hi, friends, happy monday. did you know that vaselinecan be used in so many ways? today i'm going to show you 20 ways vaseline can be used for beauty purposes. the very first one is coating the lashes. when you coat the lashes ... i actually heard thata couple girls do this, they put it on their lashesbefore they go to bed, and they say that it'sstrengthens and lengthens
their lashes throughout time. so it doesn't hurt to try. vaseline can also be usedto moisturize the lips and you can also make lip balm. i actually have a jello lip balm recipe in the info box below. you can also use vaselineto put on your feet before you go to bed. coat a lot of it on, and then put socks on
and it'll be deep moisturization. and you can actually dothat with your hands, too, and wear gloves instead. apply vaseline to your cuticles and it will soften your cuticles up. if you want a dewy make-uplook, you can actually apply vaseline to your cheeks and it'll make your cheeks look dewy, or you can also apply it to your eyelids
and have dewy eyelids. i actually heard that applyingvaseline to a new tattoo will actually protect it andactually help heal your tattoo. you can also use vaselineto remove your make-up. you can just put it witha baby wipe and it will remove the make-up andany waterproof eyeliner. just do it gently. you can mix vaseline andepsom salt for a body scrub. or, you can also mix vaselineand sugar for a lip scrub,
and it will be a good exfoliator. i actually heard thatgirls in beauty pageants put vaseline on their teeth,and this will actually prevent their lips from sticking to one another. and, also, putting vaseline on the teeth prevents you from havinglipstick on your teeth, 'cause it's so sticky and glide-y. if you have fly-aways,you can actually place the vaseline on your fly-aways,
and just put it on your hair. you know how eyebrowhairs get really crazy? if you run out of brow gel,you can just put some vaseline, and it'll keep it tamed and in place. you know how sometimesnail-polish gets stuck on the neck of the nail polish, and you can't open it? if you put vaseline right on the neck, before you close a nail polish bottle, it'll prevent it from getting stuck.
if you want to shave without water, you can actually usevaseline to put on your legs or anywhere you need to remove hair and that can actually be used asshaving cream without water. false lashes can be reallyhard to remove sometimes. and sometimes applyingvaseline on the falsies helps remove the extraglue that won't come off. if you have a hard timeputting in your earrings 'cause sometimes it's hard to put it in,
apply a little bit ofvaseline to your ear area, and then it'll be easyto glide on your earring. i dye my hair at home, so iactually do this all the time, if you want to preventyour skin from staining, apply vaseline all over your hairline while you dye your hair because, that way, you're not going to getstains all over your forehead, your ears, or your neck while you're dying your hair at home.
applying vaseline to your perfume points, kind of like, behindyour neck, on your wrist, and then putting on your perfume actually allows yourperfume to last longer. have you guys ever had that moment where you're trying on a ring, oryou just kind of get swollen and your ring just won't come off, and you want to take it offand you're freaking out? you can actually use vaseline
and it'll help glide the ring off. and last but not least, youso happen to fall asleep and have gum on your hair, oryou just partied hard one day and you just accidentallyhad gum on your hair, putting the vaseline where the gum is and just gliding it off will actually help remove the gum from your hair. so, i hope that you guysfound this video helpful, and i know that thereare more than 20 ways
people use vaseline, so let meknow in the comments section if i miss anything, i would love to know and i love reading your comments. i'd love it if you'd "thumbsup" if you like this video. i'd also love it if you'dsubscribe to my baking channel, "cook with april" and my vlog, "apriljustin tv" and i will see you next time. bye! so, today is a day of celebration,
- yup- and what i'm going to give awayfor you guys, to celebrate, is this michael kors bag, which is - well!- beautiful. i bought this....
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