalking about more esoteric value and the juju, i love to get away from boogie brewfor a day when he’s in town and come here and actually help in his garden. and there’snothing more natural, and nothing more relaxing and nurturing of an experience. this is whereit comes in, too. it’s not that i want to
make love to the soil. i just want to be aroundit. it’s as good as making love, and that’s pretty good. alright? so that’s what i meanby that. you all know that. and just the act of gardeningand what our hands are shaped to do and what our minds enjoy. find me one person who doesn’tenjoy being in a beautiful garden environment. and here’s the thing. a hundred years ago,it didn’t have to be an edible garden. now it has to be edible. you have no choice. youdon’t, because the alternative is this hopeless system of food distribution and redistributionand the carbon footprint and the corporatization of it and that has to stop. and i’m sayingit with such urgency in my voice. it’s far more important to me than boogie brew, andyou buying such a killer rock dust blahblahblah
super package. we’re just trying to support ourselves herewith giving you these killer deals but honestly, the real foundation is being built by youwith the hands with god gave you and going out there and building raised beds. immaculatechurch of the mellow low-profile gardening apostles. quietly building a revolution thatno number of guns could ever do. monsanto doesn’t care if you fire nuclear-poweredrocket full artillery at it. they’ll just come out stronger. but if you just say, “i’mnot subscribing to your business model and your view of how i’m supposed to eat andthis whole thing of commerce, it’s gotten too perverted. i believe in capitalism, butnot when it destroys all of us.â€
john: once again i want to encourage you guys,especially those of you guys, because i know most of you guys watching are already growingyour own food and i want you guys to take it to the next level and buy these productsor source these same products somewhere else. get a good deal on it. you’re probably notgoing to beat the deal at these prices. you can’t get these things local because joshain’t making a lot of money and nobody’s busting their ass shipping all this shit ascheap as josh does. and i’m glad josh is making these products available so you guyscan take your garden to the next level, but i know many of you guys out there are stillnot growing yet. so i want to encourage you guys, if this videohas motivated you, if this video has fired
you up, start this season! now! build someraised beds, buy this stuff, get some plant starts, start things from seed and grow thebest stuff. and yes, it will be a learning curve but you guys will be using some of thebest stuff to have the best probability of success and all you gotta do is not watertoo much and not water too little and not put it under a tree and you’re going tohave some of the most incredible food ever. so josh, any last comments before we closeout this video? josh: just god bless you all for listening.obviously i like an audience a little too much. when i’m around you it’s like becareful what you wish for, keep me on a leash, but really, it’s up to you to make thatchange. i don’t want, if i’m lucky enough
to be blessed with children and grandchildren,i don’t want to have to look them in the eye john when i get old and have them sayto me, “what were you thinking? how did you allow 80 years of this suburban, it hasn’teven been 100 years.†it directly tracks cannabis prohibition, this wonderful planthemp, we’ll save that for another episode. alright, but it’s really time to changeand what you all are doing out there is the most monumental change. it really, truly is.tell everyone to start doing it, too, please. john: i want to encourage you guys, one ofmy favorite sayings by gandhi, “be the change you want to see in the world,†and that’ssimply what i’ve tried to do and shared that with you guys so you guys can do it,too, if you want. and if you’re ready to
change and do it as well. i really hope youguys enjoyed this episode. if you want to get the special to be able to get these threetop products that i’d recommend and i want to encourage other gardening teachers outthere to start teaching people about these and yes, there are ways you can make yourown compost tea. there are ways you can make your own and get your own free mycorrhizae,and you can get your own rock dust, whether you buy this or not. you want to start using these ingredientsand start spreading this to others because i think it’s far too long that we’ve beencaught up in this commerce system, by this organic fertilizer in a bag, which works tosome extent, but i want you guys to have the
best garden ever. so if you want to get thisdeal, check him out at i’ll put a link down below this video andi guess go out and order it and have the best growing season ever. hope you guys enjoyedthis episode and once again, post down below if in the beginning of the video you thinki won, or if you think josh won, because i’m curious to see. and of course put your commentsif you’re already on the rock dust and the compost tea and what amazing growth you’vehad because there are so many skeptics out there, but this stuff does work if you doit. you need to activate the rock dust, the microbes will come, but it might take sometime. if you’ve got the compost tea, you’re adding the microbes that’s directly neededto digest the rock dust to make it available.
super critical, super important and with that,i’m going to close this out. josh: hold on. listen man, i love you man,thank you for that good little scrap. the french have a saying, “you trust couplesthat squabble publicly right?†and sort their poop out. that’s certainly the casewith my wife and i and that’s why boogie brew’s still around by the way. so god blessyou, you got a little emotional there, that’s just awesome. keep that flame going, thankyou again for doing what you all are doing. remember, he’s just the spark plug, thecatalyst. you are all the high-octane fuel itself. you will create a fire that will extinguishthe mighty m and just the corporatization of our life, of our whole world. so pleasekeep doing it and spreading the word.
john: i want to encourage you guys to getout there and get growing today and with that, my name is john kohler with my guest joshcunnings, the boogie brew company. we’ll see you next time and until then, remember,keep on growing.
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