i want to thank allof you for coming and doing the work you'redoing to inform other people. i'm going to say a lot of thingsthat may bother some of you, but please be patient.i'm not your enemy. i'm going to tell you things about your society thatyou may or may not know. i want to say first that the language we speak wasdesigned hundreds of years ago. it's almost impossibleto talk to one another.
although we think wetalk to one another, we really repeat a languagethat's highly insufficient. whatever you say to otherpeople, it goes in their heads and comes out tofit their society. you don't always communicate with people.the problem is: can we develop a languagethat has consistent meaning? if you still don'tunderstand me, sometimes i might say"have a nice weekend." why don't we say "have a nice life"?why just a weekend?
our language is old. is it possible to devise a languagethat's not subject to interpretation? when you read thebible, if you do, it says "jesus meant this." (somebody says that.) "oh, no. he meant that." the third person says "you're both wrong.this is what he really meant", so you have the lutherans, the seventhday adventists, the catholics because it's subjectto interpretation. the language of chemistry,mathematics, science, engineering
is not subject tointerpretation. when a chemist writes a formula, no matter what country it goes tothey interpret it the same way. i'm trying to tell you, it'spossible to develop a language that's not subjectto interpretation. we really talk at each otherrather than to one another. that's a major problem.that's why lawyers exist. they can take language,mold it, reshape it, but you can't do that.
those of you who do want toknow how to communicate, there are books such as 'scienceand sanity' by alfred korzybski; 'language in thought and action' by [s.i.] hayakawa; 'the tyranny of words'by stuart chase; you don't even know this,but the words you use have no communication value. take junior gradeschool for example. when a teacher says toa child "that's wrong" that doesn't tell the child anything.think about that.
"that's wrong." what does that tell you?nothing in particular. if a teacher says "that'snot what i told you!" that doesn't tellthe child anything. most of our language is empty. there's another bullshitword, and that's 'love'. don't get mad at me.hear me out. most of us don't likeeverything we've done in life. i'm sure we don't. we've made mistakes.we've made false judgments. sometimes you like yourself.
sometimes a little bit.sometimes not at all, so love is a fluctuating thing. even if you marrysomebody and love them, you'll find sometimes you lovethem very much, little less. sometimes "how did i everget in this situation?" love is a fluctuatingthing, not a fixed thing. that's why we don'tunderstand what's happening. sometimes a guy isconditioned by society to like a girl of aparticular configuration,
but he marries a girl of adifferent configuration; and he's always looking atdifferent configurations. you think "what the hell isthe matter with this guy?" nothing is the matter with him.he was brought up that way. there are not goodor bad people. there are no creativepeople or lazy people. all that is bullshit putout by your country. i going to tell you alittle bit about it. if you were raised by theheadhunters of the amazon,
you'd be a headhunter, and if i said to you "doesn't itbother you to have 5 shrunken heads?" you'd say "yes, mybrother has twenty." so, is he nuts? no.that's normal to his culture. if you were brought up in ancientrome, assuming you were christian, the romans believed inmany different gods, and you come up with onegod, you must be nuts; so they put you in an arenawith a lot of hungry lions, and they'd starve the lions fora week to put on a good show.
then they take the clothesoff the christians so the lions cantear at them easy. the whole family wouldcome saturday and sunday to see christians fed to lions, and the kids would say"daddy, can i come next week to see christians fed to lions?" dad says "if youbehave yourself." now, are these people nuts? no.that's normal to that culture. just as we go to prize fights
and watch men punch theheads of other men. all the things we do are stupidand far beyond civilization. we are not civilized yet.that's why you have prisons, police, war and all the problems you have,unnecessary human suffering because people don'tunderstand yet. their schools do noteducate people. they teach you to become a cog ina wheel, as roxanne pointed out. they teach them to become a carpenter,an engineer, an architect. all these are false fields.
they have to teach you howto become a generalist. how to understand thehistory of civilization which is lacking inall our universities. they will be shutdown in the future and people will be broughtup to become generalists so they understandhuman behavior, they understand whatmakes a person, what gives a person drive. all of us are broughtup to believe
there are different kindsof people, which is a lie: that the japanese mindcan't grasp technology, that the chinese can'tunderstand certain things, and always get a dumb pollockto clean out his cellar, and the damn italians are wops.they brought the mafia to this country. all that hatred comesfrom cheap labor. when the irish firstcame to this country, they worked for one-half theamount americans worked for. "so let's get rid of those damn irishmen.they're no good."
they took our jobs away.that's why we got mad at them. during the depression if a factoryput up a sign 'help wanted', everybody lined up to get ajob, hundreds of people, and normal americans(normal means fucked up) would say "let's get the goddamn wops out of the line." "let's get the god damnfilipinos out of the line" because they threaten our jobs. that's why they do that.racial hatred is tolerated and brought about, but iwant to tell you this:
if a normal american baby orgreek baby or french baby were brought up in nazi germany, and all they see is "heil hitler!deutschland ã¼ber alles!" (germany above all)they become nazis! if you're brought up in america youbecome "yes, sir. i'm an american and proud of it." most americans don't know that george washington, the firstpresident, had 300 slaves. today he'd be arrested as a nut, and the most of the people...harry truman, president truman
was a hat salesman,a real jackass in presidential position. now, who are these people in government?what is a politician? i don't want youto take my word. i want you to walk over toany politician you know (or do not know) and ask them "how can you grow food fasterwithout exhausting the soil and feed the hungry?" "i don't know." "how can you make automobiles thatdon't hit each other?" "i don't know."
"how can you make highways safer?" "i don't know." they don't know anything!don't take my word for it. ask them! they really don'tknow a damn thing, and i mean politiciansall over the world. all countries, all, arebasically corrupt. if you don't understandwhat i'm saying, where do you think americagot america from? you think the indians said"come on over, enjoy yourself. take all the land you want." no, we killed thousands of indians.
we starved 50 million buffalo tomake it tough for the indians; and the indians that fought back really tried to takesome land back, but the government decided that they wanted to get ridof those aggressive indians that wouldn't conformto what we wanted; so they offered 10 bucks forevery indian you killed, and the guy walked over and said"i just killed 10 indians." the government said"how do we know that?
bring back a pieceof the indian." so they started scalping:americans, not the indians, and we brought back 10scalps to collect 10 bucks for every indian you killed. americans are no good, the french areno good, the greeks are no good. all nations are corrupt. they say "the sun neversets on england." where do you think englandgot all that land from? they took it by killingthousands of people.
so, if you don't likethe guy next door, if you shoot him and miss by oneinch you're not a murderer. if your aim is a littlebetter, you're a murderer, if you hit the guy. today they have guns, machineguns with the laser beams. when it's on you and you pullthe trigger, bullets come out. if it's a little off,no bullets come out. the guns are getting smarter;soldiers are getting dumber, and they are killing.they are killing machines.
we would train soldiers to be problemsolvers, send them back to school. how do you bridge thedifference between nations? how can we improve agriculture? how can we fighthurricanes, heart disease? this is the realproblem, not killing! when you kill people and bomb cities...consider the abortionist. some people say "jeez,it's terrible. they commit abortion.they take a life." if these people wereconsistently educated,
when you have war you kill pregnantwomen, children, everybody! why don't they fight against war?why just abortionists? there is something dreadfullywrong with all our schools. they have better equipmentthan ever (the universities), the best, and the warsare getting worse. the atom bomb is considered nothingtoday compared to the cobalt bomb that would killmany more people. each submarine (i'mtalking about america. it's the only country ihave information on.)
[america] has 300hundred submarines. according to the navy, each onehas more destructive power than all the wars in history. what can youaccomplish with that? then they tell you other things. they tell you thingslike: be good, be kind. how can you be kind or good? suppose i have a factoryand i turn out things ten times faster than your factory?same product.
if i share that with you, ilose the competitive edge. if i have patents, i deprivepeople all over the world from making thingsthat make life better. so, how can you be decent? you go to church on sundayand what do you do there? you look at the clothesof other people. everybody dresses tooutface the other person. when they go to church, whatdo they do mostly? bother god. "we need a new car.my wife needs a car.
i'd like a home in the country.i'd like this. i'd like that." they say that godknows everything. that's what theyteach you in church. god knows everything.he made every planet, every galaxy. when i went tochurch, i insulted the minister by saying"if god knows everything why did jesus insult god?" he said "i don't rememberjesus insulting god." well, they crucified jesus.just before they crucified him
he looked up and said"father, forgive them for they know not what they do." and god said "gee, ididn't know that, thanks!" if he knows everything what isjesus talking to him about? what are you talking to himabout if he knows everything? "aunt minnie is sick. she is suffering.please ease the pain." [god] "well, i didn't knowthat about aunt minnie, ok!" you see, man makes godin his own image: some jerk that getsangry and says "noah,
build yourself an ark.i'm going to flood the whole area. i don't like the products i turned out." he wants to kill everybody, so noah is to build an ark. if he took two kinds of every animalthe ark would be about a mile long. who cleans the shitout of that boat? the stories are so ridiculousthey are not even sensible. so, i read the bible insteadof the comic strips because there is nothing in it that makes sense.god sits on a throne. he makes a man and a woman,puts them in a beautiful garden
and then he has a snakethat walks upright (according to thebible, not me), and the snake says "eat of the fruitof knowledge" and eve did that, and he kicked them both outand slammed the gates shut. all loving, all kind god! the contradictions areso thick in the bible, it's amazing thateverybody doesn't see it! now in the bible, if you're religious,it says "thou shalt not kill." it doesn't say "you can killwednesdays and thursdays."
it says "thou shalt not kill." then it says "love thine enemy" meaning if a man strikesyou, turn the other cheek. what happens in times of war? what's the matter with these christians?[that kill] larry king once said "what do youthink of christianity, fresco?" i said "it's a great idea, when arethey putting it into practice?" [laughter, then applause] frankly, i've nevermet a christian
that forgives people, that loves their enemy,that turns the other cheek, that has no locks on the door. when a hungry person knocks,they bring them in and say "do unto others as you wouldhave others do unto you." i never met a christian[like that]. never found oneanywhere i've traveled. the point is, all ofus need security. all people, all over the world
need clean air, clean water, arableland and a relevant education. what does relevant education mean?to study agriculture, nature, how we relate to nature,how we relate to one another, to give us the tools to live inaccordance with what we want, not what they want you to be. they want you to be patriotic.that means they want to control you. "patriotism" einsteinsaid "is a disease," but he couldn't saythat publicly. when he came to this country,he was a socialist to america,
and they said "don'ttalk socialism! they will ship yourass back to germany." so he wouldn't talk about it. einstein, i once askedhim whether he felt that social design would beprevalent for all people, useful. he said he was a socialist.he really didn't know the anatomy of social design. he said "are you interestedin mathematics?" i said "yes, as a tool."
he didn't really know theprocess of social design. i asked communists "how will youprevent corruption in the future?" they said "well, when that time comes(this was in the great depression) we'll work on it." i asked them "how willhouse millions of people?" "well, ah, when that timecomes, we'll work on that." i said "let's starta technical branch of the communist party orsocialist party or any party to make life secure for all people,so no one can become corrupt."
they said "you are deviatingfrom the teachings of marx. you'll have to leave." i wasn't trying to deviateor disrupt communists. i was trying to give them amethod of solving problems. i joined at that time,during the depression, i joined technocracy[the movement] because they talked aboutusing science in government, but there were no blacksin the organization. i said "how comethere's no blacks?"
they said "well, let themstart their own section." i said "what about orientals?" they said "the oriental mindcan't grasp technology." of course, as you know today,they lead the world in robotics. all our thoughts about differentkinds of people are lies. they are not real. we have to understand that allpeople tend to love their kids. all people want their kidsto be better educated. all people want toknow about nutrition.
so, let's say the drugcompanies were really sincere, and they found out that celeryjuice lowers blood pressure. you can't make any money sellingcelery juice, could you? but you can get two bucksfor every pill you sell. there was a book writtenmany years ago. i'd also like to know howmany people ever heard of it: 'a hundred million guinea pigs'. how many of you haveheard of that book? it should have been in every library.it's not.
what did 'a hundred millionguinea pigs' talk about? the lies put out bythe drug companies. the people of america... (it was a bestseller by theway in america, years ago) they demanded that the government putin a pure food and drug administration to check the claims ofthe drug companies, and they did. they got that in. now it's run by peopleof the drug companies. everything becomes corrupt.everything we touch.
so oppenheimer went to visit harry truman(president harry truman) and said "now thatwe have an atom bomb why don't you demonstrate itabout 30 miles out at sea so the japanese can see it? you won't have to drop it over japan.give them a chance to surrender." harry truman said "getout of my office! i never want to seeyou guys again." they dropped the atom bombon hiroshima, nagasaki,
because he was a jackass.most presidents are very stupid people. they know nothing about ecology,evolution of the society, or have ever. no politician has everincreased the agricultural yield, made automobiles safer,airplanes safer. what the hell arethey doing there! how did they get the job? there is something dreadfullywrong with education. the people in washington... (i can only talk about them.i believe all countries are similar.)
the people in washington shouldknow more about human behavior, the latest technologies... they tell you "if you want freedom,write your congressman." why do you have to write him?he should know all those things. when you fly on an airplane, youdon't have to write the pilot. say "you've been flying at an anglefor a half hour. straighten up!" they know their business! the same for government.they should know everything about modern technology,human behavior.
when you put a man in prison: sayhe stole a watch that cost $150 and it's the 4th time hecommitted that crime, so you put him injail for 7 years. that's a hell of a lot ofwatches you can give him. figure the costs of that: feedinghim, medical care for 7 years. let him have the watch! it's much cheaper to give peoplethings they need than to kill them. think of a man in jail for life.do you know how much that costs? they're worried about the fact thathe tried to rob a jewelry store
of maybe three orfour hundred dollars? it's always cheaperto feed people. when they go to jail,i can assure you, they don't come out any better. they call themcorrectional institutes. they don't even knowhow to correct people. they are not people-trainedin that area. then, you have a bunch ofpeople they call psychologists (i hope there isnone here today)
and psychiatrists, that adjustyou to this fucked up culture. how can you adjust people tothis culture if you're sane? do you understand what i mean?so even psychologists and psychiatrists arepart of the culture. so is religion. "jesus needs money." jesus doesn't need anything. god doesn't need anything. they also try to tell youthat god so loveth the world, that he gave hisonly begotten son.
according to the bible, it says they crucified christ, he aroseand ascended into heaven. where is the sacrifice? think about it. so, we don't thinkabout what we read. we just read and we just yack. when we're asked to vote forsomebody, we vote for somebody that fits the patterns we'vebeen brought up to accept. now, during the question period,please don't be polite.
if i say anything you don'tunderstand, say "i don't get it." if i fail to answeryour question, say "you didn't answer my question." don't be polite. at the question period, we willexamine some of the ideas, and i want you to ask allkinds of naughty questions. don't accept a thing i say.i don't want you to follow me. i want you to listen to what i say.if it makes sense, do it. if you like the venus project,when you leave here if you don't talk to other peopleabout it, nothing will happen.
if you like what we stand for...look, it's not perfect. it's just a lot better thanthe society you live in, and it will continue to get better.there are no final frontiers. people think i am a utopian, [that] i believe you can make thebest of all possible worlds. i don't. even if i designa city that works, that city will be a strait jacketto the kids of the future. they will designtheir own cities. if you make a statue of me and put itin the city, that holds people back!
in order to move forward you haveto look at things, examine it, improve it and move on. history is very poor.you don't learn much from it. if you study history exclusivelyyou won't come up with new ideas. we want to move on.there is no such thing as utopia. every city i design would bethe best i know up to now, and as time goes on, you learnmore, and the city changes. nothing can be frozenand kept that way. everything keeps changing.there are no final frontiers.
that's what the matterwith heaven: it's fixed. everything is the same way.consider this: if you went to heavenand you looked down and saw starving kids inafrica, war on earth, would heaven be a peaceful place for you?absolutely not! there were a bunch of angelsthat turned against god so he kicked them all out.they are called 'the fallen angels'. if he didn't have peace up there, how thehell are you going to have it down here? you have to read your bible, youhave to be ruthlessly honest!
[applause] if you're not honest,it won't work. it says in the bible "judge not,lest ye be judged." that means don't judge anybody. you don't knowenough about what made him that way. it also says in the bible "thereforeby the grace of god, go i." that's anybody you seein a wheelchair, blind, all of us.that can happen to all of us. they don't know whatto do about it. in 1927, i came up with a littleidea which i got from bats.
bats can fly at nightand not hit anything. how do they do it? by sound. so, i made a little gadget thatwould fit over a person's ear and generate sound waves, so you can hear an open dooreven though you're blind. you can hear an object in frontof you by sound feedback. we can build thingsin all cities so the blind don't need that whitestick or a dog or anything like that. in a meantime, we'll work onartificial systems of vision.
i think that human beingscan solve any problem. if you don't understand me, i amnot upholding germany this time (some people think i do). we formed a blockade to preventthe germans from getting rubber, but they had enough techniciansto make synthetic rubber; so they made all the rubber fortheir airplanes and everything out of their own chemistry. so, with technicians...not in charge! understand: i don't want to seescience in charge of government
or technicians. what i want to see is theirassignment to problems such as agriculture. when you can grow food twice as faston the soil, you exhaust the soil. we want to know how to grow foodfaster without exhausting the soil. the united states armydumped 65 tons of nerve gas into the ocean off the coastof miami near the gulf stream. how can you love the countryif the army did that? they don't knowwhat they're doing.
"we want you to dump nerve gas." "yes, sir." we don't want obedientpeople anymore. we want you to understandwhat's happening. we don't want you to vote for asenator or some other jackass. they are incompetent!all of them! i want you to understand,everything that you have today (your electric lights, yourairplanes, your automobiles), you had nothing to do with them. you got them just being born in acountry that had that technology.
you got it for nothing. i don't think any of you hereworked on the electric light or radio or television,very few people. you got all that for nothing.does it hurt you? of course not. they say "well, you don't want to givepeople things for nothing, do you?" this kid said that to meat princeton university. "fresco, you want to givepeople things for nothing." i said "are you payingyour way through college?" he said "no, my dad is." i said "does that hurt you?"
this kid said to me (hestill doesn't believe anybody ought to getthings for nothing), so i said to him "well, as iunderstand, your father is wealthy. if he dies, you want his moneyto go to the heart fund and the cancer fund,but not to you, because you don't believe anybodyought to get anything for nothing." he said "just a minute now!" everybody wants things for nothing.you've got the earth for nothing. you were born here.beautiful scenery, clouds.
you didn't make any of that.does it hurt you? of course not, but when you're bornin a polluted world with smog in the air andautomobile pollution, then "i guess that's the way it is." it isn't that way! it's because the people in charge ofgovernment are totally incompetent. what you really wantis a world free, free of burden, pain,prisons, police, crime. can we do that? the church hasbeen trying to do it for years. they don't know how.they have no idea how to do it.
they say "be kind, be good." how do you do that? i wanted my children,two of them, to learn how to read. i never taught them how to read. i would open a book at night andi would read to them in bed. i'd read to them about thingskids are interested in. this happened to be my son.he was about 4 years old. i was reading about dinosaurs, and i said "when the two dinosaurs met...ahh [yawn]."
i said "that's all for tonight." i close it. he said "what happenedwhen the dinosaurs met?" i said "look, if you learn to read,you can figure it out for yourself." i gave him a reason to want to read!don't just teach them to read. teach them a reason towant to learn mathematics. teachers teach you how to read"the dickie dare and his sheep. on the way he met a cow.'moo moo' said the cow." what is that crap? they have in america (i don'tknow how much you have it here) the mickey mouse club!now, what the hell happens
if you condition kids tojoin the mickey mouse club? you make a bunch of pinheads! do you understand?kids want to know everything. how do airplanes fly?"daddy, what makes the light go on?" he says "i don't know that." daddy usually doesn't know anything. and congressmen know less. i'm saying, everything that youhave is technical. think about it. if we took away technology, if youshut down boulder dam, tomorrow, all the food in allthe refrigerators
from la to sanfrancisco would fail. all the food would rot away. everything that youhave is technology. if you shut down the power projects,men would have to pull cars and boats. they did it on the volga river.they had to pull freighters. men (slaves) werewhipped to do that. slavery was normalin the old days, and kings felt that they wereput here to rule over people. people in my positionlike to think
that they are here to try tomake the world a better place [that] 'divinewisdom' guides them. look, divine wisdomdoesn't guide anybody. when christians were fed tolions, they prayed like hell. the jews in concentration campsprayed, and they were burned. in salem, massachusetts, if a woman spoke up and she didn'tquite agree with everything, she was burned alive as a witch. now here is whatyou didn't know.
i'm talking aboutthe united states. women, hundreds of them,were burned alive because they thought aboutthings just a little different, but then what you didn't knowis for every witch you found you inherited their bankaccount and their land. it was a good job looking forwitches in the old days. the more you can find, themore money you got, and free. here you have a worldthat is sicker than shit! when i say that i mean it:
i mean that the world you live inis consisting of the stupid people, including the military. the pentagon and washington think thatthey are there to defend the country. whatever a man can think of, some other-body can thinkof a way around that. you can't secure yourself. you think that you go to an airport,you put your luggage down they x-ray it andyou're all right. i can design clothingthat gives off nerve gas.
there are other ways aroundanything a person could think. i wouldn't do that, of course. i wouldn't work on weapons. when i was drafted in the army,the first thing they said was "can you make a bomb, fresco, thatgoes sideways instead of up?" i said "i have noidea how to do that." it says [in the bible] "castye not pearls before swine." people are not educated yet. they should not have weaponsof mass destruction.
they don't know how to use it. they should have technologythat enhances all human life. this is what religiontries to do. i would say that the venusproject is the nearest thing to the brotherhood of humanity. i want to try to tell you alittle more about people. if you were raised innazi germany as a baby, if you never saw anything else,it would be "heil hitler!" if you're raised infrance "la tour eiffel!"
your facial expressions,everything. if you're raised in the south in americayou speak with a southern accent. if i say "stop speakingwith it," you can't. you say "well, i'm gon' get me anigga and i'm gon' kick his ass!" is that you speaking?or is that picked up from your environment? if you take a normal boy and bring him up with six orten very effeminate women... women speak differently than men.they move their hands a lot. facial expressions are different,more like i'm moving now.
if you were just broughtup with those women, a boy would movejust like a woman. if you're brought up in italy you say"come on, eat, itza gooda food!" because even that is reflection. if you're brought up in germany, again,it's "deutschland ã¼ber alles." if you're brought upin any other country, you might say you know wherethe person was brought up from by the way they speak. "how are ya, mate?" you know nowthat guy comes from: australia.
"how are ya, mate!" you'd speak that way, your facialexpressions would be that way, and you'd use words like 'individuality'.there's no such thing. everybody reflectstheir culture. if you lived in france 10 years, youmoved to germany, lived there 10 years, you'd speak with the german-french accent.not a thing you can do about it. we reflect ourculture, all of us. when they say "think foryourself", you can't, because you think as anamerican or a frenchman
or a german or agreek or an italian. when germans speak whenthey come to this country, they speak and say "well, i giveyou zom idea vot happened." that's the way they speak.they pick it up. it's a cross betweengerman and english. i worked for a guynamed ernst udet, who was an ace of world war i.he shot down 71 planes. since i worked for him, i said "howdid you shoot down 71 airplanes?" maybe if he shot down 5or 6, that's possible,
but how can you shootdown 71 airplanes? he said [german accent] "eetz very easy, fresco." that's the way he spoke. he said "i would fly above thesquadrons 'und' i'd look for a rookie (a bad pilot, that didn't knowhow) and i'd pick him off." so, is he a good man? is he kind? is he human? same with eddie rickenbacker.they always fly above the squadron and look for guys who can't flytoo well and pick them off. that gives you a lot of medals,a lot of x's on your fuselage.
when you're brought up, you're brought up where a lot of people goto church and say "thou shall not kill," and so it's hard to getpeople to enlist in the army. they give japanese or chineseamericans false teeth, and they make a movie by frankcapra called 'why we fight.' it shows these japanesekids raping a woman and the enlistmentgoes up 75 percent. you have to teach hatred to havewar to be a working system, and army men unfortunately,
10 years after the war, that's themost exciting time of their life. they always go back andjoin the american legion. they talk about thedays they shot these god damn slanty-eyed bastards. the germans were calledkrauts, not human beings. we shot them too. soldiers are killing machines, and if you want aworld without war, people have to beeducated to understand
that all people need thesame thing: good food, healthy living, arelevant education. not killing, because war only produceshatred over the years. they remember that you killedtheir kids, their parents. and they want to get even with you.some people say to me "i'm just imitating them. why are these god damn northkoreans building rockets? why are these chinesebuilding big armies?
they are a threat to us!" again, i don't want youto take my word for this. there's a newspaper in englandcalled 'the telegraph', 'the london telegraph', and in that newspaperthey ran a headline about 7 years ago [sundaytelegraph, 10 mar 2002]: 'the us intends tobomb seven countries.' nuclear bomb, sneak attack,on seven countries! it names north korea, china, allthe countries we don't like.
headlined in the 'telegraph'.you haven't seen that, so write for it.don't take my word for it. when you do that, if china said "weintend to bomb england, france, united states and other countries," we would arm to the tooth. that's why they are allbuilding nuclear weapons. they are afraid of us,afraid of america. you didn't know theyran that, so you say "why are these damnchinese doing that?" "why are these damnkoreans doing that?"
they are doing it because they'rescared of the united states, and the united states: are their intentions good?they may be, but they are stupid people. even if they intended to do that,they should not have released it. it was released by the pentagon, according to the 'telegraph'. so, there is your reason. people behave as they've beenconditioned, as they manage news and turn you off from things theythink you ought not to hear.
like the theory of evolutionwas held back for a long time, and in all the parks inamerica, or most of them, there are canons, wartanks, airplanes. there should be statues ofpeople that increased food, that did wonderfulchanges in medicine. "wash your hands, retain cleanliness." they used to cut cadavers and then they go right on anddo child birth with surgery. the women would dieof childbirth fever. that was because they didcutting with cadavers,
never washed their hands, and the doctorthat told them to wash their hands was kicked out ofthe university, because he told themto wash their hands. [they said] "who the hell areyou to tell us what to do?" so, everything new wasfought: women's rights, child labor (there used tobe children in factories). of course, it's a littlebefore your time, but people marched to get thechildren out of the factories, and they had rotteneggs thrown at them.
when you fought forwomen's rights, the same thing, they hadrotten eggs thrown at you. "what do you mean 'women'?women are only good for two things, you know." they had notions about women. "you know, women can't learn tobe architects and engineers. women are just good to producebabies and cook for the old man." well, all this crapis disappearing, but every inch of the way of progresswas fought, just remember that. nothing comes easy.
people are now producing articlesabout the venus project, because we're better known now. they say "fresco gets his money fromthe vatican or the rothschild family or this banking institute." i don't have any money. "fresco has two mercedes." i don't even have a car. anyway, they will spread whateverrumors they have to, to keep in power. that's what you're up against.whenever you do anything new or different, instead of peoplesaying "you know, that's interesting, let me think aboutit", you know,
they get mad at you, becauseyou're upsetting the apple cart. that's what it's about.we have a tough job ahead, all of us. if you wish to live in aworld without war, poverty, unemployment, hunger,human suffering, you have to talk to other people.if you do nothing, i can assure younothing will happen. i think i can open thisportion to questions. roxanne and i will takequestions from any one of you. thank you again.
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