Senin, 16 Januari 2017

do teething and ear infections go hand in hand

you are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.comwhere nationally certified american homeopath, public speaker, and author, joette cal... thumbnail 1 summary
do teething and ear infections go hand in hand

you are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.comwhere nationally certified american homeopath, public speaker, and author, joette calabrese,shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-densenutrition. â jendi:â hello! this is jendi and i’m back again with joette calabrese from, we want to kind of go back to the basics and talk a little bit about what homeopathyis. good morning, joette! how are you? joette:â good morning, jendi. this is so nicedoing this together. jendi:â it is fun. i enjoy talking to youand my family reaps the benefits of it as i reiterate everything that i learn from you,and i’m learning so much because until i

talked to you, this was totally new to me.joette:â great! that’s what i love to do, is to turn people onto this, especially families.jendi:â yeah, and mothers. joette:â yeah.jendi:â i am already like questioning my doctor. what conventional medicine is great forjoette:â well, let’s use that. let’s use that as a springboard. that’s a great wayto look at this. i don’t tell people that they should not have a doctor. but i do believethat the mom should be the first doctor. and doctors are great for diagnostics. if youhave a lump, you need to know. is that a cyst? is that cancer? is it a boil? you need toknow what it is. and without a lot of experience, it would be great to have a doctor that youcould go to and say, “okay, doc, what is

this?” and that’s what i love them for.they’re also very good for emergencies. if you’re in an automobile accident, forgoodness sakes, you don’t go to a homeopath. you get yourself to an emergency room. andthen i also believe that modern medicine is excellent for surgery. i cannot say enough,obviously, about organ replacement and the kinds of surgical procedures and plastic surgeryand heart surgery. we might not even have my father today if it weren’t for i believe that surgery is very useful. the problems lie in the degree to which wecount on these methods. we’ve got it upside down. what we should be looking at is, “whatcan i do at home first? i’m the mother. what can i do with nutrition?” let’s sayif somebody has a fever or something, “how

can i change the environment for this childor this member of my family? what homeopathic remedies can i use?” and if you’re stumped,then you move on to someone else and look at that possibility. what i don’t like isthe idea that we mothers have been “trained” to go to a doctor for every single ill. ithink that is far too much dependence on someone whose interest in our lives is not as greatas our own interest in our lives. i think surgery is performed too frequently.there are a lot of surgical procedures that i think truly are superfluous. but when it’sneeded, we need it. i think the diagnostics are used too frequently. i think this mammogramevery year is silliness. chronic colonoscopies when there is nothing wrong, i think, is apotentially dangerous pursuit. but when there

is something wrong, you need that colonoscopy,perhaps. you need that mammogram, etc., etc. so i want to just soften the edges a littlebit, get this down to the point where we’ve not lost common sense and we’re capableof making a lot of decisions on our own. and thank god for the internet because there’sa lot of great information out there. now, be careful. i always warn people, “be carefulbecause there is a lot of erroneous information and there’s also a lot of information thatis directed by self-serving sites. and you have to be able to separate the wheat fromthe chaff. and so you want to go to places that question the status quo, not who offerthe status quo. we already know the status quo. do we really need to know more? well,yeah, we might need a little bit more to fill

in the blanks, but for the most part, whatwe’re really looking for here is an objective point of view, and you have to see both sidesin order to do that.â  using homeopathy versus conventional medicinejendi:â so then if that’s what we use the doctors for, what is homeopathy and what doyou use it for? joette:â good question. if you need to havea diagnosis, then certainly, the doctors can be very useful for that. but there are a lotof times we don’t even need a diagnosis. my child’s got a fever. is it viral? isit bacterial? does it matter? if it’s normal childhood illness and they’ve got a cold,leave it. so what? so it’s viral. so it’s bacterial. do we need to know that it’sa streptococcal infection? do we need to know

what kind of bacteria? sometimes it can beuseful, but for the most part, a painful sore throat is often met with a simple homeopathicprotocol such as hepar sulph 30 given every three hours if the pain is horrible, or ifthe pain is really severe, belladonna. so these are remedies that we ought to knowon our own. and everyone out there who’s interested in this subject ought to considergetting a simple book, taking a course – you don’t have to take my courses, you don’thave to use my books, but they are available certainly on my site, but there are a lotof good homeopathy books – and learn how to treat simple acute issues, and you shouldown a homeopathy kit. and by a kit, i mean, it’s the top 100 homeopathic remedies thatare the most useful for most families in most

circumstances. now, there are thousands ofhomeopathic remedies. some say it’s about 3000, others say it’s about 6000 homeopathicremedies that are available in the world today. so when you buy a hundred of them, you’reonly going to get a small sampling of what might be useful on a day-to-day level andin a given household. but it’s a very good start.jendi:â and then the book will tell you how to use them.joette:â how to use them, absolutely. when to use them, to what degree, how frequently,what potency, etc. and that’s where i am now working. i’ve gone down a differentpath than most homeopaths and what i had been doing previously for years as a classicalhomeopath. classical means that you have to

take a very elongated case and you have tolook at the entire person before determining the remedy. and i taught that for years, andi used that methodology myself. but having spent time in kolkata with theprasanta banerji homeopathic research foundation, i have to say that i have learned protocolsthat are very easily learned by families that make it much easier. so one does not haveto go through as many mental gymnastics to determine the correct remedy. it’s as simpleas if it’s an ear infection, it’s most likely to be hepar sulph. it can also be,in some cases, belladonna, chamomilla, or pulsatilla, but hepar sulph, generally, isthe remedy. and so i call this practical homeopathy. instead of studying for years, you don’thave to go as deeply with it as that and you

can simply look at, “oh, this is the disease.oh, this is most likely the remedy that will act.”jendi:â and you can kind of get your feet wet a little bit. like, “okay, they havean ear infection. i’m going to treat it with this.” but you don’t have to feellike overwhelmed that you’re going to throw out every medicine right away.joette:â every medicine, you mean, conventional medicines?jendi:â yes. joette:â since i’m not a doctor, i’m mostlyan educator, and i do work with people one on one but my goal is always to educate andto teach people how to do much of this themselves, my goal is never to tell someone to get offthe drug. i never said that. that would be

injudicious. if it’s something that is nota drug that’s being taken daily, let’s say it’s tylenol – we were just talkingabout tylenol and children having fevers – the comfort level with the amount of knowledgethat someone has in homeopathy will determine how soon you get rid of this or that, or whetheror not you ever get rid of it. in raising my kids, i had learned just enoughhomeopathy when my first one was a newborn, and that was 27 years ago. and up until thattime, i had gotten rid of a lot of the drugs that i had been taking all during my pregnancy.and before that when my husband and i were first married, i had gotten rid of tylenol.i found that tylenol caused more trouble. i had gotten rid of these products. i actuallywas taking a product that had codeine in it

almost every day for headaches. i threw thatout. and you do it as it’s called for. you say, “oh, well, i know how to deal witha fever for my child.” “oh, i know how to deal with pain.” and you see it againand again and again. and after a while, the tylenol expires and it’s time to throw itout anyway. so when my kids were little, i had herbs andhomeopathics in my medicine cabinet. and even through the years, the herbs still hold aplace, and some essential oils as well, but the bulk of my methodology has been throughhomeopathy because in my estimation, after using all three of those methodologies, i’mgoing to say homeopathy is far beyond herbalism and essential oils. still valuable, they stillhave value, but i always count on homeopathy

first. and while i’m waiting for the remedyto act, and sometimes you do have to wait, then i might employ herbs or essential oils.but i don’t use drugs.â  chamomile and its usesjendi:â can you tell us a little bit more why you chose homeopathy over the herbs andthe essential oils? joette:â yes, certainly. i can give you aperfect example. let’s say we use the herb chamomile. you pick the flower. and i makeherbs. i mean, i make the tinctures, i should say. i pick the herbs, wildcraft them fromthe property around my land, and i pick chamomile flowers, i pick the little buds, i dry them,and i put them in a jar. and i keep them for making teas out of them. and sometimes, imake them into tinctures which means i’m

putting them into alcohol. now, it becomesmore like a medicine once it’s in alcohol. and i let it set there for, say, two weeks.they call it a fortnight in the old botanical books. and now you can decant it and use itas a tincture and closer to what you might want to consider a medicine.but if a child has difficulty with calming down at night, let’s say they’re cryingand they’re irritable and they’re fractious and they might even be teething, that couldbe perhaps the cause of it, you could give chamomile. you could give chamomile tea andgive it to the child. if it’s in tincture, it would be in alcohol so you have to be verycareful and you only use a drop or two of this alcohol tincture and dilute it much inwater because you don’t want to give alcohol

to a young child. and you give that to thechild and it might help them fall asleep. and very likely, it will calm them down andhelp them fall asleep, particularly if you use it day after, you get that tincture and this is made in a homeopathic pharmacy, and they make chamomilla200c which means that they’ve gotten that tincture in a pharmacy, regulated by the fda,i might add. they take a drop of it and they put it into 99 drops of alcohol, quite dilutenow, we’ve diluted it, one time to a hundred; 99 to one is a hundred. so we use c as thedelineation. and that dilution now is we’re getting away from the chamomile in its grossform. and then they shake that. it’s called succussion. it’s done in a special way.and they take a drop from that vial and they

put it in a second vial of just that dropplus 99 drops of alcohol. now, we’re at 2c, 2 to the hundredth power. and they doit again, shake it up in a special way. it’s called succussion. and they take a drop fromthat one and they put it in a third vial of 99 drops of alcohol. now, we’re at 3c. andthey do this 200 times. it’s extremely dilute. but what it does is anything that is not positiveor perhaps toxic – although i don’t know that the chamomile has toxicity; i’m notfamiliar with it deeply enough to know that botanically – but anything that might betoxic is now reduced and everything that’s curative comes to the fore. it flies in theface of what’s logical. but to be honest, when you think about it, this is mathematicaland pharmacological, great intelligence, and

it is put together in such a lovely way thatwhen you get to 200c of chamomilla and you give that to the child, now, not only doesthe child fall asleep – and not because he’s forced to fall asleep but because thebody can let go and do what it’s supposed to do – but you’ve eliminated the problemsof teething, which means that if you give this for a few nights, the child is not fractious,he’s not arching his back angry and fighting you, he’s falling asleep readily at theright time, not because he’s forced to, this is not a drug, but more importantly,the cause of the illness or the problem or the irritability is most likely as a resultof the teething. you have uprooted teething pain and teething now, a child who might have teething pains

for months, now what you’ve done is you’vestopped the whole process of it being pathological and you have rooted out the teething issue,along with everything else that’s concomitant. so compare that herbal tincture, that originalone, that herbal tea in helping the child calm down a little bit, to rooting out thevery cause of the problem using this pharmacological method of great dilution and succussion, andyou’ve got a medicine that goes much deeper and is very gentle and just simply stimulatesthe child’s ability to root out the problem. i’ve seen it time and again. i’ve seenit in my own children when they were young. i’ve had many students/clients who havereported to me after they’ve used this method. they tried chamomile in herbal form and thenthey go to the homeopathic and it’s a slam

dunk. it works nearly every time. so we don’thave to just use it for teething babies. we can actually use it for a fractious teenager,a 19-year-old who’s getting wisdom teeth, or even a 27-year-old who’s getting wisdomteeth and they find that they’re irritable as well. when they say, “i’m just irritable;everything bothers me; i feel sensitive to everyone; i don’t want to be around people,”then you say, “well, so how are those wisdom teeth?” “as a matter of fact, my wisdomtooth is coming in.” they take chamomilla 200 for a few days and the whole thing isresolved. it’s gorgeous.â  poison ivy: from poison to homeopathic medicinenow, herbalism then has value, there’s no doubt. but it also is quite limited. see,homeopathy uses not just plants but also minerals

and toxic plants. we use poison ivy. we lovepoison ivy. now, the herbalist can’t use poison ivy but we love it because what poisonivy causes in the gross form can actually be resolved in the homeopathic form. so ifsomebody has chickenpox and there are pustules, and they’re itchy, and it’s maddening,and they’re restless, when homeopathy is employed by using rhus tox – which is homeopathicpoison ivy and it’s diluted many times, 30 times to the hundredth power, or 200 timesto the hundredth power – it reduces the toxicity and it actually even eliminates toa certain degree the toxicity of the poison ivy and brings to the fore the curative aspectof the poison ivy. so when someone has chickenpox and you use rhus tox, the latin name for poisonivy, you will see that the restlessness is

resolved, the pustules are not as eruptive,the itching comes down tremendously, and they can get over chickenpox in a shorter periodof time. jendi:â it doesn’t matter if they’re allergicto poison ivy. joette:â no, it doesn’t. because there isno poison ivy left in it, pretty much. by the time you get to the 200th potency, 200times to the hundredth degree, you have eliminated the toxicity. in fact, those who are verysensitive to poison ivy are more likely to benefit from the use of this homeopathic poisonivy. jendi:â my oldest daughter gets poison ivymuch worse than my other two children. but would that same remedy help with her reaction?joette:â well, that’s the way most people

would think because you would say then youwould use poison ivy to treat poison ivy. but remember, homeopathy,â hom-â in the wordhomeopathy means similar or like pathology. not exactopathy; it’s homeopathy. so it’sbetter to use a remedy that is more closely related to the symptoms but is not actuallythe absolute same source. so rhus tox, which is the latin word for poison ivy, can be usedfor a case of poison ivy, but it’s not our first choice. actually, our first choice isanacardium because anacardium is not exactly the same thing but it’s close enough, andin the gross form it can cause pustules, itching, restlessness, we’re always looking for the similars. now, it doesn’t mean we never use the exactbut more often, we find in homeopathy that

similar substances, or the similar clusterof symptoms, is better than the exact. and usually, the etiology is what’s different.and etiology means the cause of the disease. so if the cause of the disease is poison ivy,then that’s a different etiology than using anacardium because it is not caused from thesame reaction to a plant.â  homeopathy is medicine, not supplementsjendi:â as a mother myself, that i’m looking into this and trying to figure that out, arethere cautions that i could hurt my children by trying a homeopathic remedy?joette:â yes. it is relatively safe. and what i mean by that is first of all, we have toremember that homeopathy is not a supplement. again, they’re not herbs in their grossform. it is medicine. there’s no doubt about

it. and so it is relatively safe. so whati mean by that is you can do harm if you don’t do as directed. let’s use poison ivy, forexample, and you give your daughter homeopathic poison ivy, and it is not the correct’s not acting. and you keep insisting on giving it, and give it, and give it, andgive it, and repetitively. you may find that you’ll cause trouble. but that’s becausethe remedy is ill chosen. so you have to choose correctly. you don’twant to go too high a potency when you’re first starting out. you want to stay maybeat 6x, 12x, 3x, 6c, 12c, 3c. stay at those lower potencies and you’re more likely tohave better results. and i always encourage parents to start out with the simplest formof homeopathy and that is the stuff that you

can buy at walmart and your health food stores.and those are a combination remedy that’s for teething, a combination remedy that isspecific for leg cramps. and they give you exactly the protocol that you should be usingonce you find that you love this because there are no side effects. there is no danger interms of side effects. the danger is if used injudiciously. so if it’s used correctlyand you follow those directions, you’ll find that you’ll probably fall in love withhomeopathy. jendi:â so when we go to walmart or a kindof store like that, is it going to say homeopathy on the product?joette:â yes, it does say that. it does say that. so you can find what’s calledâ coldcalm, a great remedy for when somebody’s

coming down with a cold. and it’s made byboiron. it’s one of my favorite companies. and it is a combination remedy, so i believethere may be six or eight homeopathic remedies in there. many parents have reported to methat this works again and again and again to keep their children from getting colds.this is just to get you started because the more you learn, the more infrequently you’regoing to want to go to a remedy combination such as that and you’re going to want tolearn how to do this more with your own intelligence involved in determining what remedies arebest chosen for your family.â  hypericum for cutsjendi:â and so far, we’ve talked about things on the skin or ear infections, teething pain.what if they get like a cut?

joette:â yes. when there are lacerations andif the cut is very painful, we automatically would consider using something like hypericum,and that would be taken orally. certainly, wound management is very important when itcomes to lacerations. you want to make sure it’s very, very clean. you want to makesure that you’re pressing so that the blood is coming out because blood cleanses injuries.and truly, it has to be cleaned extremely well. some people use peroxide. i like touse calendula tincture. simple soap and water is a good idea. if the laceration is deepenough, then certainly you would get to an emergency room.if it’s small enough and you feel you can handle it, then by all means, hypericum isa great remedy for that. and we would use

hypericum, say, 30. it’s a good remedy totake every 15 minutes until the pain comes down, and then every 30 minutes, and thenas the pain reduces even further. we’re always watching for what’s presenting andif the pain is still presenting, then we continue. so every three hours and then maybe threetimes a day over the next several days. and you can continue with hypericum even if youend up in the emergency room because stitches are imminent. and you might want someone elseto clean it for you because you don’t feel as though you have enough expertise in doingthat. however, i urge parents to learn that expertise.learn it. figure it out. go online. learn how to do these things. there’s nothinglike being able to handle it yourself because

what if you get to the emergency room andnow, you have to wait four hours. you could have spent that time cleaning it yourself,and that does happen. and with our healthcare system as it’s going today, that could easilybe an issue. not that it hasn’t already been an issue at certain areas of the us andother parts of the world. so knowing how to take care of your own is more important thanhoping that there’ll be someone there who’s available to help you out.jendi:â plus, there are all those other sick people in the emergency room.joette:â oh, yeah. oh, absolutely. now, you’ve got a laceration that hasn’t been cleanedyet and you got someone sitting next to you who’s got sars or ebola or something. i’mbeing a little fastidious here, obviously,

but at this point, i might mention that atthis juncture, ebola has taken two lives in the united states so far so we still are waitingto hear whether or not that’s ever going to really manifest itself here.jendi:â but homeopathy should be able to find a cure somewhere, right?joette:â well, you know, homeopathy has been around for 230 years and it’s been usedin clinics and hospitals throughout the world. millions of people have been using it – doctors,medical schools. there are homeopathic medical schools all over the world, and there weremany of them in the united states at one time. and so with all of that data that had beencollected and still is being collected in other parts of the world where homeopathyis still institutionalized, there’s a lot

of information on just about every diseaseknown to mankind. jendi:â that’s all the questions i had foryou today. thank you so much. you gave me a lot to think about and implement and try.when you think about the big picture, at least when i do, i get overwhelmed. and when youspit out all these names, you know all this stuff, i’m going, “ahh!”joette:â oh, i’m so sorry to do that to you, jendi.jendi:â no, it’s okay because it makes me aware that there is so much more to it. butthen you bring it back in and say, “well, get the common cold stuff from walmart andtry that.” and part of me cringes now when i open the medicine cabinet and go, “i knowthere’s a better way, but i need this right

now and i don’t know what to do, and i don’thave the other one.” so if i can just kind of replace one at a time, i’d feel moreconfident with that… joette:â absolutely. absolutely.jendi:â â€¦ and like i’m not going to hurt my family.â take advantage of available resources to study homeopathyjoette:â and the way you really learn this is to take courses. i have online courses.i have cds. i have downloads that people can purchase. you can listen to them on a cd.and they are also covered. we have the text in print that can be downloaded so that youcould study it. that’s the way you learn this stuff. and as you become more attunedto it and you deal with the issues that your

family suffers from most, then you gain moreconfidence. so if there’s a family that gets colds frequently, that’s the area whereyou need to spend your time learning. you want to know those remedies. you want to havethem on hand. you want to know how to use them, what potency. and all of that is alltaught in my courses and other books as well, as i said earlier. there are many sourcesof good books for especially acute issues available on amazon, etc.jendi:â thank you so much. joette:â yeah, you’re welcome. my pleasure.jendi:â i will start figuring out what new books to put in my library.joette:â yeah, great. okay, jendi. jendi:â yours are on kindle, too?joette:â no, i don’t have any on kindle.

my books are actually not on amazon. we’venot set it up that way because we’ve set them up more as courses. but all of them areon my website. if people to go products, they can click on them, and we have a first aidcd, and we have a cd on how to raise a drug-free family, a whole course on how to raise a drug-freefamily. and that includes dvds and information such as that. i also talk about foods thatfamilies should be considering on a day-to-day basis.â secret spoonfulsâ is the name of thatone. i’ve got another one, a segment of homeopathy that’s very easy to learn. soi try to make it as family oriented and as simple to learn as possible.â  thank you for listening to this podcast withjoette calabrese. if you liked it, please

share it with your friends. to learn moreand find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.comand schedule a free 15-minute conversation with joette herself.

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