Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

sore roof of mouth and front teeth

look at this, sian. do you remember? who is this? (it's a picture of sian when he was eight months old.) - it's me. / - right, it... thumbnail 1 summary
sore roof of mouth and front teeth

look at this, sian. do you remember? who is this? (it's a picture of sian when he was eight months old.) - it's me. / - right, it's you. we took these pictures on sua and seola's birthday. we had a birthday party for them. look at this. you were surprised at the time. you were startled, weren't you? right?

(donggook prepared the birthday party by himself.) (the eight-month-old sian) (was so excited when he saw the candles all lit up.) (however, he was surprised) (by donggook's clapping sound.) sian, are you surprised? it's seola and sua's birthday. - so let's prepare a birthday party for them. / - okay. (let's get started.)

hold this. hold it. look here. do it like this. good job. (they spread the tablecloth together.) - it's a bear. / - right. there are three bears. put that on top of each bear. (sian sets the table himself.) great. well done. - it's heavy, isn't it? / - yes.

- yes. / - yes. (he's trying hard.) lift it. lift and move it. good job. you're doing great. now it's time for the balloons. (blowing) (why can't i do this?) sian, blow it hard. (it's not easy to blow up a balloon.)

i'll hold it for you. you're old enough to blow a balloon by yourself. look at this. blow it! hard! blow it! you shouldn't let the air leak. (the air leaks through his lips.) here. okay! (this is why dads shouldn't look after kids.)

wow, it's done. you did it. wow. sian, you blew up a balloon. it's the first balloon you ever blew up in your life. it's great. shall we blow up one more? there. try it. (when you blow up a balloon, try not to look ugly.) (i can't do this. it's so funny.)

blow it hard. let's go! (he tries to seal sian's mouth again.) (he's sacrificing his look for his sisters' birthday.) this is enough. you did what you could. i'll tie it for you. (i feel great.) (he gathers the balloons sian blew up.) sian, you made these. it's what you made.

- okay. / - look at me. (let's do this seriously now.) (he looks like he can blow up a hundred balloons.) (they look so nice together.) (sian blows.) (donggook blows.) (they blow up the balloons again and again.) let's go! (daddy, i can't do this anymore.)

(the football player never gets tired.) (he ties the balloons together.) sian, look at this. this is big and this is small. and this is what you blew up. you did a great job, sian. (the balloons are of various sizes including sian's.) look at this. a whale will appear. - a whale? / - right.

does it look like a whale? (it's nicely drawn.) let's put yours on here. (he puts sian's balloons in the center.) (it's the finishing touch.) (is it done finally?) look at that. do you think it's done nicely? - wow. / - wow. they'll love it, right?

(a balloon flower falls down.) it fell off. - it fell off. / - what? (they finish blowing up the balloons.) the last part of the preparation is a photo exhibition. (look at this!) - here. / - daddy, you too! (you're in the photo, too!) yes, it's daddy.

on seola and sua's birthday last year, they all took a bath together with daddy. sian was such a little baby back then. sian, do you remember when we went to see the shark? - yes. / - do you? donggook went to an aquarium with his three children. wow! wow! look at that. look at that! (sian was dozing off in donggook's arms.)

(we had so much fun.) okay. (finally, they finish decorating the wall with photos.) - your sisters will love it, right? / - yes. they will see these as they climb up the stairs. (will seola and sua remember?) from the birthday party donggook prepared last year to the seaweed soup he made himself. when they climb up the stairs filled with

photos from last year's birthday, they'll arrive at the surprise birthday venue that sian and donggook prepared together. (the whale balloons are twins, too.) targeting seola and sua's taste, they also prepared a cute puppy cake. come on in. seola, sua, come in. welcome home. did you have a good time with your friends?

no, come this way. (no, come over here.) come this way. let's see if it's here. what? come over here. i want to go upstairs. come over here. come here. - let's see what's here. / - i want to go upstairs. - come here. / - why?

come here. see if there's a puppy here. - look for a puppy. / - okay. i'll be upstairs. see if there's a puppy or not. (where on earth is the puppy?) (the two party planners quickly go upstairs.) did the puppy go upstairs? - he might be up here. / - the puppy is downstairs! it isn't here! - it isn't? / - no.

look carefully. sian, let's sprinkle these. it's seola and sua. it's a birthday party. - it's a birthday party. / - it's a birthday party. (come here and get ready.) let's sprinkle these on them, okay? come here. let's hide. (the moment they hide,)

(seola enters.) (what are all these?) (what are you doing, daddy?) ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ (she enters without much enthusiasm.) (i'll just throw it on the floor.) ♪ dear seola and sua ♪ (i just love this one.) (can i eat this, too?)

no, you're not supposed to eat it. the puppy congratulates you, too. let's put this here to replace the hairpin. the puppy is pretty. the puppy is pretty, isn't it? - look at this. it's a whale. / - wow! (i'm excited!) guess who prepared the whale balloons. there's a dress!

that's right. donggook prepared another gift for them. it's pretty dresses for the two princesses. they're really pretty. (while his sisters get dressed,) (sian secretly tastes the cake.) hey, sian. (did i get caught?) (sua changes into a cute girl.)

look at daddy. (after wearing the hat, the sisters look like dolls.) you look so pretty. (sua and seola tries on a princess dress today.) (they eat the cake after getting dressed.) you guys, sit down. let's take a picture. in one, two, three. say cheese. (say cheese.) sian, you too. in one, two, three. say cheese.

(he's finally acting cute.) (the troublemakers' birthday party) click. (we're four years old now.) close your eyes and make a wish now. seola, sua, make a wish. make a wish. (sneaking) i wonder what you're wishing for.

(please grant my wish, too.) if you finished making your wish, open your eyes. - ready, set, go. / - go. ♪ happy birthday, dear seola and sua ♪ seola, are you crying? (focused) (congratulations.) congratulations, seola and sua. give sian a kiss. he prepared this.

(thank you, sian.) (a cruel way to eat the cake) daddy. here. this is so brutal. (however, he's using two knives.) here you go. (the twins get the puppy's face.) what do you want, sian?

- body. / - do you want the belly? i think it will be delicious. (he's enjoying himself now.) (the cake has been delivered.) - thank you for the food. / - thank you for the food. daddy, you should eat, too. should i eat? (seola is looking after her dad.) thank you.

sian. look, your sisters are enjoying it. you were praying earlier, right? what did you wish for? (well...) a puppy! did you wish for a puppy? what about sua? - me, too. / - what about sian? - puppy? / - give me more.

what should i get for you? - a puppy. / - a gift. - a puppy? / - i want a puppy. i want a puppy. daddy, puppy. (i want a puppy, too.) i'll go bring you the present. close your eyes. close your eyes and wait for me. don't open them.

don't open your eyes. (did he leave?) (my eyes are completely closed.) (he's coming back.) (peeking) - are your eyes closed? / - yes. (my goodness, what are we going to do?) look, ta-da. (what did donggook get them?)

(they're puppies!) - puppies! / - they're puppies. they're puppies. you wanted them, right? come and look at the puppies. they're beagles. (the twins get twin puppies as presents.) they're troublesome just like you two. they have to take care of beagle puppies for today. - puppy. / - puppy.

- puppy. / - what's wrong? (the twins are a little scared of the puppies.) (what about sian?) puppy, come here. (he called them courageously,) (but he gets scared when they come close.) (go away.) (sian was really scared) (of a laughing puppy doll.)

(i'm not playing with you.) no, that's for the puppies. sit down. (the beagle keeps approaching.) (sian is scared to death.) (seola wants to get close.) sian, come here. (when they come over to play,) sian, here.

(she runs off at full speed.) (why is it chasing me?) (she's scared to death.) the return of superman episode 141, "fondly together". (episode 141, "fondly together".) once inside, the one with the balloon is nayul. who is going to find nayul? (their mission is to find nayul.)

you have to do this with me. here. (the trio has a ceremony.) (why are they looking for nayul?) nayul. hello. hello, nayul. it's seoeon and seojun. you should say hello. the boys can be rough. where should we meet?

she'll be holding a balloon at the botanical garden. isn't she pretty? who's prettier? her or mom? (don't ask me questions like that.) - is she prettier? / - yes. nayul, i'll see you in a bit. are you going to have fun with seoeon and seojun? i don't know yet. let's run away when they come. okay?

will the twins recognize her? (the twins start looking for nayul.) (there are a lot of girls with balloons.) (which one is nayul?) (they're confused.) (grinning) i found her. are you nayul? no.

i'm lee seobin. lee seobin? is she nayul? no, she's not nayul. - nayul. / - nayul. we're right over here. she's over here. (did he really find nayul?) is that her? she says it's her.

it's nayul. - hello. / - give her a hug. she's not nayul. - she's nayoon. / - oh, nayoon? (are you making fun of us?) nayul! let's hide back here. (they're hiding behind a tree.) come here. hide.

(the twins spot something suspicious.) (seojun starts running.) hide. i see her. let's hide. (i think it's her.) (who are these women?) yes, you got us. he's so cute. it's nayul and cha yeryun.

she's beautiful and talented. she succeeded in both her career and love. our love will never change. someone else besides joo sanguk has stolen her heart. it's five-year-old nayul with her beautiful eyes. nayul looks just like her aunt. look at how beautiful she is. thank you for the food. i'll be a polite child that says hello first!

i heard that yeryun wanted to see the twins, so i invited her. nayul, this is seojun and seoeon. hello. thank you. good job. - we're a trio. / - we're a trio. (nice to meet you, i'm nayul.) seojun, say hello. (i'm shy.)

(he runs over shyly and hugs her.) (hugging is the most important thing right now.) (he looks so happy.) nayul, i think he likes you. (yeryun finds seojun adorable.) really... (he has no intention of letting go.) nayul, do you think you can play well with them? - yes. / - do you think so?

- she thinks so. / - let's go home. - yes. / - okay. - excuse us. / - come on in. seoeon and seojun. seoeon and seojun, show nayul the house. i'll show you around. you should show her around. - seoeon, show her. / - master bedroom. wow. this is where seoeon and seojun sleep.

mom sleeps here, too. we have a playroom. - let's go and see. / - i have to pee. you have to pee? follow me. (seojun shows them the washroom.) nayul. nayul! (where did she go?) (she didn't leave, did she?)

- dad. / - yes? nayul disappeared. - she disappeared? / - yes. - nayul disappeared? / - yes. where did she go? she disappeared? go find her. - she went to the washroom. / - she's in the washroom? she went to pee. - nayul went to pee? / - yes. - really? / - i see.

- did you think she disappeared? / - let's wait. - hey, don't go there. wait here. / - let's go. are you looking for nayul? she went to pee. seoeon almost cried because he thought she left. really? - that's so cute. / - have you seen our village frog? - what is that? / - you haven't, right? (here are the village frogs.) look, frogs.

- ribbit. / - there are two frogs. ribbit, ribbit. there are two. (the twins are putting up a welcoming performance.) - ribbit. / - ribbit, ribbit. (frog nayul is jumping as well.) nayul is a good jumper, too. (there are three energetic frogs.) there are three frogs.

(yeryun is having so much fun.) they became one as frogs. it's so cute. (seojun rushes over) (to prepare transforming robots.) we have a lot. nayul, what do you like? i don't think she knows turning mechard. what about ttukttagi? ttukttagi? ta-da. here it is.

- i don't like it. / - you don't like it? (he's devastated.) what about here? what about the toys in here? (nayul isn't used to toys for boys.) i have a lot. do you like it? (at that moment...) (oh, the camera moves.) (does she like the camera?)

(after staring for a while,) (she makes a pose.) (nayul likes cameras.) (i won't sit still.) (this is a blueberry tree seojun planted.) (he picks a precious blueberry.) let's eat this together. what is it? - blueberry. / - blueberry?

- do you want it? / - yes. (seojun gladly gives her everything.) it's blueberry. eat it. (thank you, seojun.) do you want to play hide-and-seek? - go hide. / - seojun, nayul will hide. okay? let's look for her after counting to ten. - it'll be so much fun. / - you have to come with me.

- nine, ten. / - nine, ten. go. (here i come!) (i found you!) i want to be it. one, two, three, four, five, six... ready or not, here i come! there. there. the kids started to get along through playing games.

seoeon looks somewhat uncomfortable. (seoeon looks uncomfortable.) i'll read it for you. (after taking a peek...) why? what are you doing? are you going to take it off? i'm embarrassed. why are you taking it off? your bum... - hwijae! / - yes? seoeon...

(what happened to him?) (someone is walking over in a beautiful dress.) a beautiful woman in a dress walks in elegantly. you look beautiful. there's an adorable fairy, too. actually, our wedding anniversary is coming up. it's already been five years. to make it meaningful, we're taking family photos. rohee, let's get you dressed up with a ribbon today.

wow, how cute. thank you. good. thank you. (a refreshing minty green ribbon) (who is the flower here? a flower ribbon) (a sporty grey ribbon) i love you. good girl. (she's patting herself in the mirror.) (now she's patting her real self.)

give daddy a kiss. (i can't hear anything.) are you all grown up now? won't you kiss me? look at the dresses. rohee, there are so many dresses. for rohee... i think this is nice. (taeyoung chooses her first dress.) shall we try it on? (taeyoung is waiting for his daughter to change.)

it feels like... (he gets teary thinking about marrying off his girl.) (the doors are opening.) (it's a nervous moment.) (rohee became even more adorable.) you look so beautiful, rohee. it goes well with the ribbon. let's see. rohee, you look so pretty. shall we try another dress?

(give me the next dress.) there you go. (from a fairy to a model) this looks good, too. give me your hand. do you have to leave every time you get changed? rohee, this looks good, too. (do you like this one, too?) (this time, she's a pink princess.) rohee, this one is so cute, too.

you're not going for another round, are you? how cute. (please accept my love.) (something's missing.) taeyoung wants it to be more than perfect. therefore, he visits this place. we're at the hair salon. - we want to get her hair done. / - okay. - maybe a trim or just a blow-dry. / - sure.

rohee, you should ask him to give you a nice style. have you tried combing her hair at home? no, not really. her hair is... she only has baby hair. - it'll grow on these areas soon. / - okay. - we were worried. is it okay? / - yes. (let's take a look at how rohee's hair grew.) her hair sprouted short at first

and it grew longer throughout summer. (defying gravity) she has a lot of hair now. (she's getting more hair.) now she looks like a rooster. she doesn't have much, so it'd be a waste to cut. - i won't be cutting it short. / - okay. - this is hair wax for babies. / - i see. he'll make you pretty.

look at the mirror. how pretty. - you already look so pretty. / - how pretty. (the fast hands of a professional) (refreshing) (he's adding a ribbon.) he'll do it for you. i think you can go ahead and change her into a dress. let's see. let's take a look. (let's see.)

(she looks much cleaner.) you look so beautiful. look at yourself. what do you think? do you like it? rohee, what is this? touch it. what's that? it's an elastic. touch it. (she tries touching it.) do you want to try it on?

let's try it on, rohee. try the wig. no? you don't like this one? (i can't stand things on my head.) rohee, you're 100 times cuter with a hat. (let my head have her freedom.) it's not opening. (he tries to put it on in secrecy.) you got it. it's almost open.

you're almost there. rohee, try this. rohee, let's send your mom a picture of you. in one, two, three. (there's a dark shadow lurking.) (let's just try it on for once.) in one, two... (did they succeed?) - rohee, look here. / - no. it's cute. it looked so cute.

(it's too bad.) my goodness. that's too bad. (let's get a sneak peek at rohee's hairstyles.) (we hope rohee's hair will grow soon.) (taeyoung is practicing for the future.) exactly. one day, he'll be braiding rohee's hair. (he's scared of the puppies.) - all right, come here. go up. / - hurry, come here.

puppy. puppy. (their eyes met.) (seola, let's play.) (chasing) (she's frightened.) (she escapes to the safe area.) (can we play together?) (no!) (crying)

(sua is crying as well.) what's wrong? they're not going to you. (petrified) (terrified) (horrified) (it's a complete chaos.) (just a moment ago...) did you wish for a puppy? a puppy? why are you scared? come down.

i'm scared. you said you wanted puppies, so i brought them for you. why are you so scared? i better return them, then. (i better take the puppies back.) then you should come and play with them. sua. (hesitating) bye, puppy.

(i'm mad at you.) look. he went like this. (this one's a little stiff.) (forget it.) the tail. the tail... (look at the tail.) - the tail went like this. / - yes. it's playing with a ball.

- seola. / - wow. (tiptoeing) it's so cute. (she's good at imitating.) the puppy likes the ball. what's this one's name? let's name them. what should we name this one? i like watermelon.

we'll name this one watermelon, then. - what do you think? / - okay. this one is watermelon. what about that one? - seola, you like strawberries, right? / - yes. shall we name it strawberry? this one is strawberry. okay? now let's pet the dog. who wants to pet? they're babies. here. (should i try?)

puppy. it's okay. try petting it. - it's silky. / - yes, it's silky. - it's soft. / - yes, it's soft. sian, you try, too. (sian is approaching.) come and pet the puppy. (will sian be able to pet the puppy?) (backing away)

it's a cute puppy. (i still need some time.) the puppy is eating. puppy, do you want to eat this? is this a cookie? - it's cookies for the dogs. / - cookies for dogs? the puppy ate it. (where is strawberry?) - sian. / - puppy.

where did the puppy go? - bring the puppy over. / - puppy. puppy, i have a cookie. (strawberry is already eating.) - sit down. / - puppy. i think the puppy likes this. no wonder they're known to be troublemakers. the puppy makes the same kind of mess as seola. daddy, come here.

this one is just like seola. come here. we shouldn't feed it so much. (the puppy can't be stopped.) (strawberry is just like me.) puppy, here. (the puppy ate like this.) (have this one, too.) it's a cookie for you. puppy. cookie, cookie, cookie.

(she's so far away.) (seola, you're so brave.) (these two are still scared of the dogs.) they're still a little scared to approach the dogs. will they get along with the puppies? it's scary when they get mad. see? (did something happen with the puppies?) the puppies will go like this when they're mad. even a dog can talk.

"friendly and polite". you lift up your chin and go like this. (like this?) it's shaking its tail. see that? shake your tail. (shaking) it means they want to play. (let's play together.) sian, hold one of these.

(let's go and play.) okay. like this. (they're at a dog cafe.) look at how happy watermelon is. hey, puppy. go play with your friends. oh, that one looks scary. (this dog is scary.) come here.

- puppy. / - come here. they're kissing. they're friends. - did they kiss? / - yes. they're saying hello. look. they're rubbing noses. rubbing noses is like saying hello. seola, sua... - sua. / - they're fighting. they're not fighting. they're saying hello.

(don't fight and be friends.) my goodness. it's only a puppy. (he's worried.) (strawberry is in trouble.) strawberry. daddy, rescue the puppy. okay, let's rescue strawberry. - strawberry. sit down. / - how scary.

(watermelon is in trouble as well.) what should we do? hold on. it bit me. - this isn't going to work. / - did it bite? strawberry is hurt because of that dog. the puppy's heart is racing. (sua suddenly heads somewhere.) sua suddenly goes somewhere. is she leaving because she's scared?

(where are you going?) (sua finds a bowl for water.) that's good. like this. (seola is moving the bowl.) - go like this. / - okay. they're drinking. me, too. (the kids are calming the puppies down.)

sian, give them water. - i want to give them cookies. / - try feeding them. (throwing) give the puppy a cookie. good. while seola and sian are taking care of the puppies, sua heads off again. is it delicious? she went to collect the puppies' toys.

she's so considerate of the puppies. watermelon and strawberry are babies. strawberry, watermelon. (they lack the courage to go near the puppies yet.) - are you getting used to them now? / - what? are strawberry and watermelon - friends? / - yes. they're yawning. i think they're trying to nap.

watermelon and strawberry are sleepy now. (sian is on night duty.) no, no. (it's trying to get out.) no, sleep. (you better sleep.) daddy, come here! it's a small puppy. seola, that dog has the same hair style as you. it has your hair style.

you two have the same hair style. do you think you look similar? is it like a mirror? - it's kkukku. / - the dog's name is kkukku. wow. sian is feeding kkukku. (eating) (even sian got close to dogs as well.) good job, sian. (giggling) (i'm not scared anymore.)

(screaming) (did i scare you?) (one last time.) let's go now. say bye. let's go. bye, kkukku. (seola found a different puppy.) how old is your puppy? - she's five months old. / - five months?

the baby is eating. - what is your name? / - what's her name? - it's honey. / - honey. hello, honey. (it's a baby like me.) (sian seems to like honey.) water. (drinking) - drinking? / - what?

(smiling) honey. - honey, here. / - honey. - honey. / - honey. honey is peeing. (she shouldn't pee there.) - honey. / - good. (i better clean up after her.) (he cleans up perfectly.)

(he's complimenting himself.) honey. honey. (honey, i cleaned your pee.) (he's going the opposite way now.) (i'm proud of you.) (he's hugging sua.) you didn't come to me. (sian can see how sad seola is.) (he's running back.)

two... run. - run. / - two... - run. / - three. (running) do one more for sua. (incomprehensible) he's telling you to wait. here he comes. run, run.

(these three siblings get along well.) now someone will come and take watermelon and strawberry back. - no. / - you should say goodbye. - no. no. / - are you going to miss them? (sua is crying.) come and pet them. (actually, sua...) (even when everyone else was playing with kkukku...)

strawberry and... where are strawberry and watermelon? (there you are.) (carefully) (even when everyone else was playing with honey,) (sua only looked in one direction.) do you know that cartoon? (she only looked for the beagles.) (sua was just a step away)

(from wherever strawberry and watermelon were.) puppy. puppy, i'll give you this. (here, play with this.) (they are her first animal friends.) let's say goodbye and let them go. what are we going to do? you're too sweet. let's say goodbye. let's play again soon. - what about you, seola? / - see you soon.

sian, you too. salute to watermelon and strawberry. (he's covering his eye.) i'll scratch it for you. (it's itchy.) is that better? are you taking off your pants? it's embarrassing. - this is embarrassing, seoeon. / - my butt is itchy.

- he says that his butt is itchy. / - come here. (hwijae tries to control the situation.) i took off my trousers. he is taking off his trousers, too. - what are you doing in front of guests? / - gosh. - hey! / - gosh, it's embarrassing. (hwijae quickly changes the topic.) seojun, you had a question you wanted to ask aunt. (what is the question he wanted to ask?)

do you have a boyfriend? - what? / - a boyfriend. - you're asking if i have a boyfriend? / - yes. (she's flustered.) (glaring) when he asked if i have a boyfriend, - nayul glared. / - does she not know? nayul doesn't know. it will lead to a disaster.

nayul, would it be okay if i have a boyfriend? she's shaking her head. this is bad. she's not okay with it. she'll cry when you get married. she hates it when i show her my friends. she wants me to be hers only. she hates seeing me hang out with friends. she will hate your boyfriend even more. it will be the worst.

(nayul, i will treat you nicely.) children, are you hungry? i will cook a meal for you. say, "please." i will cook a tasty meal. i will make a packed lunch for sanguk today. i have ingredients for fried rice. (she's a great cook.) she will make a good wife.

(she opens her fridge door first.) (she slowly scans the ingredients.) - may i use anything i want? / - of course you can. (what is aunt yeryun doing?) be careful. seojun. shall i make you an octopus with a sausage? - with a sausage? / - i can make an octopus. (actually, rather than making an octopus...)

- what are these? / - those are sausages. (i like eating sausages as they are.) i will make enough for three people. i'll try my best to make tasty dishes. (this is my chance.) all right. (he acts out his plan.) (here seojun goes.) i think it's ready.

maybe i need to cut them up a bit more. (did she catch me?) it's working! i am making octopuses. i think i cut them too deeply. (he boldly takes another one.) octopuses. (thank you for the lesson, seojun.) look at these octopuses. (seoeon only ate one sausage.)

(he was caught right away.) seoeon. hey. come here. what did you eat? come here. you, too. (he runs away with sausages in his mouth.) don't do that. (she made pasta.) (it's called "tomato castles and octopus soldiers".)

(they managed to survive.) it smells nice. there are two octopus soldiers and tomato castles. - there you go. / - an octopus? it's an octopus. that's one way to eat it. it's tasty. - it really is. / - really? - it's sweet. / - it's sweet?

is it tasty? thank you. i'm so happy. seoeon and seojun's compliments make me so happy. (i will try hard) (to bring you happiness.) - eat the pasta. / - i want to eat it like that, too. (we won't miss a single strand of spaghetti.) they are like puppies. - they copy each other. / - yes.

(they are of one mind outside as well.) there are flowers. (inhaling) i like the smell of flowers. isn't it nice? (seoeon is deep in thoughts.) this is for you. (i got it on the roadside.) seoeon is giving you a gift.

(how cute!) where is seojun? seojun disappeared. (i am focused on my work of art.) how cute! (he carefully studies his subject.) - there he is. run! / - seojun is over there. seojun, what were you doing? (seojun's picture, "a flower in my heart")

(seoeon begins to take pictures as well.) you are good at taking pictures. (seoeon's picture, "older brother is the best") (nayul gives it a try as well.) nayul, you are good at this, too. (nayul's picture, "don't focus on the focus") they look like collectors. (they now move to catch fish.) let's catch fish.

- ♪ let's catch fish ♪ / - ♪ let's go ♪ look at that. there are waves. (the stream moves like waves.) where's the fish? - fish? / - is there any fish here? i saw fish here when i was a baby. - really? / - yes. you saw fish here.

(where are they going?) there it is. (hwijae set the fish trap before they arrived.) nayul, let's see if there is fish. (she recovers the trap.) is there any fish? (my goodness.) - what is it? / - there is no fish. why is there no fish?

(what about the second trap?) what happened, seoeon? there's no... wow, there it is! seojun, look at this. nayul, look. how many are there? there are six. i want to put them in here. shall we put fish here?

we caught fish! nayul, look at the fish! there are six fish inside. look. how interesting! - put two fish here. / - they keep escaping. i don't know what to do. i can't catch it. - it's jumping. / - i can't catch it. please catch it.

quickly. put it back in water. - i got it. / - put it back in water. it needs water to survive. i'm impressed that you can hold fish. i couldn't hold it when i was a baby. nayul, can you do it? can you hold a fish? they are fearless. why did you take off your shoes?

the uncles took off their shoes to go inside the water. they took off their shoes. (should i do the same?) seojun, be careful. (he goes into the water.) here i go. - it's not cold. / - i want to dip my feet in there. you are cool. are you okay?

- i am okay. / - what a manly man! my goodness. (he proved himself as a manly man.) their clothes are wet. (yeryun splashes water on him.) (splashing) (she gets a splash in return.) (shall we get this game started?) shall we do this? (here comes the attack.)

take this! gosh, it's cold. (she cannot defend herself.) (will she draw back?) aunt, splash water at him! (here comes the counterattack.) (flustered) (struggling) let's attack!

you can use this. (it's no fun to wipe your face like that.) (he wipes the makeup off of her face.) would you wipe my face more? (no matter mischievous they are,) (yeryun finds them cute.) (however,) (seoeon carefully wipes water off of nayul.) wipe her as well.

my skirt. (he wipes her skirt as well.) seojun, dry yourself. you'll catch a cold otherwise. do you want me to wipe your legs, too? who are you, sir? dad, what are you doing here? seoeon is dry, but seojun is soaked. (seojun is a trickster.)

did you go into the water? aren't you cold? he went for a swim. now that i spent a full day with you, i can see that joo sanguk is a lucky man. is that the conclusion you made? let's go to nayul's place. - do you want to go to her place? / - now? let's go home. say, "see you again" and give her a kiss.

- see you again. / - give her a kiss. give me a kiss. (kiss) make a v-sign. in one, two, three. (yeryun has twin nephews.) they parted with a promise to meet again. (coming soon) (the dads became small.) dad!

dad, grow big. (dads won't grow big despite children's plea.) please make him big. (what happened?) can you guess where we are going today? - chungju. / - chungju. aren't you curious about how the apple mango tree we brought back from jeju island is growing? - i am curious. / - you are?

thumbs up. how did you eat apple mangoes? (she acts it out.) red skin. turn. eat. (translation, "we ate it by turning the red skin.") we are at a farm in chungju to see a mango tree. that's right. daeul, put this here. (they worked hard together.)

live well, okay? (they were only small sprouts.) how have they changed after two months? (the field is covered with crops.) is this lettuce? (lettuce plant became a tree.) these are chili peppers. they are bearing chili peppers. the chili peppers look fresh.

daeul, look at this. plants grow from seeds if there are water, sunlight and wind. this is the mystery of nature. you grew up well. daeul, touch it. (patting) there is a bee. (a bee visits the flower.)

i'm not scared of it. it's a bee. even though there is a bee, don't be scared. (don't be scared.) - that's right. / - dad, where are the mangoes? let's go see the mango tree. (we came here with a purpose.) apple mango trees are grown on jeju island.

i brought it to chungju with the purpose of making it bear fruit. it's bumsoo's big project. will it be successful? mango, mango, mango. (they arrived at the greenhouse.) (come on out, mangoes.) (it's the big reveal.) (my tongue still remembers your sweetness.)

(how will children react to the mango tree?) what will we do about this? gosh, it became dry. (their mango tree is completely dry.) (weak) they look like dried persimmons. goodness. i am sad. - what? / - i am sad. - you're sad? / - yes.

i thought they would grow this big. (bumsoo is sad as well.) i was going to eat them. you were going to eat them. i wanted to eat mangoes. - you wanted to eat mangoes. / - yes. there is a way. (what is it, dad?) show me your teeth.

(bumsoo inspects soeul's teeth.) - you lost a tooth. / - yes. let's throw it over the roof and make a wish. - shall we make a wish? / - yes. - shall we do it, daeul? / - yes. daeul, this is soeul's tooth. it's mine. no, it's not. you didn't take it out.

do you want to touch it? go ahead. don't eat it. - that's enough. / - i'm not going to eat it. (it's time to make a wish.) let's run towards our goal. - i'm scared. / - hold this and make a wish. i will give tasty food and water to the mango tree. please help it grow well. - all right. / - i'm throwing it.

okay. aim high. there. (will soeul's sincere wish) (reach the sky) (and make the tree bear mangoes again?) next day, there is a change in the greenhouse. the dried up mangoes became plump once again. did soeul's wish come true? (i think i had an amazing dream.)

(i think i did, too.) (disheveled) daeul, can you check if it's raining? (he opens the door.) acorns. - are those acorns? / - yes, they're falling from the sky. it's cold. daeul, sit down.

i will get you chairs. this is what we are going to do. soeul, please make bibimbap like a chef and explain the process. today, i will make bipimbap... bibimbap. i will make bibimbap. firstly, i will use spinach. there are spinach, zucchini... what is it? it's radish.

there is also radish. (radish) it's eggplant. - there are also eggplant / - bean sprouts. and bean sprouts. we will mix them together. this goes in first. (chef soeul shares her recipe.) add as much as you'd like, but don't add too much. i don't add too much either.

(daeul wants to be the chef.) i can do this. - add this next. / - it looks tasty. you need carrots, too. we need a carrot for a parrot. (bumsoo makes dad jokes.) - this is soy sauce, right? / - it's a must. soy sauce is a joy sauce. you need to add seaweed as well.

(soeul pretends not to hear his word plays.) seaweed slips out of my hand at high speed. (dazed) - please mix them together. / - okay. it looks tasty. - it does. / - i want to eat it. eat what? what do you want to eat? please use your words. that.

soy sauce? this is the last sip of the day. - you won't get more soy sauce. / - i want to eat it. you need to make a wish as you make bibimbap. help us stay healthy and make daeul listen to me. daeul, make a wish. (i am satisfied as long as there is soy sauce.) - is soy sauce the only thing you ask for? / - yes. (bumsoo makes a wish this time.)

this bibimbap represents abundance, health, unity (she dips her chopsticks in soy sauce.) and everything else. - okay? / - yes. - daeul, do you understand? / - yes. it looks tasty, right? i will get you water. - we had this. / - what?

you sat here, little man sat here and soeul sat here. - this one is mine. / - okay. (they had gathered around) (and shared a bowl of bibimbap.) it's really tasty. we had bibimbap. this is daeul's.

mix it, daeul. - shall we eat it now? / - okay, let's eat. (he puts the food in his mouth.) (what is this taste?) - thumbs up! / - thumbs up! did you just say that? i want to add gochujang. let's put daeul's rice in a separate bowl. okay. add just a little bit of gochujang.

- is that enough? / - yes. when you eat tasty food, say, "join us." ask other people to share the food with you. join us. join us. join us, daeul. what's inside your stomach? - rice. / - is there rice inside? soeul, try it.

(however) is it too spicy? (nodding) it must be spicy. (shouting) (soeul's mouth is on fire.) (she heads over to the refrigerator for water.) what are you doing? you didn't even eat spicy food.

(i do everything my sister does.) soeul, your eyes are bloodshot. (stomping her feet) (i want to copy her.) spicy food is dangerous. (they are quarrelling over a toy punching bag.) don't fight. - no. / - don't fight. - no. / - no.

hey! you promised not to fight, yet you broke your promise. look into each other's eyes for five seconds. one. you need to look. open your eyes. (hwijae is angry.) - stand still. / - no. the twins are more mischievous than anyone.

seojun! what is going on? (the twins attack together.) (hwijae is their best playground.) (get ready and) (jump!) (hwijae struggles daily with the unruly twins.) you are impossible. why do you hit me, but not your mom?

- am i a joke to you? / - yes. hwijae came up with a project to tame the twins. (hwijae calls out to seojun.) seojun, i have a request for you. please get me a fan. - okay. / - thank you. where is it? (he looks everywhere for the fan.) the fan isn't here.

(he's frozen.) (hwijae has shrunk in size.) (he is confused.) (blinking) hwijae shrank in the same position he was in. (hwijae became small.) how will the twins react? (seojun looks around the house.) (hesitant)

(did dad really shrink?) (he touches the doll carefully.) couldn't you find the fan? (he's surprised.) (what is going on?) dad. don't poke my eyes! it hurts! don't touch me or i will shrink even more. i will shrink to the size of an ant. don't touch me.

sing me a song. - ♪ dad, cheer up ♪ / - louder! - ♪ dad, cheer up ♪ / - there you go. - we are... / - ♪ we are here for you ♪ (hwijae is watching from the other room.) (is this a song or a rap?) (seojun sings dutifully.) say, "i love you, dad." i love you, dad.

(what is that noise?) seoeon, i shrank. (is that dad?) sing me a song so i can grow bigger. (they sing with all their might.) (the twins sing for hwijae.) (he coughs from singing too hard.) (we are here for you) dance as you sing.

you need to dance as you sing. (dancing) (the twins dance awkwardly.) (their dance has the soul of four-year-olds.) (they are doing well.) how small have i become? i want to look at myself in the mirror. would you get me a mirror from the table? i want to see how small i have become. i'm so sad.

show me. (when did seojun listen to him so well?) my goodness, i became so small. what should i do? please put me on a video call with your mom. saemi will lend you her phone. saemi. - please let me use your phone. / - saemi. seojun, let me see your mom.

i can't hold it because i have no strength. my goodness! (he holds the phone for hwijae.) dad shrank. why did dad shrink? he shrank because we didn't listen to him. (seoeon comes clean.) he shrank because you didn't listen to him. (that's why he shrank.)

it's okay. don't worry. he will grow big again if you listen to him. i once made your dad shrink by not listening to him. you can reverse the damage by listening to him. what would you like us to do? i'm hot. (they react as soon as hwijae says something.) (what are they trying to do?) here it is.

(seojun found the fan.) (you said you are hot, right?) gosh, that feels nice. (they fan him so he can cool down.) it's too fast. i will fly away! - seoeon. / - yes? who do you like better, me or mom? (dad versus mom) mom.

which do you like better, me or the sea? the sea. no, it's you. i like dad better, too. which do you like better, me or chocolate? (dad versus chocolate) chocolate. (they won't give up chocolate even if hwijae shrank.) seoeon, are you eating sausage when i shrank?

yes. (disheartened) i won't grow big again. - i will stay small forever. / - eat. (eat this and cheer up.) (farting) are you having fun? (he checks if hwijae had farted.) (did dad fart?)

wait a minute. time out. aren't you sad that i shrank? (do they believe that hwijae shrank?) he shrank. how small was he? (he became this big.) did he become that small? at that moment, another children opened the magic door. (what?)

(a magical situation unfolded before them.) (donggook shrank as well.) - seola. / - what? - daddy. / - i shrank. where is sian? my goodness. don't hold me too tightly. it hurts. it hurts. don't hold me too tightly. where is sian? (he cannot open the door.)

(he longingly calls for daddy.) - daddy. / - bring sian. daddy shrank, sian. (daddy shrank, sian.) (what? daddy shrank?) (running over) sian is here. sian, i shrank. i grew small. what should i do?

(he is surprised, worried and confused.) (sua looks like she is upset.) dad, you became short. (sua believes that her dad shrank in size.) seeing you cry makes me sad. don't cry. (hearing her dad say, "don't cry") (makes seola start bawling.) stop crying.

you are not a baby. (the sisters hold back their tears.) daddy, come on. (please) do you want me to grow bigger? will you listen to me and behave? - you'll behave? / - yes. (an idea occurs to sian.) you will have to behave.

(i am suspicious.) (he begins to study the doll.) (he scans the doll with his eyes.) sian, you are hurting me. (his clothes are unfamiliar.) (what is that?) feet. (why would he wear shoes in the house?) (what is the biggest clue?)

(his voice is coming from the speaker under the table.) (this is strange.) (did he figure it out?) (sian examines the perimeters.) (he's nervous.) sian, give me a kiss. (a kiss?) (he tries to distract sian.) (you are not my dad.)

(sian, why wouldn't you give daddy a kiss?) (they give kisses) (in hopes of making donggook big again.) (they are kisses of love.) (touched) how would you feel if i remain small? don't remain small. please pray for daddy to get bigger. - please make daddy bigger. / - please make him bigger.

please make daddy bigger. (was it a misunderstanding?) pray earnestly with your eyes closed. - please. / - please make daddy bigger. (that's right! it's really our dad.) (he glances at his sisters.) please. (begging) (sian believes it, too.)

(the three siblings pray together.) (please make him bigger.) - do you promise to be good? / - yes. - you're also going to eat well, right? / - yes. - are you going to nap well, too? / - yes. - this is a promise, okay? / - okay. let's promise each other. promise! - yes. / - hug each other.

hug each other. (rather than scolding kids, it's better to let them) (learn their mistakes on their own.) now, i might get bigger soon, so go to your room and pray with your eyes closed. go to your room with sian. keep your door closed. (they quickly enter their room as told.) (the door closes.) (donggook who had shrunk in size)

(turns big again.) (falling hard) (he falls down due to the effect of magic.) (embarrassed) (this is too much embarrassment for lion king.) surprising the kids might just backfire on me. (to donggook, this is slapstick humor.) (he returns to his original position.) gosh, this is funny.

(donggook stays expressionless like a doll.) did daddy get bigger? daddy! (did he return to his size?) (she runs over to greet him.) (but he doesn't even budge.) (seola tries shaking him.) (he's definitely daddy.) - daddy. / - daddy.

(donggook doesn't wake up from the magic spell.) (please wake up, daddy!) - daddy! / - wake up. (surprised) (seola smiles.) i've been released. - wow, did you guys pray? / - yes. what did you pray? i prayed like this.

thank you. i got big again after shrinking. (will it be a happy ending?) hold on, wait. your dad shrunk. aren't you guys sad? (oh, right. dad became small.) (this isn't the time to be eating a sausage.) (what if dad doesn't get bigger?) we are a trio! (the fun trio)

(will no longer exist.) good job. that's good. (we'll no longer be able to hear) (his warm compliments.) (dad...) dad, please get big quickly. (dad, please get big again.) (moved) - should i become big again? / - yes.

both of you sit down and hold hands. (the reckless duo holds each other's hand tightly.) close your eyes. say "please get bigger, dad" three times. - please get bigger, dad. / - please get bigger, dad. - please get bigger, dad. / - get bigger, dad. (glances) (he's still the same.) dad, please get taller.

dad get taller. do you want dad to come back and play with you? (stunned) go into the bedroom and pray for me to get bigger. (he will get bigger, right?) seoeon! (seoeon is already happy to hear that.) if you don't pray now, i won't get bigger. go into the bedroom and pray for me.

(he takes seoeon to the bedroom.) get bigger! get bigger. (now is the time!) dad? (he's caught.) goodness. he got caught. (dad, what are you doing there?) (he freezes.)

(he acts like a doll after already getting caught.) (i messed up.) (did you see that, seoeon?) - i can see. / - what can you see? i can see everything here. no, you didn't see anything. - i saw everything. / - no, you didn't. (his magic ends sloppily.) do you like me or the sea?

- i like the sea. / - seojun. (if that's what you say...) (he prepares to shrink again.) i like you better. then give me a kiss, seojun. seojun, too. (i'm glad dad got bigger.) - you'll be good boys, right? / - yes. - really? / - i'll be good!

dad, please don't shrink. meanwhile, rohee is playing with a cup. hello! your mom must have arrived. - hello. / - come on in. - come in. hi! / - rohee! (as she calls rohee,) (she goes straight to taeyoung.) - rohee. / - peek-a-boo! you're so pretty.

rohee. rohee, mom's here. mom! (sullen) rohee, please smile. (rohee, smile for me.) (she forcefully smiles for one second.) when i asked her to smile, she did this. please smile.

it lasted longer. (i was just kidding, mom.) the food is here. do you want to take off your hat? (her hair's a mess.) did you do something to her hair? (he tried so hard to make it look pretty.) i did her hair and applied wax to it, but she did all that.

she messed it all up. - rohee, what's wrong? / - don't touch it. let's eat. it's cheese. (she takes a bite of cheese.) - she ate a lot. / - i still find it amazing - that she can eat what we eat. / - i know. i think time is passing by too fast. it feels like yesterday when she was so much smaller.

but she's grown up so much. - here you go. / - open up. what's this? (today's main menu is steak.) here you go. try the steak. (it goes straight into eugene's mouth.) (this is delicious.) (why does dad's fork...) (only go into mom's mouth?)

- is it good? / - yes. (she licks her lips.) - really? / - it's quite a unique steak. - the seasoning's great. / - yes. - right? / - i think it'd go well with lamb, too. she keeps touching my hand. (she gives her cheese since she can't eat meat yet.) she wants to taste it. - let's try eating this. / - yes.

(gobbling) (he eats aggressively.) (without a word,) (he eats away.) (he looks determined.) (what is he trying to say?) i was thinking of eating the dessert quickly. the dessert? why?

they asked me to order something delicious. - we'll have the dessert early. / - okay. okay, great. i'll go the restroom. keep eating. (taeyoung leaves his seat.) you're eating well. - is it good? / - hello, rohee's mom. i'm over here. (taeyoung appears on the screen.)

i'm over here. first of all, i love you so much. it's already been five years since we got married. during those years, rohee grew up a lot, too. anyway, thank you for being with me. and thank you for giving birth to our daughter. i love you so much. act pretty! - i love you. / - what's this? (she laughs after seeing something.)

what are you up to again? (we wonder, too.) taeyoung's rules in doing an event. a cake and flowers are a must. (prepare a cake and a flower beforehand.) (have shining eyes to improve confidence.) he surprises her with his confidence. (do not be afraid of getting scolded.) don't you know what day it is today?

it'll soon be our fifth wedding anniversary. here you go. happy fifth anniversary. thank you for working hard all this time. (even with rohee's lonely demonstration...) - i love you. / - and... - we... / - rohee, you knew about this, right? seriously. (puzzled) have a seat.

- here you go. / - what's that? this is... in celebration of our fifth wedding anniversary, i want to take a family photo. - really? / - let's take a family photo. (when eugene appears in a dress,) (taeyoung can't take his eyes off her.) (she wears the wedding dress again after five years.) you're so pretty.

this feels like i'm doing a wedding rehearsal. i can't breathe. really? it's okay. (my mom is pretty.) (they take a couple photo first.) we'll do it cutely. one, two. look at each other's face. - look at each other and smile. / - look at me.

slightly. one, two. where are you looking at? (am i nervous right now?) we'll take the last shot. smile brightly. - you look like a fool. / - hold on. why am i so awkward today? (now it's a family photo with rohee.) let's go, rohee.

where are you going? since rohee is a professional. we're going. let's go. here we go! go, go, go! look in front, rohee! one, two. (that's right. i'm a professional.) (i'm rohee, a professional.) this feels quite strange. (the couple take a look at the photos.)

this looks really good. all right. here we go! sit there, rohee. start. (smile, rohee.) (mom and dad are over there.) - no, don't do that. / - sit down, rohee. (they manage to sit her down with some snacks.) that's it. rohee, one, two!

rohee, your mouth is so full. (i need to eat to smile.) (they strive to make her smile.) (they keep their memories in black and white photos.) they treasure their memories forever in these photos. i liked everything about it. i liked that we took family photos and its theme. our wedding anniversary is when a family was born. when taeyoung and i got married, we became family.

then the family members increased to three. i don't know when there will be four of us, but on every wedding anniversary, i think it's good to leave some memories each time. meanwhile, something unbelievable happened. the mangoes that dried out like persimmons grew into fresh mangoes. did a miracle really happen? (soeul makes a wish to the fairies.)

(did their wish come true?) (he opens the entrance carefully.) - wow. / - i knew it just by looking from the outside. (daeul is also surprised and stares at them.) i'm so surprised. what is this all of a sudden? the mangoes got bigger, right? (last night) last night, a man went through the darkness.

the man was soeul and daeul's fairy, bumsoo. (the mangoes' condition is terrible.) (in that case...) (he has brought a bunch of tools.) using mangoes that he bought and some tools, he performed a surgery. (he removed the affected area using surgical scissors.) bumsoo protected the kids' innocence.

he's really amazing. this mango... (a mango transplantation) this mango is not fruit. this mango is the children's dream and hope. it's not a mango. (the tooth fairy casts a spell.) you need to surprise soeul and daeul.

(that's how the mangoes were born again.) thank you for giving us fruit. how about daeul? i want to eat it. i want to eat the mangoes right now. all right. i'll pick a mango for you, then. here we go. when will it get big? (this is his special present for his kids.)

we're set. i picked the biggest one. be well, mangoes. i'll see you next time. let's go. (goodbye, soeul and daeul.) - what's that? / - what? what's this? this must be fun. (what's that?) (what did they discover?)

it's a viking ship. (it's a terrifying viking ship.) it's summer, right? we need to cool off. will they get scared? or will they go through with the mission i give them? (sarang and the song triplets were afraid of it.) sarang and the song triplets rode the ride together. during their first challenge, they were all scared. (start!)

(they're nervous.) (the speed slowly increases.) - i'm scared. / - wave your hand. (when scared, wave your hand.) - wave your hand. / - let's go! louder! - goodbye! / - goodbye! (soeul smiles brightly.) (the viking ship goes higher.)

hurrah! let's all scream "hurrah". one, two, three. - hurrah! / - hurrah! one more time. one, two, three. you guys ride well. how old are you? - i'm six years old. / - six years old? who is? - who's six years old? / - daeul is.

how old are you, daeul? - how old are you? / - six years old. they passed the first test of courage. when you come to the countryside in the summer, - you need to do a bravery test. / - okay. - it'll test your courage. / - okay. it's a deserted house somewhere in the village. (this place will chase away the heat of summer.) (it's the best place for a scary, horror experience.)

(even adults were scared.) even adults were terribly scared of the test. will there be ghosts waiting for them? (a ghost?) epe is waiting for them instead. i put epe over there. so the two of you need to hold hands together and save epe. - let's go! / - start.

(she sings when she's scared.) we need to go down this way. (i'll be watching from behind.) where's epe? where in the world is epe? what did he mean by "over there"? (soeul bites her fingernails in fear.) what is this? - where? / - over there.

(they finally found epe.) how are we supposed to take it out? we only need to go in and take it. (she keeps mumbling to herself as she is scared.) how can we go in? this is really... gosh, how are we supposed to... (epe is right in front of their eyes.) no, this is...

you can just walk in and take it. (will they give up?) when i step on something, i won't disappear, right? all right. let's go. let's just go in. let's go. go up. (they decide to go in.) how do i open this? (the door cracks open.)

what? i can just go in. this is not scary. (cautiously) (she succeeds in saving epe.) you only need to get in and leave. (soeul, you're so amazing!) come out. i'll close the door. (soeul even takes care of her brother.) watch your step. be careful.

when the alarm goes off, we can't do anything. this is a piece of cake. you can just enter, take this and come out. (bumsoo is worried, so he came near the place.) did you find it? wow. applause for you. (epe is safely rescued.) wasn't it scary? (he nods his head.)

you are amazing. it's strange that you are not scared of anything. (they cleared the second level of courage test.) daeul, weren't you scared? - weren't you? / - no. soeul and daeul, i acknowledge your courage. i'll wash it. you are very brave children. you did a good job.

take these. next episode. please take good care of dad. the twins go to dad's workplace. they try to help their working dad. see the water coming from the mountain. the five siblings search for magical energy. clench your fists harder. - let's go! / - let's go!

why did they go on this special outing? the national... they went to the dream stage exciting the whole nation. (i love you.) the o.g.g. explodes excitedly for the local residents. (soda siblings challenge for a musical.) i am a little man-cat. meow! the children grow up little by little. they are always a great source of pride to their dad.

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