Senin, 16 Januari 2017

calcium spots on teeth cause

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine, and founder of in this video, i'm going to do an advancedtraining on how t... thumbnail 1 summary
calcium spots on teeth cause

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine, and founder of in this video, i'm going to do an advancedtraining on how to reverse cavities and how to heal tooth decay. i'll talk about the best diet, talk aboutsupplements, as well as natural treatments for fighting cavities and tooth decay. and i'm going to tell you, this could makea huge difference in your health or your family's health if you want to save some money andreally help have incredible oral health. and i want to say, there are obviously, different,varying types of cavities in terms of how severe they are.

i know this will work with both mild and moderatecavities. if you have a very, very severe cavity, itmay not work as well or completely, but still for pretty much everyone, this is going tobenefit your teeth in a major way. so there are really four main causes of toothdecay. excess sugar in your diet, too much phyticacid, lack of minerals, and lack of fat-soluble vitamins. this is something that weston a. price andother dentists figured out thousands of years ago, or hundreds of years ago about specificallywhat actually causes cavities within your mouth.

and so let's start talking about number one,excess sugar. we know excess sugar, when it sits in yourteeth, causes bad bacteria to build-up of all different types, which actually startsto eat away at the enamel of your teeth, and actually has been linked to heart diseaseand other issues. actually your oral health can often timesbe linked to the health of your entire body. so number one thing you've got to do if youwant to start to reverse cavities is remove all processed sugar from your diet. if you are going to consume something thatis sweet, i recommend stevia, i recommend a little bit of manuka honey or raw localhoney, maximum a tablespoon a serving, or

even fruit, something like a date. but i would get rid of all white sugar, allcorn syrup, and i'd even remove things like maple syrup and coconut sugar and that fromyour diet in most cases for a period of time. and then again, doing maple syrup here andthere is fine, but for the most part you want to get sugar completely out of your diet becausethat is a major cause of cavities. the second thing is something that a lot ofpeople have never heard of and don't realize, but phytic acid, or too much phytic acid consumption,can cause cavities. now phytic acid is found mostly in grain productsor grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. and specifically it's found in large amountsin grains.

and what phytic acid is, it's sort of thecarrier, or it's where most of the minerals and vitamins are bound into a food product. so let's say, for instance, that you go outand buy wheat bread today. and it says on the label, "contains 20% yourdaily value of folate, or vitamin b9, or vitamin b6, or iron," some sort of mineral. well remember this principle, "you aren'twhat you eat. you are what you digest." here's the issue, phytic acid today is boundto these minerals. you might consume it, but because of phyticacid, you're not absorbing it into your body.

this is a huge thing to understand. most of us are not getting minerals becauseour foods aren't properly prepared or cooked. this is why an ezekiel bread or a sprouted-grainbread is so much healthier than a regular bread, is when you soak a grain, or a nut,or a seed, and then you let it sprout, that kills off phytic acid. so it unlocks the nutrients, so now you canabsorb all the vitamins and minerals. and so that's big. so again, number one dietary cause, too muchsugar in your diet. number two, you're consuming too many grainson a regular basis that aren't sprouted or

slow-cooked. and so if you're going to buy brown rice,or oatmeal, or oats, look for sprouted oats, or germinated rice. only consume those types of whole-grains ona regular basis. it's going to go a long way in fighting cavitiesand tooth decay. step number three to beat cavities and toothdecay is load up on minerals, especially not just calcium, but calcium, magnesium, alsoselenium is great. but again, and iron, getting more mineralsin your diet, phosphorous, silica, you want minerals in your diet.

you can take a mineral supplement, or alsostart consuming foods that are mineral-dense such as vegetables, sprouted nuts and seeds,meats, but really vegetables and sprouted seeds such as flaxseeds. those are very, very dense in minerals, evenraw cheeses and dairy such as raw goat's cheese or raw sheep's yogurt. i don't recommend cow dairy, but goat andsheep milk, cheeses, and yogurts, and probiotic-rich foods are also fantastic for boosting up theminerals in your diet. but i'd definitely recommend a multi-mineralsupplement that has magnesium. and last, but not least, consuming a dietand supplements that are high in fat-soluble

vitamins such as vitamin a, d, k, and e. we know vitamin k and d especially help buildstrong bones and help build strong teeth and tooth enamel. so again, if you want to start to reversecavities and start to build up that tooth enamel, you've got to have minerals and you'vegot to have fat-soluble vitamins. so what i would start doing, is i would lookfor a supplement that contains vitamins d and k in it absolutely. so vitamin d and k. i'd also start consuming more foods that areorange and green.

those orange and red color foods are highin beta-carotene, which is going to help support vitamin a within the body, production. also getting a lot of green, leafy vegetablesand dairy products such as fermented, raw cheese and kefir and things like that. those are full of vitamin k and vitamin d.and then getting sunshine for more vitamin d, but in addition, i would take a fat-vitaminsupplement that has vitamin d and vitamin k if you're looking to naturally reverse cavities. i'd look for vitamin d-3, and vitamin k-2are the most beneficial. and then just, in general, getting more healthyfatty acids in your diets such as omega-3

fatty acids are fantastic as well. and the last natural treatment i want to mentionis you want to brush your teeth, flossing is okay, but really you want to brush yourteeth. and you want to do something called oil-pulling. oil-pulling, it's where you mix coconut oil,or just use coconut oil or sesame oil. you're going to take a tablespoon of it, ora half a tablespoon, and swish it around in your mouth between 5 and 20 minutes. what i typically do is i do oil-pulling wheni get in the shower. so i'll do a tablespoon of coconut oil, i'lltake a shower, when i get out i'll spit it

out. that's how i do oil-pulling. but oil-pulling is an ancient ayurvedic technique,it was part of indian medicine, that's been shown to actually help in preventing cavitiesand help heal tooth decay and have great healthy gums. it even helps with teeth whitening. so look up, you might even look up online. i've got an article on this, "dr. axe oilpulling." so look up "dr. axe oil pulling."

i have a youtube video on it as well on howto do oil pulling. but start using oil pulling. i also love using essential oils in that way. myrrh essential oil is probably the most beneficialoil for your dental health. so myrrh oil. also oils such as clove, peppermint, cinnamonare also beneficial. but again, myrrh oil is great to do with oilpulling or even rubbing on your gums if you have gum inflammation is great as well, butalso great for cavities. so again, using some of those essential oilsare great and oil pulling.

and you might also make a toothpaste thathelps re-mineralize your teeth. i'd recommend some baking soda, you can addactually some minerals like a mineral powder supplement to that as well, as well as somepeppermint oil, make your own at home toothpaste. you can look it up. i've got a recipe. look up "dr. axe tooth paste recipe." i have one of those online as well. but guys, i hope you've enjoyed this training. here's the truth.

if it's a mild or moderate cavity, it manycases it can be reversed. and if you have gum disease, tooth decay,these things can be healed to a certain point just like if you have an injury or a healthcondition, your teeth can heal like many things can heal. again, if it's very severe, it may be to whereyou do have to get a filling. make sure they're not a silver filling, mighthave to be a white, like a porcelain filling. that can happen sometimes. but a lot of these things you can see greatand fantastic results with. if you want to learn more in depth informationon how to reverse cavities, just do a google

search for "dr. axe reverse cavities," or"dr. axe tooth decay," and i've got a lot of great things on my website there. and also, if you want to learn more naturalremedies, i've got some great youtube videos coming out. hey, make sure you subscribe here to my youtubechannel. guys, i want to say thanks so much for watching. this has been me, dr. axe, talking about howto naturally reverse cavities and heal tooth decay.

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