Kamis, 12 Januari 2017

calcium deposits on teeth when sick

top 20 artery-cleansing foods clean your arteriesnaturally. by lifebuzzfeed.com protect your heart with every bite of thesenatural foods avo... thumbnail 1 summary
calcium deposits on teeth when sick

top 20 artery-cleansing foods clean your arteriesnaturally. by lifebuzzfeed.com protect your heart with every bite of thesenatural foods avocados. "instead of using a whopping dollop of mayonnaiseon your sandwich, try using thin slices of avocado," suggests megan madden, a registereddietitian in new york, ny. a 1996 study done by researchers in mexicofound that people who ate avocado every day for one week experienced an average 17 percentdrop in total blood cholesterol. what's more, their levels of ldl ("bad") cholesteroldecreased and hdl ("good") cholesterol increased.

whole grains. the soluble fiber found in whole grains suchas whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal binds the cholesterol in your meal and dragsit out of your body, madden says. "and, when your body needs to utilize cholesterolin the future, it draws on your blood cholesterol supply, effectively lowering your total bloodcholesterol level and your risk for heart disease." and oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast; youcan enjoy it any time of day. olive oil. a 2011 study found that people ages 65 orolder who regularly used olive oil (for both

cooking and as a dressing) were 41 percentless likely to have a stroke compared to those who never use olive oil in their diet. use a little olive oil instead of butter ordrizzle some over pasta, salad, or veggies to take advantage of its high mono- and polyunsaturatedfats, madden says. "and although it’s a healthier option, rememberto use these oils sparingly, as all fats still contain the same number of calories." nuts. grabbing a handful of nuts is a heart-healthyway to beat the afternoon itch for a cookie, madden says.

"almonds are very high in heart-healthy monounsaturatedfats, vitamin e, and fiber, while walnuts are a great plant-based source of an omega-3fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid." according to the american heart association,monounsaturated fats can help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your blood and loweryour risk of heart disease and stroke. foods fortified by plant sterols. sterols are compounds that compete with thecholesterol in your food for absorption within your digestive tract, madden says. "sterols have been shown to lower both totaland ldl cholesterol and can be found in certain brands of fortified orange juice, margarinespreads, and milk."

just be sure to check the label—make surethe margarine is trans fat-free and that "partially hydrogenated oil" does not appear on the ingredientlist. salmon (or other fatty fish). fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, tuna,and salmon are chock full of omega-3 fatty acids, madden says. "eating fish twice a week can reduce yourrisk of developing heart disease by decreasing inflammation and lowering triglyceride levels,and it may even help boost your hdl levels." asparagus. asparagus is one of the best, natural artery-clearingfoods around, says shane ellison, an organic

chemist and author of over-the-counter naturalcures. "asparagus works within the 100,000 milesof veins and arteries to release pressure, thereby allowing the body to accommodate forinflammation that has accumulated over the years." it also helps ward off deadly clots, ellisonsays. pomegranate. pomegranate contains phytochemicals that actas antioxidants to protect the lining of the arteries from damage, explains dr. gregg schneider,a nutritionally oriented dentist and expert on alternative medicine.

a 2005 study published in the proceedingsof the national academy of sciences found that antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice stimulatedthe body’s production of nitric oxide, which helps keep blood flowing and arteries open. broccoli. broccoli is rich in vitamin k, which is neededfor bone formation and helps to keep calcium from damaging the arteries, dr. schneidersays. not to mention, broccoli is full of fiber,and studies show a high-fiber diet can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterollevels. turmeric.

"the spice turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory,"dr. schneider says. "it contains curcumin which lowers inflammation—amajor cause of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries." a 2009 study found that curcumin helps reducethe fatty deposits in arteries by as much as 26 percent. persimmons. forget the old 'an apple a day' adage—itseems eating a daily persimmon is a better way to keep the doctor away. research shows the polyphenols found in thisfruit (which has twice as much fiber and more

antioxidants than an apple) can help decreaselevels of ldl cholesterol and triglycerides. orange juice. a 2011 study published online in the americanjournal of clinical nutrition found that drinking two daily cups of 100-percent orange juicecan help reduce diastolic (resting) blood pressure. oj contains an antioxidant that has been foundto help improve blood vessel function. spirulina. a daily 4,500mg dose of this blue-green algae(usually found in supplement or powder form) can help relax artery walls and normalizeblood pressure.

it may also help your liver balance your bloodfat levels—decreasing your ldl cholesterol by 10 percent and raising hdl cholesterolby 15 percent, according a recent study. cinnamon. just one teaspoon a day of antioxidant-richcinnamon can help reduce fats in the bloodstream, helping to prevent plaque build up in thearteries and lower bad cholesterol levels by as much as 26 percent, according to recentresearch. cranberries. research shows that potassium-rich cranberriescan help reduce ldl cholesterol levels and help raise the good hdl levels in your body,and regular consumption of the holiday favorite

may help reduce your overall risk of heartdisease by as much as 40 percent. coffee. according to researchers in the netherlands,people who drank more than two, but no more than four, cups of coffee a day for 13 yearshad about a 20 percent lower risk of heart disease than people who drank more or lesscoffee or no coffee at all. moderation is the key to coffee's heart-healthbenefits—the caffeine is a stimulant which can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure,and in excess, can lead to irregular heart beat. cheese.

believe it or not, cheese could help loweryour blood pressure! a recent study from brigham and women's hospitaland harvard medical school found that people who eat three servings a day of low-fat dairyhave lower (three points less) systolic blood pressure than those who eat less. green tea. green tea is rich in catechins, compoundsthat have been shown to decrease cholesterol absorption in your body. it may help prevent cancer and weight gain,too! watermelon.

talk about a perfect snack—watermelon isnot only a diet-friendly food, but it can help protect your heart too! a florida state university study found thatpeople given a 4,000mg supplement of l-citrulline (an amino acid found in watermelon) loweredtheir blood pressure in just six weeks. researchers say the amino acid helps yourbody produce nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels. spinach. the potassium and folate found in spinachcan help lower blood pressure, and according to recent research, one serving of nutrient-packedleafy greens (like spinach) a day can help

reduce your risk of heart disease by 11 percent. enjoy some in salads, omelets, and smoothies. you are watching: top 20 artery-cleansingfoods clean your arteries naturally. by lifebuzzfeed.com. please like and share this video to friendsand family to help people live healthy and prevent diseases. and subscribe our channel for more daily videos. share with us your knowledge and what youthink about this video. thank you for watching.

the best foods to eat that help you reducebloating. that puffy, too-full feeling you get aftereating a large meal, eating food too quickly, or eating rich and fatty foods is unpleasantto say the least. most bloating is temporary and harmless butif you consistently experience bloating, see your doctor. in the meantime, fill your grocery cart withthese foods to help reduce bloating. ginger. a well-known remedy for an upset tummy, gingeralso provides a welcome relief for bloating. “it helps with digestion and provides relieffrom numerous gi distresses, including nausea

and bloating,” says deborah orlick levy,a registered dietician and consultant for carrington farms health and nutrition. her go-to foods include ginger candy, gingertea, and adding fresh ginger to yogurt and stir-frys. flush out urine while simultaneously flushingout that bloated feeling. “asparagus contains prebiotics, which likeprobiotics, help support good digestive bacteria,” says levy. “that combination, along with flushing outwater in the body, helps to relieve bloat.” water.

you’re already bloated and you’re supposedto drink more water? yep. however, steer away from carbonated drinks;they actually induce bloating and gi problems. “plain water helps everything flush outof your system, “says levy. if water is too bland for your taste buds,levy suggests adding slices of cucumber, orange, or lemon to make it tastier. celery. crunching on celery may just feel like a workoutfor the jaws but it’s also working on your bloat.

“celery can be used as a digestive aid tocontrol intestinal gas because its chemicals are known to decrease fluid retention,”says jennifer kartashevsky, a registered dietitian at mount sinai hospital, new york. almond milk. some of us just can’t tolerate dairy andmay be lactose intolerant. plant-based versions of traditional dairyproducts can provide a non-bloating alternative according to martica heaner, phd, adjunctassociate professor of nutrition at hunter college in new york. “the sugar or lactose in milk can causebelly bloat and pain,” says heaner.

“the dairy proteins can cause inflammationthat may lead to mucus buildup and fluid retention,” she says. bok choy. leafy greens like bok choy help reduce bloatingbecause they contain dietary nitrates that increase the expansion of your blood vessels,increasing circulation in the areas that need fluid removal, like a bloated tummy. in addition, leafy greens are high in theelectrolytes magnesium and potassium. “adding more magnesium and potassium fromplant foods can help balance out the minerals, preventing the body from holding onto a disproportionateamount of sodium,” says heaner.

kefir and yogurt. if dairy isn’t a problem for you, try kefir,a fermented milk beverage, and yogurt. both contains probiotics, which are good forthe belly, body and bloating according to rene ficek, a registered dietitian and leadnutrition expert at seattle sutton’s healthy eating. “kefir and yogurt promote good bacteriain the gut, which helps the digestive tract work more efficiently,” says ficek. “as a result, you will be prone to lessgas and bloating.” cucumbers.

crunchy on the outside, and packed with 96percent water on the inside, this salad toper also helps flush out bloat. “they are also full of fiber to help thedigestive tract run smoother,” says ficek. don’t just save them for salads; add slicesto your sandwich or wrap for a nice crunch. tomatoes. you say tomato, i say tomahto. however, you pronounce it; tomatoes are greatfor reducing bloating. “tomatoes are rich in potassium, which helpsbalance out sodium levels in the body, resulting in less water weight and bloat,” says ficek.

papaya. pretty to look at and tasty to eat yet somepeople are turned off by the odor of a ripe papaya. don’t let the smell turn you away from itsbenefits for bloating. “in a small study a supplement containingpapaya helped reduce gastrointestinal upset, including bloating,” says andrienne youdim,md and director of the center for weight loss and nutrition at the lasky clinic in beverlyhills, california. kimchi. this fermented korean side dish is rich invitamins and aids in digestion.

“it contains probiotics that support healthyintestinal flora and alleviates gut microbiota symptoms like bloating and gas,” says davidnico, phd, author of diet diagnosis. not a fan of kimchi? sauerkraut has the same benefits. fennel. this mediterranean vegetable is known forits licorice-like taste. eat the seeds or brew a cup of fennel teathe next time your tummy is bloated. “fennel is shown in studies to be an excellentsource of reducing the effects of gas and bloating along with many other benefits,”says dr. nico.

peppermint. how about a cup of tea with dinner when you’rebloated? “peppermint teas are excellent to starta meal and to improve digestion,” says dr. nico. peppermint is a therapeutic herb used formany digestive conditions, including bloating. you are watching: the best foods to eat thathelp you reduce bloating. please like, share and subscribe our channelfor more daily videos. leave us a comment of what you think aboutthis video.

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