now, fluoride, fluoride toxicity causes thebones to dissolve. it actually causes the teeth todissolve, believe it or not. ty bollinger: but isn’t fluoride supposedto be good for our teeth? dr. daniel nuzum: that’s what they tellus. i don’t believe them, but that’s what they tell us. dr. daniel nuzum: if you get enough fluorideinto your teeth, your teeth will rot and fall out.ty bollinger: wow. dr. daniel nuzum: that’s one ofthe toxic reactions to fluoride. that’s one of the signs of fluoridetoxicity actually.
ty bollinger: okay.dr. daniel nuzum: is rotten teeth. ty bollinger: your teeth fall out.dr. daniel nuzum: right. ty bollinger: okay.dr. daniel nuzum: does the same thing with your bones. it rots your bones. it causesthe bones to become soft and brittle.ty bollinger: is that why—i read a study within the last couple of years thatfluoride has been linked to osteosarcoma. that’s why?dr. daniel nuzum: yes, yes, absolutely. ty bollinger: bone cancer.dr. daniel nuzum: absolutely, bone cancer, absolutely.
dr. daniel nuzum: absolutely. it weakens thebone. you know it weakens the teeth, weakens the jaw,weakens the bones. you know long bones, femurs, you know …ty bollinger: right. dr. daniel nuzum: look at all the-the hipreplacements that have to happen you know. we have weakenedbones, okay, and you know bones weaken as we get-they become—bones become harder andless flexible as we get older. they don’t—they shouldn’tget more brittle. okay if we have a decent diet, we’re getting plenty ofminerals and we mineralize our bones, they shouldn’t— they should become stiffer,not more brittle.
ty bollinger: but almost inevitably in mostelderly they’re brittle. ty bollinger: i remember my grandma before she died. i think she broke her hip.dr. daniel nuzum: couldn’t even give her a hug, you know.ty bollinger: she broke her hip one time just walking.dr. daniel nuzum: sure. absolutely, absolutely. ty bollinger: yeah.dr. daniel nuzum: terribly brittle bones. we’ve been fluorinated in the united statesfor about 70 years, heavily fluorinated. and osteoporosis is rampant.it’s rampant in men, elderly men. you know andtestosterone, which is our, you know, boy
hormone should keep our bones strong,you know. and despite that, the fluoride’s still eatingaway at our bones. ty bollinger: so you think that’s one ofthe major problems with the osteoporosis. dr. daniel nuzum: i think so. absolutely,absolutely. ty bollinger: the fluoride okay.
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