Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

can you remove calcium deposits on your teeth

hi, i'm katrina szish for howdini. today we're going to talk about howto remove stains from our teeth. to do that, i'm joined by... thumbnail 1 summary
can you remove calcium deposits on your teeth

hi, i'm katrina szish for howdini. today we're going to talk about howto remove stains from our teeth. to do that, i'm joined by cosmeticdentist dr. brian kantor. nice to see you. ok, so now why do our teeth discolor? stains are so frustrating. well, teeth are unfortunately porous,and you use them often, multiple meals a day for as many years as you'vebeen alive, so the stains can accumulate over time.

and if you have bad oral hygiene,that stain will accumulate at a faster rate. now, what causes these stainsin the first place? things we love to do cause stain-- coffee, tea, red wine, chocolate,and smoking. all of these products will actuallyincrease the staining on your teeth. ok, well, i've got to say, coffee,red wine, chocolate, those aren't going anywhere. so how do we actually counteract thoseand remove the stains from our teeth.

well, one thing we cantry is whitening. and everyone wants to know, everyonewants to bleach, everyone wants to whiten their teeth. but what's the difference betweenwhitening and bleaching? well, whitening is where you make theteeth appear whiter than they are by removing the surface stain. so the first we would do is tryover-the-counter whitening products or go to your dentist to have your teethcleaned to remove the stain and see if that's stain or actually thecolor of your teeth.

if you want your teeth whiterthan that, then you have to bleach your teeth. and bleaching actually puts a hydrogenperoxide material, which is a bleaching agent. and the oxygen from the hydrogenperoxide will oxidize these long-chain stains and breaks these chains upintrinsically, and that actually bleach the tooth, making the teethlighter than they actually were. now, do the at-home solutionswork for this? well, they do work.

and how well a bleaching product worksis really depending on two factors. one is the concentrationof hydrogen peroxide. the more concentration of hydrogenperoxide, the better the product will work, and however long and well thebleaching product remains isolated on your teeth. so a lot of these over-the-counterproducts are whitening products such as whitening toothpaste. these will whiten the teeth by removingthe surface stain to make the teeth appear whiter.

but there are over-the-counter bleachingproducts as well, such as crest whitestrips. what these do is they actually willremain isolated on your teeth and allow the bleaching process to work. so they do work. and the beauty of these over-the-counterproducts, it's a lot cheaper, and they are effective. that's great. so a lot more accessible for alot more people on a budget.

a lot more accessible. the results can vary. it works differently for everyone, butover-the-counter products do work. now, will this affect dental work,say, veneers or crowns? yes. when you have dental work, eithercrowns, veneers, bridges, that porcelain will not change color. you can't change the colorof the porcelain. so if you're going to bleach your teethand your teeth are intertwined

with this dental work, your teeth aregoing to get lighter and the porcelain will not, so it kind of defeatsthe purpose of bleaching. so not everyone is a candidate forbleaching, so you should really see your dentist before you startbleaching your teeth. ok, now once i finally remove thesestains, how do i keep them removed? maintenance. you have to maintain your smile. if you bleach your teeth, you haveto maintain a healthy smile. you have to have good oral hygiene andtry over-the-counter products.

the whitening toothpaste, the whiteningrinse, these will help remove the surface stain tomaintain your white smile. ok, great. all great information. thank you so much, dr. kantor. thank you. ok, our teeth thank dr. kantor here. and i say stains beware and be gone. let's recap.

stains are caused by dark foods anddrinks that we love, so brush soon after if you simply can't resist. andto remove the buildup of stains, you can have a professional or anat-home whitening done. after the treatment, help keep yourwhiter smile by a regular routine that uses the whitening toothpastes, floss,and mouthwashes available. and lastly, if you smoke, then stop. whiter teeth are only one ofthe many reasons to quit. see your dentist or health careprofessional about getting help. on behalf of crest 3d white, i'mkatrina szish for howdini.

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