Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

ear infection or teething fever

♪ hey ♪ you're my forbidden fruit ♪ can't stay away from you ♪ and even though i should ♪ you probably taste so... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection or teething fever

♪ hey ♪ you're my forbidden fruit ♪ can't stay away from you ♪ and even though i should ♪ you probably taste so good ♪ you probably taste so good ♪ - good morning hunties and huncles, how y'all doing this morning? anyways i'm here making a new wig because this hair

quality is so crap, soi am switching out wigs. i can't do it, i cannot do this anymore, i can't. i just can't, anyways, i'm a wig maker now, so if y'all need my services, just holler at me 1-800-wigs-4eva, okay. let's get it. - anyway, samia is sleeping here. she's not going to daycare today. i don't know what we're gonna do today, but we're just gonna

hang out together, chill, you know, play it by ear. so, i'm gonna get back to this wig because i need-- look at this, this is like a mop on my head. this is like a dog on my head, like bark, bark bitches, like i look like a damn poodle right now. so i'm down stairs in the basement with my sister paris, and my brother quinton. - where'd that other game go?

and this is my quiny, and that is my par. - [voiceover] i love y'all. - [girl] love you too. - [voiceover] y'all arethe cutest things ever, did you know that? - aww, thank you. - [voiceover] you're welcome, and their on winter break. - [girl] yea, 14 days - [boy] what is this? - off of school. - 14 days off of school,14 days off of school,

i said 14, days off of school, chica, chica, chica, chica listen, we not in school,because it's christmas, it's a winter holiday, we bout to turn up with our family, ahh, so anyways, i'm like kind of irritated because i destroyed thefirst wig that i made, so i had to go to the beauty supply and buy the actual u-part wig cap, and so i'm starting all over again, and

my sister paris is here to help me. - hey. - [latoya] you best be helping me. quinton said that he wanted to blog. - what? - [latoya] you wanted to record yourself didn't you? - yea. - [latoya] let me see you, let me see, what are you gonna say to everybody.

- i don't know. - [latoya] here hold it. here, let me play some background music, maybe you'll get more comfortable. - uh, uh, i don't think so. - [latoya] hey quinton,what are you gonna say. - even though, i'meight, i like this toy. - [latoya] even though you're eight, you like that toy? - [quinton] yea.

- [latoya] why, what doyou like about the toy? - [quinton] i have no idea. - [latoya] is it fun to drive. - [quinton] yea, i want to drive a car. - [latoya] okay, you need to wait until you're 16 to drive right? - [latoya] have youever driven daddy's car? - nope. - [latoya] do you havea girlfriend at school?

- no. - [latoya] you broke up with her? - i didn't even have one. - [latoya] you never had a girlfriend in your life? - [latoya] in your entire eight years of life? - yes, no. - [latoya] i'm proud of you, good no girls right now okay. wait until you're like 10. it's paris's turn to blog.

- [voiceover] sister cam let's do this. - see, i ain't shy camera. - [latoya] okay, let mehear you, let me see. - okay, so it's sister cam right now. - [latoya] oh yea, sister cam. - sister cam. - [latoya] yes, so. - i don't know what to do. - [latoya] what's on your mind right now, how do you feel?

- i feel great. - [latoya] you feel great? - it's 14 days off of school. - [latoya] yes girl. - i'll see you like a bunch of times during the holidays. - [latoya] of course, you better. look who decided to joinus, samia janice ali. my dad said that sheis going to be a singer because her voice is so raspy.

are you gonna be a singer baby? and a dancer? heeeey, look at her (laughs) yea, (mumbles) yamo, yamo, yamo, yamo, yamo, hey, yea. - what kind of dancing is this? - [latoya] dad they're not ready to leave. leave them alone.

- [latoya] go back home, i know. samia, here. here. heeey. - bye. - [latoya] bye quinton, bye paris. - [latoya] bye daddy. - alright let's go. - [latoya] see you later.

- alright, come on. - [latoya] hopefully you'll have something under your christmas tree. yea, yea, you. why you over there looking at me, because my wig is fly, hey, you over there looking at me because my wig is so fly. i'm so wack, anyways, this hair is so much better.

it's like shaky, it's light, god, i feel like-- i don't feel likeanything is on my head. i can't even feel this hair on my head. i'm loving it. it's blending in so muchbetter with my hair. oh my gosh, i love this hair. thumbs up if you love it. hmmmm, edges on fleek. (laughs) never on fleek,what am i even saying.

♪ like me, like me ♪ like me ♪ - say huntys and hunkles, i'm not feeling well. and jalen and delaila up in my room. what are y'all doing? - chilling. - we're instagramming . - god, they've been on instagram and on phone with people all day, listening to music all day.

(laughs) - we haves. - h-ole' you okay? my baby doesn't feel well, what happened? she has been up under me all day today. aww gonna be giving my bugs tylenol cause she have a little fever. this is my little bug, she getting a little cold yes she is.

- (laughs) what? - like what? - you just went to the (mumbles) man. - this is my (mumbles). can y'all clean up my room maybe? (mumbles) - clean up our room? what did she just say? - sorry what?

- you heard exactly what i said. - [delaila] i don't know what she's talking about. - i said, y'all, god. (baby crying) what's wrong? see look at her. - dat. - dat, you want dat,you want this, okay you can have that.

i actually bought this for somebody, and i was like, let me keep it, because it's so cute. - [jalen] it is. - [delaila] i know, those are cute. - isn't it? god. i want to keep everything under my tree, ah, for myself. is that wrong? - that is wrong.

- [latoya] even jalen's present, you have a present. - oh i do. - [latoya] and delaila. - [delaila] i do? - [jalen] thanks. - [latoya] both of y'all. - [jalen] so nice. - mommy got me a present. - it's okay, i got the -- - [latoya] i know, youdon't even celebrate it,

but it's fine. - it's okay, i got the whole ali family a present, so it's good. - ohhh, yea. - i got y'all some nice stuff. some nice stuff. - [delaila] great, nowi'm gonna have to get-- - ow my weave-- no, that doesn't mean anything.

- no, yes it does, whenpeople get you presents, you gotta give back. - [latoya] no i don't give to get. - naw, i just give. - [delaila] well you bout - [jalen] i just give. to get it anyways, youbout to get it anyways. - [latoya] i'm bout to get my present anyway? - [delaila] you bout to get [jalen] yea, you bout to - [delaila] it anyways.[jalen] get it.

- i mean i have to get you one. - [latoya] why are you up on her like that, huh, what's going on? - nothing i'm just chillin. her leg's comfortable, i can't just lay here? i mean it's just comfortable. you're okay with that right? - anyways, jalen, how do you feel about everyone going in on you?

you been gettingthat hunty heat. - [jalen] i've been getting that hunty heat for real. - because he said-- okay, when i asked him a question, who would he date from my group of friends, and i went to rochelle's name, and you said that she was weird, everyone in the comment is like well, why are you calling her weird, she's the one that introduced you to latoya, so you should like be grateful for that.

first of all, that doesn't have anything to do with-- - no, it really doesn'tthough, they were-- - [latoya] who you would date. - i think they were justmore mad because like i grunted, but it was just a joke. i don't have anything-- like there's no problem-- rochelle just has that personality. she's just weird.

- yea, rochelle's weird, i'm crazy. - [jalen] you're crazy. - like-- - we have friends that are weird, it is what it is. they've been giving me the hunty heat, but -- - she is weird. - [jalen] i can't reallydo anything you know. - and that's why we love her. - [jalen] i know.

- because she different. - that's all i was saying, i was trying to like be rude or anything. it is what it is. - but i just feel like we always have to explain - [latoya] ourselves, for what - [jalen] i know. - we say. - that's true. - you know what i'm saying?

because we offend people, but it's like, it's my opinion, it is my opinion ja. - but it's either like,it's just being real. - all that (mumbles)will be ghetto and cute all at the same time. - [latoya] no, but that is my opinion. - no it's true though. it's just about being real. that's it, it's not even being rude,

it's just a real statement like, i'm not gonna be fake. - yea, we're forever explaining ourselves. - yea, i know. - i know. - [jalen] it's terrible. - delaila, i see you going in onpeople in the comments. - i can't take it, i can't take it, like why are you on my page.

- you taught me though,before i use to go in on your comments, but now i don't even i don't go on there (mumbles). - yea, yea i know. do y'all see me going in on anybody though? i just laugh. - good self control, yea. - low key you ought to. - low key, i would love.

(imitating latoya) - latoya has no chill. - i have no chill, listen okay. if i sees, okay, honestly, like if something really pisses me off-- - are you guys fighting? - about a comment that somebody said on the internet, i would like talk-ish about that comment with my friends.

- yea, you would. - [latoya] you know whati'm saying, with adam. yea, you would. - [latoya] adam's the only one that does not care what anybody says. - i think i'm becoming more like adam. he's just very nonchalant, and i like that. - no, you are notbecoming more like adam. you would be--

- [jalen] he's nonchalant, he's nonchalant-- - you'll be going on (mumbles). - i'm trying to be, i'mtrying to be like adam because he's nonchalant. - [adam] i wanted to give you guys this present. - come mami, come. (talking over each other) - you know damn well youfound that on the floor. - [latoya] what happened?

that's a present for who? - [adam] i heard they got engaged so i'm giving them a-- - we're - we're, we're, - (mumbles) with that? - i don't know, what're we gonna do, what're we gonna do? - [adam] i don't know, i heard under the grape vine, so congratulations.

- what have you really been telling people? - i haven't beentelling people nothing. - [adam] i heard y'all got engaged. - [jalen] i didn'ttell people nothing yo. - jalen, you're all in between them legs - i'm chilling, yo, i'm chilling. - what have you been telling people? - i haven't been tellingpeople nothing dawg. - look at her socks.

okay, can you open it at least? - oh, is there somethingreally in here? - better open that. - you're so full ofshit if i open this and nothing's in here. - you're rude. - [latoya] (laughs) one diaper, two diapers (laughs). (baby cries) i know, my baby's not feeling well.

i need to take her to the doctors adam. mommy's gonna take care of her bug okay. she's so cute when she's sick. i'm bout to go take samia to the walk-in clinic for real y'all, i feel bad for my baby. - [delaila] i really thought something was in here. - alright, please clean up my room. - [jalen] are you crazy? - [delaila] what?

- [jalen] who do you think you are? - i think she has an ear infection, and we're gonna go see. she never acts like this. samia, trying to get her jacket off. good job. we're here, at the walk-in clinic and samia is so cranky. i want to know what's wrong with my baby. you ready to see the doctor? my baby's so cranky.

give me five, give me five. (baby laughs) alright. okay we made it into the room, so samia can be seen by a doctor. samia. oh, she's getting a little cold. i just want to make sure. samia never really get'ssick like that, so,

just trying to get her better. they're gonna check your ears. i wonder how you use this thing. like how do you know? oh, my bad (laughs). let mommy see your eye, let mommy see your eye. open your eye, openyour eye, open your eye, open your eye, open your eye.

are you gonna be adoctor when you grow up? mrs. doctor samia ali. doctor samia. hooray, hooray, samia's okay. she's just teething, soi'm gonna continue to give her tylenol for the rest of the night, and then i will see how she does tomorrow. we have to get your tylenol, okay? gonna get you some more.

you're running low. oooh, ahhhh. ♪ (mumbles) your love ♪ and i don't want ♪ do ya, do ya ♪ ♪ think i feel bright ♪ gonna crouch on your body ♪ i'm gonna make you go wild ♪ where you are tonight, baby

♪ baby, ♪ where you are tonight, baby ♪ - let's get it. here we go, here we go,here we go, here we go here we go, here we go, here we go-- ooh, ooh, ooh. (music and talking) - my boy just ripped it. no conversation needed,it was just ripped.

you don't have to say a word brother. i'm having a (mumbles). ♪ who, was your love ♪ no, no, no, uh huh ♪ somebody tell me what's ♪ love, no, no, no ♪ mm hmm, no, no, no ♪ whether it's a ♪ a son or brother

♪ you're dad or your mother ♪ tell me what's ♪ love ♪

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