Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

wisdom teeth extraction headache nausea

how many of you have never heard me before? whoah,so how do you know you are ready? alright we will seei love you with all my heart i will n... thumbnail 1 summary
wisdom teeth extraction headache nausea

how many of you have never heard me before? whoah,so how do you know you are ready? alright we will seei love you with all my heart i will not water down anythingi'm going to bring it i promisei hated you all for a long time a long timei was a drug addict for 22 years and i hated the churchi hated christians they were all about themselfthey were all about there churches on sunday and monday through saturday lived like helltill sunday afternoon when they went to lunch

they complained about dinneri'm not being mean i'm being real so in my life i saw that and i couldn't standthat and it made me sick to my stomachi didn't want anything to do with it i hated churchi really did so lets just start with that,that will be good first off let me just get started herethe gospel is not here to give you a better dayjesus did not die to give you a better day he did not die for you to wake up this morningsay " i hope today is better than yesterday"but we've made it about that

and we wonder where god isi'm not rebuking anybody i hate the devili hate lies and i hate the false thing that a lot of peoplehave believed is god but is not god at all jesus didn't die to give you a better dayhe died to give you a brand new life he died to give you a life that you didn'tdeserve to have and sometimes we got rights in the kingdomand we think we've got rights and we think this is some kind of democracyit's not a democracy it's a theocracy so we get savedwe come to church and we got rights and people hurt usand they should not have done that

we say well they are part of the church, theyshouldn't of done that they should of known betterand there is so much attitude so many people get hurt by so many peoplebecause the person who hurt them should of known betterand it's true they should of but you should of known better than to gethurt by what they should of known not to do so either way both of you are wrongcome on man! we shouldn't get hurt by other peoplewe should be free in the gospel, jesus didn't just pay a priceto get you to heaven if that was the true, you would of just prayeda prayer and disappeared

he left you herehe left us here for what? a lot you are not going to like what i haveto say and i love you so muchif you get done before i do, bless you but i want you to see your created valueyou need to look in the mirror and like what you seeso many people are unhappy with their life because things are not happening their waythings are not going the way they want them tothe day isn't as good as it is supposed to beand then you go to bed at night and you hug the pillow god at nightand you thank god that the day is over

but you have to leave the same pillow godin the morning when you get up and you start out again on the wrong sideof the bed what is the wrong side of the bed? what is that? jesus isn't here to meet all your needsthe gospel is here is here so that we can become like christjesus says to become like him it's not all about us it's all about himwhen you are all about him, he's all about youand if god is for you who cares about who is against youahhh, so good

listen, the gospel set you free from youbut if you are still getting hurt by everybody you are not freewhere the spirit of the lord, there is liberty and where he's not there's bondageand pain and hurt and problems and attitude with other peoplethat's bondage that's demonic that's not jesus. people are not your problem, you are. if you've got one, two, three peopleit's them, it's them, it's them, it's not them, it's you! i'm so free from me, i'm free from you. there's nothing you can do to hurt me, i loveyou!

listen you can't even kill me because i'mnever going to die. i'm not, i'm not concerned about thatjesus loved me when i gave my life i pushed everything tothe center. i said i'm all inthe problem is that we're not all in we've held back on god we've said you canhave this much, i'll keep this. and we think that we've got our own thingyou've got your own thing? you'll be destroyedand god forbid you get hurt by the church and all of a sudden you establish these homegroups at the cost of the reality body of christpeople get hurt and they have their home groups

because they get hurt by the churchand all of a sudden they establish wound licking clubs to lick each others woundsand we don't want to be a part of the body because the hurt usget over yourself it's time we wake up to the reality of thegospel the truth man! people are dying and going to helldo you care? it's not just about a building you are supposedto be the church everywhere you go you are supposed to bringjesus but if it's all about youyou'll never be able to step out

you will commit your praise of men here,cuss at you wife at lunch, because she went to the wrong restaurantit's the truth man some of you are mad at me rightget over you dude i love you so muchbut i'm not here to make you happy i promisei'm here to put a holy ghost defibrillator on your heartboom! so that we can wake upso that the world wants what we have it's time that we burn with a firea fire of god inside of us a consuming fireman, if you're on fire and you go into the

firedo you know that nothing changes but if you're not on fire and you get putin the trial, you'll wonder where god isthe trial is not god trying to teach you a lessonthe trials are the devil trying to shipwreck your faith,trying to knock you out of the ballpark a trial is a great place to manifest the kingwhen you squeeze an orange what kind of juice comes out? orange juiceby squeezing an apple into a cup what kind of juice do you get?if i squeeze an orange into a cup and you

watch me do it and you drank it and it wasapple juice what would you think?that was twisted it should be equally strange that when a christiangets squeezed everything but jesus comes out but if you've incorporated jesus into yourlife to get a better day and what he can do for youyou are deceived, you are in troubleit'll be all about you when god doesn't show up you'll switchthis isn't a 30 day money back guarantee this isn't a been there done that got thet-shirt you can't afford to hold back from himall god is asking you for is something you

were never created you to be in the firstplace because god did not create you for youhe created you for him and all he is asking you for is everythingyou are he doesn't want some of you he wants all ofyou this isn't jesus christ incorporatedif i incorporate jesus into my life i'm a target for the devil to stomp onto squeeze jesus out of me see the devil can't get come up into heaveand dethrone god he can'the cant, he already tried it but he's trying to dethrone god,to jesus from the soul of man

he is trying to tip the soul of man insidehe is attacking and he is constantly barraging your mindso that you can never think like god come on!it says be not conformed by the world but be transformed but be transformed by the renewingof your mind so that you can approve what god's will iswhat is god's will? jesus christ is the will of godhe was the walking talking manifested will of godand all creation is groaning for you to manifest your fatherall creation is groaning for the sons of god to be made manifestwhat does that mean

a son and a daughter is just like their fatherall creation is groaning they are waiting for you to jump up and sayhere is my god here is what he looks likeyou look in the mirror and your suppose to with an unveiled face,behold the glory of the lord the lord is a spiritand where the spirit of the lord is there is libertyand we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror of the lordwe behold that we look and why in the mirror?because it's the picture of identity it's the picture of who god has called usto be

you're not supposed to do things for godyou're supposed to be right with god and your doing comes out of a place of beingyou don't have to do anything to make him happyhe is happy because believe the simplicity of the gospelbut the devil wants to corrupt your mind and take you awayfrom the simplicity that is in the christ everything that i am sharing is totally scripturallysound there will be no way for anybody to shakeit because my father taught me and i've sought him in the secret placeand i did not seek him in secret place so that i could preach a good sermoni open my bible and i say father make me become

what this saysand my father who is in secret he sees me in secret, crying outyou don't see it but me, i'm on my knees on a constant basisi live there i live there because that's where it's atthat's where it's at it's on your knees in your bible looking atthe word and saying god my life doesn't line up with this butit's supposed to make me become what this word says godthat's where it's at that's where it's atyou are supposed to be a conduit for god to flow throughlife giving water is supposed to flow our

from your bellyrivers of life giving water you are not supposed to be a lakeyou are supposed to be river how do you keep a hose from getting dirt inthe end when you trow it in a mud puddle you turn it onnothing gets inside of that hose you can't make this thing dirtyjesus has cleaned me he has washed me so cleani'm so free from me that i'm free from you oh it's just amazingit's the only way to live in the gospel some of you are looking at me like i'm crazyi am i'm crazy in love with jesus mannobody can take this from me

see none of you all approached me in my lifewhen i was twisted as twisted can be everybody was afraid of mesee i grew up in a boys home my mom and dad got divorced when i was elevenand a half years and they but me in a place called the masonichomes so for about five and a half years the masonsraised me my mom wasn't a christian my dad wasn't achristian matter of a fact my mom and dad wasn't readyfor me when i was born they weren't saying "we are going to havea son, this is going to be amazing" a lot of kids just happenit's not like parents are like let plan this

no it just happensand all of a sudden like get the deal with what you've gotbut if your soul isn't right as the mom it's really hard for you to deal with your childyour soul we're talking about your spirit your souland your body your soul is you mind, will and emotionsyour thinking your suki your thinkingso my mom wasn't ready so when i was born it happenedman! there were 80 million chance of me going upa birth canal 80 million!we should talk about this

80 million!plus or minus some and i'm the last oneeverybody else is fighting to get to the egg, get to the egg, get to the egg!hammers, jack hammers, saws trying to get in thereand i'm the last one and when i pull up to the egg,everybody goes, whoosh, like the red sea and then without a tool,whoosh, right in and everybody's like who let him bybut from inside the egg a voice says, my voice sorry guys i was predestined before the foundationof the world but we don't start our lives that waywe think we've got problems

we think we're always going to be twistedwe tell people they're always going to be rejected because their mom didn't want themwhat are we thinking! why would we lower the gospel down to naturalcircumstance at the cost of truth that sets people freemy father knew about me before the foundation of the worldthat's a long time god had me in mind before my dad ever thoughthat my mom was pretty why would i let that stuff twist me up manbut i didn't know so at 11 and 1/2 years i'm in this homei get out of them a full on drug addict at 12 years oldi get out of that home i get out i join the

militaryto straighten my life out the marines were looking for a few good menand i figured you know what my step dad dared mesaid to me "you could never be a man" said i'll show youso i went to boot camp and it was intense but i had an authority problemso they weren't going to tell me well you try that at piris island and tellme how that works for you so i came out 73 pounds lighterbecause the starved me and pt'ed me to death but i was a machine,you couldn't touch this and then when i came home everything goodeverybody was like "wow you've changed, we're

so proud of you"then i went back to base and started party, started to drink and get all partied outand i was like i want to go home and they said "no"so i said i'm going anyway see ya and i went awol un-athorized absents they call itany marines in here so i want out to colorado and hid in the mountains,living the dream and then i got arresteddream is over and i got shipped back,i got extradited across america put in the brig down at the military prisoni was in there for about 8 months

i got out and i'm like man i want out, letme out they no so i said see ya!and i went again and i went out and hid in the same mountainsand about a year later i get shipped back acrossput in jail sipped back across america in shackles againin a orange jump suit second time across the united statedput in the birg and about 8 month later they said "good bye"they gave me a bad conduct discharge, which is know as a big chicken dinnernow that stuff labels you and that stuff marks youso now i'm marked

that's very hard to get jobsyou think how are you going to get it man what are you going to dowell you going to lie to get jobs so i didso job after job after job after job i lied on a constant basisand a couple of years later i end up meeting this girl on a blind datewe move in together she's my girl i pursed herand then we had a child about a year and a half laterand then i was just going to be done i threatened to kill myself,i was suicidal she said i'm leaving youi told her if you leave me i'll kill you and

whoever your withand i meant it and it happens everyday and i though thatso i know where that mind set comes from it comes from hellit's the biggest tragedy on the planet that people would want to kill themselvestake away a life that doesn't belong to them and i was jealous and full of rageand i wanted to kill me girl because she was the only thing had in my lifeyou weren't going to take my baby from me so she stayed with me out of pity for mefor 9 years 7 and 1/2 year old daughterall she knew was her daddy is a liar, a their, kills, steals and destroysthat's all she knows

sounds like the nature of the enemy in john10:10 that's what the thief doesand that's the very nature that i had taken onnow when we get saved something ought to change about your naturewe ought not be bi-polar christians i'm not being meanyou give to much room to the carnal mind when it's supposed to be deadwe give to much room to the flesh which is supposed to be crucifiedsee the problem is we hold on to the us and that is where our flesh still has a voicewe don't give up we don't surrenderwe don't push all our chips to the center

of the tablewe just hold back some for ourselves it'll kill youand your life will be worse and worse and worseand you're a target for hell and he will come to steal, kill and destroyhe will haunt you and taunt you and your sleep will be taken awayall kinds of horrible things your family won't want jesusbecause they don't see the jesus you serve because you've incorporated himand they don't want to hear you preach they want to see your walki promise man! it's realit is real, everything i'm saying is real

it's my testimonyit's powerful it'll set you free toocome on man, testimonies mean do it again godyou did it in them do it in me do it in my son do it my uncledo it in my father do it in my aunt do it in them, do it in them! i am not afraidi talk to people everyday of my life, everywhere i go,elevators, hotels, malls grocery stores, doctors office, no matter where i go i bring itbecause i'm not alive for me and you shouldn't be alive for you anymoreif you are alive for you, you have rights

and all of a sudden you blame people and you'llbe like they deserve this well if you want what you deserve, go to hellyou think about it you think that grace means you deserve heavensorry heaven went bankrupt to get you backthat's amazing jesus paid with dear bloodthe blood of god was paid so that he could set you free from youso that you could be free form being a sinner and come into being a saintthat's god said but sin, sin was the issuebut god saw something under that of sin that has great value to the fatheror else jesus wouldn't have paid such a high

price for yousomething underneath of that sin see the blood of jesus doesn't just forgiveit he removes itremoving it and forgiving it are two different thingsthey are one and the some but we've preached it as just forgiveness without removalregret produce death but godly sorrow leads to repentancewhen you see the power of the blood of jesus when we believe the song"what can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of jesuswhat can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of jesusoh precious is the flow, that me makes me

white as snow,no other fount i know, nothing but the blood of jesus"what if we believed that 100% what if we were washed not just externallybut internally as well what if it was about inner strengthening inour inner man what if it was about closing the door,open our bible that we don't understand and saying god don't get it please revealthis to me and your father in secret goesawe, awesome holy spirit give it to themwhat if is your portion but we've put it on someone elseand we come on sunday to hear a pastor try

to take us to somewhere that he is not supposedto what if we've come to church on sunday tohear a lesson because we can't open our bible and get into intimacy with out fatherand we come on sunday and try to get entertained and then we leave and we wonder why our feeldifferent on monday the bible is meant for you to grow in christwe're supposed to be renewed in the spirit of our mindwe're supposed to not be conformed but be transformed by the renewing of our mindwe're supposed to know and be able to walk out the perfect will of god in every circumstanceand you're not supposed to be unwise but are to know the will of the lordin every circumstance at every time

you are not supposed to allow unanswered prayersto determine the will of god jesus christ is the willif you can picture it in his life, it is the will of god periodbecause jesus only did what the father said to do and only said what the father to saythat didn't mean that jesus christ was a robot it was called relationshipand how can we function like christ if we have no relationshipand how can we confess to have relationship when we really don't have onerelationship isn't just sunday relationship isn't praying twice a dayrelationship is the love of the father, the grace of our lord jesus christ,and communion, the communion with the great

holy ghostthis is what "free from yourself looks like oh man, listen i get in the biblei read it all the time it's my best friendthe bible is the first that this guy could understandi never read a book before everi could never read because i couldn't iti couldn't remember anything the bible is the first book i could understandbecause it's not meant for your brain it's meant for your heartbecause your heart can take you places where your brain can't fitour brain is jammed at the door trying to

get inbut our heart is there saying "come on would you hurry up brain,follow me" it's with the heart one believesit's not with the brain it's goodjesus i love you allmight not seem like it but i do i'm just free from me dudei'm not afraid i'm just noti talk to the biggest most angriest most meanest looking people everywhere i goi do ask my wifeshe would tell you

everywhere i gohey man whatjesus loves you so much, dude oh i promisewhat are you going to do hit me? you cannot take away what you never gave melisten i have been accepted in the beloved how can you take away what you never gaveme how can you reject thisyou can't because i love you and love never failshow can you take this away the only way you could was if i was afraidand love, perfect love cast out all fear so what are you going to dohow are you going to take it from me

i am in so many situations with so many angrypeople with mad people i walk into the middle of gangs and preachthe gospel why? cause i'm free from mewhat are you going to do kill me? you're just going to usher me into the presenceto live is christ and to live is gain see we've just got to get this manit's called surrender it's called surrenderit's called all in it's not holding onto yourselfbecause yourself will kill you he who seeks to save his life will loose itbut he who looses life for my sake will find

itwant to find you life? then loose yoursjust give up and say you know what god? i just ask you to put that defibrillator onme "boom"and thump your heart, it'll be like matrixyou'll wake up you'll sit up our of there like "what's goingon?" and you'll realize "oh my god why?"it doesn't matter why now run!"yeah but all my life"

so what , run!"yeah but all my life" so what, run!what are you going to look back to come on it's all deadjust run "yeah but i was in the church for 30 yearsi have so much to unlearn" well i've got good news for youyour brain is not meant to unlearn you cannot unlearnyay! i'll take that crutch out of your life forever"yeah but you don't understand, you came in this wayman i grew in the church i have a lot to unlearn"i hear that excuse all the time

i hear it all the time!it's not an excuse it's not going to be validyou are going to stand before god one day say "god i grew up in the church, you know"come on! oh god maybe if my wife would be a littledifferent maybe i be able to oh god my kids!maybe if you straighten out my kids noyou're going to stand before god, get on your face and cry for a long, longtime because his mercy is amazingbut you will not have any excuses when you stand before himnone of them will be valid

you ought to get rid of them nowreally! every excuse just throw it outnone of it is valid " you don't understand how they treat me"it's you "yeah but you don't understand what they doto me" it's you"you don't know my boss" it's you" you don't understand, my boss is a jerk" it's youyour boss needs jesus "yeah but he says he's a christian"are you? come on man i just don't want to hear thatstuff

we've got so many excusesnone of them are valid some of you are really mad at mei love you see i'm just not afraidi do not fear man if you fear man you can't fear godyou can think what you want you can say what you wantnow you fear man because you want to look good in front of manyou want look good and impressing in front of manas long as they are ok with how you look and present yourselfyou've got to be a fool for jesus that doesn't mean be immaturethat just means that my dad is an amazing

dad and he is for meif you are against me is doesn't matter he is for mei will not compromise a pulpit position for the sake of tickling your earsbecause people heap up for themselves teachers and these are those dayswhere people have itching ears tell us the new thing god's sayinghe's still saying the same thing the original things"behold i will do a new thing" and you are that new thingyou are! you're the new thingthe best thing ever and we've got the best dad ever" well you don't understand my dad was"

well do you understand who you dad is?mhhh yeah, let me finish my testimonyso i'm in the life with my girlfriend destroying everythingdaughter destroying everythingin 9 years i have 30 jobs that i can count i quit or get fired by everyone outalways have an excuse with this i didn't make enough moneywell my boss was this well this is thatand this is that and this is thati don't have christians in my family i don't have all that stuffi come from a line of heathens

listen people are like " well there are generationalcurses" well yeah there isin the old testament there's generational cursebut one person that lives a life of righteousness it leads to a thousand generationi'm going with that one so listen i'm the first one of my family toknow god the firs onethat means a thousand generation after me are going to blessedbecause of my life lived in obedience to righteousness i'm going with thatyou can't take it away from me i believe i can see it i can have itand i see jesus

i look in the mirror and i see jesus staringback at me he lives in meit's christ in me the hope of glory so when i look in a mirror behold with anunveiled face veil removedi look in the mirror and behold the glory of the lordhe lives in me he likes to live here he set it up this way i didn't just chooseit one day i think i'm going to seek the lord todayno, no ,no it's different none of you came in that wayyou think you might have but no one comes to the father unless through the sonbut nobody comes unless the father draws him

you didn't come up with the ideaopen your bible one day "i think i'm going to seek god"nope, there's a time when jesus is like woah! and he picks itand it's good today id the day now is the timeit's now "yeah but when is it?"now but if i said it was now then well it's nowagain now"yeah but now is now" " yeah but what aboutyeah but nowit's everyday present now, now ,now, now,

now, now, now, now, now, now, now. everyday all dayeveryday you guys ok? alrightso i'm with my girl and we're together we're together for 9 years7 and 1/2 year old kid i come home one night after a drug binge andthey are gone i'm hooked on crack, i'm hooked on lots ofstuff i come home and they're gone and i'm likethat's it man i'm donei knew that she didn't leave me for some other

guy but i knew that i was the problemi went and drove to a church i opened a phone on the way to the gun cabineti was going to shoot myself flipped it open and was like whatevermade a check at one of these 580 churches i drove to this church and this real smileyhappy guy comes to the door i needed to talk to somebodyhe goes "come on in buddy" i'm seriousjust like this "what is wrong with you dude""nothing, come on in" "actually it's what's right with me"i'm like "mmm" and i'm telling him him all my junkhe's like "ah man"

everybody has got a storyhe goes " man, jesus changed my story" "i didn't come here to hear about jesus""this is a church" i had no grid for jesus in churchi come in and he is talking to me he's sharing with me the gospeland i'm like " man why would someone, i'm like well who would want it"he's like "since you don't want your life why don't you give it up, why don't you giveit away?" i'm go "who would want my life, man?" "why would someone that died 2000 years agowant my life?" and he shared the gospel and there was somethingabout him

i saw something in this man's eyes that i'dnever seen before see the bible saysthe bible says " don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy"there's our problem a lot of times all of a sudden when we can't pay our billsand we can't do this and can't do that all of a sudden where our treasure our heartis so our heart is here in lackand in a place of "why not me? why not now? god why? why my life?

why this, why thatwhy god you don't care about. why?"but it say "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust can't destroyand thieves can't break in and steal" he say where you treasure is there will youhear be also he says you cannot sever both god and mammonit's what he says and he says the eye, the eye is the lame ofthe body and if your eye is single your whole bodyis full of light but if the light that is in you is darknessif your eye is not single that word single means one voyageif your eye is single

if it's one voyage one path one focusgospel, jesus if your eye is not single, darkness is inyou and how great is that darkness we have the capacity to house our fatherbut if it's all about us and our needs being me we'll miss our fatherjesus didn't say "pray this prayer and get to heaven"he said pray this prayer and bring heaven into you so that heaven can flow through youyou are to be a representative his kingdom come his will be donei heard pastor singing about it his kingdom, his will be done on earth asit is in heaven we're supposed to be in a place where we'vegiven ourselves to him

not just to get thereso that he could get here jesus paid a price to reposes that which islost what was lost? our identitysee in the garden we took on the very nature of the enemy of godour nature needs to be changed you can't afford to come into this thing andincorporate jesus into your life and your hand caused you to sinsee if your mind gets renewed your hand can't tell your mind what to doit doesn't work that way "oh my gosh, what are you saying hand?

oh you want that? ok"sorry, that's not how it works your mind gets renewed it gets changedthe will of god comes in and boom! you start to think with the mind that jesuspaid a price for you to have 1 corinthians 2 is so powerful it talks aboutthe wisdom of man and the wisdom of god it talks about the carnal mind is at war againstgod, nothing is revealed to the carnal mindspirit, and god's spirit communicates with our spiritwhen we are born again we get a new spirit brand new regenerate spiritour spirit becomes one with his spirit and

communion happensthe communion with the holy ghost our spirit and his spirit commune togetherthe love of the father the love of the father is amazingit's the perfect love of god that casts our fearbut if we don't understand that we are perfectly lovedyou'll think that what you have to do to attain itand that will be your problem trying to do to attain the love of godthe love of god has been poured our in our hearts by the holy spiritwhile we were yet a sinner christ died for usthe pastors, apostles, prophets, teachers

all the five fold giftthey are to equip the saints not the sinners equip the saints for the work of ministrygod changes your identity he takes you from darkness and puts you intolight you were lost and now you get foundyou were completely blind you couldn't see at all and then you seeit's the gospel it's the perfect gospelthere is no in between the gray area is a very very scary place tobe come on jesus says that because you're warmi will spit you out that's not goodhe says i wish that you were either cold

cold is better than warmi really had problems i said "god i don't get it"like cold is better than warm he said " todd let me explain what all threeare" i said "alright, because lord if fell likei am on fire" he said 'you are but you were freezing butthen i took you and set you on fire and you've never spent any time other thenon fire" i said "yeah but would you like cold ratherthat warm, at least people that are warm know about you"he said "no, people that are warm are a damage to people around them"they have a form of godliness but deny the

power thereofi'm not just talking about miracles i'm talking about the power of the gospelbecause the reality of the grace of god that doesn't lead to the complete transformationis demonic grace demonic grace doesn't lead to transformationbut you can say it is grace and still heal the sickthat's the devil see grace that doesn't lead to complete totransformation is demonic grace empowers us to walk out what truth callus to grace isn't twisted, it's amazinggrace is the divine inspiration of god upon the heart,with his outward reflection of himself upon

our livesso that everywhere we go we are a blazing a blazing word made fleshsee jesus was the word made but god wants our flesh to become the veryword we say we know you are to be a living epistle known and readby all men so everywhere you walk people walkpeople look at you and say " woah what is that?"it's the word that's not twisted, that's amazinglook the pharisees knew it all guys they knew the whole thingthey memorized the torah they memorized it allthey knew it all

you ask them a question they can quote itverbatim chapter after chapter after chapter they knewit all they knew it alljesus didn't tell you to memorize it he told you to become itlisten he didn't say just memorize the word he said become itif you can't walk it out and put feet to the wordit hasn't done anything for you real grace empowers up to walk out what realtruth calls us to the miraculous is the by produce of son-shipit's just what happen when sons show up and daughters show up that know their fathereverywhere

it's not just about a church service, manman, i walked down the hotel hall way today i'm coming up from the gymactually prayed for two different women down there that work in the gym at the hoteland jesus healed them both now listen i'm just working outi'm not like trying to find people people are aroundi'm just outward focused i do not have a basket on my head, churchbasket headed christianity is illegal in the kingdomwhat are we thinking if it's just about your church service onsunday there's a lot of people going to hellmy question is do you care about anybody other

than yourself because that's selfishnessit's not evangelism you don't have to have the office of an evangelistto tell someone the good news be in an elevator when the door shutsfind out where your faith is start talking about the kingi do it everyday people laugh at methen i talk to them more i get locked in steel tubes at 35 thousandfeet with hundreds of people and jesus rocks airplaneswhat are we afraid of? it's the truthi walk up to my room i'm walking down the hallway and there isa house keeper there

i said "hey you"she is in the little room with the towel i said " you speak english"she said "yes" "what's your name""miss gracia" i went "ah i love grace"so i'm talking to her telling her how amazing god isand i had a word about her back and i said " honey your back is messed up really bad"and she goes "ohh, i'm in terrible pain" i said " oh my gosh" i said " can i pray foryou" she says "please"prayed for her and she burst into sweat like just sweating profuselyand she started to wobble

and i said "check it"jesus completely healed her in the closet listen this is a constant constant thingeveryday all day it never shuts downeverywhere i go it's not my fault see he said to live this waysee i just believe all i am is normallisten peculiar but normal look people are likesometimes they say "todd your our of your mind"no,no,no no i'm our of yours i'm not our of minei have the mind of christ see that's what the bible say i'm supposedto live by

with the mind of christit's in 1 corinthians 2 it says his thoughts are higher than my thoughtsand his ways are higher than my ways who could know but we have the mind of christthat's a big deal that doen't mean i'm claiming to be godbut i'm a son and i'm just like my father he loves meyou guys are going to get to heaven and be surprised when you see jesus with dreadssome of you are like " no, no,no, no!" some of you all think he's like this palecomplication bright white caucasianyou're going to be surprised either way he's jesusjesus

so i said "oh my gosh, i need you to stayright here i need to do something, will you wait here?"she said "ok" so i ran down to the roommy wife is just getting out of the shower i go "come out into the hallway"she goes honey " i'm not even dressed" i said " god just spoke to my hearti need to bless this house keeper where is your check book at?" i went to the pocket bookand i didn't going tell her what i was going to write herbut i did i wrote her a check for $200why?

because my money is not minelisten why, why do we give whybecause god so loved the world that he gave why do we go to restaurants and tip our waitressesbecause it's really bad to go there and rip them offyou know what's really bad? to go there and punch out what's 10% on your phonefigure it out you know what we doevery time i go out to eat, i will not go out to eat unless i can double my bill witha tip it will make you not go out to eat as muchbut it will also change the culture of your communityand you will take the spirit and rip off

off the,listen we need to take the spirit of ugly off the brideand how you do that is being radically generous and i'm not saying that for an offeringi'm saying that so you can be one because you are supposed to be a living sacrificeholy and acceptable before god offer your body as a living sacrifice holyand acceptable pleasing to god which is your only reasonable serviceyour only service and don't be conformed to the worldbut be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you approve what is and whatis not god's will every second of the day and in every situationyou're not supposed to be unwise

you are supposed to knowyou are supposed to have the will of god nailed down in your heartbecause jesus was nailed down on a cross and paid a price for you to know the manifestwill of god it's powerfulit is so i incorporated jesus into my life at churchwhen i met that guy i was like "fine whatever""if he wants this life he can have it, whatever man, in jesus name"really so i went home and i called my daughterbecause she had left and gone to her mom's housei called my daughter i said "you need to tell

mommy that daddy found god"she said " what is he like?" i said " i don't know but i saw him in somebodytoday" because i saw it in that man's eyesbecause his eyes, the lamp of his body i could see jesus in therewhen people look at you what do they see when they look in your eyesdo they see lack? do they see loss? do they see life that has pottered them andsquezed them do they see that in you? or do they see christand him crucified? listen i'm not preaching some strange wordi'm preaching the gospel, man

this is the truththe gospel doesn't say deny the devil, pick up your cross and follow himit says deny yourself selfishnessself-centered self-seekingenvy the earthly wisdom it's both sensual and demonicand that's what it is it's self seeking and full of envyeverything not a little bit everything evil is in that place manand when your eye is not single all of a sudden that stuff is in youand you are wonder when your big break is going to bewhat if jesus is your big break

what if we don't see the big crossand what if christ and him crucified isn't enough?just like the israelites that went around the wilderness and the manna came down everydayeveryday in front of their tent there was a pile of fooda pile of bread every dayand instead of rejoicing over it they complained about itand they are in the wilderness because they complainthey loathed the worthless bread and the bread was christdon't say that jesus isn't enough man don't think that you need something else tobring you there

because there is nothing elsedon't think that that worthless bread jesus was the bread that came down from heavehe is the living bread and unless you eat his flesh and drink hisblood you have no part in himwhat does that mean that means that your life is fullyfully given to him that means that you abide in him and he inyou you abide in thereand that god is the gardener come on man!this is the gospel wake up churchwake up

arise and shineyour light is come awake you who sleep and christ will give youlife he will give youit's an amazing gospel so that night they came homei told my girlfriend i said "man, i'm telling you things are going to change"she said "you hypocrite, i hate you" why? because i destroyed her life for 9 yearsnow i bring this god thing in there's no religion in therethey don't even have, none of her family"i'm telling you things are going to change" i put my daughter to bed'honey this is amazing"

she said " daddy i"m so glad everything ischanged" i said "everything is changed, i saw god ina man today" that night i'm out on a crack bingefirst night second night againcalling in the morning "man i did it again" "well todd the reason you are doing it isbecause you don't understand who god says you are"bang, and he hit it again, keep on pounding truth into my souland i'm like man! and again i fell againand again i fell again and again i fell again5 and 1/2 months of doing that stuff man

5 and1/2 moths later i go out one night andi'm like man! and my girlfriend and my daughter follow meout into town and i'm at a pay phone calling my dealer he'snot there i turn around there they are behind my carman! my daughter " daddy you promised you'd neverdo it again" i said " i know" and i didn't want tosee i was in a place of romans 7 i didn't want to and i was doing iti was in a place of under the law because i didn't understand what grace wasi was in a place where i incorporated jesus in to appease people at the cost of truthbut i had no idea what the truth was

i saw it in a man but i couldn't get it andi needed it so that night i said "i"m sorry"and i got in the car and i lost them and when down the street to my cityi went down there and i picked some kid out of pennsylvaniapicked up some kid from new york city i got him on the street corneri said " what of you got on you" and i got this lump of drugs in my handi said " you have the right to remain silent anything say will be used against you"and man, i didn't have any money and needed to get minei'd ripped off lots of people but this time it was differenti had big lump of drugs

i had a quarter ounce of cocaine crack inmy hand ripping off this kid from new york"i knew you were a cop, i knew it" i said " get out of the car and put your handson the hood" and as soon as he got out i hit the gas toget away and he unloaded a 9mm at me from 10 feet awayboom! boom! boom! boom! and a voice shook my vehicleand it said " i took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet?" see that's what real grace isthat's grace because i should be dead now what good would it be for me to live formyself anymore

i'm not just playing a game up herei"m not just popping off i read my bible i know it and take you toit but it's sitting on the stage and i live in iti had no idea and that voice echoed in my brainand you know what i did i still smoked all that crack that nightand every hit i took that voice " i took those bullets for you, are you readyto live for me yet?" i couldn't get high and it was frustratingit was killing me i went home that night i pulled into my drivewayi look around my car, shined a flash light and not one bullet in my caroh my god, 10 feet away

i don't care who you area little 5 year old can hit you with a 9mm at least hit your vehicleunloaded a clip! a 9mm boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!boom! i said that's it i'm done"done the voice won't go away eitherand it's bothering me because it's inside of my headand i go to the door and my girlfriend is upand my daughter is there "i hate you, get out of my life"" daddy" 3 days later i went to a place called teenchallenge

a bed opened upi went to teen challenge i went and i gave upmy girlfriend hated me my daughter was sadi was a poor excuse for a father man i didn't know how to be a fathermy dad only knew about fathering because he just tried to let life father me when i wasa little kid he didn't know any bettervietnam really messed him up and all that stuffnone of that stuff is my father's fault, none of that is my mother's fault manit's time we own responsibility, and take responsibilitylisten all of us were pottered by the wrong

god, manall of us were squeezed and molded by the enemy of this world,satan the father of lies and i went into this place called teen challengeand i couldn't read i had no idea how to read my daughter is sadmy girlfriend is glad i'm gone the sherrif is at my house in 3 days because all the twisted stuff i had, all thedebt now it's coming upon herwham and i'm up at teen challenge2 months into this thin the bible starts opening up to methe first book ever

and i had these 3 encounters 3 night in arow with jesus and the 3rd nighti'm in a valley each encounter and he says "do not fear i'll never leaveyou nor forsake you" for 2 nightsthe third night same dream i open my bible go down to the prayer roomopen up my bible it opened to psalms 23 all three days by it'sself when i flipped it went right therethough i walk through the valley of he shadow of deathi'm like oh my gosh the third day he said "go home"so i'm in a program that i entered for a year

i'm 2 month into this thingnow that's 2 months in and i quit everything in my life beforesomething inside of me was completely changed i mean completely changedand dan came up and picked me up that guy i met in the churchthe guy that was telling me about jesus the guy that was working with me telling thetruth came out and picked me uphe took me home i had to get homei had to tell me daughter how sorry i was because for the first time in my life i realizedi was a father listen to mei had no idea how to be a father before

and for the first time in my life i realizedwhat it is to be a father and i get home and she comes running acrossthe porch she goes "daddy!"and i held her, i held her and i said "honey i'm so sorry""for what daddy?" "for all the stuff i've done and all the timesi've been away all the stuff" she goes " daddy what are you talking about? your home"i'm like "no, daddy is not home! daddy's out but he's not home,but i want to tell you what i"m going to do, i'm going to support youi'm going to provide for you i'm going to

get a job,it's going to be amazing" "daddy i'm just glad you're home"i said "honey i'm not home" then mom comes outi hurt her so bad i ruined her lifeshe comes out and i said "i'm so sorry" she says " i know you are, i gave my lifeto jesus" oh listen! i said " i cannot live here,there's no way i can live here" she goes " i know we need to get married"i look at dan " this is crazy man we need to plan this"he goes " you're not planning anything"

he said " we'll do in on sunday in betweenfirst and second service" so this here is my wifethat was 10 years ago people said dude "well we'll see where youare in 10 years" well here i ami preach the gospel all over the world and i watch jesus touch people everywherebecause he's amazing all i do is believei'm just normal that's it i really am normalbut i'm going to ask you right now you came into this service and you have notsurrendered, you have not given yourself to godget up here right now

get up here right nowif you're here and you've incorporated him and you haven't surrenderedi need you up here don't sit in your seat and wait come rightnow come right nowcome on! don't waitdown there just hold on right here come oncome on i'm proud of you mandude so proud of you come onif you're out there and you've just incorporated jesus init's time you give up

it's go timelet's do this jesuscome on there's more i need you up herestop holding out on jesus i'm looking around i see some warriors thatare here some warriorsi challenge you to surrender i challenge you to give everything up rightnow to push it to the center of the tablecome on there's more of you and i know you're out thereand if that's you i need you up here right nowjesus wants to set your life ablaze

come on mancome on jesuscome on don't hold backgive it all to him lets do this come on lets run togetherthe church, were in our final lap man don't be afraiddon't be afraid come onif you're tiered of being in fear and you've made this gospel all about youi need you up here right now i need you up here right nowcome on this is not jesus incorporated this is surrenderedthis is on fire

this is the lordlet's do this jesus king oh lord i give you everythingoh jesus my lord, my godmy lord, my god i'm not holding on to me anymoreholy jesus i'm giving everything to youeverything to you everything to you jesuseverything to you jesusholy lord, my god there is still people that need to be up herei'm not trying to pull teeth

if you heart is telling you up herecome up here just push everything to the centerlisten i'm so sorry that you got hurt by christianity and you've seen hypocritesthat doesn't mean you have to be one that doesn't mean you have to be onegod is looking for people that would not want to be a hypocritebut would be ready to go full on for god full on full ineverything in it's about all ineverything in let's do thiswe're on our final lap let's run this racecome on

jesusholy lord god holy jesusmy king of kings my lord of lordsmy everything jesus jesusjesus holy lord godjesus jesus you are goodmy jesus man i'm glad i want helping you with baptismbecause i hold people down till the bubbles stopbecause we bring them up a brand new man for realjesus

jesusso proud of you all come oni just want to hug you man you're a warrior mani love you man i love you manso proud of you dude so proud of youjesus will rock the world jesuslove you man jesusthank you god jesus namelove you man proud of you manyou're a warrior man

you're fearlessyou a warrior come on man time to crush hell for a livinglove you man yeah oh mandevil just hates this oh you to man come here dudecome here you i want to hug all of youi love you all so goodoh so good jesuslove you awesomelisten to me devil hates thisi feel like

i feel like david in the cave of adullamwhere all these broken contrite people come up in thereand they left mighty warriors man mighty warriorswarriors with the sword stuck to his hand kill all those peoplenot that we're going to kill people but we're going to use the word of the lordto slay devils all day long the worse thing we can do is go to bed withno blood on our sword man come ondo all of you all know what you're doing you're saying all inall in because you aren't a half way guyyou're either in or out

you can't do it manyour 100% on or not that's goodjesus love that some of you are like whaacome on alright so let's do thisready? everyone of you all ready? love iti'm so proud of you all see some of you all didn't come out therebut you all are sitting, said i can do it from right hereshame kept you there there's no shame in the gospelsorry buddy

no guilt no shame no condemnationthat's the devil's game that is not jesus guilt shame and condemnation are from helljesus is a professional past wiper outer he wiped out my and it's as if i've neversinned and i live and look in the mirror and lovewhat i see are you ready? here's what we're going to dowe're going to pray and there is people i think i need to sendyou to there things up herepeople, somebody is going to help me because the worst thing you can do is sayyes to god

and then not allow yourself to be pluggedinto a family you don't want to do thatso what happens is you get hurt by church or something happens in lifeand you're like i don't want anything to do with thatno no no we're not supposed to go to a church to findlove we're supposed to become it and plug inall we do is bring what we've got to the table and we say i'm just here to serveand i just want to partner that's it ok?so i don't want anyway to go away to just run away after thisbecause we're going to pray for the sick too

but i want you guyslisten you need to plug in be a part of somethingalright? jesusthere's people out there man there's people in gangs that need you talkto them man i know you know what i'm sayingyep, good alright everybody with me right nowwhat we're say is we're pushing everything to the center i'm all in periodwe're not going to hold anything back are you ready?so all you all pray with me out here pray with me in case, just in case your outthere and you didn't come up here

if i don't see your lips moving i'll thinkthat you should be up here everybody say this with melord god i believethat what jesus did is enough for meyou paid for my sin on calvaryso that i did not have to pay for it i could believethat jesus who knew no sinbecame sin for meso that i could become the righteousness of godthat is in christ jesus

todayi give my lifeto you all of itfor of all of you in the name of jesustoday i ama child of the living godin jesus name amenjesus jesus alrighthe's doing information, information swapthis is good

pastoram i ok? it's ok to pray for the sick real quick? okthey told me 12:15 i looked at the clock and i'm likeoh jesus mercy, gracelisten sharp shooters are in place i know thathopefully they hit one of my dreads with and with a bulletno this is most powerful powerful time but i know that god,i know that jesus is the healer so i won't pray for the sick right nowalright

so if you've got any kind of sickness or diseasein your body put your hand up right nowalright jesus is goodhe is i want everybodyaround somebody with their hand up i just want you to put your hand on them pleasejust help me out we're going to body of christ ministersee it's christ in us the hope of glory so it's never about just christ in toddor christ in the pastor it's about christ in usit's about us being a mobile church see we don't just come to church we are thechurch

jesus did not heal the sick as godjesus healed the sick as a man with perfect relationship with godfilled with the holy spirit that's not taking away divinityjesus was fully god and fully man but he laid apart his divinity and humbledhimself as a bond servant and he grew up as a man so he could fulfillthe covenant for us to come to be one with godbut jesus did what he did as a man filled with godhe was god incarnate it was jesus christthe holy spirit flowing through him doing everything through himso when we pray

the same holy spiritromans 8:11 says the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the deaddwells in us that means when we praythe holy spirit in and through us is the one that does the healingit's no us at all but we are conduits that carry the kingdomthe kingdom of god is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the holyspirit the kingdom is in the holy spiritso right now put your hand on somebody just going to pray right nowfather i thank you in the name of jesus right nowwe command sickness and disease to leave

right nowin jesus' name every bitfather i thank you for necks being loosed right now in the name of jesusi thank you for backs being completely healed father thank you in jesus' nameevery disk be made whole right now sciatic nerve pain gobulging disk go herniate disk goin jesus' name father i thank you for brand new shouldersrotator cuffs be healed in jesus' name right nowgod thank you for every joint in the body arthritis we command you get out in jesus'name

right nowevery joint be loosed in jesus' name in jesus' name brand new kneesbrand new wrists in jesus' name brand new hipsin jesus' name brand new god we thank you in the name of jesuspeople that, married couples that could not have childrenwe command those wombs to be open in jesus' namebabies babies babies in jesus' name married couples conceive in jesus' namegod we thank you heart conditions be healed right nowin jesus' name brand new lungsany kind of asthmatic condition

any kind of lung canceranything having to do with breathing god i thank you for brand new lungsi feel like somebody has a lung that is closed right nowwho is that? there is a lung, somebody's lung that's notworking i think it's the left lungis there anybody in here that that's them come onjesus' name left lung open right now in jesus' name right nowopen jesus' name brand newright now in jesus' namei want somebody right here to put her hand

on herjust put your hand on her shoulder right there it's goodi don't have to touch you so goodjesus i thank you for a brand new lung right nowis it closed or is it gone did they remove it?no it's just closed pain right nowjesus' name left lung be healed now in jesus' nameevery bit of pain get out in jesus' name right nowlet her go jesus' namedon't let her hit the floor

jesus' name god i thank youwholeness god brand new right nowfreedom in jesus' name jesus' nameankles, joints, knees, necks, shoulders, hips i want everybody around here right nowthat had some kind of pain in any of those areasjust check right now to see god is amazing just checkyou don't have to have heat or cold it doesn't matter just check and seei promise i've watched jesus do so many thingsif it's gone wave your had at me right now come onjesus is wonderful

wonderfulfather we thank you in the name of jesus god brand newgod i thank you every terminal disease every diseasein jesus' name cancer we curse you and command you get outin jesus name god we thank you in the name of jesuscomplete wholeness god right nowjesus' name jesus' namedigestive disease in the name of jesus we command you goacid reflux, ulcers, peptic ulcers in the name of jesusevery digestive disease, every problem

even irritable bowel syndromein the name of jesus be healedfather we thank you for complete wholeness godsickle cell, anemia in the name of jesus get outin jesus name right nowin jesus name god thank you wholeness godchronic migraines, who are you? you get migraines all the timethere's more there's probably 10 people in the name of jesusmigraines we command you get out right now

in jesus' namego never returnin jesus' name in jesus' nameok in the name of jesuspinched nerve pinched nerves in the neckthere's an pinched nerve who else has a pinched nerve in their neckcausing you numbness in your hand? father we thank you in the name of jesusright now find a hand that's up right nowwe're just going to pray right now each hand that's up right now i need peopleto go around them

this is pinched nerves in the neckin the name of jesus we command it to go right nowjesus name brand newnecks be loosed nerves be loosed in jesus' nameok alrighta lady came up to me and brought a phone and she has her sister on herelaura has a 90 percent blind eye? okalright awesome if you have seeing problemsif you have a blind eye is there anybody here that has a blind eyeok

right thereok you toook alrightlisten here's what we're going to do stretch your hand toward this phone rightnow and every blind eye in this placefather we thank you right now in the name of jesus godin the name of jesus we command this eye to open right noweye open in jesus' name in jesus' nameright now eyes we command you see in jesus' namein jesus name brand new

jesus' namebrand new eyes we command you see in the name of jesusgod thank you for laurain jesus' name brand new vision returnevery eye every blind eye opened in jesus namejesus' name jesus' namebrand new vision god in jesus' nameif there is improvement in anybody's eye i want you to wave your hand at me so we cansee what's going on jesus' namejesus' name right now

improvement godeyes see in jesus' name talk to herin the name of jesus god brand new eyesa brand new eye for laura in jesus' namefather we thank you in the name of jesus god where is she? bring her up? is there change? she's tremblingcome on more jesus' more open her eye jesus' name eye open right nowholy spirit touch her eye in jesus' name

every eye in this placeshake it god jesus' namesee in jesus' name see in jesus' namesee in jesus' name see in jesus' namejesus' name jesus' namejesus' name jesus' nameis there change? jesusok so can she see better? jesus namejesus name yes she see betterin the name of jesus god

moremore god jesus' namemore in the name of jesus godmore for laura more for laurastretch your hands out right now come on guys lets join faithin jesus name we command these eyes open in jesus' namebrand new eyes jesus' name vision be restored in jesus namejesus name every effect from the strokebe healed in jesus name we command it to gojesus' name

let her eyes be opened to read the word godin jesus' name every effect in jesus namein jesus' name brand new brand newjesus' name any change right there? nosomeone put your hand over there come oneyes in the name of jesus in jesus' name brand new visiongod i thank yoiu in jesus' name brand new vision god in jesus namebrand new in jesus name in jesus' namein jesus' name

more for laura godin jesus' name god thank you for every eye in this placein the name of jesus' god father i thank you for hearing loss rightnow being healed in jesus' nameears open right now in jesus' nameif that's you and you have hearing loss put your hand upcome on jesus' name all over the buildingcome on guys put your hand on somebody right hereshe needs ears open lets do thisears open in jesus' name

brand newamen she took her contact outand her eye feels hot right now yeah!come on! jesus jesus jesus jesusfather thank you in jesus' name every ear open right now in the name of jesus,god thank you father for complete wholeness godright now god i thank you for hearing open right nowevery ear open in jesus namebrand new ears god ears to heargod thank you

in the spirit but in the naturein the natural she's readingyes! yayjesus ears pop open right now in the name of jesuswe command you open in jesus nameright now if someone's hearing is changing i need youto wave your hand at me i need to wave your hand at me so i can see what is going onif it is getting better in your ear right now i want to see your hand upis it changing? right nowis it changing?

it's getting betterawesome who else? there is change right now happeningyou can feel something happening in your ear? awesomefather i thank you in jesus' name ears open right nowin the name of jesus right now brand new ears godin jesus' name ears openin jesus' name in jesus' namealright everyone put their hand on someone beside youeveryone in the place

here's what we're going to dowe're going to pray for the person on our left and rightwe just going to command every bit of sickness and every bit of diseaseto get out of their body right now everybody in hereare you ready? everybody on account of threewhat we're going to do we command in the name of jesuswe command every bit of sickness every bit of disease to get gone right nowin jesus' name in jesus' nameare you ready? one, two, threespeak to it

jesus' namejesus' name brand new jesus jesus jesus thank youthank you father in the name of jesus every bit of sicknessevery bit of disease get out of these houses in the name of jesus right nowevery bit jesus' name right now every bit of sickness every bit of diseaseget out addiction i command you leave these housesnow in jesus' name every bit of addiction i command you get outin jesus name alcohol addiction drug addiction, addictionto pain medication in jesus name addiction to pornography get out of thesehouse in the name of jesus right now

jesus name every mind be clearevery pornographic image be gone in jesus' namein jesus' name right now be healed in jesus' namealright everybody in the house to check right now,anything in your body that you can check physically i want everybody to check all over the houseright now if it's gone wave both hands in the air rightnow medication come onjesus jesus jesus jesuspastor hey guys thanks for watching the videowe came up with a website

it's called lifestyle christianitywe have our newsletter that's going to go outyou can sign up for our e-mail list we also have testimonies on thereevent schedule all that stuffit'll be amazing we want to empower a generation to walk outchristianity as a lifestyle so we can all walk with the power of god ona constant basis it's going to be awesome so come on overbless you thanks for watching

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