Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

ear infection or teething molars

this animation will show the position of thewisdom teeth and how a wisdom tooth is removed. click the navigation arrows below the animations... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection or teething molars

this animation will show the position of thewisdom teeth and how a wisdom tooth is removed. click the navigation arrows below the animationscreen to play, pause, rewind or fast-forward the animation. this animationcontains sound. here we show the position of the wisdom teeth. wisdom teeth are located at the back of yourmouth and develop after all the other teeth. wisdom teeth don't usually cause problems. however, if there isn't enough space for themto come through they

become impacted. this is when they squeeze against the otherteeth, causing pain and swelling. if one or more of your wisdom teeth are causingproblems, you may consider having them removed. here we show what an impacted wisdom toothlooks like. you will usually need to have an x-ray beforeyou have a wisdom tooth removed, so that your dentist can see its position. here we show a dental x-ray, including thewisdom tooth to be removed.

the type of anaesthesia used will depend onthe position of your wisdom tooth. if your wisdom tooth is severely impacted, you may be given a general anaesthetic. this means you will be asleep during the operationand feel no pain. you will need to go to hospital to have ageneral anaesthetic. alternatively, your dentist may use localanaesthesia. this completely blocks feeling from the wisdomtooth and surrounding area. you will stay awake during the operation. depending on the position of your wisdom tooth,

your dentist may need to make a small cutin the gum over the tooth, and then remove any bone that is coveringit. the wisdom tooth is then taken out. your dentist may need to cut the tooth intopieces, to make it easier to remove. your dentist will press a gauze pad againstthe gum after the tooth has been removed. your dentist may use dissolvable stitchesto reduce bleeding. this is the end of the animation. click on the animation screen to watch itagain.

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