Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

how to get rid of white staining on teeth

hi. i'm katrina zish on behalf of crest 3-dwhite. today we’re going to talk about how to remove stains from our teeth. to do that,i... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of white staining on teeth

hi. i'm katrina zish on behalf of crest 3-dwhite. today we’re going to talk about how to remove stains from our teeth. to do that,i'm joined by cosmetic dentist dr. brian cantor. nice to see you. okay, so now, why do our teeth discolor? stainsare so frustrating. well, teeth are unfortunately porous. andyou use them often, multiple meals a day for as many years as you’ve been alive. so thestains are going to accumulate over time. and if you have bad oral hygiene, that stainwill accumulate at a faster rate. now what causes these stains in the firstplace? things we love to do cause stains, coffee,tea, red wine, chocolate, and smoking. all

of those products will actually increase thestaining on your teeth. okay. well i got to say, coffee, red wine,chocolate, those aren't going anywhere. so how do we actually counteract those and removethe stains from our teeth? well one thing we can try is whitening. andeveryone wants to know, everyone wants a bleach, everyone wants to whiten their teeth. butwhat's the difference between whitening and bleaching? well whitening is where you makethe teeth appear whiter than they are by removing the surface stains. so the first thing wewould do is try over the counter whitening products, or go to your dentist to have yourteeth cleaned, to remove the stain and see if that’s stain or actually the color ofyour teeth.

if you want your teeth whiter than that, thenyou have to bleach your teeth. and bleaching actually puts a hydrogen peroxide material,which is a bleaching agent. and the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide will oxidize theselong chain stains and breaks these chains intrinsically. and that actually bleachesthe tooth, making the teeth lighter than they actually were. now do the at-home solutions work for this? well they do work. and how well a bleachingproduct works is really depending on two factors. one is, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide.the more concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the better the product will work. and, howeverlong and well the bleaching product remains

isolated on your teeth. so a lot of these over the counter productsare whitening products, just whitening toothpaste. these will whiten the teeth by removing asurface stain to make the teeth appear whiter. but there are over the counter bleaching productsas well, such as crest white strips. what these do is they actually will remain isolatedon your teeth and allow the bleaching process to work. so they do work. and the beauty ofthese over the counter products, it’s a lot cheaper. and they are effective. that’s great. so a lot more accessible fora lot more people on a budget. a lot more accessible. the results can vary.it works differently for everyone. but over

the counter products do work. now will this affect dental work, say veneersor crowns? yes. when you have dental work, either crowns,veneers, bridges, that porcelain will not change color. you can't-- you can't changethe color of the porcelain. so if you're going to bleach your teeth, and your teeth are intertwinedwith this dental work, your teeth are going to get lighter, and the porcelain will not.so it kind of defeats the purpose of bleaching. so not everyone is a candidate for bleaching.so you should really see your dentist before you start bleaching your teeth. okay. now once i finally remove these stains,how do i keep them removed?

maintenance. you have to maintain your smile.if you bleach your teeth, you have to maintain a healthy smile. you have to have good oralhygiene and try over the counter products, the whitening toothpaste, the whitening rinse.these will help remove the surface stain to maintain your white smile. okay, great. all great information. thankyou so much, dr. cantor. thank you. okay. our teeth thank dr. cantor here. andi say, stains beware and be gone. let’s recap. stains are caused by dark foodsand drinks that we love. so brush soon after if you simply can't resist. and to removethe build-up of stains, you can have a professional

or an at-home whitening done. after the treatment,help keep your whiter smile by a regular routine that uses the whitening toothpaste, flossand mouthwashes available. and lastly, if you smoke, then stop. whiter teeth are onlyone of the many reasons to quit. see your dentist or healthcare professional about gettinghelp. on behalf of crest, i'm katrina zish. formore information, check out the website.

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