Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

calcium deposits teeth toddler

alright this is john kohler with okraw.com. today we have another exciting episode foryou. i got a very special guest i want to introduceyou... thumbnail 1 summary
calcium deposits teeth toddler

alright this is john kohler with okraw.com. today we have another exciting episode foryou. i got a very special guest i want to introduceyou guys to today. we got a doctor craig sommers who’s a naturopathand he's also a nutritionist and he's been living a plant based diet for the last 21years now and he's been on a raw foods primarily diet for the last 14 and he has a very importantmessage for you guys that i would probably also agree with here and the message is toshare with you guys the best way to cook your food. if you want to cook your food and that mighteven be debatable if it's even cooked.

so i know many you guys on a high-carbohydratediet whether that's you know mostly raw or partially raw you know i do a high-carbohydrateraw foods diet which the carbohydrates make up the majority of the calories i eat andi recommend this for most people out there. i think it's very healthy. the carbohydrates that i primarily eat arefruit, but i understand that many people are not good with fruit. maybe sometimes you can't get good qualityfruit where you live. sometimes you know your body doesn't handleyou know fruit sugars all that well. especially i find as people get older theymay not be able to handle the high levels

of fruit that some people in a high fruitdiet do. you know what i want to do today with youguys is actually show you a technique that craig's been doing for the last, i don’tknow, 10 years now to get more carbohydrates into him in. you know probably the best method. so craig, what's this method that you're goingto share with us today? it's basically a warm your food method, butwarm it for a long period of time. we're talking hours. maybe an eight hour day for a very large squash,but we're cooking it, or not cooking it, at

this temperature that's so low you can actuallystick your finger in the pot and not melt your skin, not you know, hurt yourself andnot most importantly destroy the nutrients in your food or create chemicals in your foodthat are not healthy to be eating. wow. i mean that's one of the reasons why i eatto get the max amount of nutrients and i would encourage you guys to eat a nutrient-densediet. so craig, the next question to ask is whydo this. so first let me start off with the why. i do a lot of work outside and am very physicalmost of the time and i found that i don't

do well on a lot of fruits. i have like one meal of fruit, maybe threeor four pieces, and then i'm good for the day as far as fruit because the sugar thingis not all that great for my particular constitution, so then if i want to get enough calories withgreens i mean you got to eat mounds and mounds of greens to get the amount of calories thati need when i'm working outside. i’m building, i’m gardening, i'm doingall kinds of stuff. so then you look at things like nuts or avocadowhich i eat avocados every day, but you know there's only so much fat you can eat. supposedly most of us can easily digest theamount of nuts that fits in the palm of your

hand and if you go above that your stomachis struggling to digest that amount of fat and while those nuts are a good amount ofcalories know how many can you possibly get out of that amount. so i was looking for an alternative to getmore calories out of my food and then you have a whole range of foods that we have outhere on the table that typically are not really eaten raw. of course there's spiralizer, spirullies,where people shred it and you could even shred it and put it on top of salads and so forth,but even then you know it's a lot of chewing. you know you're getting a lot of stuff goingon.

now i want to stop you right there craig. so couldn't somebody like juice this if theywant to get more vegetables in them like root vegetables like beets and maybe some of thesweet potatoes that i juice before. you could juice them take away the fiber theni'll increase the calories and also increase the absorption to get more calories in you. absolutely that's one way to do it, but that'snot something i've done a lot of. alright this is john kohler with okraw.com.today we have another exciting episode for you. i got a very special guest i want tointroduce you guys to today. we got a doctor craig sommers who’s a naturopath and he'salso a nutritionist and he's been living a

plant based diet for the last 21 years nowand he's been on a raw foods primarily diet for the last 14 and he has a very importantmessage for you guys that i would probably food. if you want to cook your food and thatmight even be debatable if it's even cooked. i think it's very healthy. the carbohydratesthat i primarily eat are fruit, but i understand that many people are not good with fruit.maybe sometimes you can't get good quality fruit where you live. sometimes you know yourbody doesn't handle you know fruit sugars all that well. especially i find as peopleget older they may not be able to handle the high levels of fruit that some people in ahigh fruit diet do. you know what i want to do today with you guys is actually show youa technique that craig's been doing for the

last, i don’t know, 10 years now to getmore carbohydrates into him in. you know probably the best method. so craig, what's this methodthat you're going to share with us today? it's basically a warm your food method, butwarm it for a long period of time. we're talking hours. maybe an eight hour day for a verylarge squash, but we're cooking it, or not cooking it, at this temperature that's solow you can actually stick your finger in the pot and not melt your skin, not you know,hurt yourself and not most importantly destroy the nutrients in your food or create chemicalsin your food that are not healthy to be eating. wow. i mean that's one of the reasons whyi eat to get the max amount of nutrients and i would encourage you guys to eat a nutrient-densediet. so craig, the next question to ask is

why do this. so first let me start off with the why. ido a lot of work outside and am very physical most of the time and i found that i don'tdo well on a lot of fruits. i have like one meal of fruit, maybe three or four pieces,and then i'm good for the day as far as fruit because the sugar thing is not all that greatfor my particular constitution, so then if i want to get enough calories with greensi mean you got to eat mounds and mounds of greens to get the amount of calories thati need when i'm working outside. i’m building, i’m gardening, i'm doing all kinds of stuff.so then you look at things like nuts or avocado which i eat avocados every day, but you knowthere's only so much fat you can eat. supposedly

most of us can easily digest the amount ofnuts that fits in the palm of your hand and if you go above that your stomach is strugglingto digest that amount of fat and while those nuts are a good amount of calories know howmany can you possibly get out of that amount. eaten raw. of course there's spiralizer, spirullies,where people shred it and you could even shred now i want to stop you right there craig.so couldn't somebody like juice this if they want to get more vegetables in them like rootvegetables like beets and maybe some of the sweet potatoes that i juice before. you couldjuice them take away the fiber then i'll increase the calories and also increase the absorptionto get more calories in you. absolutely that's one way to do it, but that'snot something i've done a lot of. i occasionally

juice sweet potatoes or yams, but this onei want to cover here particularly is how to basically eat these and also you can servethem to someone who typically eats a cooked food diet and they're really not gonna knowthe difference at all and i i found about 10 years ago doing this works really wellfor me. so this is basically the easiest way to do it. very simple. first you need an electricstove. i found you can't really do this on a gas stove because that fire burns a littletoo hot. so you get your electric range top and you set it on the lowest setting. youtake your pot, you put in some nice filtered water in there and then you take whateverkind of a starchy vegetable you want to put in there. i put in an acorn squash, but youknow we have some different types of yams

here. this is a chayote. so the water sitson that very low flame and once you get the hang of it, though he could lower low heatyeah you're right, yeah so very low heat and you gotta do this for a little while to getthe hang of it to know just how your stove operates and if you go to someone else's housetheir stove is going to be a little bit different, but you basically, you’re taking the lidoff and you're putting your finger in the water and very carefully of course if youcan put your finger in the water you feel that water is really hot, but it's not burningyou, it's not scolding you and you really want the lid to fit good to catch all theheat. definitely don't do this without a lid or in this case the lid is not enclosing perfectlybecause the squash is a little big. you want

the lid closed tightly and then check it aboutonce every half an hour once you're starting. once you get the hang of it. you set it, youleave it you come back so i do this in the morning and then sometime after lunch i'llcheck on it. i take a fork, try to push a fork into it. some things like smaller rootvegetables they'll be ready much quicker, but then you got a big squash like this isgoing to take longer, but at the point where the fork goes right into it easily. now youhave something that has been sitting in water under a hundred and eighteen degree fahrenheit.you can use a thermometer if you want, but i've never used that method. i've always justused to dip your finger in it and if your skin still have your finger and you're notburned, well you know you're not killing nutrients

that way, no but it really does work greatand then you basically can eat it with a with a spoon. say this is the same as this rightso this one has been sitting around raw and it's hard and this while right through andyou know it looks just like you boiled the crap out of it as most people do, but it wasat such a very low temperature that all those nutrients are attacked the amino acids haven'tgone you know what they call that denature the proteins aren’t denatured all the nutrientsare intact and you got something that's going to give you a lot of carbs and in my instancehere the reason i was doing this is because i wanted a lot of high cards sometimes tokeep up with my high active lifestyle and something that wasn't gonna be crazy glycemic.now i'm definitely not doing this to white

potatoes. i don't eat white potatoes. i haven'tin like 20 years, but i will do it with different types of squash and different types of yams. cool, so craig give people out there someof the examples of the food they could actually get and do this to helpfully. ok, so different types of sweet potatoes arecool. i've worked for the game's over sweet potatoes if they're available always the yamsare more nutritious food than a sweet potato, but of course all different types of squash.got a spaghetti squash here. got a nice acorn squash here. pretty much any type of squashand then you got chayotes. chayotes come in different varieties this is you're respondingvariety. this one's a little tougher. if you

can get the one without the spines. it's justsmooth skin on the outside. that's a lot better. these are a little bit hard to work with,but typically the taste of the two are the same. the different types of chayotes andthat that's the basis of what i've been doing for like the last 10 years. wow, so you're telling me craig this is rawright here so if i eat this i can still be considered a raw foodist- you know some peoplelike the steam stuff, but what's what steaming you know that's 212 degrees for some peoplelike the blanched stuff. they boil water and they throw in for a few seconds pull it out,so perhaps the heat hasn't made its way all the way into the center, so the center canstill be considered raw, but the outside is

going to be cooked. with this method the entirething that has been heated to a temperature that's not melting your skin, not killingyour enzymes, not destroying vitamins and so forth ,not denatured protein, so technicallyunder a hundred eighteen it is raw. alright, i’m eating it. wow, that’s amazing.yeah these are i believe uh wow these type of yam hmm these purple yams, and all my goodnessthey taste amazing. so this is something that you know you're looking for some little change,something different to do check it out. maybe you'll like it. maybe it's for you. so craigwhy would be better done you know what cooks like these vegetables or the squash is theyams in this way instead of like adding grains or rice or you know we or you know some otherkind of grain or see to your diet?

well of course grains have gluten type moleculesand then gluten is really big right now you can go in any supermarket even the middleof a rural part of texas and you'll see a gluten-free section pretty much everyone knowsabout gluten free so gleidin, which is a particular type of protein in gluten causes allergicreactions in people. for instance they can either have celiac which is a very violentreaction or you have gluten sensitivity but either way what it's doing is it's takingthose tightly packed cells i like to look at him like that, that line your small intestinesand creating spaces between them so large particles that are not fully digested cango through the intestinal lining that aren't supposed to go through into your bloodstreamthey get into your bloodstream and then the

leukocytes or the white blood cells whichare part of the immune system attack it. that thing starts floating around your blue inyour bloodstream is basically called the cic a circulating immune complex. now let's sayyou are an accent or you just had some bad structural you know abnormality over herein your elbow and that cic deposits in the elbow and now you have the starting of arthritis.and how many elderly people today have arthritis? it's a huge percentage so getting away fromgluten and even if it's a gluten-free grade they still have other types of gleidins thatcan potentially cause some damage in some people. what i would recommend not recommendis taking these type of starchy things and boiling them because it's shown that whenyou boil starches you create a chemical called

acrylamide and all the drinking water authoritiesaround the united states used to always monitor our drinking water very closely for acrylamide.if there was more than a few parts per million you know that would be like a big problemand now they found out that like a single slice of bread has like a huge amount of acrylamide.starchy foods like potatoes when you cook them at high temperature huge amount of acrylamideso to my knowledge this low temperature cooking is not creating a criminal minds in it andmaybe if someone does the science and it is i'm completely convinced that it's going tobe a fraction of the amount of what you're boiling at 212 degrees that's been known todenature proteins and so forth. so the other thing i want to mention craigis that you're actually not taking the squash

and cutting in a small piece it's great moresurface area just putting it in a hole so that's gonna definitely minimize the effectof the heat on the produce itself. is that correct? yeah i'm really glad you brought that up johnbecause you can even look this up in like taper cyclepedic metal dictionary in an olderedition like i quote in my book where a lot of the nutrients actually come out into thewater and are discarded with the water. if you leave the skin on your keeping the nutrientsand it's like a barrier and it keeps the nutrients in as soon as you cut into that and you boilin the war you notice the water the color changes those nutrients are bleeding out especiallyvitamin c it's bleeding out into the water

and you're not maximizing on the nutritionyou could be getting on it. so the bigger the squash is that bigger pot you need smallones do a small pot but you're right don't cook in mind don't cut him i never cut himalways doing whole. awesome. so craig would you also you knowrecommend that people may be like cook one of these up and with their cooked or lightlyyou know heated are more or less i was right but you also say recommend eating like a saladwith your sweet potatoes or yams instead of eating only yams. yeah well i typically eat a salad before ianything. like back with the work that paul kutchkoff did with all that kind of stuffthey found it to eat the raw portion of the

meal first and then a cooked portion afterwardseven if it's slightly warm the amusent the digestive leukocytosis leukocytosis excuseme with paul kutchkoff discovered doesn't happen if you eat the raw portion of the mealfirst. yeah i mean i would totally agree. i alwayswant to encourage you guys to eat you know as much raw foods you can if you need someextra calories yes i think this is probably one of the best methods to use. next craig,i want to talk about you know if somebody's already eating like a high fruit diet thatthey get a lot of carbs from the fruit you know why might they want to try doing it thisway instead? well for me these very high carrboro high-sugarfruits they i can feel it let's just leave

it at that if i eat too much of it i can feelmy blood sugar gets a little too high blood sugar look we'll crash a little bit. withthis particular method i don't feel that spike in my blood sugar and then that decline inmy blood sure and and sometimes people be able to do a lot of fruit at the beginningbuild a really good with it but then they tend to deplete their mineral stores suchas magnesium and chromium and other minerals that are needed to keep the blood sugar balanceand after a while of doing lots and lots of high sugar fruit they they start to noticethe blood sugar spikes and drops. so for me i tend to run the low on magnesium. magnesiumis a mineral that is absolutely needed to make your insulin is needed for insulin receptorsand it's also the number one mineral in the

human body for what they call enzymatic chainreactions. things that happen in your body to make your body function and about eighty-fivepercent of the people that i've tested over the last 15 years are deficient in magnesium.you get magnesium from dark green leafy vegetables. you get it from your raw nuts and seeds butthere's also a balance that you do you want with that a calcium magnesium balance andwhat's typically been happening is people having way too much calcium and not enoughmagnesium it gets that balance out of whack. i personally get that and you might have someof those symptoms you can look them up on the internet different symptoms for differentpeople, but you might notice like a muscle jumps in your eye or in your leg and moreoften not that symptom of a muscle jumping

is low magnesium. you get more magnesium intoyour body those symptoms are going to go away you get tight muscles in your neck musclesin your back wherever those tight muscles usually a symptom of not enough magnesium.you sweat a lot your jog and you're sweating working outside sweating you're sweating outmagnesium. if you're a high-stress type a person like i tend towards you're using upa lot of magnesium and then you don't have enough magnesium your blood sugar is not gonnakind of stay balanced when you have these high sugar fruit so much so adding in lotsdark green leafies those those allergies or those green superfood powders concentratedmagnesium some people might even find they need a magnesium supplement they may not evenbe able to get enough that way because of

that ratio that calcium magnesium ratio. wetry incorporating more foods and magnesium they also have calcium so it may bring thatmagnesium they're full up but the ratio is still not optimal. awesome, awesome. so uh tell me craig what'sanother benefit of you know warming your food this way instead of you know boiling it orsteaming it like many people may recommend? well, we covered a couple different thingssuch as the acrylamide level nutrient loss maybe we haven't covered completely. the vitaminsall tend to have different temperatures at which they become deactivated but for sureyou're losing vitamins every time you eat that food for instance steam if you're steamingthings 212 degrees. the longer you leave it

in that or if you're boiling 212 degrees againyou know you're definitely losing vitamins. your proteins can become denatured in otherwords they become non usable by the human body, so what may happen when you consumedenatured protein that has been some studies that the older we get this denature proteinscan actually build up in your body and cause a blockage of what's called cell respiration.every cell in your body needs nutrients amino acids fatty acids vitamins whose cetera togo through those cell membranes and get in and these waste products to get out. it'sthe same with any creature right creatures eat and they poop yourselves need to do thesame thing if you get a large build up of denatured protein around those cells and thatthose cells start to age faster. that's essentially

what it shows it speeds up the aging processand the being as well. these the nutrients are getting in so those cells are gettinga little malnourished the waste products are getting out to waste the cells are gettinga little toxic to cells start to age faster and die faster. awesome so that this looks to me like us you'rebasically using like a crock pot or slow cooking so craig can use somebody by a crock pot attheir local walmart and do the same thing? you know i do believe that it's possible todo it with a crockpot haven't tried it myself but i believe in a work i'm i'm i've triedthis method on many different types of stoves and i know that each still varies so you haveto experiment if you get really good at doing

at home and then you go to someone else'shouse you try to do the same thing on their stove you all of a sudden may be at the samesetting their stuff is boiling so this variables there but once you get to know your own yourown equipment then you can do it very efficiently without having to go and stick your fingerin the water every half an hour. i think for one of the most critical thingsis a lot of the crocs i’ve see and they start at a minimum temperature and you justcan't get the temperature low enough to maybe do this technique especially to stick yourfinger in and not have it burn your skin melt off and do a low enough so just gently warmingthe food up and for a long period of time so let's talk about the length of time neededto you know cook certain food so how about

this acorn squash here craig how long wouldyou leave this in to get it get it completely soft and you know i'm kind of like this oneright here? so this one i'd put in right after breakfastand be ready for dinner it's basically all day these smaller ones i could put into probablybe ready by lunch. awesome so you know another thing i want tomention you guys i like gadgets and i know there are specialty appliances out there maybe known as the sufis and that she they have you could actually do it at a low temperatureand actually set the digital temperature to make sure it's you know the temperature youwant and does not go above so craig what temperature do you think this this process is done atapproximately because i know you have never

measured it? well i'm gonna say that's under a hundredeighty degrees fahrenheit . i take my finger i put in that water i pull it out and i'mnot burnt and i believe you go over that temperature it's going to burn i've going to hot springsmany many times there's one out new mexico where there's different temperature poolsand they do what the real hottest one they call the lobster puffs ok if you go in thereit's very very hard to get in and at some point you need to get out your skin's allred and that one is maybe max a hundred and ten degrees i really think something likethat it may be a little bit more i don't remember it's been years since i've been there buti've never seen one at a hundred eighteen

of you going to hot springs underrated i don'tthink you can get in it. so you think this is happening below a hundredand ten degrees the cooking? well depending on how you do it you know ifyou're really really concerned get a thermometer put in there i've never been that concernsas long it's not melting my skin i'm not getting blisters from it yeah it's good for me. awesome awesome. so any last tips you wantto share with people that are interested in doing this method of cooking to you know getsome healthy carbohydrates into them? well the only recommendation i'll say or i'llgive is this: variety is the spice of life. if you're on a raw foods diet where you'revery limited you’re having you know just

these few foods you know that may not be beneficialeither. you definitely want a variety of foods when i went from eating a standard americandiet which was very limited i had a just a few things i was eating to a plant-based dietwhich increase the amount of food i was eating dramatically and then to a raw food and i’mstill increasing the amount of foods i'm doing. i go into all different types of exotic markets.asian markets of course and there's different type of asian markets. here in austin we havekorean markets, we have chinese markets that there is a vietnamese and of course you havemexican markets. mexicans love avocados you get a really good prices and avocados herebeing this close to mexico in mexico markets and they also use different types of herbsthat you'll find in all these different types

of markets. so for instance that plant that'sgrowing right right there that we talked about before you find that in mexican markets. it'sreally amazing what you can find and other people from different parts of the continenteating. all these foods or should say most of them you can also eat raw so. awesome, yeah i mean this is a prime examplethe chayote squash here when you guys but i never had a chayote squash it happens tobe the spiny chayote they also have like a green-skinned chayote and even a white-skinnedchayote and you know i've never really eaten chayote because they're so hard but you knowwarming in this method makes it looks like completely edible and probably super delicious.

yeah so that's about all i have to share andi thank you for having me on your show. alright thanks craig so if anyone wants toget a hold of you and learn more about your work you wrote a book the raw foods biblewhich is an excellent book i have a copy myself in its probably gonna share a lot of ideasin there to help you along your raw foods pass that you can do it successfully by craigbeen doing successfully for last 14 years. how can somebody get a hold of you and yourbook? just go to raw foods bible.com make sure youput the s in there plural foods raw foods bible com i have an email address there youcan email me all right great thank you so i hope you guys enjoyed this episode learningabout the best cooking method to keep your

foods as raw as possible while allowing youget more healthy carbohydrates in you so that you can be as healthy and have a happy life.so once again my name is john kohler with okraw.com we'll see you next time i rememberuntil then keep eating your fresh fruits and vegetables they're the best.

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