Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

how to get rid of white stained teeth

[music] hey, it's andrea.and, i'm doing this video because in my recentvideos, you guys have been asking me, how do i keep my armpit... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of white stained teeth

[music] hey, it's andrea.and, i'm doing this video because in my recentvideos, you guys have been asking me, how do i keep my armpits, from being dark? so, the first thing that i wanna do,is to show you my underarm care routine. the steps that i go through daily,on how i keep my underarms sexy. that's the word,we're gonna use for this video. the second thing i'm gonna do,is show you guys some tips, and tricks on how to keep your underarms sexy.

okay?this is gonna be fun. i know, that most of you guyslike do it yourselves, so, i'm gonna include some do ityourself tips in there, as well. if you have like ocd over the colorof your armpits, don't worry, everyone's armpits are at least one shadedarker than like the rest of their skin. it's pretty normal, you know, unless yourlike really, really, really, really lucky, or really, really, really young. yeah, just because ofthe area that it's at, things are always rubbing up against it,hair growing out of it.

it's going to be a little bit darker. so, don't worry about that, okay? it's not like people are gonna thinkthat your big foot, or freaky, or scary. calm your nerves, girl, or guy! guys, question of the day. do you prefer a girl to shave her armpits,or to not? [laugh] do you like it au naturel? you can be honest here. all right.

let's get started. the first step in myunderarm care routine. this is very important. i need one of these little buffingpads in my shower at all times. and, what i do with this is, with soap andwater, i just gently, buff away any leftover deodorant, any lint, maybe,from the clothing that i had on. just any buildup from the day of,i need to get rid off, cuz not only do i think that's one ofthe main causes for dark underarms. but i feel like, it's one ofthe main causes for odor as well,

when you have too much buildup,accumulating under your arms. then after my armpits are squeaky clean,i grab my razor. now, i shave instead of wax because i havethin hair that grows under my arms, and it's just been working for me for years. i don't really feel the need to wax. but, i do feel the need to always havea new blade on my razor at all times. i change it probably like onceevery week and a half, i would say. once you notice that the razor is pulling,and not cutting your underarm hair, you wanna get rid of that blade immediatelybecause if you're cutting the pore or

damaging your underarms, when it heals,it can come back darker. also i kinda get these bumps undermy arms when i use a dull blade. just basically my underarm's askingme politely to get a new razor. then after that, i make sure that myarmpits are completely dried off, no moistness, orwetness before i apply my deodorant. this way, it just adheres better. also i'm really picky with my deodorant,i feel like a lot of deodorants actually cause dark under armsbecause of all the chemicals. i've been using the same brand forlike five years, i'll link it down below.

and then after that,i model my sexy under arms. some quick tips if you'resuffering from dark under arms. waxing, my number one tip, actually. a lot of the reason why, there's darknessunder there, isn't because it's dirty. but it's because there's a lot of thickstubble, and it's just showing, and giving the illusion of dark underarms. waxing, should get rid of that. you can go get it done at the salon,or you can make your own. i made this wax, actually,using some sugar and lemon juice.

i just boiled it in the pot. not boiled, i'm sorry. i heated up in a pot, andthen once it cooled, a little bit, it turned into this really thick waxthat people like to call sugaring. i'll post the recipe downbelow in the description box. now, another option would be to go fora skin lightening, or depigmenting cream, which you canfind over the counter, at a store. now, this isn't strong enoughto like bleach your skin, and turn you like three shades lighter,or anything like that.

but it can help fightagainst melamine production, which is what you get after you scar, andit comes back darker, and stuff like that. a lot of people use this actually, under their arms, to help lighten ita little bit because of the discoloration. but if you are afraid of the chemicals,and trust me a lot of people are, there are some natural ways, to actuallylighten the discoloration under your arms. potatoes, nature's natural bleach. actually, potato juice hasnatural bleaching agents in it, less harmful than chemicals.

so, you can just try applying it to yourunderarms before bed, or whenever you can, daily to you see an improvement. it actually works really well. another tip, your soap might not be doinga good enough job at removing the buildup. so, you might wanna trysomething more powerful, that you can actually find in your home,like vinegar, or baking soda. after you clean your arms, you can justrub some vinegar on it, or you can actually create a baking soda pastewith just some baking soda and water. mix it together until it forms this thick,pasty consistency.

rub it on your arm, let it sit for liketen minutes, or so, and then wipe off. and speaking of baking soda,it's actually a natural deodorizer. so, you can just apply some regular bakingsoda under your arms instead of deodorant if you don't want touse deodorant any more. and, and since you're doing a littleextra to get your underarms clean, you're also gonna notice that,your underarms won't produce odor as much. because bacteria is what causesthe odor under your arms. so, getting as clean as possible,will help it be prettier, and less smellier, stinky lady.

and lastly, try to refrain fromwearing skin tight, dark tops. because this can cause irritation cuz ofall the rubbing underneath your arms. it can also cause darknessfrom like the lint and stuff to buildup on top of your deodorant. then you're not, you know,cleaning it off properly, and then it's just a big old mess. so, try if you can, to wear looser tops that don't rubagainst your armpits, more often. just to prevent against this, whileyou're trying to heal your underarms,

going through underarm treatment,very important. and i think, that is the lastof the sexy armpit 101 info, i'm gonna include in this video. but, i'm gonna post all the recipes,that i listed below. and if you have some recipes of your own,post it in the comments below. i hope you found this helpful,i will talk to you guys soon. okay.i love you, bye [music]. >> [inaudible].

>> [laugh][noise] [laugh] [noise]

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