Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

ear infection or teething 6 month old

you are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.comwhere nationally certified american homeopath, public speaker, and author, joette cal... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection or teething 6 month old

you are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.comwhere nationally certified american homeopath, public speaker, and author, joette calabrese,shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-densenutrition. â jendi:â hello! this is jendi and i’m here with joette from hellojoette! how are you? â joette:â i’m doing well. nice to see you again, jendi.â  jendi:â it is good to see you. these two weekswent a little slower but not too much. i was looking at your website a little bit and seeinghow you really have a passion to help moms.

you even go into nutrition. you really seemedlike an advocate for the families. so how does that connect with homeopathy?â  curing and caring for our familyâ  joette:â well, it really takes an interestin the subject. the subject is taking care of your family. most moms are very interestedin that subject, of course. just like anything else that’s important in life, it takesinspiration which is what i hope to offer here, too in addition to homeopathy and perspirationbecause there is some work that’s involved in learning this lifestyle.â  i know what it’s like to be at home withkids. i was a full time mom and i homeschooled

my children until high school. but let meshare that when you’re home with them, of course it’s one of the most important jobsa woman can ever have. it’s pure joy but it’s physically demanding. it takes emotionalstability and it’s nearly fulltime consuming except for one little area.â  we as humans, we moms, for those who loveto learn especially when our kids are babies, we need and crave intellectual stimulation.i know that i did. if you’re a lifetime learner, that comes automatically. if you’rehomeschooling your children of course, you’re getting that. you’re learning things thatyou never caught on to when you were a kid. you learn all kinds of great, new things.but if you’re not homeschooling your children,

there is that desire.â  so ought we take up the study of say renaissanceart or how about something like 19thâ century opera. that’s one of my favorite subjects.i would love to take that up more thoroughly. but wait! wait! i’ve got an idea. why notlearn something that not only satisfies the intellectual appetite but it supports ourlifestyle so thoroughly. why not learn something that will save our family money? even moreimportantly, put us in control of our own destinies and our family’s. that’s wherehomeopathy comes in. â it’s brilliant! it’s a medicine at its best. you learn biology, anatomy, physiology,pathology, botany. it’s like going to medical

school of sorts without all the junk sciencethat that attends the profession because you’re not learning how to subdue symptoms with’re actually learning how to cure your family. you get a full understanding of itwith all of these other sciences that are relevant to it.â  now, i don’t know if anybody really heardme. you can cure your family, not suppress symptoms, not watch it diminish only to comeback later like pressing down on a water balloon where it bulges out not too long after. youcould actually do this with your family. in fact, that’s the name of one of my books:cure your family and self with homeopathy. so i find this extraordinarily exciting.â 

for those who don’t have a grand income,i urge them to read my blogs. they’re free for goodness’ sakes. download them. printthem. learn them. study them. use them. they’re very user-friendly and they’re practical.i believe in practical homeopathy. for those who want to go the next step, they can getcds. they can learn that. they can get other homeopath’s books and other homeopath’scds. if someone wants to go further, they can take courses. i have online courses. otherhomeopaths have online courses. then of course, there’s tutoring. i did tutoring online.other homeopaths do this. â so this is not just about me but it is about the idea of taking up a hobby of sorts thatbecomes your lifestyle. it defines who you

are because you not only then can treat yourfamily for minor issues and sometimes even more confounding issues. but then you becomethe community healer, in your church, in your extended family, in your neighborhood. peoplewill start flocking to you. it’s amazing how this happens. once they recognize thatyou have knowledge and they have a problem, they’re going to ask you. they may not followexactly as you say until you gain more and more of a reputation. but that reputationis gained by knowing this information. â so i find it and i found it. now my children are adults now. but i found it very excitingto learn this because i was protecting, helping. i was a very integral part of the financialaspect of our lives. we didn’t have health

insurance. so this was my insurance and evenif we’d had health insurance, there were times in our lives when we did. then therewas another time in our lives especially as our children were growing that i don’t knowthat i would have gone to a doctor for certain things. i wanted to be able to do it myself.i took it only as far as i was capable of taking it. it’s amazing for me. maybe ilucked out. i think there’s partially luck but a lot of it has to do with the fact thati took this so seriously so early on that my children didn’t ever have antibiotics.they didn’t have tylenol. they didn’t have those drugs that can cause trouble inthe end. so that’s how i advocate for families. long answer to a short question.â 

jendi:â out of curiosity, do your childrenstill practice homeopathy in their homes now? a wonderful legacyâ  joette:â they do. they do. they still don’thave advil or any of those products in their homes. in their home, they all live togetheras a matter of fact. it’s kind of fun that my three sons are together. they cook fromscratch. they make full meals every night and they actually eat together every’s really very nice. i’m really happy that it’s worked out that way. i don’tknow how long that will last. they each have to go their own ways eventually but at leastat this point, they’ve taken it on, yes. â jendi:â  that’s all they knew so it’s

probably almost second nature.â  joette:â right, well i just got off the phonewith my oldest son. he was having lunch and i said, “so what do you do at lunch at work?do you buy the lunch there?” and i was curious as to see if lunch means that he’s buyingit. oh no. he says, “my brother and i made dinner last night and it’s soup.” theyused bone stock. he made some soup. he brought it to work with him that day or today. soit warms my heart to hear that. â jendi:â that is awesome because how many young guys do you know that will do that? they gotold already. â joette:â i know, i know. well i emphasized

it. when the boys were being raised, i taughtthem how to make yogurt, keefir, how to grind the flour and make bread. i taught them theimportance of making bone stocks, the importance of using a lot of good animal fats, butter,lard, tallow, et cetera. so it just became a part of who they were. because i’m italian,i love to cook. i love preparing meals. i love eating. i love cooking and everythingaround food. so i think they took that on as well which is really very satisfying.â  jendi:â that will help them with their healththe rest of their life. â joette:â oh, i hope so and i believe so, yes, yes.â 

jendi:â so i didn’t know anything aboutthese homeopathic remedies until i talked to you. so replacing the drugs is new to mebut i can honestly say i’ve always been leery of them. even growing up, it was alwayslike a last resort. we did chiropractor if we had headaches, not tylenol.â  joette:â great! great!â  jendi:â so now i’m still really leery butwhen they were little and if you call the doctor, right away they say, “go get thismedicine off the store shelf and use it.” so right now i have twins, three about twin-agedchildren. can homeopathy cover any illness that they get?â 

a cure for any illness of all agesâ  joette: yes, yes, it can. it seems counterintuitiveto give someone something that not only doesn’t cure, addressing what you were talking aboutbefore. but worse yet is a synthetic, commercial product that causes side effects. it’s almostas though you’re rubbing salt in the wound. when someone is sick, that’s when you givethem chemicals? it doesn’t even make sense. it flies in the face of common sense. butunfortunately, we have been told repeatedly over the past 80 years that this is all thereis. i’m here to say it’s not all there is. in fact, there’s a whole world.â  you know how when the first time you go snorkelingor scuba diving, you knew that under that

water there was a luscious world of colorand depth and excitement? but it’s not until you put that mask on and you go down, or youlay on the surface and float on the surface, and you see it, and you experience it yourselffirsthand that you realize the depth and breadth of what’s under that water on a coral reeffor example. that’s what it is to get involved in homeopathy. you knew that there had tobe another way. intuitively we all know there’s got to be another way. this stuff, these drugsare problematic at best. so there had to be another way. would god make it so difficultfor us to be able to take care of our families that we have to use something that has bluedyes and unpronounceable ingredients? no! there is another way. so that’s homeopathy.that world is once we put our goggles and

mask on, we’ll see a whole new world.â  it doesn’t take long for us to figure outthat the drugs are not going to cure. we don’t kick someone when they’re down. it alsowas not uncommon for folks to start questions, just like you did. you wonder is the emperorwearing clothing. after a while you start seeing that he’s naked. wait a minute! thishas been false all this time. i think i said earlier in other podcasts, it’s not thati believe that all of modern medicine is unworthy. but i would say certainly surgery and i thinki’ve talked about this before is incredible. what they’ve done with surgical proceduresis downright remarkable. â but when it comes to mothering a child and

taking care of ear infections and otitis media,conjunctivitis, strep throat, bee stings, injuries that are not terribly serious, thelist goes on and on. you have a sickness after having eaten the wrong foods or a post halloweenstomachache or diarrhea or something. that’s something every mother can take care of. there’sabsolutely no doubt in my mind. not only do i know this personally in having raised mychildren this way but i’ve been teaching this close to 28 years. i’ve taught it inmany arenas and schools and in churches and educational institutions and colleges. peoplecome back and tell me, “oh, my gosh! i can’t believe what this did for my child’s earinfection. that’s the end of the ear infections. we used to see them every three months. wedon’t see them at all anymore and it was

repetitive. so yes, this is medicine. thisis the medicine we’ve all been looking for. it is applicable in just about every situationexcept for strictly surgical needs. â jendi:â even things that we think aren’t really an illness like pimples, some of thecosmetic things homeopathy helps with. â joette:â yes, because it’s not necessarily illnesses. it’s also conditions. think ofit that way. skin problem is often just a condition. we don’t call it a disease ifsomeone doesn’t have acne vulgaris or rosacea or something extreme like that, although ijust offered a class. i just finished it last night which has been recorded. we’ll haveit up and running at some point soon on that

specifically, on how to treat acne vulgarisand rosacea and eczema and psoriasis and skin issues. so yes, it covers everything. i can’tthink of anything it doesn’t cover other than as i said requirement for a surgicalprocedure. â jendi:â yes and especially if you’re a family that’s really watching your budget, whenyou have something like that, you don’t necessarily go to a dermatologist for it.â  joette:â right.â  jendi:â because it costs extra time, extramoney. â joette:â oh, how about that time, how about

that time? can you imagine? i’ve thoughtabout it and i’ve talked to other people who spend a lot of time in doctors’ offices.usually it’s the elderly. it’s very sad to me because it’s a lifestyle that it becomesmyopic. all they can think about is the next doctor appointment. that almost becomes theirouting. it’s depressing. i’ve seen it happen too many times. i’ve seen it in myelderly relatives. â thankfully my parents are not caught up on that conveyor belt, partially because my motherwas of this ilk as well. my mother was not unlike your mother. we went to chiropractorswho i believe in. by the way, i believe very strongly in chiropractic. i think everyoneshould have a good chiropractor. my mother

made our food from scratch. not that we didn’thave oreos and potato chips once in a while. but for the most part, everything was madefrom scratch because she was at home tending her children. there was a nice dinner everynight, so between that and my mother eschewing the idea of drugs in the first place.â  my grandparents were from sicily. when theycame to this country and i don’t believe that it’s all that unusual but when theycame to this country, they were suspicious of doctors. they were suspicious that whenyou went to the hospital, you went there to die. of course now it was a different was back in the 1920s, 1930s, et cetera. but they were very suspicious of their nostrumsand they wanted to use their own ways. so

my mother took that up. she’s now in herlate 80s. i was raised that way myself even though we did succumb to drugs. there’sno doubt about it because we didn’t have these other tools.â  but you see homeopathy offers the tool. thisgives us what we’ve been lacking as mothers for all these years, for these last many decades.because homeopathy was in every educated home. i say educated because those were the womenwho took it on. louisa may alcott wrote about it in little women. how they usedâ belladonnaâ fora fever that i think jo had or maybe her sister. so all families that were educated, the mothers,the women were educated in learning how to treat their families with homeopathy. it wasjust a given throughout the united states

and of course europe, and india, south america,et cetera. .jendi:â now, a lot of the moms are busy working out of the house, getting the kids placesand i noticed you have this cd that you wrote on your website. put it in your car and listento it over and over. then you can learn and then you can have this stuff in your cupboardso that you know what to grab and give to your children.â  treating coldsâ  joette:â right. it should become second natureafter a while and it will. at first it seems insurmountable but it really is not, particularlyif you have a family where your children are

prone to colds. if they get colds too frequentlyor when they get them, they’re too extreme or they last too long, the remedy you wantto have on hand iscalc carb 200,â calcarea carbonica, calc carbâ is an abbreviation,â calcareacarbonica 200.â when it’s used every other day over a period of months, many and mostfamilies find that the colds start diminishing or they abort altogether. this is not a remedythat we would use for someone who doesn’t get colds frequently. you don’t use it andsay, “oh well, it’s coming up the cold season. i think i’ll take this.” no, no,no, no, no, this is specifically for someone who has a problem with immunity to colds andflus and infections like that. it’s one of my favorite all time remedies.â 

it can be used in a 200 potency. that’sâ calccarbâ 200â every other day or if you have a homeopathy kit and you happen to have itin the 30, that’s aâ calc carbâ 30â then it can be used once daily. many times, familiesuse it every single day for a few months and they watch their children not miss school.they don’t miss piano lessons. they’re actually robust and back into the game. it’sa wonderful remedy that every family should own. sometimes you’ll find it in homeopathykits. your kit is a little box with 100 remedies and my office sells them. if folks are everinterested, you can get them on these kits online. so you’ll find this remedy readilyavailable. and it is one of my favorites. â jendi:â if you do want to just protect against

colds, do you have a suggestion for that oris it just like vitamin c? â joette:â no, i would say it’sâ calc carbâ to protect against colds. now, if you’re talkingabout someone who doesn’t get colds very frequently and you just want to be a littleextra cautious then vitamin c. but i would not take vitamin c. i would eat foods withvitamin c. i don’t like vitamins. i’ll be honest with you. they’re usually synthetic.â  what you can use is rosehips. i have rosehipplants in my garden. i harvest the rosehips. they’re little cherry-like sized hips thattaste quite good. you can buy them at the health food store. they’re dehydrated andground up and then put in little capsules.

they’re loaded with vitamin c naturally.i like the food with the substance rather than the synthetic version of it because mostvitamins are a synthetic version of the real thing. i like the genuine. i can’t helpbut consider always looking for those products, homeopathic remedies as well as food substancesthat smell real to me, that feel real to me. that’s what i’m looking for. i don’twant anything tinkered with. â jendi:â if there was only one homeopathic remedy that every family should have and understandhow to use, what should it be? remedies worth having all the timeâ  joette:â yes, good question. certainly thatâ calcareacarbonicaâ 30â orâ 200â but i’m going to

actually step outside of the box and offertwo. one isâ nux vomica, n-u-x; second word isâ vomica, v-o-m-i-c-a,â nux vomica. it canbe used to the 30thâ potency or 200 potency. what i love aboutâ nux vomicaâ is that it’sgreat for overdoing. so too much candy from halloween, too much food after thanksgiving,too much alcohol in an adult after new year’s eve, overstressing, becoming overwhelmed bycity life or fast paced life. â it’s excellent for husbands because they have so much responsibility and they oftenwork very, very hard in an intellectual setting. if it’s not an intellectual setting, itmight not be quite as useful. it’s great for kids when they overstudy, when they’reworried too much about exams and they start

getting stomach or gastrointestinal issuessuch as constipation or diarrhea or both, and alternating between both. so i loveâ nuxvomica. â i actually tell a story aboutâ nux vomicaâ because it’s great for hangovers. when my sons wereyounger, you may already know this story. when my sons were younger, they knew homeopathy.i taught it to them as part of their homeschooling curriculum.â nux vomicaâ was one of them.they quickly learned thatâ nux vomicaâ is for hangovers. so when they got to the agewhere they were interested in drinking alcohol, i hid all theâ nux vomica.â i said, “ifyou’re going to drink because you know that’s against the rules, if you’re going to drinkalcohol especially underage or you’re going

to over drink even of age, you’re goingto suffer. you need to suffer. if you don’t suffer, you’re not going to learn your lesson.i’m not going to give you a little pill that’s going to take away that groggy, painfulhead, disoriented stomach. you’re going to live with it.” well, i thought that iwas successful in this but then one day, i found in one of my son’s cars a bottle ofâ nuxvomica.â he had gone out and bought one. but i took it. we, mothers have that prerogative.â  soâ nux vomica,â calcarea carbonica,â andthere’s one more. this is the one most people learned when they first start learning’sâ arnica montana, a-r-n-i-c-a,arnica montana,â like the state of montana. it’sa fabulous remedy for injuries. injuries to

the head, i like 200 potency for that. injuriesto soft parts, injuries even before surgery, after surgery, for broken bones, for ecchymosiswhich is black and blue, particularly after surgery and any injuries after. it’s greatfor sports injuries. so those are my top three. i’ve got so many more, of course. i couldgo on all day but we can start with those three.â  jendi:â now theâ nux vomica, you said it’sfor stress and worry. if a family is stressing about moving or finances or something, howoften should you take it? â joette:â the more extreme the condition, the more frequently you would take it. so if it’svery extreme, someone is vomiting relentlessly

for example then it would be say every houror two. if it’s not so extreme and they’re feeling just logy and out of sorts then itmight be twice a day. anywhere in between would be a consideration.â  jendi:â my 10-year-old daughter, when we havesomething big that’s going to happen, she tends to stress the day before. i recognizedthat, know that and just try to calm her down. but this is something that would help?â  joette:â it’s possible that it would. i’mnot going to say. it is not specific for that. it’s more when they overstudy so they’veoverworked their brain. now their body is paying for it particularly if it’s a gastrointestinalreaction.

â jendi:â what would be your parting advice for moms and families that we can take tothe bank? â essence of motherhood â joette:â okay. well, i believe that knowing how to cure your family is the epitome ofwomanhood. it’s the essence of who we are. it’s what we do best. it comes from us deepon a soul level. when you learn how to do this, it’s what i would call parental exceptionalism.this is what takes us to the next level of parenting. this is what puts us, excuse me,but in a class on our own. this makes us the kind of parent that gives us a legacy, morethan just the love, training them up properly,

teaching them what’s important in life.but it also teaches them how to then teach their children so that we can break this cycleof drug after drug after drug for even minor or major issues. so those are my parting words.â  jendi:â thank you so much. thank you for teachingand for being an example of it. â joette:â oh well, thank you for noticing. yes, it’s a pleasure. thank you.â  thank you for listening to this podcast withjoette calabrese. if you liked it, please share it with your friends. to learn moreand find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.comand schedule a free 15-minute conversation

with joette herself.

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