Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

calcium deposits teeth causes

- welcome to marcusg.tv,i'm chef marcus guiliano and i'm a chef on a mission. - [woman] today's mission is: we're gonna be t... thumbnail 1 summary
calcium deposits teeth causes

- welcome to marcusg.tv,i'm chef marcus guiliano and i'm a chef on a mission. - [woman] today's mission is: we're gonna be talkingabout 20 collective reasons to drink lemon water every morning on an empty stomach.- lemon water, now, i love to drink lemon water, a lot of people like todrink lemon water with meals, you see, let me rephrase that.

you see a lot of people putting lemon in their water during meals, such as, you're at a restaurant andyou get a slice of lemon. i don't think people really realize the powerful benefits oflemon juice in their water and/or the best time to actually drink lemon juice in their water. - [woman] i think they'rejust putting lemons in the water just to flavor it.

- just to flavor it, right, right. so it's just a twistof lemon in your water, and most people like thatsmall essence of lemon, they really like thatsmall essence of lemon, that's us owning aromatime, owning a restaurant, a lot of people ask forlemon in their water. it's just, you know, a habit. my point is, i don't thinkpeople really realize the exact benefits that are coming about,

so here's a great articlefrom natural news, naturalnews.com, 20collective reasons to drink lemon water every morningon an empty stomach. that's important. so, i drink lemon water every morning, jamie, you really don'tdo it as much as i do but you put lemon inyour water all the time. but i have a habit oftaking two organic lemons, squeeze them into a quart of water.

now just recently, myfather started doing this. - [jamie] oh, wow. - yes, he started doingthis about a month ago, six weeks ago, 'causethey got a half a case of the organic lemonsthat i've been getting, they'll take a half a case, and he has reported back some changes in his health. now, my father's not thehealthiest person to begin with,

i'm not sure what he eats or what he doesn't eatbut he needs to be better and he needs to work out,he needs to lose weight and he needs to get offsome of his medications, and it's unfortunate to see a loved one in that kind of a situation, however, the lemon water, he's claiming, is giving him a lot more energy. - [jamie] wow!

- and he's feeling better and he's sleeping betterat night, he said. - [jamie] how long has he been doing it? - i think about six weeks now. - [jamie] wow, okay. - so he's claiming that he'sgetting some effects of this, he's directly linking it to lemon water, it's the one thing that he'sactually changed in his diet, and that's first thing in the morning,

lemon juice in his water. i just roll the lemons on a table, i cut them length-wiseand i just squeeze them, if seeds get in, whocares, i swallow a seed, i don't swallow a seed,some of the pulp gets in, but my general rule is onelemon per pint of water. - [jamie] and this articleactually talks about putting it into warm lemon water, you don't necessarily use warm, but...

- i use room temperature water. - [jamie] room temperature. - room temperature water, i had to use cold water this morningand it drove me crazy, it didn't taste as good andit wasn't what i was used to. - [jamie] uh huh, so why are lemons, lemons contain substancesthat are really good, do you know what the substances are? - so, a long time ago,probably about 10 years ago

i heard one of my favorite health gurus, gary null, talking aboutthe power of lemons and how lemons can actually detoxify you. and he made this great,great case on scurvy and sailors, we all knowthe story of sailors when they would sail acrossfrom europe into america, they would get scurvy,and the one thing that they would take on theboats with them was citrus, was lemons, to get vitaminc to combat the scurvy.

well, gary null totallypresented this whole case that totally blew that out ofthe water, that whole theory. he claims that he went to europe, and to london specifically, and really studiedsailors diets of that era and went back into the museums and really did a lot of research, and here's what he claimed: he claimed that the chemicalsthat they were using

to make wooden ships, to seal the wood, and to make these ships, was actually getting into people's liver and causing scurvy orcausing something else, causing a malfunctioning liver. when he looked through their diets, he goes there's tons ofseaweed in their diet, seaweed is loaded with vitamin c, but it wasn't until they put the lemons on

the ship that the scurvy ofthe liver corrected itself and the scurvy went away, and his theory was that the lemons were detoxifying the liverof the harmful chemicals that they were treatingand making the boats with. and that previous tolemons there was plenty of vitamin c on the sailors diets, and i was like, wow, that's fascinating. and seaweed, he said,seaweed was the one thing

in their diet that'sloaded with vitamin c. so, let's jump into now, natural news, the health ranger, mike- - [jamie] some 20 collective reasons. - so, that piece that i told you about, the sailors, might makesense once we read this. so here we go, go for it. - [jamie] so lemons havemany health benefits that have been known for centuries

and drinking everyday warm lemon water can make a huge difference. lemons contain many substances, notably citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin c, bioflavonoids, pectin and limonene-- limonene. - [jamie] that promoteimmunity and fight infection. it's also a great energy booster for when we wake up first thing in the morning

as our tissues are dehydrated and in desperate need offluid to push out toxins. - now, we use lemon, speaking of limonene, it mentioned limonene, limoneneis in the oil of the lemon and we use these little tiny bottles of lemon oil from young living, which we flavor the water here with and we use them in our personal life and we use them at homeand clean our hands,

limonene is one of the major constituents that's located in a lemon oil, which has a lot ofhealth benefits as well. and i've read over the years the benefits of limonene and a cancer connection, that they're using limoneneto help with cancer. - [jamie] interesting, sothere's 20 collective reasons to drink lemon water everymorning on an empty stomach. the first one, the liverproduces more enzymes

from water with lemonthan from any other food. - that is so important, now this is going back to the lemons, then to the liver and the vitamin c and the scurvy and the whole thing. so, for liver health, the liver, it's extremely important for liver health and we don't realize howmuch we bombard our livers with everything we do in life everyday.

the food we eat, theprocessed food we eat, the alcohol that we drink, even the smallest amount ofalcohol is not good for you. and i know people say oh,a shot of whiskey a day and this and that, you know, and this'll lower bloodpressure, a glass of red wine, your liver doesn't see it like that. other parts of your body may say oh yeah, there's a certain part of that alcohol

that may have something in it, like resveratrol in red wine but your liver doesn'tlook at it that way, so if you're drinking any type of alcohol, lemon water is probablyextremely important. - [jamie] water withlemon cleanses the liver, lemon juice stimulates theliver to release toxins. - now, your liver isyour filter of your body. so you want your liverto release this stuff

'cause that's whereeverything's going into, everything gets filtereddown to your liver and your liver is, youknow, the organ that is, like i said, your filter. - [jamie] lemon helpsin protecting our body against the immune system's deficiencies as it is rich in vitamin c.- very rich. - [jamie] drinking lemon water helps in maintaining the ph levels in the body.

- ph is extremely important, there's tons of books outthere and a lot of doctors, medical doctors andalternative practitioners, have written books on or have prescribed this high alkaline diet theory, the most notable one is robertyoung out of california, he has his ph miraclebook, he has his ph clinic, he has his ph productsand a lot of doctors, medical doctors andalternative medical doctors,

claim that if you canget your ph in your body, your alkalinity up, thatyou're gonna have less disease, you're gonna promote betterhealth from having a higher ph. so lemons, even though they look acidic or you look at a lemonand go that's acidic, once you ingest it, it turns alkaline. so it's actually very alkalizing, so don't get confused with the acid that you think a lemon is,

it's very alkalizing to the body. - [jamie] lemons act asa powerful antibacterial as it contains pectin fibers, which is beneficial for the colon. - now, speaking of fibers,when we make juice at home, we use the whole lemon, of course we're using an organic lemon so it hasn't been sprayedor artificially gassed or anything like that andit's a cleaner product

but you still wash it very good. so we use the whole lemon and that's extremelyimportant because the pith, the white part, the skinand the flesh itself and the fiber inside allhave different properties, and to be able to getall of those properties, juice the whole thing. - [jamie] drinking lemonwater in the morning on an empty stomach willhelp in flushing out toxins.

vitamin c in lemon improves our skin by rejuvenating the body, drinking water with lemonregularly every morning will improve the condition of your skin. water with lemon isbeneficial for pregnant women since lemons are loaded with vitamin c, it acts as an adaptogenhelping the body cope with viruses such as colds. lemon water relieves heartburn,

for this, mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in a half a glass of water- - and again, because it's very alkalizing, so it's helping your body, it's almost like baking soda at that point but you take baking sodato relieve heartburn, tums, something like that, so the alkalizing effect in the body, it helps you alkalize your food better,

digest your food better. - [jamie] water with lemon helps dissolve gall stones, kidneystones, pancreatic stones and calcium deposits-- i've actually known people that have gone onlemon flushes for gall stones and things like this,very, very effective. i've heard of people's successstories personally with this. - [jamie] it helps in digestion as lemon contains citric acid,

it interacts with other enzymes and acids which easilysimulate the secretion of gastric juice and digestion. it provides the body with electrolytes, which hydrates your body, as lemons contain goodamounts of electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. - that's extremelyimportant, electrolytes, i like to run and electrolytesare very important

with endurance athletes, however, there is a cleanse out there called the stanley burroughs cleanseand it's lemon juice and maple syrup or lemonjuice and cane juice, or lemon juice and molassesif you have diabetes or not, depending on how you wanna do that, it's a very famous cleanse, i think it was developed back in the 60's by stanley burroughs,

and the main thing of that is lemon juice, fresh lemon juice in your water, and you can go days with this mixture of lemon juice and maple syrup. i've known people, i've done it personally for 10 days, 14 days, but i've known, we've known people that havedone it for up to 40 days. it has some remarkable health benefits. so the electrolytes in the lemons,

'cause i had one persontell me one time oh my gosh, you're not getting your electrolytes, this was a medical professional, you're not getting yourelectrolytes, and of course, the electrolytes are in the lemons. i'm not suggesting anybody go on and try that fast withoutreally diving into the book and understanding what's going on but we have a lot offriends who do it annually

as a cleanse to welcome in the new year. - [jamie] water with lemonis good for the joints, reducing pain in the joints and muscles. water with lemon helps fight infections of the respiratory tract, sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils. this is due to the anti-inflammatoryproperties of lemon. lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps suppress hunger cravings.

studies have proven people with a better alkaline diet have lost weight faster. - so, it really does suppress hunger, and if you do this before a meal it helps you with your meal. or you take two pints, a quart of this, and drink this during the day, it really does help suppress your hunger. i personally experience that.

- [jamie] water with lemon helps with tooth pain and gingivitis. water with lemon prevents cancer, this is due to the fact that lemons are highly alkaline foods, multiple studies have found that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. it has antibacterial andantiviral properties, which fight harmfulbacteria, fungus and virus

that cause disease and infection. it's antioxidant properties help eliminate toxins from the body. water with lemon aidsin proper functioning of the nervous system, the nervous system needs a sufficient amount of potassium to ensure sustainablesignals to the heart. lemon water can help lower blood pressure. daily intake of one lemon can reduce

high blood pressure by 10 percent. - that's interesting,that's very interesting because a lot of people dosuffer from high blood pressure, and, you know, the onething with blood pressure is people don't realize blood pressure can be helped by drinking water in general, just by being properly hydrated, and then you add lemon into it, you know, you're gonna get double the effect here,

but if you think aboutit, your blood is thick, your body is working harder, and by drinking wateryou're allowing everything in your body just to relaxand move much easier. so one of the ways you cantell if you're dehydrated is when you go to the bathroomthe color of your urine, and that's the true sign,when i go oh my gosh, my urine's a little on the dark side, i immediately go drink water

and that just happened recently to us when we were traveling in italy because we didn't haveenough water with us and especially traveling in the airports, and that's, like, the worst time, because we were on a plane for 11 hours and the last thing iwanted to do was drink all this water and have to get up again and go to the bathroomand go to the bathroom

but when i did go to thebathroom, i was like oh my gosh, i need water, i need to hydrate. - [jamie] and the lastone, lemon water creates an alkalizing effect in the body, even if you drink itimmediately before a meal, it can help your bodymaintain a higher level of ph. the higher the ph, the more your body is able to fight diseases. - so mike adams lists a bunchof references on that article,

some really goodreferences on that article, you can easily google,the title of the article is 20 collective reasonsto drink lemon water every morning on an empty stomach, and many doctors and medical literature does talk about thebenefits of lemon water. and like i said, peopleare drinking lemon water, or lemon in their water, not really realizing the powerful effect.

or not putting enoughlemon in their water, so my personal suggestionis one lemon per one pint, squeeze it out really good,roll that lemon really good, get as much juice as you can. if you're making freshjuice, get organic lemons, juice the whole lemon, like i said, we probably do three tofour apples per lemon, then a cucumber and maybewhatever else we want, you can add beets, you can add carrots,

you can do a bunch of things, juicing has become verypopular over the last 10 years and if you go on facebook you'll find a lot of groups out there, a lot of people that have juicing blogs, juicing websites, juicingfan pages, juicing protocols, there's tons of books out there, you can find lots ofliterature on juicing. and lemons...

important, important part of our dailydiet and our daily rituals, i think it's important for people to have sort of daily rituals, we have daily ritualswhere we brush our teeth, we have daily ritualswhere we put on deodorant, we have daily rituals where we take the medicines that our doctor, some of us, take the medicines that ourdoctor prescribed to us,

but we overlook certain things that can really help our health. so hopefully that helps people, gives people some insight on lemons, lemon juice in their water, lemon water, specifically. i'm chef marcus guiliano. - [jamie] and jamie. - thanks for tuning into this,

if you like our videos, please hit like, subscribe to our channel,share this, pass this on, leave your comments and do you have any specific successstories with lemon water? if you do, we wanna hear about it. leave those in the comments below, thanks for watching. (upbeat music) - [man] ♫ i can't stop it tonight,

♫ this epidemic, demic, demic, demic ♫ i'm trying to fight, ♫ blood pressure's rising now, ♫ it's in the danger zone, ♫ somebody help me, i'mabout to go terminal. ♫ it's an epidemic,epidemic, call the clinic. ♫ it's an epidemic, we gota lotta sick people in here.

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