Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

how to straighten my front teeth naturally

here we are in step number four of the partialsew in hairstyle using mrs. rutter's hair extensions from mrsrutters.com in this stepi'... thumbnail 1 summary
how to straighten my front teeth naturally

here we are in step number four of the partialsew in hairstyle using mrs. rutter's hair extensions from mrsrutters.com in this stepi'm going to be teaching you how to straighten your hair extensions as well as how to straightenyour leave out to blend with your look in this step i'm going to be focused on teachingyou how to straighten your extensions and i'm also going to show you how to straightenyour leave out now when you are straightening your extensions the process is very easy andsimple and really quick i am going to show you how to do that what you want to do ismake sure the hair is divided in half and then you want to take a clip and keep oneside sectioned just in the back the reason why you want to do this is so that when you'refocusing on straightening another section

it’s not going to mix with your wavy hairso you are going to grab small sections working your way in the back and you are straighteningyou are going to throw it behind your back and then you are going to keep doing thisover and over and over again grabbing very small sections and putting it behind you untilyou straighten your whole side so now you are going to push the side right back in fronttake your clip and you going to now keep your straightened section out of the way so thatway it doesn't mix with the wavy hair and then you are going to do the same processstart in the back straighten it and just keep throwing sections to the back of your headuntil all of your hair straightened also after you do this then you are going to straightenyour leave out so that way it’s more of

a smooth transition and you are not fightingto try to straighten your leave out while also straightening your extensions that'swhy you have to straighten your extensions first and then straighten you leave out whenyou straightening your extensions i suggest that you don't go over the temperature of350â° the reason why is because when you're doing this you could encourage heat damageand with heat damage it makes it hard for the curl pattern to return to his naturalstate so it's safe to just go up to a maximum of 350â° when you straightening your extensionsand with your real hair as well now with my hair i don't have to straighten on 350â° toget my straightest result i can achieve that one 300â° now i have also straightened outmy real hair just on the edges except for

the very top which i will show you how i dothat working with small sections you will ensure that you can get your hair straightas possible with your style so i have already done the sides and the back and then i'm goingto be showing you how you want straighten out the very top of the hair so i have alreadyprepped you on how you want straighten your hair extensions and now i am going to be showingyou specifically how to blend your leave out with your partial sew in i have already straightenedthe sides of my leave out as well as the back and i am just going to be focused on teachingyou how to do so at the top my flatiron is already on 300â° and my hair has been preppedwith heat protectant when i'm straightening my leave out i like to do some small sectionsand i suggest that you do as well because

when you're doing this this is going to makesure that each section is as straight as possible if your sections are too big or too wide oryou parted to far back when you're doing it you may not successfully straighten it outso it may leave behind some wave or kink and if you want a smooth and silky results youhave to do so in small sections when i straighten my hair i like to do so in three parts soi like to start at the back and part a small section and keep that clip because that hairis going to flow back this way then i like to part this in half and have one sectiongoing this way and one section going this way and i like to work in section so now iam just going to take my rat tail comb and i'm going to section the hair out and keepthe sections clipped where you can see its

going to be straightening going in these directionsand then this is going to be straight going back to the way the hair isn’t resistantwhen i comb it all down in its directions so now i'm going to start on this sectionhere and i'm going to part a very thin amount hair now if you have a wavy hair you can probablyget away the paring a much wider section in this but this is how thin i like to do mysections so now you are just going to comb your hair through if necessary you are goingto start at the root and then as soon as you close the actual blades the actual platesas soon as you close them on your roots you are going to slide through your hair so youclose and start sliding as you can see very simple now keep doing this in small sectionsso that this is straightened and then you

can move to this side or you can do the backfirst it doesn't matter just work on one section at a time once you straighten you leave out this ishow your hair should look mrs. rutter's hair extensions so now that all of your hair has been straightenedin the very next step, step number five i'm going to be teaching you how to achieve ahigh ponytail as well as add big curls to your partial sewin hairstyle

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