Senin, 06 Februari 2017

wisdom teeth are growing sideways into cheek

mother saraswati.. sharada.. o mother saraswati.. sharada.. o giver of wisdom, kind andremover of our sorrows.. o producer of the wholeworld... thumbnail 1 summary
wisdom teeth are growing sideways into cheek

mother saraswati.. sharada.. o mother saraswati.. sharada.. o giver of wisdom, kind andremover of our sorrows.. o producer of the wholeworld.. mother sharada.. see us with generous eyes,considering us your servants. give this boon to us. rhythm and melody.. let these be our ornaments..sharada.. on behalf of acharya vinayakmusic university..

..l bid adieu to you today.but do not think.. ..that your educationin music is over. today your education in musicis not finished, but begun. ahead lies a long roadof dedication to music. lt is easy as well asdifficult like life is. l pray that mother saraswatimakes your life music.. ..and music your life.fare ye well. the car is not to be seen, sir. yes, maybe they didnot get the letter.

keep it in the carriage.- okay. keep the luggage inthe carriage. - okay. sir, you go in the firstcarriage. we queued it up for you. hey porter, keep theiuggage in this. why are you disturbingthe sequence? lay off! why should l? hey, look bandu mister, ifanything untoward happens.. not complain later. ifyou touch this suitcase..

..l'll remove all your teethand shove them in your stomach. you are very's his number. you see, sir. he is fightingfor no reason. lf l iust blow him, he'llfly to beraj from here. me?- yes you! me?- yes, what do you think? hey, you do one keep the luggage.. the carriage. you also are speaking onbandu's behalf, master?

master? you are ga.. ..nesh. l am ganesh, sir.the short one. but you have grownquite a bit now. you also haven't grownany less, sir. these eyes need a ladderto see your face. pardon, mr. bandu, heis my childhood friend. doesn't matter. it was myfirst business of the day. anyway, god is the owner of all.

no, no, it is not like your first business. ls it a freebie? anyway,take it bandu brother. you shall also remember whatan aristocratic man you met! okay, brother. come on, sir. test thespeed of my tiger. overtake kalka mail, my son. hadn't you gone to the village?- yes. then when did youcome to the city? lt's about four to five months.

okay. how is dinu uncle? l don't know. don't know? what does that mean? l fed ten l do not know.. ..if father got admissioninto heaven or not. when did he die? he was already half deadwhen the master.. ..bought a vehicle and gavemy father his pension. yes, after that l broughtradhiya to the city..

..and involved myselfin our family business. radhiya must havegrown much by now. a poor man's sister anda prostitute's belly.. ..grow very quickly, sir. did you marry her off? a groom is not a passengerthat can be.. ..picked from the station. lsuggest, there should be.. ..a law forbidding poor girlsfrom growing into youth. o fair maiden, balance thosepots carefully and walk.

stupid! do not steal my heart inthe middle of the road. where did you learnthis verse from? from sariubai. who is sariubai? she was some singer. musthave been 60 to 70 years.. ..but with such a youthfulvoice that would.. .. iust pierce the heart. do you stay in herneighbourhood?

no, l am her tenant. whateversarjubai earned in her youth.. ..she bought some land with iton lease and built some huts. l took one of thosehuts on rent. hey wrestler, you will betrampled. get off the way. lt is four months now thatl have not paid her rent. as soon as the old woman comesto ask for the rent.. ..l begin tuning up. my singingcannot be tolerated by her.. ..and she puts her hands onher ears and runs away. do you remember it wholly?- pe_ectly well.

then let me hear it. sir, you sit down, l'll sing. request.. request.. request.. why did he stop? because l sang sope_ectly in tune. he likes classical music a lot.that's why he stopped. then you sing in someother manner. okay. then listen. you were frightened hearingmy tune, sonny.

okay, l'll sing correctly.move on. good, my tiger, come on;move on.. move on.. hear my request, mymischievous fair one.. do not steal my heart inthe middle of the road.. my request. sonny, walk along in tune, in tune. a boy from gokul is sittingon the tree.. don't look at me like thisand break my heart. l have not broken..l have not broken..

l have not brokenyour pitcher. hear my request,my mischievous.. here she comes. my enemy. o driver.. forgive me, sir. thetyre had punctured. daughter-in-law, hasn't yourbrother-in-law come yet? no, raghu uncle. raghu uncle,have you bought.. ..the bitter gourd for him? not iust bitter gourd,but lotus stems also.

you do not worry. what allhe likes, l know very well. l am in this house sincehe was three years old. l have bought raw mangoes also. l will make chutney out of it. and for his brother? who? your brother?where does he eat? he fills his stomachwith his law books. you have come? sister-in-law.. wait, wait.

haven't l told you notto touch my feet? peace, peace, peace,peace. long live! what is this? a sister-in-law is in mother'splace, so l touched your feet. you are my friend,so l embraced you. and you are a couple ofyears younger to me.. l kissed your foreheadand blessed you. you have become very cleverand returned? come quickly. what are you peering there for?

ldiot! does anyone callhis father herr hitler? l don't know if anyoneelse says that or not. but l do call my father herrhitler behind his back. and what is wrong in callinghim herr hitler? by doing this, l amgiving respect to.. ..a lowly officer ina lowly municipality. speak softly. he is upstairs. oh god! he has come backso soon from the court? the elections are coming near.

so he goes to the courtiess frequently. all the work has to beseen by your brother. come on, he is waitingfor you upstairs. my bad luck! l have to seehim as soon as l have come. what happened? father.. so you have come? did the carreach at the right time? are the exams over?- yes. how were they?- they went well.

and what are you planningto do now? lt will not help singing anddancing like musicians. you will have to do someor the other legal work. you have come, alok? hadthe train come on time? yes brother. ashok..- yes father. from tomorrow take alokwith you in the chamber. lf he sits there he'llhear about cases. he'll remove the lawbooks for you.

he'll search for decisionsthe court has taken. then he'll be ready next year .. take admissionin a law college. father, l was thinking. you do not think. closethe door while leaving. come. hey sister-in-law, l amnot going to study law. why? what is wrong in law? till today my dayshave passed in..

..saying 'yes father'and 'no father'. now should l spend therest of my life.. saying 'yes my lord'and 'no my lord'? whether you study law or not,you will have to.. ..come to the chamberwith me from tomorrow. there you escape my sightand go elsewhere. lf you really ask me,iaw is not for you. why don't you say thatyou are scared? lf he begins law, youwill be nowhere.

then what! l will argue insuch a fantastic manner.. ..that everyone willremain astounded. lf l'll get a divorce case, lshall argue it in raaga jogiya. lf it will be a case of love,l'll begin basant bahaar.. ..and if it will be a murdercase, l'll sing raaga deepak. light the lamp.. this is unfair. grossly unfair.l shall fight against injustice. even if the moon plansto leave its lover.. ..l shall sue it inthe court. yes.

the moon is lonely.. the moon is going alone,my friend.. the moon is going alone,my friend. why does it go alone,my friend? my heart is scared, my friend,my friend.. o my friend. the moon is going alone.. why does it go alone? l want to ask who gavethe moon permission.. go alone leavingits lover behind?

what ioke is this? tell me. this is not a ioke, my honour.this is a plea of a sad heart. lf you were a woman, you'dhave understood.. ..the grief of my client,who is a lover. no woman can remain lifelongjust speaking to her friends. l am very sure that afterhearing all the pleas.. ..of the moon's lover, thecourt will definitely.. ..pass a stay orderagainst the moon. he is a wanderer;he is an enticer..

when will he cometo my courtyard.. tell me this much, my friend,my friend.. o my friend.. look at this cruelty ofthe moon, my honour. firstly he goes leavinghis lover without.. ..telling her wherehe's going to be.. ..and he also doesn't tell herwhen he's going to be back. here, the gentlemen ofthe jury have come. and forget that you are malewhile thinking. think! l have left all the thinkingto your sister-in-law.

l obiect, your honour.he is a lawyer.. ..but he doesn't know that thecourt is no one's spouse.. ..or sister-in-law. but,because the court is female, it can.. ..without a iury also,understand the lover's plight. this is no laughing matter,my lord, no laughing matter. there is fire in everypart of my body.. there is fire in everypart of my body. ln my heart there is afragrance of flowers.. what is this season called,my sister-in-law?

o my sister-in-law? the moon alone.. the moonalone.. the moon alone.. hello, hello.. hello.. yes hello, testing.. 1 , 2.. what are you tinkering withthis tape-recorder for? do you have to cometo the court or not? brother, will l.. look, father is already crosswith your sister-in-law.. ..that she has forcefullytaught you music.

now if you do notgo to the court.. ..then father will send her toher in-laws by the first train. this is very good. l shall alsogo to her in-laws with her. stop ioking, alok. get ready. l am ready. come on. but lhave some work on the way. l'll get down for a moment.- okay, come on. l have no interest tobecome an mla or an mp. lf you ask me, what greatwork will l do as an mla? some people like catching fishand some like flying kites.

l like contesting for electionsand l'll do that. father, today alok is going tothe court for the first time. he's come to touch your feet. l was telling.. - okay. yougo soon. or you'll be late. so l was telling thatyou prepare a list.. ..of the voter's religionsso that we can choose.. ..the people to canvas forthem in the same manner. otherwise, we shall cometo know later that.. a brahmin territory someiow-caste is canvassing for me.

hey, work whole-heartedly. enough, stop it here. my court is here. but at five, you reach my court. we'll have to reachhome together. listen, where does ganeshi live? my eyes and thesebeautiful talks.. mother, some loafer.. greetings!

you seem to be a well-bredscoundrel. you get beaten by shoes, butdon't stop hovering around here. what are you saying? what are you telling? he is one of those loafers.just look at his bearing. how elegant and suave heis making himself appear! bring a scissor, let megouge his eyes out. you are misunderstanding.l'm not who you think l am. my name is alok.

your name may be alok or parlok. how did you enter myhouse without asking? does sariubai of benaraslive here? ls sariubai some common womanthat you are asking so? don't you give straightanswers to anything? where you have seen mycrooked answers yet? what work have yougot with sarjubai? l had heard she singsvery good, so.. so you came runningto listen to my song?

do l appear to be a chanteusein some whore house? this is great! you got your straight answer. l am going. what has the worldbeen reduced to? he looks so decent byhis face and clothes. have you only frettedsince morning.. ..or have you takenyour medicine also? let the medicine go to hell!is this a time to live?

go, child, now you gohome and practise. l have to go somewhere. master, where are yourunning off too? l am running for my lifefrom your sarjubai. she is a terrible woman. no, she is like an almond.tough exterior, soft interior. just like cream. you only have this cream.l cannot digest it. she speaks in treble. doesnot even think of bass.

sir, you do not worry. come,come into my poor house. let it be for today. how can that be? l'llgive you excellent tea. radhiya, o radhiya.. come.. come, sit. ganeshi, you spend a lot onmusic. harmonium, drums.. these are not mine, day sarjubai.. ..heard radhiya hummingand she told that.. ..she would teach her to sing. ltold her, what are you saying.

l cannot make provisionfor my daily bread.. ..where will l spend on music?that made her wild. she scolded me so badthat by evening.. ..this harmonium and thesedrums came here. - brother! coming iust now, sir. our master is come.make excellent tea. what is the pointin whispering now? why did you yell so much before? the lady has heard everything.she must be coming.

oh, l am dead. l am dead. sir,it is my time to sing. that lady is comingto take the rent. shove inside and tune up.tune up loudly, sir. l am scared for myage; l am scared. l am so careful, but myanklets still tinkle.. anklets still tinkle. someone from my lover's houseis standing at my door.. standing at my door. my youth walks youth..

my youth walks behind;my childhood goes ahead. l am scared.. l amscared for my age. l am scared. there is fragrance ofsandalwood in my body.. ..what season is this?..what season is this? the wind blows gently, butl think it is a tempest.. ..l think it is a tempest. my eyes see dreams all day.. eyes.. my eyes..

my eyes see dreams all day, mykohl keeps me awake at night. l am scared.. l am scared..l am scared. see how many types of fear arethere in these emotions.. shame.. envy.. anger.. cruelty.. l am scared for my age.. l am scared.. l am scared..l am scared..

sing, sing. today l shallnot go without the rent. then what is thepoint of singing? either you pay the rentor vacate the house. stop this daily hassles. since26 years l am living.. god's world. he has nevercome to ask for rent. and you? you have asked55000 times in 6 months. radhiya, collect all our stuff.we are leaving this house. where will you take radhiya? what do you care? where l go,my sister will follow.

my wish. first tell me, what isthis loafer doing here? amma, loafer! he is my master. my ancestors would ridecarriages for his family. ganeshi told me about you sol came to learn something. to learn? do you knowwhat music is? my master has beenborn in music. be quiet. l have learnt,amma, but.. ..l cannot tell whetherl can understand it.

you speak well. whois your teacher? pandit jamna prasad. oh! he is a very wise man.then you must have.. ..definitely learnt well. hedoes not teach mediocre people. how is the pandit? doeshe sing nowadays? no, he cannot sing nowadays.he is very old now. raia bahadur would speak true. the art remains young, butthe artist becomes old. raia bahadur? whois raja bahadur?

you'll not even haveheard of his name. after his wife expired, he gotiost in his loneliness.. such a manner that noone could ever find him. tell bai to tell abouthim sometimes. again you have startedthe same topic. l purposefully spoke aboutraja bahadur, bai. does this boy have the capacityto understand.. ..the pain of raia bahadur? don't know when youwill become wise!

bai, till the time, he doesnot get his own pain.. will be raia bahadur'spain that will work for him.. understand the differencebetween life and music. teach him the bond betweenart and artist, bai. amma, till you makeacquaintance with the master.. ..l shall tie up my belongings. you make tea quickly. musicis a very useful thing. again today we are savedfrom paying the rent. make tea.

bai.. l was thinking, fromwhere to begin. from that night. begin fromthat very night, bai. which night? that night in whose darknessl saw raja bahadur. that was a stormy was appearing.. if the heavens werepouring out all their water. l was pe_orming somewhere.someone brought the.. of the queen's deathand l left the pe_ormance..

..and ran towards the mansion. when l reached there, l foundthe entire mansion.. ..plunged into gloom. manypeople were gathered there. l heard that raia bahadur hadiocked himself in some room. l was scared. l was dear tohim, so l knocked at the door. sir.. sir.. who? lt is me, sir. sariu. come, sariu.

sariu, in such a horriblenight, in pouring rain.. ..nobody leaves the house. thenwhy did you queen leave? do not weep, sariu.bring the tanpura. l was scared. l looked athim in awe. he understood. he told me not to fear. hesaid he wasn't mad nor.. ..was he asking me to sing.he said that night.. ..was his night to sing. what song was it, amma?let me hear it. how can l sing it? from whereshall l bring the anguish..

..of raia bahadur's heartto sing that song? sing it, sister. is yourown anguish any less? the season of themonsoon has come.. my life goes away. the season of themonsoon has come. this deceitful lightninghas begun to strike.. the clouds are mocking me. ln such, how can anyone go? why are you angry?

someone dear has gone abroad.. all have come to my door. no gupta. l do not have time.all my time is occupied.. ..with the elections andthen there is no case. when you have giventhe land on lease.. ..then what is the questionof trespassing? why did you give theiand on lease? you only had referredthe old woman to me. me?

yes, someone of thatraja bahadur. she had come with the letter. so, this is that one. but, what was the needof giving the land? what did l know then that mymill would expand so much? you free the land somehow. lf you want to fight the case,fight. but nothing will happen. see, if you touch the case,then some or the other.. ..point will definitely emerge.

am l am a magician who wouldinfuse life in a dead case? sir.. - one moment. l'll comein a moment. bring a chair. l don't need a chair. finishthe job and come. this sariubai singsreally fantastically. lt is good that sariubaiacceded, sir. you learn to sing, l shallteach you to smoke also. come. come on. gupta! give me the fileof the land case. l'll see if somethingis possible.

listen, take this 'beedi'.satisfy your desire. - what? why the formality with me?better than smoking.. ..with a carriage pulleron the open road.. that you smoke with me. what do you think of yourself?neither do you care.. ..for your own self-respectnor for the family's respect. l am going to contest anelection and the prince.. ..puts a cigarette in his mouthand drives a carriage. why are you staring atmy face? go from here.

ashok, come here. hadn't you gone tothe court with him? yes, but he had got offon the way for something. do you know where he had gone?- no! but l do. doesn't matter.l'll set that aright. what happened, father? you and ashok have decidedto spoil him. put some responsibility onhis head. responsibility! gupta was telling me aiot about his daughter.

tomorrow send alok to him.let him meet the girl. listen, sister-in-law,l catch my ears. l'll not smoke, nor willl ride the carriage. only you save from beinggupta's son-in-law. no, now l shall not speakin your matters. sister-in-law.. alok, when will you grow up? l'll grow up wheneveryou ask me to. only you save me fromgupta's daughter.

tomorrow you cannot escapefrom going there. by god's grace, the businesshas expanded so much.. ..that the mill l thoughtto be big before.. appears to be small. l amthinking of expanding more. son, day before yesterday,your father gave me.. ..a very lucrative idea. headvised me to take permit.. ..under his chairmanship andstart gupta bus service.. ..from here till the station.son, now what will l do alone? do you listen? comehere and sit.

take a breather. let himalso say something. son, his father is contestingthe election.. ..and you are givingthe speeches. daughter, bring the tea. why are you taking thetrouble of the tea? we old people may agree, butsulakshana won't listen. come, daughter. l said, chandrika prasad willbe getting bored in the office. chandrika prasad? whois chandrika prasad?

you go and see. you'll remember. oh, oh, chandrika prasad! yes, chandrika prasad. children, you have yourtea. he may tell.. ..that chandrika prasadwho you are. l'll take care of it. you will have understood thatthere is no chandrika prasad. this is iust an opportunitygiven to you.. that you maketalk with me alone.

but you do not take anyadvantage of this chance. because l am not goingto marry you. why? l did not crack a ioke. l am not laughing for you.l am laughing because.. ..l was also going to saythe same thing. - what? that l am not goingto marry you. - why? why do you not want to marry me? am l lame or crippled?is my father a pauper? okay, l have failedonce or twice, but..

but l have never failedtill today. l love someone else andwant to marry him. l am not thinkingof marriage yet. then shake hands. are you listening? bothare shaking hands. what are they saying? aren't you ashamed? wantto hear the talks.. ..between your daughterand future son-in-law? can l take some benefitof our acquaintance?

benefit? what benefit? l have an appointmentwith kishan. who is kishan? l had told you iust now.his name is kishan. on the pretext of taking meout, you take me from here. yes, that can be easily done.but how do l ask that. you do not worry aboutthat. l'll do that. lf you call mother 'mummy' inenglish, she never refuses. mummy..- what is it, daughter?

mummy, he is askingme out. can l go? what is there to blush in that?take this bag and go. go, son, go. okay, stop it here. get down. do you write poems?- why? l'll take about half an hour.what will you do till then? you do not worry about meet your kishan.. ..l shall go to thebanks of the jamuna. banks of the jamuna?

l'll explain l am going. you meet kishan at least. when l'll come to fetch you,then l'll meet him. listen, listen, are a darling. lt was very interestingmeeting you. do not make me wait long. take this, brother. why are you lying like that?what happened, kishan? my head is aching?

oh! the head in which l live,how can that ache? come on, do not sulk. you werejust standing in the balcony. who was that? that, your darling! oh, look how handsomehe is! are you jealous? why should l be iealous? jealous people don't havehorns on their head. do you know who he is? the sonof municipality chairman.. ..bapu triloki prasad. father is thinking..

..of getting me married to him. why are you tellingall this to me? marry him, by all means. l willcourier your promises.. ..back to you tomorrow. really? all promises!look carefully.. ..don't misplace somepromise then. do not ioke. you envious, iealous person!that noble man.. ..when he heard of our love,he came to leave me here.

and you? listen, sulakshana. do notbe angry. do not fret. tell me, if you had seen thisscene that l am on the road.. ..and am shouting, 'o darling,do not make me wait.. ..come back soon,' then whatwould you have construed? l wouldn't construe anything;l would've done something. what? l would have killed you both. your love and sweet talks.. lover knows andmy heart knows. for what this heart beats.. for what.. my lover knows andmy heart knows.. my love.. the hairs are entangled andalso are the dreams.. strangers seemto be familiar.. why have l become so crazy? he obstinately forceshimself onto me..

do some more, my hearthankers for more.. my heart hankers for more.. the crow flies, let him go.. fly crow, fly, fly, fly.. go and give a messageto my beloved. the crow flies.. ..but my lover does not come. how do l explain to my heart? my lover does not lover does not come.

ganeshi.. hey, ganeshi.. ls he not at home? shall l keep standinghere or come inside? come inside. where has ganeshi gone? he's gone somewhere with amma. what is this? let me see it. good! your hands havegreat talent in them. for whom are you making this?

for amma. today is her birthday. amma's birthday! here! radhiya, when you see amma,it does not even.. ..cross the mind that she musthave been born sometime. lf she weren't born, thenhow did she become so old? okay, l am comingfrom here house. maharai did not tell methat it is her birthday. he does not speak much. like you?

okay radhiya, tell me one thing. maharai plays hisown instruments. today l heard him sing also.then why does he work for amma? that is not work.- then what is it? amma is alone, so maharaiiooks after her. maharai is very concernedabout her. amma tells him to go home.but he does not go. people tell that now hewill never go. - why? how should l know?

this seems to be romance.- what? romance! love! why not? what is it if notiove? if it weren't love.. ..why would maharai leave hishouse and live with amma? l do not know. people saythat maharaj saw her.. ..during a pe_ormance. that'sit. from that day till today.. ..he has not separated fromamma even for a moment. this is what is called love.okay radhiya listen. we shall celebrate amma'sbirthday in a big way.

you do not tell anything toganeshi, amma or maharaj. okay, so l'll leave. can l read what is there in it? yes, read it. sister-in-law, osister-in-law.. give me rs. 200! to hell with rs. 200! youhave gone in the morning.. ..and are coming now. yourbrother and father.. ..have left fort hecourt since when. father also went today? then ldid it right by coming late..

..or l would have been trapped. stop fooling around. hewas asking for you. l had to lie that youhad gone to the doctor. great, sister-in-law! that'swhy l say that you are unique. what was he telling? he was telling that he wouldtreat your sickness very well. where were you? l got this sari. sari?

that is why l am askingfor the 200 rupees. the shop keeper took meto be a rich man's son.. ..and gave me thesari on credit. have your senses takentheir leave? will sulakshana wearthis white sari? ls only sulakshana left inthis world to wear saris? there are others also. are you..?- yes. who is she?

someone. that l can also guess. butwho is she? where is she? here, in this city. look, alok. stop fooling.who is she? l'll tell; l'll a little patient. she is wonde_ul,sister-in-law. l have never seen.. ..anyone in this world likeher, apart from you. sometimes love; sometimesanger. she scolds me also. lf she begins singing, then shecan take your soul to the moon.

complexion, a littledarker than yours. height.. height, a littlemore than yours. age? that must be sameas yours. about 70-75. you were wonde_ul today. no wonders yet. beforethere is an appeal.. take your possession. you do not worry. l havemade proper arrangements. think that the possessionis already done. 1.. 2.. 3..

why doesn't someone speak?what happened? l ioin my hands, son. go home. think that bai ishomeless today. how has she become homeless? we weren't paying rent so thatshe would become homeless. amma will stay in my house. you are speaking amongstyourselves. no one is tellingme what happened. sir, today bai losther case in court.

l was thinking that l havesettled this neighbourhood.. spending my life's savings. so this neighbourhood is mine.but the judge said no. lt is not yours. ganeshi, there was a case goingon and you didn't tell me? don't you know that my fatheris the biggest lawyer here? tell this na'ive person andsend him home, maharaj. master, come here, come here.- what is it? your father was theiawyer against amma.

come, come, come in. take it upstairs tothe daughter-in-law. what is all this? nothing, iust some fruits.l can announce to all.. ..that this is not law,but magic. pure magic! sit, gupta, sit. take these rs. 20000. rs. 20000? why the money?now we are to be related. relations are different, moneymatters are different.

and today you have wonsuch a case that.. ..even if the old woman hadtried to lose, she couldn't have. you will have to take these. okay, but l'll not take allthe fees. only half of them. why half? because this casewas half mine also. l did not understand. my sonalok was going to that.. ..same sariubai foriearning music. by going there, he beganto get acquainted with..

..all the loafers of the city.l thought to solve.. ..this problem at itsgrass-root level. when his haunt only will notbe there, where will he go? why are you getting angry?he's young. when he begins shouldering theresponsibility of family.. son alok, you'll live long.we were just mentioning you. take these rs. 10000 and geta used car for yourself. from that lalii garage;he has some cars. ashok has his own car. youalso get one for you.

live long. good! what a worthy son! sons nowadays do not touchtheir father's feet. but why are you givinghim an old car? l am going to give hima new car in dowry. let him learn ona new car first. shall l take you somewhere,master? how much did you buy thishorse and buggie for? rs. 300o

do you want to sell? greetings, uncle. long live, daughter, long live. what magic have youdone on sulakshana.. ..that she alwaysspeaks about you? you bring her here so that lmay listen to my praise from her. you find out an auspiciousdate for the wedding soon. yes? very well. l shall goto the pundit just now. l'll go to the pundit.

how is the vehicle, father?l bought this. you bought this? lf l say truthfully, the gracethat is in a vehicle.. not there in a motor car.but son, this horse.. ..will want so muchgram everyday and.. ..gram is now sold at the priceof almonds and pistachios.. ..and then there is thesalary for the rider. rider? l shall ride it myself. weren't you telling, father?to begin some work..

..that there is nothing leftin music. so from today.. ..l am beginning workas a carriage rider. what nonsense are you saying? you be quiet. how can you go? listento what your.. ..future son-in-law hasto say completely. the city in which peoplerespect that names.. ..of your ancestors, will youride a carriage in that city? yes father.

have you gone mad? daughter-in-law, did l nottell you to keep quiet? father is right, go inside. lt is against the statusof a daughter-in-law.. this house to talkto a carriage puller. riding a carriage is a iobthat requires hard work. there is no respect in that.respect lies in.. ..finding out loopholesin the law and.. ..rendering an old helplesswoman homeless.

father, some time back lhad come to tell you.. ..that you have fallen my eyesby making sarju amma homeless. l owe you these rs. 10000. what are you telling, son?whatever a father does.. is for the bettermentof the son. gupta, you do not inte_erein our conversation. lt is good that he hasiearnt his welfare. listen, l have a motor. l donot need a carriage. you may go. go, go.

father, father.. daughter-in-law, l am notjust a father but also.. ..the upholder of the dignityof this family. understood? radhiya, radhiya.. did you talk to him, bai? not yet. then speak now. if possible,we'll leave now. okay amma, l'm going for work. son..- yes, what?

l had to tell you something.- what amma? can l go to benarasfor some days? - why? maharai was tellingsince many days and.. ..radhiya will alsosee the place. okay. when do you wish to go? today by the afternoon train. okay amma, l shall tryto come to the station. lt is good that he agreed. lwill also come with you, amma. here now motors andbuses are in vogue.

nobody sits in tongasand carriages anymore. think that in a few days there'llbe no livelihood for us here. did you try to makehim understand? l could not meet him. nothing will happeneven if you meet him. lt is accepted that histeacher has forbidden.. ..him to make music his occupation. he could have become a teacherin some school.. ..or a clerk in some office.but he'll not do such a job.

he'll stay in this cityand pull carriages. ln order to insult me,to humiliate me. okay, if he knowsto be obstinate.. ..then l too know tobreak his obstinacy. sir, take this. give me. l forgot. thisis yesterday's earnings. let it be with you. eatsomething on the way. this food is not fit for you. what food is fit for you, whyshould it not be fit for me?

don't say such thingshenceforth. take this. shall l tell one thing, sir?- tell. l do not like you pullingthis carriage. you go home and apologiseto your father. listen. it seems you donot like me staying here. lf you say like this again,l shall go somewhere. go inside. here it is. 21l4. alok! alu..

this is not a vegetable is a house. l meant is alok at home?- no. lt is already four.when will he be home? what do l know?what is the work? just tell him sulakshanahad come. what is your name? radhiya.. radha kumari. oh! ms radha kumari, will youtell that sulakshana had come? lf you don't remembersulakshana..

..iust tell that lassi had come. lassi? - yes. l call him aluand he calls he lassi lovingly. tell him to come tomorrow wherewe had met the first time. see, the work is veryimportant. do not forget. l will not tell him anything.hey, hey.. where would you meet him?-he knows that. but why would you meet him?- that too he knows. okay, l will not tell himthat you had come here. look, alok is in love withme and l love him too.

shameless one! have youiost all your shame? what is there to beashamed in this? don't sisters love theirbrothers in this vicinity? okay, l am going. come again. bandu..- yes, brother. see what time has come.there was a time.. ..when this place wouldbe full of carriages. now there are only four left.ram avtar has gone.. calcutta to work in amill. jokhan uncle is in hospital. yasim has opened a tobacco shop. lt seems within twoto four months.. ..carriages will becomeextinct in this city. you did not go? it's good. l gota passenger who had to go far. l had to wait at the stationfor long. where is amma? she has gone to delhi. to delhi? but you? tellsomething. why did you not go? because l did not feel want me to go, isn't that it?

lf l knew you would be sohappy on my departure.. ..then l would havedefinitely gone. alok.. hey, sister-in-law? radhiya,see who has come. come, brother. come, sister-in-law. come.radhiya, make tea quickly. why are you standing?- come home, brother. lsn't this a home? do not argue. come and finishyour tiff with father.

my life is not a land stuckin a legal fight.. .. sister-in-law that.. ..fatherwould show his legal histrionics and.. ..take whatever decisionhe wants to. he cannot win here,sister-in-law. he is our father, alok.we must respect him. l have not refused torespect him, brother. l have refused to bowdown to injustice. alok, you have to promise me. - no,sister-in-law. do not make me promise. now tell, was l unfair?

sister-in-law, what do youthink? am l happy without you? brother, take sister-in-lawfrom here. you try to understand. what is left to understand?l have understood everything. you do not have any pityor compassion for anyone. come on, let's go home. did she go home, sir?- yes. give me one cup of tea. come on.

hey, lassi. where is the matterof the heart leading you? ls this a place to talk allthis? ride the carriage. where shall we go? anywhere, where we can sit andtalk something in private. so be it. after sitting idle forfour hours, l got a passenger. l am not ioking. as soon ashe heard that you are.. ..riding a carriage,he took a decision.. ..that l could marry a darkthief, but not you. l caught him there. l told himthat l am an indian girl..

..once if l take someone to bea husband, then that is done. l told him so much, thatin comparison to you.. ..he found kishan favourableand he agreed to our marriage. l knew that by my ridinga carriage, someone.. ..will definitely be benefited. do not make me angrier. youwill not ride a carriage anymore. why? what is wrong inriding a carriage? l am not talking aboutright and wrong. but why will youride a carriage?

you and father hadfought for music. no brother, l and my fatherhad not fought for music. according to him, l was inthe company of loafers. now by riding this carriage,l want to show him.. ..that those he thinksare loafers are also.. ..decent folk like us. that means, to prove fatherwrong, you shall leave music? yes. the artist who bowshis head to injustice.. not an artist but a worm.l am an artist later..

..but l am a human being first. ..that is why l shallnot sing now. but l shall fight. let me also see how muchionger he fights. let is be. he's a kid. lt's necessary to punishan impudent kid, gupta. his impudence won'tend till carriages.. ..are made to be extinctin this city. what is the fare from thestation to the square now?

five annas. okay, l shall bear the losses.make the fare three annas. come on, come.. come on for the ride.. eight annas, eight annas;the fare till the square. eight annas, eight annas. the buses are goingin three annas. why should we giveyou eight annas? lt is fuel that burnsin the bus, but it is..

..the animal's blood thatburns in the carriage. did you earn anything today? eight annas. that tool fed the horse with. l am thinking of selling thehorse and the carriage.. ..and to open a tobacco shop. you only keep thinking.but what do l do now? what shall l feed youand your master? why? why? what are you asking? there'snothing in the house.

lf there was nothing in thehouse, why didn't you tell before? do not yell. l'll yell. l'll definitely yell. then keep yelling. whydidn't l tell before? what would you have doneif l had told you before? would you have boughtthe entire hotel? radhiya, you have no controlover your tongue. you are telling whatcomes to your mind. lf you speak like this again,l shall pull your tongue off.

yes, beat me. kill me.finish me off. you don't realise that l amhungry since many days. hadn't you promised fatherthat if radhiya.. ..remains hungry,l shall kill her? abdul, why am l smellingpetrol here? who is there? who is there?who is inside? fire! fire, muhammed.bring water. fire! fire! who is thatrunning away? catch him. bring water. a bucketful.

hey, this is ganeshi. do not weep, child. do not weep. she is mad, amma. she thinksthat it takes the whole life.. ..for six years to pass. l tellyou, take her to benaras. find a rich boy and gether married to him. do not worry, l shall takea loan from sister-in-law. maharai, take careof her, maharaj. radhiya, daughter radhiya.

son..- yes, amma? l want to tell you something.sit here. what happened, amma? we have no faith lefton our lives now. that's a bad thingto say, mother. lf you would not havecalled me mother.. ..l would not have said thissenseless thing to you. what thing, mother? there is no one for usexcept radhiya and you.

we worry about youall day and night. you worry a little less, butradiya's a little more. why this difference, mother? you are a gentleman, butradhiya has had lots of bad luck. why? what is wrongwith her luck? she wants to hold themoon in her hand. l did not understand, mother. will you not obey your motherwithout understanding her? l will obey. but you tell me.

lt's a mad thing. l won't beoffended even if you refuse. tell me, mother. l willdo anything except.. ..asking forgiveness frommy father. right. order me. not order, son, but l requestyou with folded hands. give radhiya someplace by your feet. postman.. a letter for you. today you are veryhale and hearty. when was l sick? maharai wouldjust call you in vain.. trouble you everyday. there should be some reasonto meet you sarjubai. maharai, listen to whatdinanath is saying. whose letter is this? radhiya's.- radhiya! what does she write. l'll see dinanath off and thencome and tell you. come. all your ailments will go onknowing what's in the letter. can l take bai away frombenaras for a few days? what are you telling, maharai?is she fit to go anywhere?

count it as a blessingtill she is alive. now tell me, bai, what will yougive me for reading the letter? read the letter first. no, this is not a letterto be read for free. let me know. if it issomething to be happy.. ..then l shall giveyou some sweets. happy? just happy? afterknowing this letter.. shall begin to going to be.. ..a grandmother, paternalas well as maternal.

really? why does my heart dance? my friend, someone mustmake him understand. l have put kohl in my eyes.. l have also put thesun on my forehead. where have these dreamscome in between? who has entered ineach cell of mine? ln my heart, there is someoneelse's heartbeat. there's a name thatl read everyday.

why does.. why did you stop? sing radhiya, sing. it is as ifmusic has gone from this house. first get up. get changed. did you tell sister-in-law? l told brother. he must have become very happy. l do not know. yes,l do not know. ln that house, without father'swish, no one can even be happy.

shall we do this? you don'tgo. but l'll go once. where? to my house. l shall seekforgiveness from father. why don't you tell thatyou want to be.. ..the daughter-in-lawof a big house? what are you saying? l am adaughter-in-law of a big house. come here. sit. what is the respect in becomingthe daughter-in-law..

..of such a big house thathas made mother homeless? are you not happy with me inthis house? are you happy? do you know how depressedl become on hearing.. ..of the big house andhow angry l get? you won't tell again, will you? have you come? yes. l have brought some newsfor you. - what news? that's what l don't know if thenews is good or bad. - what? alok has got a son.- is that true?

yes. then why were you tellingif the news is good or bad? because bapu trilokiprasad's first son.. ..was born in acharity hospital. so what? the son is ours. nowthis house will be jovial. wait. father is not at home.without asking him.. what are you saying?can we be at home.. ..even after hearing this news?see, father will be very happy.. ..on hearing this leave that on me.

come, let's go to the hospital. sister, where is radha kumari? on that bed. where is the child? ln that room. does he resemble you or alok?- l do not know. sister, keep radhain some cabin. send the bill in my name.ashok prasad.. of triloki prasad,civil lines.

can l see the child? hear! don't tellanything to them. but without asking my husband.. ..don't get me transferredfrom here. oh.. father has arrived. oh.. where are you comingso excited from? first, have some sweets. but for what? have these sweets first,you will..

..forget talking ifyou listen to this. what is so exciting?- you have become a grandfather. yes..- he reminds one of alok. father.. please don'tbe angry today. at least in the happinessof your grandson. whose grandson? theheir of this.. will not be borne fromthe womb of a courtesan. so, you had gone to see him? even you have started doingwhatever you want to?

l don't have any worthin my own house? mother had given me alok'sresponsibility while dying. she had told me,take care of him. you aren't only his sister-in-lawbut a sister and mother. don't speak rubbish.your mother-in-law.. ..has expired but lam alive till now. and till the timel am alive, only.. ..what l say will happenin this house.. even l am the daughter-in-lawof this house.

l have some right too.. ls it? okay., ashok. sister-in-law hasn'tgone to her house since many days. go and leave her toher mother's house. why are you standing? doyou want to say anything? who has the right to speak inthis house other than you? pack some of my clothes too. that is enough. there is noneed for anyone to reach me. l will go all alone.

l am not going thereto leave you. even l feel like choking here. l will go there andstart some business. you will be busyin the business. but me.. how will l livewithout father and alok? give me two oranges. how much is it? eight annas. are you teaching the childhis shop already?

no. he is mr. alok's son.what can l tell you? he is such a rich man.. .. and he is being treatedin the government hospital. here. take this atthe right time. doctor. when l have come tothe government hospital.. ..please let me take medicineslike everyone in a line. okay. okay. you go home with munna. l will go from this sideand meet brother.

or else l won't come back. alok.. please sit for a while. you go, child. l haveto talk to him. tell ganesh not toworry about me. alok, if you aren'tcareful from now.. will be a greatproblem ahead. good medicine, rest,and good food. lf you don't get all these,your life will be at risk. doctor.. don't tellall this to radhiya.

she is very worried nowadays. you have stoppedworking, haven't you? therefore, there is someproblems of money too. l know everything.if you say so.. ..shall l speak to yourfather about this? lf some normal carriagedriver was in my place.. ..what would you do?do you think.. ..that father will acceptradhiya and munna with me? l will leave now, uncle.

l have left munna alone. did he trouble you, uncle? no, sir. come on, son. where is mother? mother went to meet youruncle from there. will we not go? son.. we will have to paythe bus fare, isn't it? we will go next month.l have t go to birpur.

here, munna. take it. come on.. very good. can't you convince him and takein to benaras, to mother? l had told it to him oneday. the answer was.. mother was ruined because of me. and l should go toher for support? he has told me to promisehim not to tell mother.. .. about his illness.

the doctor has said thathe has lungs problem. he shouldn't sing at all. but he doesn't agree.tell me, brother. what should l do now?what should l do? what can l tell you, sister?one year more.. radhiya.. there is oneway. just one way. leave him. what? how did you saysuch a thing, brother? yes, if you want to seehim alive, leave him.

take munna and goto mother's house. he will surely cometo benaras for munna. the elder sir is angry withhim due to you, isn't it? lt is possible thathe himself comes.. ..and takes him away ifyou are not with him. and if all this doesn'thappen, the.. that is spenton three, at least.. ..that will be spent on onlyhim. he shouldn't starve! no, no brother. he won't beable to live without me.

he will not let me go. then go. go home andfight with him. nag him, nag himabout the horse. fight with him about theelder sir, or music. fight with him somuch, so much.. ..that he should throwyou out of the house. no, brother.. l will notbe able to do this. radhiya.. do you careabout his life.. ..or do you iust want tolive with him? tell me?

sister, we are in his lifelike the bad saturn. lf you want to save him, youwill have to leave him. think about what you want! munna.. munna! friend.. youare a man and you are crying? what is the matter? l am hungry. has mother not metuncle and returned? doesn't matter, shewill come back. come, sit here.

today, l will teach you to prayto the goddess saraswati. here, mother has arrived. listen.. the future greatmusician is hungry. mrs. radhakumari.- is that anything new? hey, how is your brother? he is good. and why shouldn'the be all right? he can eat well in the prison. pritam is standing outside. didmanglu not give you anything? he did. he cut histwo rupees and..

..gave me the one rupeeand twenty five paise. from that, l will haveto bring grams.. ..worth seventy fivepaise for the horse. l know, radhiya. you havea lot of problems. but what can l do? everythingwas all right. l don't know where thissickness came from all of sudden. listen, l will start workingthe 'phitan' from tomorrow. manglu's two rupeeswill come home too. here.. stop your cry. hehas such strong lungs!

he will create a great nameby becoming a singer. your father earned a nameby becoming a singer. and you will earn therest of the name. lt is bland.- it is bland! your father has a sugarfactory, isn't it? lt is bland! drink itnicely. or else.. ..l will sweeten yourmouth with shoes. lt is his birthday today.why are you scolding him? should l become the sugar?

there is more water andmilk in the son's glass. but the horse shouldstand on his.. ..legs and eat grams everyday,for sure! what do you want to say? the horse that hasbeen working.. ..for the house till todayshall l sell him? no, why should thehorse be sold? l am there to be sold,isn't it? - radhiya! enough. l have seena lot of it now.

you fought with your father,and my son should want milk. ls my father's housethe only place.. city to beg formilk for your child? take your child awayand bring the alms! why did you scold mother? she doesn't have brains, son. father, won't you teachme saraswati's song? son, it is not a song,it is a prayer. come, l will teach you, come.give me the glass.

goddess saraswati, sharada.. stop this song, or else, l willstrangle you. - radhiya! you may kill me, but l willnot let munna learn singing. how will you not let him learn? teach him and then see! go away from here. run away! your neck! father's song and son's cries. they have irritated me so much!

so, leave his father,yes.. ieave him. lf l had someplace to go..l have a place. l will go with munnato his grandfather. l will ask him, what kindofjustice is this.. milk should pour in your house.. ..and your grandchildshould cry in hunger. there should be entertainmentin your house.. ..and your son'smedicine should.. ..come from a governmenthospital?

yes, go and lick hisfeet. go.. go.. don't worry about me. getiost from the house. uncle.. l am going to benaraswith munna tonight. go and tell sirtomorrow morning. to take him home, he is unwell. and tell him.. that l am notin his life any longer. hey, carriage the carriage empty? yes, it is empty. wheredo you want to go? civil lines.- please sit.

has the tonga not arrivedas yet? - it will come. my car had to conk off today! l tell you once again..go to the pilgrimage. but what is the need ofresigning from the chairmanship? lt is all right if you aregoing to the four sacred places.. lt will be finished ina couple of months. what is the meaningof arguing again? haven't l told you to make someyoung man the chairman? l am tired now.

the carriage has arrived.- stop her, brother. go to the yellow house. tell me.. here, take the moneyof your hard work. let it be. l am indebted to you. the law says, if thedebt is too old.. ..there is no need to repayit. it is best forgotten. take this. how are you, father?

oh, l am all right. why?what has happened to me? how are brother andsister-in-law? they must be all right. yes, the daughter-in-law hasgone to her mother's house. and ashok has gone there too,started his law practice. someone told me that hispractice is going good. then.. are you all alone here? no, l am not alone. l have four servants,two gardeners..

..l have two drivers, andmy ancestor's dignity. how are you? l am all right. happy? l am happy too. very good. very good. l am very grateful to you. l have learnt from you.. lt is necessary tohave anyone else..

..except yourself to surviveand stay alive. lf a person wishes tostay with someone.. ..they can survivewithout them too. sir.. shall l put the lights off? no.. l have to reach thestation in an hour. ls the baggage ready? yes. shall l lay the food out? raghunath.. did you meetyounger brother in this one year?

l met him once a year ago.he seemed too sick. do you know.. in whose carriagel came home today? your younger brothers. he is really sick. hiseyes have gone inside. his cheeks have been gouged,his face is crumpled. but his voice.. thevoice is the same. radhiya.. why areyou sitting here? what happened, daughter?why are you crying? what is it? tell me.

nothing.- tell me. - nothing..! what is the matter? whyis radhiya crying? a woman will have to cryif she thinks so much. sir.. alok is not like this.. that he shall forgether in eight months. he doesn't answerradhiya's letters.. ..l agree that he isangry with radhiya. but he isn't answeringmy letters too? l don't know whatthe matter is..

someone has come to meet you. me? who? you? oh.. kishan.. come..have a seat.. wow.. what a beautiful face. haveyou seen you in the mirror? lf you have stoppedscolding me.. ..tell me, when didyou come here? today, l met brother andsister-in-law in jaunpur. and you have writtenin every letter..

..that you are veryhappy and at peace. when l came here, l found out.. ..that uncle has goneon a pilgrimage.. ..and you are gaining thehospital experience. l ask you. what did youget doing all this? this.. this pride.. this pride. l sing the prelude of the song. the song starts afterits prelude, isn't it? and the song will be munna.

wow.. what a lecture..shall l applause? oh! you have startedfighting with him? what else shalll do? revere him? did you see how much she fights? please think about how muchshe fights with me. therefore, l have come here. l was thinking, ifyou stay with us.. ..for a couple of months,she'll learn something. being with lakshi.. have yougone crazy too, kishan?

what is to be crazy in this? l cannot live with anyone. why? because.. my illness.. l know. l have heard everything. lf l had some sicknesslike this.. ..would you have leftme on the streets? what are you staring at? we will have to arrangefor a flat today itself.

and we will have to take himfrom here in the evening. come on.. we will comein the evening. what is the need of crying now? when the doctor has said so,take him to benaras. go, go to him. lf he gets food, maybehe will be cured. oh. l don't know whose facel saw in the morning. l came to fight with you.what is this? why didn't you tell us anything?

whom all could lgive the message? everyone would come tomeet me if l told them. from where would l feedthem after that? to live.. the lordganesha, you.. ..radhiya, mother.. ltook everyone's help. now, while death. your enemies will die. l have taken permissionfrom the doctor. as soon as you reach benarasyou will chirp.

child.. your mother is very tell you the truth.. ..she is a guest foronly a few days. she is yearningto see you, son.. come.. come.. slowly.. come.. oh god! was l aliveto see all this? mother..- let go of me..

you didn't rememberme till eight months. and now, you arepressing my legs. did you see that? she startedscolding me as soon as.. ..she saw me so that lshouldn't say anything. you were saying that shewill look after me. she has called me here andhas fallen ill herself. hey, mother.. get well soon, orelse, l will go to my hospital. you have come now, howwill l remain ill now? what is the illness?

l can't sleep, son. how will you not sleep? l willsing lullabies for you. maybe, l have been keepingawake thinking about you. shall l take him to his room?he has travelled a lot.. shouldn't he rest a bit?- yes, take him.. take him.. we all are together now, wewill start singing from tomorrow. come on.. come on.. oh.. why are you sitting there? come.. come to me..

lt seems that l have takenbirth to make my own people cry. l am very scarediooking at alok.. he will be cured, isn't it? how will he not be cured? there wasn't anyone toiook after him there. l will be sad only forone thing in my life. what is it? l thought that we weregoing to benaras. l'd meet raia bahadur once.

but l came here and liedhere in such a way.. ..such a way.. that.. l shouldn't have metyou that day.. and you wouldn't be insuch a state today. don't say that, radhiya. don't say that.. l don't have any complaintsagainst this life. what l only hate is..l got such a sickness..

..l cannot make munna sitin my lap and love him too. give me some water, radhiya.. that's enough..that's the state. lf l speak, l get tired.l feel choked.. throw this water.. and don't give anyonewater in this glass. radhiya.. no.. the true test of loveis not to die..

..together but to live together. give the water ofthe ganges, son. why did the cook goout at this time? maybe she is waiting for him. mother.. mother.. see.. see.. who has come.. see.. who has come to meet you.. sariu.. today.. l was missing you,and the cook came.

you will ask me, why didn'tl come since so long? once again, l don'tget any sleep. only you have a cure for that. which is that lullaby? l understand.. lf one feels asleep,one should sleep. sleep, l will comeand follow you. we will have some fun there. l have heard, indralikes singers.

but don't go to indra'sparty before l come. lndra can be happy, applauseon your songs. but he cannot cry likeme or the cook! before sariu died, she wanted.. listen a song fromher accepted son, alok. today, to sing that song,in your presence.. mr. alok prasad. l.. l am not worthy to sing inthis party of veterans.

mother wished to listento this lullaby from me. she slept beforel could sing it. even then, l will sing it. wherever mother is.. shewill surely hear it. someone would sing..l would sleep. someone would sing.. ln the vast riverof this life. ln the boat of dreams. l would float around in thewaves of happiness and sadness.

l would lose myself. with immortal lovein the eyes. with brightnessin their hands. someone would massagemy hair, l'd sleep. the story of my life, thesituation of my life. my.. someone would take it intheir words and l'd sleep! what happened, sir? nothing, what is the time?

lt is eleven. did you see some nightmare?- yes.. no.. go.. go and sleep.. go.. you have returned from thepilgrimage yesterday. where are you going once again? l am going to jaunpur,raghunath. jaunpur? yes, l am going to tellashok and his wife.. come and take careof their yellow house.

l cannot stay here any longer. sir?- yes. some raia bahadur hascome from benaras. raia bahadur!- yes. sir, why did youtake the trouble? l would have come there. how are you, triloki prasad? l am all right by yourand god's grace. the people who should be allright, and the one who shouldn't..

l didn't understandwhat you said.. l am speaking about someone.. ..who lives alone insuch a big bungalow. a unfortunate man andan unfortunate father. oh.. so you know everything. should l have begged them,not to leave me? the elder son loved his wifemore than his father. he left his father.and the younger son.. he did what he did..

did what he did? you are a very sad case.. youdon't know what you lost. l don't care about that. and that is your bad luck. lf only you knew.. yourson alok is so talented.. such a reverence..such a talent.. lf god gave me such a son.. l wouldn't ask anything fromhim forever. forever.. a father will always wishhis son to be like him.

he will wish.. father? but not god! but sir.. this is not the time to speak.alok is in benaras. you come with me. when l left from there.. he.. what has happened to alok,sir? what is it? he is your son, isn't it?

he doesn't say anythingwhen he is awake. he iust looks at everyonewith his empty eyes.. and then he becomes sad, asif he is waiting for someone. but he cannot stand his sadnesswhile he is not in his senses. he keeps on speaking itout again and again.. he says.. please forgiveme, father.. l have pained youa lot, forgive me. you are very unfortunate,triloki prasad. you don't know whatyou have lost.

come with me.. did you come? how is alok? please come.. oh mother saraswati.. sharada. the one who gives knowledge.. ..the one who is generousand takes away all pains.. she is the one who hadmade this whole world.. the mother.. saraswati..

sharada. please bless us..give us this boon. give us this boon.. of song and its preamble. give us intelligence.

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