find out some tips on teeth and teething basics infants normally use their mouths for variouspurposes – to suck milk, to comfort themselves, to orally explore objects, and to communicatebecause the sensations in their mouth are more highly developed at this stage. when a baby begins to grow teeth (a processcalled teething) some notable changes may occur. as a parent you need to be equipped with theteething basics to help the little one go through the important milestone more comfortably. most babies begin cutting their first toothwhen they are between 6 to 8 months. some may grow their teeth earlier, while othersare still toothless on their first birthday.
the teething process may be painless for some and they’re able to sail through without much grumbling. however, there are infants who whine and fussintermittently until the baby teeth come out. the personality change may persist for weeks, accompanied by crying spells, lack of appetite and disrupted sleep. if you suspect your bundle of joy is teething,the following symptoms can help you confirm the following symptoms can help you confirm the condition. excessive drool productiontender and swollen gums. appearance of a mild rash around the moutharea
tendency to chew anythingand putting their hands in their mouth rubbing and scratching the cheekspulling or poking the ear area to indicate pain as a consequence of teeth eruption yourchild’s temperature may become a little higher than normal due to the swollen gums. some parents mistakenly think of these asteething symptoms, especially if they occur at the same time while teeth are coming out. these may include high fever, diarrhea, cough,runny nose, body rashes, and prolonged fussiness. it is always best to take your baby to a pediatricianto validate your suspicion. providing relief and treatment for teething
teething is a normal growth process. unless you see your child is uncomfortableand having a difficult time, you may consider the following typical treatments to alleviatethe symptoms: infant pain reliever or fever reducer, topicalor oral (prescribed by the baby’s pediatrician) teething aid, such as frozen teething ringsand wet washcloth to soothe the gums teething biscuits,cool foods like fruit yogurt and puree, nontoxic chew toys are also great. gently massage the mouth and cheek areas. keep wiping the baby’s face with a clean,soft cloth to remove the drool.
this can effectively prevent rashes from developingand causing more discomfort. as soon as the first baby teeth appear, usea tiny amount of fluoridated toothpaste as the initial step for your tiny tot’s dentalhygiene. if you like this video give it a thumbs up,comment below and hit subscribe button to and hit subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.
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