do you know, a shining set of white teethcanmake anyone more attractive, healthy and younger. many people avoid smiling in public becausethey are self-conscious about the poor yellow teethand they want to get rid of yellow teeth. 1) baking soda and lemon juice mix some teaspoons of baking soda with freshlemon juice to make a paste. put a good amount of paste on your toothbrushand apply.
leave the paste on for 1 minute, then washit, so as to avoid the acid effecting enamel. 2) banana peelit may sound weird, but you can use banana peels to get rid of yellow teeth. banana peels contains potassium, magnesium,and manganese, all of which help to remove stains from your teeth. to try this method, choose a perfectly ripebanana, and cut a small rectangle out of the peel. once a week, rub the insideof the peel over your teeth for about two
minutes and then brush like usual. 3)saltsalt is one of the fundamental dental cleansing agents that has been used for centuries. it helps replenish lost mineral content inthe teeth and helps revive their color.you can use common salt regularly eachmorning as a tooth powder instead of toothpaste. you can also mix common salt with baking sodaand gently rub it on your teeth. 4) strawberriesstrawberries are high in vitamin c, which
can help break-down plaque thatis causing your teeth to look yellow. it also has an enzyme called malicacid, which may help to get rid of yellow mash up few strawberriesinto a paste. rub the paste on your teeth smoothly. if done twice daily fora few weeks, the yellow stain on your teeth will vanish. 5) use holy basilto get rid of yellow teeth, put a few leaves of holy basil in the sun for afew hours. when the leaves are dry, grind them into powderform.
mix the powderwith your regular toothpaste and brush your 6) apply charcoal powdercharcoal is one of the best known home remedies for yellow teeth. charcoal hasa powerful crystal-based chemical that whitens mix some charcoal powderwith your regular toothpaste and gently brush your teeth. 7) eat vitamin c loaded fruits and veggitablescitrus fruits as well as those having loads of vitamin c in them can also helpyou get rid of your yellow teeth. they have bleaching effect on your teeth.
so,use tomatoes, amla (gooseberry), orange and the most effective lemonto bleach your teeth and get that sparkling whiteness. 8) use tree twigsa teeth cleaning twig or datun is a tool made from a twig from a tree. it can helpto prevent tooth decay and gum disease. 9) eating appleseating a crunchy apple can scrub your teeth like a toothbrush and help to reduceyellow strain. 10) use turmericanother counter-intuitive remedy that actually
works. it isn’t the first thing you’d thinkof for whitening teeth, but it works surprisingly well. i hope you enjoyed the video about how toget rid of yellow teeth free of cost. subscribe to our channel and learn more aboutnew things. thanks for watching video,subscribe, likes,and share. thank you
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