Jumat, 03 Februari 2017

what do calcium spots on your teeth mean

dr. axe: hey, guys. dr. josh axe here along with jordan rubin. welcome to "ancient nutrition today." today, we’re going to be ta... thumbnail 1 summary
what do calcium spots on your teeth mean

dr. axe: hey, guys. dr. josh axe here along with jordan rubin. welcome to "ancient nutrition today." today, we’re going to be talking about atopic that is really going to help you females out there. we’re going to be covering the eight dangerousnutritional deficiencies that can cause a lot of female health issues. it can cause hormonal issues, such as hyperthyroidism,problems such as pms. other issues such as digestive distress, adrenalfatigue, and a whole lot more we’re going

to be covering on today’s episode. and also, we’re on mission today. we want to help women transform their health. and there are millions of women right nowstruggling with nutritional deficiencies and they don’t even know it. and it can be causing their hormonal issues,digestive issues, and many other health conditions today. so be on mission with us. and jordan, i know that you’ve consultedthousands of women over the years, helping

them get healthy. talk to me about how common nutritional deficienciesare in women today. jordan: they're very common. in fact, what we’re going to talk abouttoday are not only specific nutrients, meaning vitamins and minerals but deficiencies inbeneficial compounds that are not a vitamin or a mineral but are very, very important. and to add to what josh was saying, thereare certain compounds that women need to protect their urinary tract, their brain, energy levels. so if you're a woman today, you're going tolearn not only what some of the top nutritional

deficiencies are, you're going to learn whatthose are causing in your body and what foods supplements, essential oils and herbs youneed to remedy those deficiencies. and here's a little secret, these work formen as well. in fact, so many issues that women have aremirrored in issues that men have. and we’re seeing that in literature, we’reseeing that certainly in marketing and advertising today as well. so if you're somebody who knows someone whowants to get healthier and sort of understand the complex puzzle that is your health, you'rein for a treat. dr. axe: jordan, let's dive right in.

let's talk about the number one nutrient youhave right here. iron is a major deficiency in women. jordan: it is and there's a reason. when i do seminars and talk to women and coachthem about their health, i have had more times than i count women say that, “i'm low inenergy. i have brain fog, i'm borderline depressed. i just don’t feel alive.” and then they go on to say to me that theyeat a plant-based diet and they list a bunch of other things.

and i say, “well, have you ever consideredeating red meat?” and then they say, “oh, no. red meat's bad for you. i've been avoiding it.” and i say, nicely, “how's that working outfor you?” folks, here's the deal. iron deficiency, which also can lead to hemoglobinissues, so low hemoglobin, which is the oxygen-carrying protein in the body. so if you don’t transport oxygen, you don’tfeel alive.

there's been this bias against red meat andparticularly in women. women seem to gravitate towards not eatingred meat. they feel like, “well, i only eat chicken." or, "i don’t eat any meat. i only eat dairy and eggs." or, "i don’t eat dairy and eggs, i'm a vegan.” there are way more vegans that are women thanthere are men. but the bottom line is, when you're a menstruatingwoman, you lose iron every month. and some loose more than they think.

and so i want to encourage you not just forthe iron that it brings, not just for the energy and the brain power and just the generalfeeling of wellness, so much more. i want to encourage you, if you're a femaleout there that lacks energy, maybe you haven't been tested for iron deficiency. you might have a subclinical iron deficiency. i encourage you to eat healthy red meat. i'm talking about pasture-raised beef. lamb is one of my favorites. bison is amazing.

venison is amazing. those are all powerful. and what's even more powerful, we've talkedabout this, organ meats. if you really want an infusion of iron, therichest source out there would be liver and the heart from healthy lamb, beef, venisonand bison. so, women out there, make sure to consumered meat. i know what you're going to get ask rightnow. i already know it. how much red meat is too much?

when you have a taste for it, easily threetimes a week, you can consume red meat. organ meats, once a week. and i promise you, you will see an increasein iron in your blood. ferritin levels will go up. hemoglobin will go up. you'll feel better. and you'll prove all those naysayers or meathaters wrong. dr. axe: and we had a few comments and questionshere, jordan. one said . . . we have one comment from somebodywho's saying that whenever they take iron

supplements, it upsets their stomach. jordan: absolutely. that’s very, very common. so iron supplements can be very difficulton the gut. also, when i was very ill, i got iron injections. and it's like this thick fluid, one of themost painful. there are some forms of irons that are betterto consume in supplement form if you know you're deficient. that would include fermented, or enzyme-activatediron.

they're proven to be gentle on the stomach. but typical iron supplements, especially thosethat are recommended in hospital settings or by the doctor, can cause constipation,bloating, etc. but diet won't do it. and, now, if you're someone who's on a plant-baseddiet, the best way to get iron, even though it's in a less absorbable form, is to consume,in my opinion, green foods that are rich in chlorophyll. so the cereal grasses, parsley, cilantro,etc. and there are certain herbs that are richin iron.

and nuts, seeds, raisins, dried foods area good source of iron, but it won't be nearly as absorbable as good old-fashioned red meat. and you know what else is pretty interesting? white meat, or i should say, poultry, darkmeat chicken has iron, fish has some iron, but red meat, iron, the color red is becauseit's got myoglobin, hemoglobin, etc. in the meat. so try to eat a little red meat. if you're a vegan, go for powerful green foodsand a balance of other fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

dr. axe: absolutely. great advice, jordan. so again, and if you're one of those peoplewith symptoms, especially around the time of menstruation where you're just feelinglow on energy, just wiped and tired all the time, that could be a big warning sign thatyou're iron deficient. jordan, let's talk probiotics. in fact, the thing that i think is so importantabout probiotics here is it can actually help support all of these other deficiencies. and so we talk about this all the time, youare what you digest.

probiotics support digestion. for most of us during our lifetime, jordan,most people do not have near enough probiotics in their diet because they’ve taken antibiotics. if you’ve ever taken a prescription antibioticdrug or you've drunk a lot of fluorinated and chlorinated water, you’ve eaten meatproducts that are not organic, that have antibiotic residue and all of these other things, we’rekilling off the good bacteria in our guts and we need to be replenishing it daily. we know probiotics are responsible for, one,nutrient absorption, but even creating certain vitamins and nutrients within your body.

so probiotics are actually critical to begetting in your diet. we know, number one, getting more fermentedfoods: sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kvass, coconut kefirs, doing raw cheeses. you know, there are a lot of probiotic foods. but i would say, at the top of the list, gettingsome fermented vegetables in your diet daily is really going to help in probiotic. and then take a probiotic supplement. look for those sbo probiotics, the soil-basedorganisms, bacillus subtilis, bacillus clausii, bacillus coagulans, and then also things likelactobacillus plantarum.

but get probiotics in your diet because it'sgoing to help with the absorption of all these nutrients. so i did in my not-so-great handwriting, talkedabout iron being for energy. let's go with probiotics for the gut and urinarytract. ladies, this is really, really important. when you have consistent urinary tract issues,utis, i believe long-term probiotic use and diet and supplements can really remedy that. so now, let's go to number three. and vitamin d has so many benefits.

this is really easy to determine. if you have the blues, and it's coming upon winter, and i don’t know about you, josh, i don’t do as well with gray skies. i mean, the snow looks cool, but then it'sthe melted snow. anyway, i'm a florida guy and i do betterin sunshine. but so many people spend a lot of time outof the sun in winter climates. vitamin d is so important for so many areas,but since we have eight great nutrient deficiencies, i'm going to focus on vitamin d and its abilityto support your mood. that’s an easy one.

so we’ll write mood by vitamin d. and here'show you get vitamin d in the winter because we know there's not a lot of sun. now, when there is sun, in the winter, makesure to sit out and at least get your face and your eyes and some of your arms exposed. it's pretty interesting. i haven't skied a lot, but there are timeswhen i ski and it's really sunny and i can get sunburn and windburn, anyway, becausethe sun reflects off the snow. you can get sun in the winter, but you canalso consume foods reach in vitamin d. and one of the best is salmon.

another one is the organic meats we talkedabout or take a cod liver oil supplement. so vitamin d levels can be measured by yourdoctor. they're not always standard in your physical,so to speak, or your yearly exam, but ask for vitamin d testing. go online, even draxe.com, and look up youroptimal vitamin d levels. if you're deficient, that’s great news becauseyou can easily bring them up. and the easiest way to bring them up is supplementation. when it comes to vitamin d, which is reallya hormone, and that’s why it's so important for your health, i recommend 5,000 to 10,000ius a day in supplement form in addition to

consuming egg yolks, salmon, cod liver oil,organ meats, all rich sources of vitamin d. and mushrooms have some vitamin d too. dr. axe: yeah. and i would say the number of people, bothmen and women, that are deficient in vitamin d is over 80%. i mean, it is really high. it’s a chronic deficiency people have. and it's important for mood. it's important for immunity.

it's important for hormones. it is important for so many things and especially,as we’re getting into the winter season right now, now is the most important timeto start addressing and taking care of your body and getting vitamin d on a daily basis,especially in supplement form, as jordan talked about. or hey, if it gets warm enough, you can getoutside, get some bare skin in the sun. absolutely do it. we've got to have more vitamin d in our diets. and again, this is a major nutritional deficiencyin women today that's contributing to mood

issues, hormone imbalance, immunity problems,and a whole lot more. you know, magnesium is really a mineral that’sresponsible for so many different functions within your body. and oftentimes, it's referred to as the relaxationmineral. if you're a person who maybe gets those knotsin your neck and [trap] muscles, that can actually be a warning sign that you're stressedand you also have a magnesium deficiency. chronic constipation issues can sometimesbe related to magnesium issues. so magnesium helps your body relax. it helps it function better.

it's good for the bones. it's good for a lot, right? jordan: it absolutely is. and there are a few easy ways to get magnesiumin the body. number one, consume a wide variety of mineral-richfoods. so these would be plant foods, herbs, spices. a lot of them . . . a lot of herbs are surprisinglyrich in magnesium. we definitely don’t get enough of it. it’s not in the soil as much as we needit.

so eat a wide variety of plant foods. you can take oral magnesium, which, similarto iron, can cause some issues if it's the wrong form, but i like fermented magnesiumor enzyme-activated magnesium. and one of my favorite ways to get magnesiumis to use magnesium oil topically, which is really a sea mineral infusion. you spray it on your abdomen. you can spray it on areas that hurt. it's great. and if we’re going to sort of characterizemagnesium, i would stress and sleep.

stress and sleep. how many women out there deal with issuesrelated to stress and cause them not to sleep? so many women, mothers, executives, or both,carry a lot of weight. the women out there have so much of a burdenon them today more than ever. if you want less stress and better sleep,magnesium may be called the master mineral. magnesium is huge. as jordan talked about, green, leafy vegetablesare very high. herbs and spices are very high, dark chocolate. i know many women's favorite comfort foodand favorite dessert at least from my wife

loves dark chocolate. so again, that’s high in magnesium, cacaopowder. so get some more magnesium in your diet here. jordan, let's jump here in the number five,vitamin k. jordan: this used to be called the hiddenvitamin. we now know that vitamin d is, arguably, barelythe most important. years ago, it was vitamin c. everyone talkedabout vitamin c. but vitamin d is a fat-soluble vitamin and it works really in concert withvitamin k. let's start off the bat right away, saying vitamin k is critical for the bones.

now, we could say that about vitamin d andmagnesium and even some of these others, but vitamin k is critical for the bones. it's critical for the blood. it's critical for the brain. but by far, vitamin k helps calcium go inthe right place. notice, we don’t have calcium on here becausewe’re looking at the eight top deficiencies. vitamin k helps your calcium go where it needsto and stay out of areas where it shouldn’t be. vitamin k1 is found in green, leafy vegetables.

vitamin k2 is found in natto, which is a fermentedsoy food, and dairy, particularly certain types of cheeses. and then it falls off the map. there's not a lot of dietary sources of vitamink. supplementation is important. i recommend a supplement that is both k1 andk2 and as somebody asked earlier, what's the relationship between vitamin k and vitamind? there's a dynamic relationship. you need to consume vitamin k, in my opinion,if you're going to consume vitamin d. got to try to do both.

they work together. a lot of vitamin d without vitamin k may notwork as efficiently. dr. axe: so vitamin k, critical, as jordanis talking about. jordan, i remember there was a study yearsago and they showed that, actually, women who took isolated calcium supplements actuallyhad a higher risk for heart disease. and it was believed by one of the researchers,he said, “one of the issues is that if you're getting a lot of calcium in the wrong type,calcium carbonate may even cause calcium occasion the arteries because if you're not gettingk2, magnesium, and d, these things that really support magnesium absorption, then you mayactually be causing more problems.”

so again, rather than taking an isolated calciumsupplement, if you're going to take . . . and you’re really working on building strongbones, make sure you're also getting vitamin k, as jordan's talking about, as well as magnesiumand d and supporting building strong bones. jordan: and it makes a lot of sense becausegreen foods rich in k1 are also rich in magnesium. and they're a good plant source of calciumand people always got sunshine. so if you think about it, this is not somenewfangled science. this is ancient wisdom. this is ancient nutrition. so we’re not giving you something new.

we’re putting the puzzle pieces togetherbased on something that our ancestors have always done. the women of old had such stronger bones. the incidence of osteopenia and osteoporosisis through the roof. it doesn’t have to be that way. vitamin k for strong bones. dr. axe: great. i got a question here, jordan, for you frommweb. do mushrooms contain any vitamin k or d?

jordan: mushrooms can contain vitamin d. they'reactually experimenting with various mushrooms that are exposed to uv light. the average mushroom you buy at the storedoes not contain a lot of vitamin d because it was grown indoors. but they can contain vitamin d2, which maynot be as absorbable as d3, but the irradiated ergosterol, which is vitamin d2, can stillbe an important source of vitamin d. outdoor-grown mushrooms will have it, indoor not as much. another question here, jordan, can a multivitaminaddress all of these nutritional deficiencies? jordan: if you have the right multivitamin,you will likely go a long way toward meeting

these. but i really would say it this way, a properdiet according to the draxe.com principles, that combined with a correct, food-based multivitaminshould get you in really, really good shape as a foundation. dr. axe: well, jordan, everyone watching thismay want to know what type of multivitamin should i be looking for because there arethousands of different multis out there today. what are some things to look for on a labelwhen people are buying a good multivitamin to help with some of these deficiencies? number one, you want it from food.

number two, you want the multi to be organic. and there's only a handful available on themarket. so make sure that your multi has a usda organicseal, then you know that it's coming from not only food but from organic food. and after that, you want to look for a goodamount or a trace amount of some of these various nutrients. it's not about having a lot. people talk a lot about potency. potency is the accuracy by which you hit yourtarget.

think about it. so it's not about mass quantities. it's about the right forms. so we want food, we want organic, and we wantit to be with a broad spectrum of cofactors that you only can get from foods. so if your multi is from foods and it's organic,you're in really good shape. dr. axe: that’s great, jordan. i'm going to be talking about boron here. now, boron is something to where . . . it'sprobably the least well-known and least popular

nutrient, i would say, on this entire list. jordan: boron, we’re going to go ahead andsay is for hormones. now, folks, keep this in mind, each nutrienthas multi-beneficial or multi-systemic effects. but boron we’re going to talk about forhormones. now, boron is actually very deficient in today’sdiet. i was reading some research that shows inancient israel, there may have been 10 to 20 times more boron in the soil, thereforein our foods. boron is found in plant foods, it's foundin berries, it's found in green foods. but you're not getting as much of it as youused to.

and so it's really important, when you dotake a multivitamin, you get a small amount of boron because boron is great for hormonesin women and men, especially as you get toward the age of menopause. so i think the average woman in america todayis dreadfully deficient in this very important mineral that can affect hormones. it can affect bones. it can affect the brain. but it really is dynamite. so when you combine boron with k and d andmagnesium, i would take those over calcium

any day of the week. better yet, get them all, but that’s whatwe’re really, really missing. dr. axe: yeah, absolutely. the next one here is zinc. and, jordan, i’ll write up here in a second,"immunity" when it comes to zinc. we know that zinc is so important for so manydifferent functions in the body. jordan, i remember working with some youngkids when i first started practice. and a lot of parents were bringing their kidswho were struggling with chronic issues with acne.

and one of the things we started doing, wewere doing antioxidants in zinc. and zinc had a profound effect on the skin. also, working with a lot of patients withleaky gut syndrome and immune-related problems. we know zinc really helps in helping, actually,the gut lining, as well as your entire immune system. so if you have immune-related issues, skin-relatedissues as well, zinc is a critical mineral that we are missing in our diet. it's also chronically deficient, jordan, infemale athletes. if somebody is really working out, and i'mtalking about especially crossfit and endurance

athletes, it can drain your body of zinc. and zinc also, if your sympathetic nerve systemstays high, if you have a really high stress response, a lot of emotional stress, it'sanother thing that can drain zinc from your body. so again, zinc, a very important mineral,especially for the immune system. it's critical for the health of the gut anddigestive system. jordan, any other thoughts on zinc? jordan: i really think that when it comeszinc in females, it's so important and underappreciated. it would say it is probably the most importantvitamin or mineral for skin.

so we’re going to go skin and immune system. zinc is found largely in animal foods. so if you're someone who's on a plant-baseddiet, you're going to want to get more nuts and seeds. you're going to want to get more greens, etc. that'll be a source of zinc. but zinc is also plentifully found in redmeat and is found in seafood as well, and they're really important sources. dr. axe: awesome.

great stuff. and remember this, if you are . . . as jordantalked about just the segment before this, number one, eat a good diet high in vegetables,organic meat, fruits, very high in those specifically, organic meat, fruits, and vegetables. the other thing is getting a good multi. remember, certified organic and is food-based,when you're buying a multi, to answer that question. carol says, “how much of a zinc supplement?” typically, if you're starting out, i wouldsay 30 to 60 milligrams a day, probably 60.

if you're sick, you can take upwards of 90or 100 for a time. but as a maintenance dose, probably about30 a day. if you know you’ve got minor deficiencies,probably 30 milligrams a day would be about the correct dosage there. jordan, talk about vitamin b12 here. jordan: i think vitamin b12 could be appliedto the brain. certainly energy. when people think b12, they think energy. but i'm going to just categorize it this way.

b12 builds the blood. there's a disease that is not as common todayas it once was called pernicious anemia, which is b12 deficiency. it helps the cells of the blood function better,arming your immune system, your brain, and your energy levels. b12 is found in animal foods, once again. and see, that’s the common thing. and i know plant-based dieters get upset. but if you look at a chart of the most nutrient-densefoods, sure, green food's going to come up,

but we see a lot of red meat. we see a lot of organ meat. we see a lot of egg yolks. we see a lot of fish. there's a reason. even dairy products because they are verynutrient dense, despite what you’ve been told. b12 is not found in plant foods, but yourprobiotics can make it. so if you get more probiotics in your body,you're going to make vitamin k, you're going

to make b12, other b vitamins as well, andyou're going to absorb minerals better. b12's good for the blood, good for the brain,good for energy, and you can consume it in animal foods or consume a supplement. again, i would want a food-based or fermentedb12. and you can also get certain b12 analog foods. spirulina is one. it's a superfood that contains a compoundthat is similar to b12 even though it's not b12. but when it comes to plant-based diet, majordeficiencies would be b12, iron, i would say

certainly vitamin d, and there are a few others. if you are on a plant-based diet, make sureto be very careful to supplement. zinc is also one that i would put very highon my list of supplements. jordan, let's talk about a few common healthconditions for women out there watching. let's hit on our top three. if a woman right now is watching and she'shad issues with her thyroid, what would be some of your top nutrients? maybe you can hit on one, i can hit on one,when it comes to thyroid problems specifically. this is difficult because there are so many,but i'm going to go with vitamin d, number

one. vitamin d is critical for proper thyroid health. after all, it is a hormone. dr. axe: yeah, absolutely, i agree. i would say b12 is another big one there. if you’ve got thyroid issues, look at b12,look at vitamin d. also, consider a complex, a b vitamin complex overall, probiotics, andthen herbs like ashwagandha. jordan, how about adrenal fatigue? if somebody is having adrenal issues, whatare some of your top tips?

jordan: you know, i think if someone is dealingwith adrenal issues, i'm going to go back to b12 because b12 does support stress, asdo some of these others out there. but b12 deficiency really goes along withadrenal fatigue, based on what i've seen. i’d also mention probiotics here next toreally support the absorption there of all of the b vitamins you're getting. so b12 and getting a b complex or probiotics,some of the best things for adrenals. jordan, how about a woman that is strugglingwith immune-related issues like in autoimmune disease? jordan: autoimmune diseases definitely correlatewith vitamin d deficiencies.

so i'm going to go d and k. again, i couldrecommend each of these nutrients in optimal quantities for autoimmune or inflammatoryconditions. but the d and k combo is critical for yourimmune system and your bones as well. i would mention here as well, probiotics andzinc also definitely support immune function. and this isn’t a nutrient, jordan, but iwould say if somebody has autoimmune related issues, bone broth is a superfood they absolutelywant to be getting in their diet. so again, getting bone broth in your dietwith any type of immune-related issues. of course, it's good for everything, but thatespecially there as well. all right, jordan.

let's do a breakdown here and kind of runthrough a few things here. so again, number one here, iron for energy. so again, if you are especially going throughyour menstrual cycle and you're at the point to where you're feeling a little bit light-headed,just weak and tired, you might need more iron. so get some red meat in your diet and getsome quality iron. you might even try desiccated liver tabletsor something like that, something to where you're getting more good iron in your diet. probiotics are great for the gut and to keephealthy urinary tract, not just when you have a uti.

i believe women that take more probioticshave better reproductive health, have fewer yeast infections, and better urinary tracthealth, not to mention the skin, and the immune system, everything else. dr. axe: absolutely here. vitamin d is huge. especially if you have seasonal depression. if you notice during the day and it's grayout, you're just feeling a little bit depressed and lack of motivation, that’s a big warningsign of vitamin d deficiency as well as immune-related issues.

and so, i believe everyone, this time of year,should start getting vitamin d in their diet through a proper supplement, as well as thingslike wild-caught salmon and egg yolks, cod liver oil, some good sources. magnesium for sleep and stress. it's the holiday season and, boy, do you needit. we need more magnesium. get it with green, leafy vegetables, variousnuts, seeds and herbs have it. take a magnesium supplement or topically applymagnesium oil, maybe even an epsom salt bath with some lavender.

you need more magnesium this time of yearfor so many reasons. next thing here, vitamin k. remember, there'sa myth out there that calcium is the only thing that builds strong bones. in fact, you need vitamin k in your diet tobuild those strong bones. in fact, the other thing we didn’t hit onhere is heart health. vitamin k is incredible for the heart. so again, for the heart, for the bones, foryour entire circulatory system, vitamin k is a superfood you want to be getting. jordan: the mineral you’ve probably neglectedthat helps balance hormones in women and also

men is boron. we don’t get enough of it in our soil. we can supplement with it or consume berriesand other nutrient-dense fruits and some nuts and seeds, all rich sources of boron, whichis really an unsung hero in hormone health. hey, if you're getting down and you're startingto get the sniffles, any early warning signs of a cold or flu, that’s a big warning signthat, hey, you need zinc in your diet. and also, somebody struggling with chronicacne issues, it's another warning sign that they need more zinc. and b12, great for the brain, energy, butit is a blood builder.

you want to build the blood. if you're an athlete, if you're an activemom, if you have adrenal issues, if you just need a boost, vitamin b12, found in red meat,found in egg yolks. you can find vitamin b12 analogs in greensuperfoods such as spirulina, and even your probiotics, if they're boosted, makes yourown b12. dr. axe: awesome, guys. well, hey, we want to mention this as well. as we've been talking about, this video, we'vebeen addressing the eight most common nutritional deficiencies in women.

and today, there are millions of women thatare struggling with chronic health issues because they don’t know that they mightbe deficient in just one of these things that’s causing them to have chronic health problems. and jordan and i are on mission. and be on mission with us right now. take a second and punch your share button. if you want to help us spread the word onhow to use food as medicine to help women heal their bodies naturally. also, if you’ve loved this live video, feelfree to click the love button.

and also, jordan and i are always doing livepop-ins. we do the same show every day at 10:30 a.m. monday through friday, 10:30 a.m. central standard time. and if you're not subscribed here, make sureyou subscribe, that way when jordan and i are doing pop-ins or other videos in the futureon hormone health, on women and other natural remedies, you'll be notified so you can watchthe live video next time as well. jordan, any last tips here for everybody? jordan: i'm excited because going into thetime of year where it's busiest, where it's

most stressful, where you put on the mostweight, even one or two deficiencies in these nutrients behind us can cause serious issues. but, better yet, if you're deficient, if yourdiet doesn’t contain these nutrients, if you're not supplementing with them, don’tfeel bad, feel great because that means you're in for a great improvement. i'm so excited to see what happens when youremedy these eight important nutritional deficiencies to become your best you. well, hey, thanks so much for watching. it's been jordan rubin and myself, dr. joshaxe.

we’ll be back tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. central time with another great video. have a great day. we’ll see you then.

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