Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

how to fix calcification on teeth

hi there this is sage so let's review what we do know aboutfluoride we know its toxic we know it's bad we knowthat we put in our wat... thumbnail 1 summary
how to fix calcification on teeth

hi there this is sage so let's review what we do know aboutfluoride we know its toxic we know it's bad we knowthat we put in our water since the fifties thesebefore sodium fluoride now it's on its of fluoride los osos acid which is floyd brown silk this om terrible toxin come from abyproduct the fertilizer industry it's just toxic waste it comes the big 55-gallondrum when the ship it places or

powdered and it also if you stick your hand in it it willkill you & eat your hand off drop on concrete and it will eat the concrete and we'redrinking it doesn't make a lot of sense does it so i i see the problem my whole philosophy in life is let's find asolution so we also know that fluoride makes you stupid study done by harvard fluoridelower your iq snowboard beaches duping he they willhave enough problems

are diligent cell got so basically what is the solution reallyokay we got all these this issue so firstly be active try to get all yourlocal water supply exactly what can you do artist rebecca taking over 10 well maker suggestion here you don't have totake a shower bidet maybe just wash your hair your face armsyou no keep it clean you never know when i you know anywaywas washing the courtiers every other day and into theshower every two days or something like

that not allowing so much for yoursystem as i think you can take on to remove thefluoride it's already there so we got a few things here i'm decideto pick them up and showing what they are we liquid iodine very good we have our calcium and magnesium it's also verygood for you to remove fluoride floyd 30 in your body and for out that one show you what it is him and then

we have get so directly since floor makes a stupid ifwe take told stupor stupider if we take these items remove the fluorideof our body we should be smarter so let's see we gothere one one for this in see will take some a good i learnedthis is showed up again health food store andthen we have the skilled so three times first

that looks like hired writer this is pretty simple drop delicious holy cow start to feel smarter already mister took a couple racism and i q okayso then we have take one to 4 tablespoons a day gordon here oh yeah we are picking ritz yea if a bit as delicious

say of her its ok i get back to it time technicals her well really street kisses to taste bad holy cow mikey smartest i think i love it a reada hold on it what's this while

mason effective says so anyway i'm allseriousness go spend 50 or 70 bucks whatever costthe local health food store to get this stuff toput in your bike through the fluoride at least up the place you work thatnever believed that you can't solve a problem so let'ssolve this problem i'm not so sure i mean people say thatonce your panel than your pineal gland is calcified your is no turning back bull crap we couldturn back the brains are powerful and we could do that so believe that youcan for years the coast could grow new

brain cells i thought that bullshit to and now guess what you can go new brain cells sodon't allow media or whatever is tonya to limit yourbeliefs what you can do you can accomplish anything with your brain aboard so takethese products let's get the fluoride out of our systems andraise our own vibration muscular this radar so wecould be smarter to as the smarter you are

is your life will be it for today goodluck stillman of its ok that is like eating honey so bad

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