Senin, 30 Januari 2017

roof of mouth swelling behind front teeth

english winners. today we are going to learn how to pronounce the m, n and ng sounds. these sounds all use the same mechanism; it's the ... thumbnail 1 summary
roof of mouth swelling behind front teeth

english winners. today we are going to learn how to pronounce the m, n and ng sounds. these sounds all use the same mechanism; it's the nasal passage right here. and so you're gonna vibrate your vocal cords - mmm - and let it flow through your nose. the first one is the m sound. to pronounce the m sound, you bring your

lips together like this and then vibrate your vocal cords and allow sound to flow through your nose. 321 mm-hmm-mmm and that's you're m sound. next is the n sound to do that in sound it's going to be a little bit different. instead of bringing your lips together, you're gonna open your mouth slightly

and then bring your tongue up so that the tip of your tongue - that's this part - touches the roof of your mouth... just behind your upper front teeth. so 321 nn-nnn-nnn nice. third, we have the ng sound. now many mandarin chinese speakers have problems with the n and ng sound because the n sounds will be pronounced like an

ng, and so the difference is your tip of your tongue needs to be touching the top part of your mouth just behind your upper front teeth nn... if you have the middle part of your tongue that's this part - if that part is touching the roof of your mouth, you're going to make that ng sound. so chinese speakers: when you're trying to say 'son'

and you haven't learned the ins out it's going to sound like 'sung' and if you're thinking of the word 'mind', it's going to sound like 'maing', so... just making the tip of your tongue touch the roof of your mouth will solve that pronunciation problem. finally, how to pronounce ng sound. the middle part of your tongue - that part

right there - touches the roof of your mouth... a little bit further back than where you touched for the n sound... and just like the n sound, we allow the sound flow through the nose so ng, ng, ng speaking. alright, so we're gonna throw some words up on the board behind me, and get started with pronouncing these sounds of

the m, n, and ng sounds. so here are the words on the board. we're going to go over them one-by-one... starting with the m sound... and then the n sound. that way, you'll separate those two sounds in your mind, then we'll go back and forth, so you can practice changing, ok? let's start: might... mope... mice... mary...

n sounds: night... nope... nice... nary... back-and-forth: might... night... mope... nope... mice... nice... and mary... nary. now for the ng sounds. up here we have our ng sounds. remember, the middle part of your tongue touches the roof of your mouth for the ng sounds. let's go over the words: dancing... young... bring... morning.... go over

it one more time, and then we will advance onward to sentences. sentence time! "the mice were dancing all night long." "in the morning, bring a can of paint." "in the museum, pedestrians were examining the massive amounts of mummies." "a month with no sugar sounds challenging." "the young children were left to fend for themselves."

that's it for the m, n, and ng sounds. i'll put a link to a pronunciation playlist up here and also a business idiom playlist over here. if you want to hear more videos like this please subscribe down below. until next time, keep winning english winners.

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