Senin, 16 Januari 2017

calcium spots teeth whitening

happy christmas thats bitter, apple cider vinegar, today i'm going to talk to you and tell you about the 20 health benefits of drinking ... thumbnail 1 summary
calcium spots teeth whitening

happy christmas thats bitter, apple cider vinegar, today i'm going to talk to you and tell you about the 20 health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar or including it in your diet in some form, hippocrates the father of medicine thousands of years ago used vinegar as one of his key medicines, so that father of modern medicine was a herbalist,where are the herbs today in modern medicine this is the challenge facingme as a herbalist, tom obrien master herbalist at empowering medicine, trying to help people understand the healing and health beneifts of herbs and foods as medicine, thats the real evidence based medicine so lets start with the 20 health benefits of apple cider vinegar, no. 1 its rich in potassium which is a key nutrient to feed nerves and muscles and its nurtures the heart, an essential component of good health,

no. 2 apple cider vinegar, promotes an alkaline body, according, to charolette gerson cancer can't grow in an alkaline body, and one of the main things that apple cider vinegar does is it promotes alkalinity and neutralises aciditity that comes from too much processed foods, no. 3, its anit fungal, and kills bacteria, and again this is one of the main ways it helps, promote health, bacteria in the mouth, in the blood, in the gut, bad bacteria that there, thats blocking digestion, and causing sluggish digestion, apple cider vinegar, kills that bacteria, and its one of the things, i have used myself, i have a cavity, and a little bit of pain, from a build up of pain, its a great mouth wash, its a great pain killer, i will have to get the tooth removed, but the apple cider vinegar, neutralizes the bacteria, neutralizes the pain eventually, and brings good health, we know that bacteria in the mouth is connected with heart disease, because the bacteria in the mouth, enters the blood stream,

so again anti bacterial, apple cider vinegar, improves digestion and reduce acid reflux a key problem for a lot of people by balancing the acid, by reducing the acidity in the body, it neutralizes acid reflux, and calms and increases digestion and therefor a great treatment for acid reflux no. 6, apple cider vinegar, is a good treatment for those with diabetes as it helps to balance blood sugar in the body of research backing up the use of apple cider vinegar, management and treatment of diabetes no. 7 promotes heart health, apple cider vinegar, breaks the plaque and reduces the plaque that builds up in the arteries and reduces cholesterol and therefore helps to promote heart health with

potassium as well strenghtening the heart muscle, number seven apple cider vinegar, promotes good skin, health and clear skin from the inside out from having a good digestion the best place to have good skin is on the inside, by having good digestion, and that promotes cleansing through the biggest organ in the body which is the skin, but it can also be rubbed on the skin to reduce blemishes and increase the skin health and vibrancy of the skin no. 8 apple cider vinegar, can be used to treat warts, soaked on to a cotton pice of wool and placed over the wart, twice a day topically, it can help to reduce that wart over time, number nine in the hair apple cider vinegar can be rubbed into the hair, its a great conditioner and helps to strenghten the hair, and increase the shine, of your hair so apple cider vinegar, in your hair, it might smell, but you can wash it off later with shampoo. no. 10 apple cider vinegar can be used to reduce weight, and obesity it has an appetite suppressing effect,

when you take apple cider vinegar, it has that bitter taste, it helps to improve digestion and reduce appetite, no. 11 apple cider vinegar reduces sinus congestion, by breaking the mucus that gets clogged up in the system, apple cider vinegar helps to break it down, and give relief to the sinus pathways, no. 12 helps when you have a soar throat, its that anti bacterial effect, it can be used as a mouth wash, gargled and swallowed, its kills the bacteria, thats causing the throat infection no. 13 apple cider vinegar, gives an energy boost the potassium and the enzymes, with in acv and within have to speed up the process of nutrients getting to the cells and cleansing the cells, and that leads to better health, better vitality and better energy, no. 14, natural teeth whitener acv can be used as a mouthwash as i said earlier, and that can help to whiten the teeth over time, when practiced on a regular basis no. 15 acv helps to fight seasonal alergies, it breaks down the mucus, improves lymphatic drainage, and has an over all health benefit on reducing the impact of allergies, no. 16 apple cider vinegar, can be used to teat cold soars, because it is loaded with probiotics and

vitamins helps to boost the immune system and boost the response to cold soars from within, no. 17 helps to soothe sun burn, when acv is mixed with coconut oil and some lavender oil, mixed and rubbed on to the skin, is a great calming relief for sun burn, no. 18 acv is a natural deodorant as acv kills the bad bacteria and the yeast that causes odours, acv can be applied topically to areas under the arm pits or around the toes, where there can be body odour, no. 19 acv is a natural household cleanser, we know is great for cleaning windows but we know its that anti bacterial effect, acv can be used to kill bacteria, finally no. 20 improves bone health, its that alkaline effect that improves our overall health and then improves our bone health,

thats the 20 health benefits of acv, i will put all that information in the link below, if you like this video, give it a thumbs, up, share and subscribe, for weekly content with me tom obrien master herbalist, helping you to understand the health benefits of herbs and food as medicine, thank you for watching and hope to see you in a video soon, bye

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