Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

flipper teeth for adults cost

- pow! welcome everyone to a brand new top 10. my name is matthew santoro, and today's video is all about how appearances can be deceivi... thumbnail 1 summary
flipper teeth for adults cost

- pow! welcome everyone to a brand new top 10. my name is matthew santoro, and today's video is all about how appearances can be deceiving. for example, no, i'm not jason statham, howie mandel, or mr. clean. shocking. i know.

but seriously, appearancescan be especially deceiving when it comes to lovableanimals that you just wanna hug. in fact, many of the animalsthat you may have thought were cute little critters your whole life, may have actually beencapable of murdering you this whole time, and you didn't even know it. so in this video, i'm going to tell you which of the cutest animals

actually have the capabilityof being the deadliest, so that maybe next time you'll think twice before getting close to one, so here they are. 10 adorable animals that can kill you. number one is the beaver. aw, but man, it's just a beaver, with the cute little buckteeth and floppy tail. yeah, and they'll get ya.

in may of 2013, a 60 year old man was tryingto take a picture of himself with a beaver, whileon vacation in belarus. according to the official report, without warning, theanimal suddenly attacked, biting into the man's leg. now, normally, that kind of ouchie would just end up beinga fun story to tell over cocktails to your friends,

but unfortunately, whatthe man didn't realize is that beavers haveincredibly strong teeth, capable of biting through wood, so upon impact, the animal's teeth severed a major artery. and sadly, despite firstaid from his friend, the bleeding could not be stopped, and the man died in thehospital soon after arriving. so to all of you non-canadians out there

making fun of our national animal because it's just acute little furry thing. it can't do any damage. remember that this thing will launch at yo' face like oprah in front of a black forest cake. (growls) number two is the leopard seal. whether they're waving at a crowd,

playing volleyball, orperforming a multi-horn tune, seals are known for being gosh-darn cute. when they're in captivity. in the wild, seals areactually considered to be at the top of the antarctic food chain. and they're incredibly aggressive. yes, even to people. this was the case of 28 yearold scientist, christy brown. on july 22, brown wassnorkeling in antarctica,

yes, that's as cold as it sounds, when she was approached by a cute little leopard seal. now what would normallybe a cute opportunity to take a selfie, turnedbad when the animal latched onto the woman's leg and dragged her into the icy depths for several minutes. and in case you didn't know,

seals have incredibly jagged teeth. a fact that she obviously didn't. and despite being an experienced diver, the ferocity of the seal andthe time spent under the water, were too much for her, and she drowned. see? never trust anythinghairless with big teeth. they'll bite without warning. eh?

number three is the monkey. okay, so it's known that apes, such as chimpanzees and gorillas can be dangerous animals. i mean remember that time the lady had her face eaten off by by a chimp? yikes. well what is not as wellknown is that their cousins, the often adorable and playful monkey,

can tend to also go a little coco-nuts. well such was the case with48 year old leilit janchoom, who was not so nice to his pet monkey, when he beated it all the time whenever he hesitated at all to do his orders, such as climb trees. ah that is until one day when the monkey, named brother kwan, grewtired of being beaten, and decided to take revenge.

see, some monkeys have incredible aim, and brother kwan was no exception, when he hurled a coconut from over 50 feet away that connected squarelywith his owner's head, cracking his skull andkilling the man instantly. he put the lime in the coconut and then he pitched a perfectstrike and killed a dude. number four is the swan.

a beautiful symbol ofmagistry and admiration. the swan is exactlywhat every ugly duckling wants to become. except that these elegantcreatures can hide a dark side. on the morning of april15, 2012, 37 year old anthony hensley was kayakingon a pond in chicago, when all of a sudden, he wasviciously attacked by a swan. in water, swans aremuch faster and stronger than you might realize,which was demonstrated

in this event when the birdswam right into the kayak, capsizing it. and if that wasn'tenough, the murderous swan then held hensley under the water, bashing him repeatedly with its wings, and holding him down with its tiny legs. how it managed this isstill a mystery to this day, but it happened, talk abouta swan song, am i right? (laughs)

r.i.p. number five is the hippo. despite the label thatthey're given for being lazy, large, and kinda cute, hippos are actuallyextremely unpredictable, and can move suddenly at a speed of over 20 miles an hour. in fact, hippos account for over 2,900 deaths per year in africa.

a number that dwarfs lions,sharks, and bears combined. oh my. one terrifying example of ahippo's aggressive behavior occurred in december of 2014. limpopo native dashi makhuvele was fishing, when a hippopotamus attacked him out of the blue, almost chopping his body clean in half. dashi eventually managed

to fight the animal off, punchingit repeatedly in the eyes until it stopped its attack, but unfortunately he diedsoon after due to his injuries sustained from the creature. man, well i guess it's safeto assume that that hippo was hungry hungry. i'll let myself out. number six is the poison dart frog. if you ever see a cute little vibrant,

colorful frog in the wild, especially in a warm climate, even though it's pretty, don't get close to it. incredibly tiny in size,only about two inches long, the poison dart frog is widely considered to be one of the most poisonous animals on the planet. their poison secretesfrom under their skin,

and contains enough of it to kill 10 men, with a single hit, andwhat might be even scarier, is that there is no anti-venom for the poison dart frog's poison. so if you get hit, that's it. now luckily, most of them exist in places where humans don't really go, like the deep rain forest, but some of them do existoutside of those places,

which is why they account for around three deaths every year. each one needing no more poison than you'd find on the head of a pin. oh yeah, that's right. kermit's a bad ass. number seven is the goat. mountain goats have been known for ramming people and impaling them,

but that's in the wild. domestically, there are veryfew cases involving goats actually taking lives. however, a cute littlewhite goat named snowball decided to change all of that. snowball's owner, carl hulsey, tormented the animal relentlessly, claiming to want to teachit to defend itself. but after years of abuse, thegoat finally got his revenge.

snowball's vengeancecame at the ultimate cost for hulsey as the animalcharged the man one day when he was looking away. connecting with him, itknocked him over the deck, and hulsey fell to his death. yeah, this doesn't really surprise me, i mean have you seen a goat's eyeball? that's some straight up satan shizz. (goat sounds)

number eight is a duck. arguably, one of thecutest creatures ever, ducks and ducklings havealways seemed so docile. so loving, so cuddly, that is, until you hearabout one adorable duck that took off towards thewrong place at the wrong time. a 35 year old florida manwas cruising on his speedboat at approximately 55 miles per hour, when he received an unwelcome visitor

in the form of a duckflying fast towards him. the two collided, and theman was thrown from the boat, dying due to suddenblunt trauma to the head. tragically, and unsurprisingly, the duck also lost itslife in the collision. okay, so this one ismore of a case of a duck who lost its way ratherthan being murderous, but it does show how strong they are if they derailed a boat.

unless, of course, this was some sort of hulk, arnold schwarzenegger bird. do you even bird? (grunts) number nine is a deer. when it comes tofatalities involving deer, it's usually due to somebodyhitting one with their car, but that doesn't mean thatthese adorable animals can't hold their own. well on october 9, 2011,55 year old donald dube

was feeding his domesticatedherd of deer behind his home when, without warning, one of the animals began attacking him. it's unclear if this wasdone out of anger or fear, but one expert claims the buck may have mistaken donald for a doe, as october is oftenmating season for them. and unfortunately, donald ultimately died from his extensiveinjuries from the animal.

the moral of the story here is careful how you bendover when feeding animals during mating season. they're gonna want more than food, you know what i'm sayin'? you know what i'm sayin',a little buck action. you know what i'm sayin'. yeah, just be careful. and number ten, a dolphin.

who can deny the adorableness of flipper? whether it's having aplayful splash war with us, carrying a camera through a sunken ship, or even fending off sharks, dolphins are not only one of the cutest, but one of the mosthuman-friendly aquatic mammals. that is, of course,unless you try to elbow in on one of their dates. in december of 1994 in sao paulo, brazil,

a localized dolphin whowas oddly well known for being particularlyfriendly with women, attacked two male swimmers. witnesses claim that the mammal seemed incredibly aggressive, and butted into both men several times. alarmingly, this caused severehemorrhaging in one of them, and he died soon afterdue to his injuries. dolphin-butt (dolphin sound)

ah, but come on, i've seen dolphins, and they're almost always peaceful. besides, what do youknow about the dolphin? do you know him? does he call you at home? do you have a dorsal fin? to tame the dolphin, youmust think like a dolphin. you must get inside the dolphin'shead when communicating. i am saying to snowflake (dolphin sounds),

and he's saying to me (dolphin sounds). and then he's up on thetail (dolphin sounds). and you can quote him. or something like that. and those, my friends, were 10 examples of somecute little cuddly creatures that can very well murder your face. as always, if you enjoyed this video, please let me know byclicking that like button,

and by sharing it on facebook and twitter, and i will see you allback here next saturday with a brand new video. love your faces, bye. (dolphin sounds) (monkey sound) that last sounds was amonkey, not a dolphin. okay, come on, they gotta make another ace ventura movie, i'mdyin' for it over here.

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