Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

how do you straighten one tooth

- we're at john barras,john is a dentist here in houston,texas and he's agreed to answer somequestions specifically related to getti... thumbnail 1 summary
how do you straighten one tooth

- we're at john barras,john is a dentist here in houston,texas and he's agreed to answer somequestions specifically related to getting yourteeth straightened. with that saidjohn, let's go ahead and go into the firstquestion that was asked. it was from paul, paul asked, i'm gonna be gettingmarried within a month, and would like to havemy teeth straightened

prior to my wedding,are there any options to straighten my teeth quickly? - well paul that'sa good question. one of your optionsto straighten teeth that a lot of people don'tthink about are veneers. veneers you can pickthe size, shape, color, and it's almost like doinginstant orthodontics. so teeth that are crooked,broken down, rotated can be corrected with veneers.

and in that relativelyshort amount of time, probably three weeks youcould probably finish. you could have thesmile that you wanted and be ready for your wedding. - okay, excellent. this one's from steveand this is (mumbles). steve has asked"my wife wants me to get my teeth straightenedand it's not really a priority for me, especiallybecause of the cost.

are there any affordableways to straighten teeth?" - well a big benefitfrom straightening the teeth are keepingwhat you have. most of the malepatients that we see are not supercosmetically driven. but they wanna maintainwhat they have. they probably have existingfillings or crowns or teeth that have broken or fractured. maybe they have somecrowding and they can't keep

the gums clean,and the hygienist is getting onto 'em every time. you got bleeding gums,you have infection. so really most males arenot doing it for cosmetics but it's just overall health, and prevents how muchmoney you're gonna spend down the road by getting'em straightened now. and our wives probably knowmore about that than we do. - okay, all right the nextquestion was from kelly.

and kelly offers, doyou offer invisalign? and if so, what are thebenefits of invisalign? - okay, all right kelly,we do offer invisalign. and invisalign helps obviouslystraighten your teeth and once your teethin a better place they're easier to keep clean. it prevents crackingand disproportionate wear on some teeth and others. and for some patientsthat have clicking

or popping or headachesbecause their teeth aren't in a goodalignment, once their teeth in a better place andthey're functioning better then that's anotherbenefit as well. so those are someof the benefits. - okay, and, well i guess thisties into that a little bit. what are the options you offer to straighten yourpatients teeth? - okay, one of theoptions, or invisalign,

like we talked about,very conservative. if the patient'shappy with the size, shape, and color of their teeth. they're just gettingworn or they're crowded and hard to keep clean, invisalign is a perfect option. if a patient wasn'thappy with the size and shape of theirteeth, maybe they're already to thepoint where they're

not really comfortable smiling, we can straighten teeth and add the length that once werethere by doing veneers. veneers just basically coverthe front part of the teeth and give you thesmile that you want. the material for veneersare the same as crowns. so sometimes veneers anda combination of crowns may give you thesmile that you want. and giving you that straight,clean line appearance.

final question we have,this was from david. david asked "what is involvedin a smile makeover?" - well, david, firstwe would do consult to see what your goalsare, what you wanna do. but a smile makeover caninvolve changing the bite. because maybe the teeth areso worn down that we need to get them back to theheight that they once were. so we would need to study eachcase on an individual basis but a smile makeovercould be anything

from just the teeth thatyou show in your smile to all the teeth if wehave to change the bite to make things morecomfortable and longer lasting. the goal is witha smile makeover that it lasts fora long, long time. and we put the teethin a good position. so we would need to evaluatewhat position your teeth are in that way we could giveyou the best result. - okay excellent.

well you have any morequestions for john he's agreed to answerthose questions. all you have todo is to post 'em, the comments section atthe bottom of the video. and either himself orsomeone on his team will get back toyou with an answer. with that said, thanksfor your time, john. - all right, thanks. and if you guyshave any questions

just give us a call atour office, 713-993-9814. - thanks john.

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