Senin, 23 Januari 2017

how to get rid of brown staining on teeth

hey folks, my name is tony aluneedtono andi am a used car dealer here in southern california. now my family has been in the used car dealerb... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of brown staining on teeth

hey folks, my name is tony aluneedtono andi am a used car dealer here in southern california. now my family has been in the used car dealerbusiness for over a 130 years and i've sold thousands of cars, anything from small economycars to high end luxury cars. but one type of car i could never sell though, was a carthat was all scratched up. so today i am going to reveal to you a closely kept secret ofthe used car dealer business which is, how you can remove scratches from your car, usingnothing but a tube of crest toothpaste with tartar protection, and a microfiber i don't mind telling you guys this on youtube but i don't want my direct competitionacross the street to know this, so lets go in the garage there's more privacy there.alright this is much better, so yeah i am

going to demonstrate this to you guys on thisspare trunk lid i got laying here in the collision center, and as you can see it's got some scratchesand scuff marks here and it looks like it scraped up against something at some know i was actually going to demonstrate this on one of the car's out there on thelot but there are no car car's out there with scratches on them. because when we get thecars off the trucks here, i got a couple of guys out there with towels and toothpastegoing over them, taking all the scratches out, from there it's on to the show room,customer shows up and, thumpp we make a sale. alright some of you that are handy probablyguessed the first step, which is to get some soapy water and cotton towels and clean thedamaged area. next you want to grab a tube

of toothpaste and than you want to apply agenerous amount to your paper towel or microfiber towel preferably. and than you want to spreadthat over the damaged area. alright, next you want to give this 5 to 10 minutes, allowingfor the sodium fluride thats in the toothpaste to do it's majic, which as some of you thatknow basic chemistry basically is reacting with the base coat on top of the clear coaton this panel from whatever object this scraped up against, and than from there also reactingwith the clear coat in the damaged area where the scratches are and softening it and kindof giving it a smooth finish. alright so it's been about 10 minutes and i think we are readyfor the next step. so next we are basically going to buff out this toothpaste that's onhere with out microfiber towel. and this step

is basically where the majic happens, seesince this toothpaste has tartar protection it has a grittiness to it and this grittinessis going to help us smooth out the edges on the scratches. hopefully you guys can seethis but we got all the old scrape marks off and the old paint and basically have a smoothfinish now. and here is a closer shot and i don't know how well you guys are going tobe able to tell but this whole area was where we had the scrape marks and scratches fromthe foreign object rubbing against this piece, but as you can see we got all the old paintmarks off, we got most of the scrape marks out, this is just remnents of the toothpaste,we just got one little scratch up here that's left and we can probably get that by reapplyingtoothpaste and buffing it out again. and if

reapplying toothpaste doesn't take it outi guess we can always put some wax on it, that usually hides it. and if that doesn'twork we can always wet sand and buff it, i mean we are not entirely against doing actualwork here. so who freaking knew huh? so yeah hope this video helped you out, if it diddo me a favor and share this video spread the word around, and i also want to take thisopportunity and wish any of my viewers that's a father a special and a happy father's daycause i know i am going to have a special day cause all my kids are going to gatheraround and throw me a big party, i'll probably get to meet some of them for the first remember folks next time the body man or a detailer wants to charge you a couple ofhundred bucks to clean up some scratches on

your panel, just grab yourself a tube of toothpasteand tell that guy to go ffff. and let me stop tony right there before he gets me into anymore trouble, as some of you might have guessed this is one of my myth busting video's, isaw a video on youtube of someone using a scotch brite pad and some toothpaste to removescratches from their car and from the comments on that video it sounded like everyone thoughtthat you can actually do that so i felt the need to put up a video of my own, i triedto make it you know outrageous with tony aluneedtono. you know if you actually go back and lookat his last name he actually has a number in his last name. but for the people thatare still not convinced here is my explaination, basically when you get a scratch or a scrapeon your panel, what you see with your eyes

is a lot worse than what it is, because whenyou get that scrape there's the physical damage to the clear coat and your paint but thereis also a lot of dirt debris and also paint from the other object that rubs into yourclear coat or rather top of your clear coat. and when you are going over it with a scotchbrite pad you are just cleaning it off and the toothpaste might help but you know youcould just mind as well be using any over the counter cleaning products out there madefor your car's finish. and there you have it folks using toothpaste on your scratchesdoesn't do anything to them, and in fact if you use a scotch brite pad you are going toend up putting some fine scratches on your clear coat. now if you do want to learn howremove scratches from your car i suggest you

watch these video's on this side of the screen.i'll also put links to them in the description box down bellow as well, and if you likedthis video and want to see more myth busting video's done let me know, leave a commentor send me a message and i'll see you guys next time, alright thanks for watching.

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