Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

ear infection or teething symptoms

hey guys, dr. axe here. today, i'm going talkto you about home remedies for toothaches. if you've ever had a toothache or you havea ... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection or teething symptoms

hey guys, dr. axe here. today, i'm going talkto you about home remedies for toothaches. if you've ever had a toothache or you havea young child or a teething baby that has a toothache, you know that those can be painful.those can be nagging and they can really just make you miserable. and so, i want to go overmy top three natural remedies for curing toothaches fast. the first thing you need to use are essentialoils. and the best essential oil according to the medical literature is clove oil. cloveactually ranks as the highest antioxidant herb in the entire world today. so you can get a little bottle of essentialoils here of clove oil. you just take a...

just one single drop and you rub it righton the area. now for teething babies, a lot of times whatyou'll do is you'll take clove oil. you'll mix it with an equal amount of coconut oiland then you'll use that, and rub it just right on the area. so again, you can see here, just take a bottleof essential oil, a drop or two coconut oil. you rub it right on the area. there are severalmedical studies showing that cloves or clove oil is so effective at actually helping healand helping relieve the pain associated with toothaches. if you don't have clove essential oil at home,you can actually go to the store and actually

buy just clove powder. mix that with coconutoil and rub that on the area as well. but i will tell you, the oil of clove is the mosteffective, even more effective than actually the clove powder that you'd cook with or bakewith at home. but again, if you don't have it, don't haveaccess, then doing some of the clove powder with coconut oil does work. the next thing you want to be doing is seasalt. in fact doing sea salt in the area, gargling and swishing around the area withsea salt. sea salt actually has natural anti-bacterial activities. it can actually have an analgesiceffect on the area. so again, swishing around some sea salt inthe area is also effective home remedy for

fighting and healing toothaches. and last but not least, if you really wantto soothe or numb the area, peppermint oil. peppermint oil contains menthol which actuallycan help numb that area as well. so what i would recommend, ideally, if youwant to help heal or cure a toothache, the first thing you would do is you would swisharound in your mouth for two minutes, you'll swish around sea salt. the next thing you do right afterwards, isyou would create a mixture of clove oil and peppermint oil and rub it directly on thearea. if you do those things together, you're going to find it's really going to help youovercome that toothache very quickly.

and let me say if it really gets out of hand,obviously, you do want to go and see your local dentist or schedule appointment to seea dentist. some other things you may consider doing isreally backing off your sugar intake. you know, consuming sugar can feed yeast and bacteriathat can be causing a toothache, as well, or inflammation the area. so really reducingand eliminating excess sugar intake can definitely help, another thing you may consider doing. but remember, hey, you want to kick a toothachefast. remember these ingredients, clove oil, peppermint oil, and sea salt are the mosteffective home remedies when overcoming toothaches. and hey, if you want to learn more about themost effective natural remedies that you can

be using, check out my website have a tab on my page called "natural remedies" where i have well over 100 natural remediesfor almost every health condition you can imagine. check it out there, on thanks forwatching guys.

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