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my grandmother used to use sprayed vinegaron her windows to clean. the glass at our house was so clean, i bangedmy head on the window every time i went outside is like (tugg!!!) grandma’s house..super clean! maybe that explains a lot. she used vinegarand other natural cleansers because she didn’t want us children to be all around those poisonouscleansers people are using today. if you have a family, then this is probablya good advice for you so pay attention now. you’ve spent the whole day cleaning, notexactly your favourite way to spend a saturday but it’s gotta be done.
but hold up, wait a minute. what if the productsyou are using to keep in your home clean are actually making it more toxic. research has found that your indoor environmentis 2-5 times more toxic than the air outside. are you kidding me? this is largely due to the 10+ gallons ofsynthetic chemical products that are found in most homes, cleaners, stains, varnishes,air fresheners, indoor pesticides, plastic, hair sprays, perfumes, colognes, lotions,nail polish, deodorants, makeup and the list goes on. seeing as most people spend about 90% of theirtime indoors, this is a big issue.
according to the international agency forresearch on cancer in the worldwide health organization, 80% of cancers could be preventedby cleaning up our environment. that is no joke, my friend. since more and more research is showing thatour household cleaners are a huge issue in making our home environment more toxic, today,i'm going to teach you how to make a simple all purpose cleaning recipe made from 100%mother nature. all natural ingredients. here’s the recipe:half a cup of water in a little spray bottle, we got 20 drops of melaleuca tea tree oil,half a cup of apple cider vinegar. so pour the water, the apple cider vinegar andthe melaleuca essential oil into a spray bottle.
shake it up just like this. and the great thing about this? it’s greatfor killing mold and mildew and it’s an all natural antibacterial, antifungal, anda food for your respiratory issues. hah, feel better already. a lot of people with asthma and respiratoryissues are surprised to find that most other symptoms clear up and disappear once theychange their cleaning routine. so don’t let your cleaning lady, or youtell you that you need to be using bleach in your house when there’s all natural ingredientslike this that actually destroy mold and other things.
some people may wonder our natural cleanseris really as effective as the strong chemical-laden cleansers, the answer is an absolutely yes! but there are some things you should understand,one being this, not all microbes are bad. traditional storage box cleaners wipe outall microbes without mercy. this sounds like a good thing, but there areactually microorganisms that are beneficial to our bodies and our environment. if you don't have all the certain microbesin your gut, you would be unable to properly digest your food. there’s healing herbs and plants that havehad to learn over millions and millions of years
how to fight off those bad bugs while allowingthe helpful ones to stick around. this makes herbs and plants amazing tools formaking your own household cleaners and disinfectants. check our fitlifetv to learn some of thisother recipes, remedies, things that you can use from the comfort of your own home thatare having an impact on our overall health. remember, as i always say, we’re in this togetherand i’ll see you next week.
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