hi, my friends! it's jeff with homerepairtutor,and today i've got one question for you and one huge cleaning tip. the question is this:"what is the best way to clean grout?" it's the holy grail of cleaning questions, right?or at least it seems to be the case. well, one of my awesome fans, ashley self,submitted this great cleaning tip, and it has to do with this little invention she likesto call the grout grime buster 3000. and today, i'm going to show you how to build this littlefellow for less than $5. it's going to make cleaning, not only your grout but your kitchenand your bathroom and your laundry room—you name it—so much easier, quicker, and better.so let's get started. in order to make the grout grime buster 3000,you need a few things. you need some soap
dispensing palm brush refills like this. ibought these at target for a few bucks. you need a hex tap bolt like this one. this is5 inches long. you need a hex nut, a flat washer, and 2 split washers.it's pretty simply what you need to do. you need to put one of the split lock washerson the bolt and slide it through like so. the next step is to place a flat washer onthe bolt and the second split lock washer. slide your hex nut on there. get it snug.use a crescent wrench and then a socket wrench to ratchet it down. and that's all you needto do to make the grout grime buster 3000. you can stick it into your drill like so.lock it in place. and now you've got the perfect grout or tile cleaning solution.in a previous experiment, i determined that
â¼ cup of oxi clean added to 2 cups of warmwater is the perfect tile and grout cleaning solution.pour the solution onto your grout and tile. let it sit for 5-10 minutes. then use thegrout grime buster 3000 to remove all the grime and dirt.check this out. this is what ashley' grout and tiles look like before and after. andthis is what my tile and grout look like before and after i used the cleaning solution andthe grout grime buster 3000. pretty impressive, right?but this isn't the only place that you can use this awesome little device. you can useit in your kitchen. you can use it in your laundry room. you can use it in your shower.you can use it for tile in your shower. you
can use it on your toilet. you can use itin your sink. and many other places. it's unbelievable! i'm here to tell you that this...i don't know why nobody came up with this before for such a cheap price.so you should totally check this out. build the grout grime buster 3000. and if you haveyour own cleaning idea, let me know 'cause maybe i'll make a video out of it, too. manythanks to ashley for her awesome idea. what do you think? wasn't that one of thebest ways to clean grout? i think it was. and many thanks for ashley again for her awesomeidea. i really appreciate it, ashley. so if you have your own suggestion, pleaseleave it in the comment section below because other diy-ers or home repair tutors like myselfwill be able to share it with many home owners.
and i think that it would benefit so manypeople. so please leave your suggestion in the comment section below.if you haven't already done so, visit homerepairtutor.com. sign up for my email newsletter because you'regoing to learn a lot about diy. how to save money, how to save time—you name it. andyou're going to get weekly tips that are going to get you on your way to making your houselooking like a dream home. so until next time, have a great day!but you can also use the grout grime buster 3000 to clean your teeth. i probably shouldn'thave done that since i did use this to clean toilets but bleh.oh well.
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